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Food Feelings - der Podcast rund um emotionales Essverhalten. In diesem Podcast begleite dich dabei, zu verstehen woher der innerer Drang zu essen kommt, wie du ihn los wirst und so wieder mehr Freude und Leichtigkeit in dein Essverhalten einkehrt. Dein Host: Cornelia Fiechtl, Klinische Psychologin, Gesundheitspsychologin. Expertin für emotionales Essverhalten. Autorin. Website: Foto: Patrick Schörg
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In our series of podcasts, FIECON team members engage with patient advocates and thought leaders to explore the burden, unmet needs, patient journey, and potential future treatments for specific diseases, with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the patient's perspective, particularly for rare diseases. At FIECON, we are dedicated to ensuring that life-changing treatments reach the patients who truly need them, while also increasing awareness and amplifying the patient voice to make ...
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show series
There are two offices named in the New Testament. How do we distinguish between elders and deacons? Qualifications for the offices of elders and deacons are described in 1 Timothy 3:1-13. There are five main similarities and three main differences. You can watch a video of this talk and get more resources for church leaders on the FIEC website: htt…
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To know who should lead in the church and how we should equip them to lead, we need to think about the distinctions between authority and leadership.It's a blessing to have people in our churches willing to volunteer for service in church life.To help us find, identify, and equip volunteers to lead in the church, we need to think about two topics: …
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In the wisdom literature of the Bible we are introduced to a number of different characters who we may recognise in our own church ministry. FIEC Head of Local Ministries Graham Beynon speaks with Zack Eswine, a pastor in Missouri, USA, and author of a new book on Proverbs, about how we can use what we learn in wisdom literature to help pastor thos…
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Ich weiß ja nicht wie es dir geht aber mir passiert es des Öfteren, dass ich mit der Arbeit fertig bin, zu großer Hunger und keine Lust auf Kochen. Und in genau diesen Phasen schätze ich es, genau zu wissen, was zu tun ist. Heute teile ich meine Tipps mit dir. Instagram: @cornelia_fiechtl Achtsam Essen Akademie & Food Feelings Programm Website Food…
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Du bist Expertin im People Pleasing oder im Vermeiden und damit sehr gut darin, um Konflikte zu navigieren. Was auf der einen Seite eine Superpower ist, kann dich auf der anderen Seite ganz schön in Schwierigkeiten bringen. Nämlich, dann wenn du deine Bedürfnisse häufig übergehst und deshalb zu Essen greifst. Wir sprechen darüber, wo Konfliktscheue…
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Eine schlechte Arbeitsstruktur ist eine der häufigsten Gründe für emotionales Essen. Ich stelle ich dir 3 effektive Methoden vor, wie du deinen Alltag als Selbstständige oder Führungskraft besser strukturieren kannst und damit emotionales Essen reduzierst. Instagram: @cornelia_fiechtl Achtsam Essen Akademie & Food Feelings Programm Website Food Fee…
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Es ist eine lästige Angewohnheit, dieses Snacken neben der Arbeit. In Wahrheit ist das Snacken eine Form des emotionalen Essens. In meiner Arbeit mit Selbstständigen & Führungskräften habe ich festgestellt, dass es meistens genau 3 Auslöser für das Snackverhalten gibt. Diese schauen wir uns heute gemeinsam an. Außerdem: Effektive Tipps, um das Snac…
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Bewegung kann einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf den Selbstwert haben, besonders für Selbstständige und Führungskräfte. Sie hilft nicht nur, körperliche Stärke aufzubauen, sondern auch den Selbstwert zu stärken. Und ein starker Selbstwert ist ein MUST für weibliche Führungspersönlichkeiten. Wie das funktioniert und welche Rolle Bewegung bei der Verä…
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In dem Interview spreche ich mit Jessica Wölfel, ADHS-Coach, über ihre bewegende Reise zu Selbstakzeptanz und innerer Freiheit. Jessica teilt, wie ihre ADHS-Diagnose zu einem Wendepunkt wurde und ihr Leben auf positive Weise verändert hat. Sie erklärt, warum das richtige Mindset für sie der Schlüssel ist und weshalb sie Neurodiversität heute als ih…
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Many of us are regularly preaching through books of the Bible. Some are more daunting than others, even though we know “all Scripture is useful.” Job is a particularly relevant book as people struggle with the topic of suffering. Eric Ortlund, lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Oak Hill College, gives a very basic introduction to the joys and …
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All church leaders will know how prevalent mental health struggles are within the local church and the complexity they can bring in the area of caring for and protecting the flock of the Good Shepherd. Yet few of us have any training in this area. We need to know what we can do, how we can encourage the church to help those struggling, and do so in…
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The parables of Jesus are kingdom stories: not evangelistic messages as popularly understood, but stories which answer key questions about the kingdom of Christ, including what it means to lead in this new kingdom. This seminar, led by FIEC National Director John Stevens, explores both negatively and positively what a healthy church leadership cult…
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How, in an age of suspicion of authority, can we exercise authority in ways which bless the church and cause it to flourish? In other words, how do we lead, as Christ calls us to? Reflecting on how Jesus himself exercised authority, Martin Salter (Grace Community Church, Bedford), in conversation with Ray Evans and Dan Strange, explores this very i…
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How do we create a culture where women’s ministry is not only resourced, but is appropriately valued? What are some of the fundamental mistakes church leaders make in seeking to ensure women in the church are properly shepherded? How do male leaders relate to women in ministry (whether paid or voluntary)? Rachel Sloan and Elinor Magowan, FIEC’s Dir…
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The work of gathering others is at the heart of John 10. Jesus almost certainly refers here to drawing in Gentiles to the Jewish fold, who will share “one shepherd”. But the point remains that the Good Shepherd does not just care for those already in – he seeks to reach those outside. The Ministry Director for A Passion for Life, Nick McQuaker, wil…
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When church leaders enter, or move through, the last 10 years of paid church ministry, how can they keep going? In this seminar, Paul Kinnaird (Bankhall Mission, Liverpool) explores how they can keep on, ensuring enthusiasm and love for the Good Shepherd does not diminish - whilst also recognising that capacity reduces and the baton needs to be pas…
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Church leaders can easily feel overwhelmed by the constant and rapid change in the next generation's understanding and embracing of complex sexuality. Ed Drew (Faith in Kids) will help us consider how to understand this change in their world, and how to respond in church life. In particular, the seminar will explore how we lead the church in knowin…
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As those who serve, we need to take the humanity of Christ seriously. In this seminar, led by Paul Mallard (FIEC Director for West Midlands) and the FIEC Theology Team, we will explore the continued humanity of Christ, reflecting on key passages in Hebrews. We will reflect on how the temptations Christ faced make him able to help us now and ministe…
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A ‘conversion therapy’ ban is likely to be on the agenda of the new government. Danny Webster (Director of Advocacy for the Evangelical Alliance) sets out the dangers in this policy area and suggests how churches should respond to the challenge. This session also sets out good practices they can adopt to continue godly and biblical ministry whilst …
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Much of our ministry (e.g. preaching or teaching in mixed groups) directly connects with women, who almost certainly make up over half of the church. How do men teach women? And how can they get better at this? What do men need to learn in order to connect, serve, and love people well? This seminar with Andy Constable and Sharon Dickens (Niddrie Co…
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At the heart of the Good Shepherd’s earthly ministry was an intentional three-year mentoring programme! Leaders need to catch a vision for how they themselves can benefit from the intentional input of others, and how they can similarly be a help to those the Good Shepherd is raising up to serve. Embracing a right view of coaching and mentoring will…
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What should our priorities be in ministry and how are we we to respond to Jesus, the one who shepherds our souls? This seminar was part of the women's gathering at the 2024 Leaders' Conference. About FIEC: We are ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠a fellowship of Independent churches⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ with members of the family across England, Scotland …
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Friendship is a remarkable gift from a Good Shepherd who calls us friends. We are all different in the ways we relate to others, but at some level we all need to celebrate in and nurture this deep gift, both in the good it can do for us but also in the good we can do to others. Brian Croft (Practical Shepherding) led a seminar to help us do so. We …
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Sarah Bosisio ist Personal Brand Fotografin und weiß wie hart es für Frauen sein kann, sich vor die Kamera zu stellen. In dem Interview sprechen wir darüber wie Sarah gelernt hat ihren Körper nicht mehr zu hassen, welche Rolle Fotografie dabei spielt und warum ihr ganzes Gesicht strahlt, wenn sie über ihren Job als Personal Brand Fotografin spricht…
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So much of the Christian life is characterised by suffering. We should not be surprised at this given our theological grounding of sin and its impact upon the world and our lives and the paradigm of the cross. Yet we secretly believe a sort of prosperity gospel and don’t know how to prepare people to suffer. Eric Ortlund, lecturer in Old Testament …
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75% of Christians are converted before their 18th birthday. We hear this statistic and immediately think of children’s and youth work, but we must not neglect the work of shepherding parents who have primary responsibility for their kids. Ed Drew, Director of Faith in Kids, will help us to consider how we can carefully and wisely help them be godly…
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There are probably more people in our churches who suffer domestic abuse than we realise. It can go unseen for long periods of time and leave much brokenness in its wake. However, we often find it hard to know how to support people wisely and well. In this seminar, Biblical Counselling UK’s Director of Training and Resources Helen Thorne-Allenson h…
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Many people in church life are battling addiction – some seen, some unseen. These can vary from dangerous drugs through to food or sex addictions. We need to understand why addictions affect so many, grapple with the pastoral challenges, and develop godly and prayerful strategies for help. Andy Constable, pastor at Niddrie Community Church in Edinb…
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Increasingly our churches are wonderfully diverse, often representing the diversity of the communities where they are located. But as leaders, we struggle to embrace this diversity and ‘read the room’. Girma Bishaw, a co-director for The London Project, guides us in exploring biblical principles that can help us provide sensitive and appropriate ca…
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Wolves in sheep's clothing will come into the church and not spare the flock. How can we discern between them and good shepherds of the Good Shepherds? In Acts 20: 28-30, Paul urges the Ephesian elders to watch over the flock to protect against wolves that will come into the church - even from among the elders themselves. What's more, it can be har…
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Jesus the life-giving Shepherd reveals the glory of God as he brings dead people to life. The raising of Lazarus in John 11: 1-44 is a sign that points to a greater, spiritual reality, made "so that you may believe". Jesus, the resurrection and the life, reveals the glory of God as his powerful word brings physical resurrection. And we see the glor…
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Jesus is the bread of life who nourishes and sustains his people so that they will never hunger or thirst. Our longings in life and in ministry are often misdirected because we are blinded by our immediate needs over our eternal need. In John 6: 22-59 we read that Jesus came not to give bread but to be bread. We must feed on the bread of life to be…
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We should pray that Jesus, the Light of the World, would shine ever more brightly in our churches and out into the world around us. Jesus, the Light of the World, is a light that guides, a light that pushes back the power of sin, and a light that transforms people's lives as they move from darkness into light. You can watch a video of this talk on …
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What does it mean to come to the Father through Jesus, and how does the Holy Spirit help us live in relationship with him? We are empowered to be faithful shepherds by the sending of the Holy Spirit to dwell with us and in us. Therefore, the power of our ministry comes with how we walk with God, how we look to Christ, how we rely on the Spirit to d…
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Abraham rejoiced at the thought of the coming of Jesus, the divine shepherd. We can share the joy of Abraham as we look to Jesus. Jesus' claim that "before Abraham was born, I am" (John 8: 48-59) draws different responses: from joy to fury. As we look to Jesus: We must revel in the glory of Jesus' divinity. We must resign our self-glorying that bli…
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Jesus, the Good Shepherd, models the pattern for ministry for us as we serve in the church. Jesus is the true shepherd who alone can lead the sheep. He is the gate that leads to life and salvation. He is the good shepherd who shows his goodness in how he lays down his life for his sheep. Now, as we seek to shepherd God's sheep in the church, we mus…
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Katja ist Interior Designerin und heute meine Gästin. Das Gespräch mit Katja hat uns zu so vielen spannenden Punkten gebracht und in jedem zweiten Satz von Katja konnte ich eine Parallele zu Körperbild oder Essverhalten sehen. Wir sprechen über Werte, die das Essverhalten und Leben beeinflussen, darüber wie wir unseren Körper wahrnehmen und warum P…
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Pauline Löffler ist Gründerin von „bewusst diätfrei“, einer Plattform, die sich auf das Thema Körperakzeptanz und den Ausstieg aus dem Diätkreislauf fokussiert. Ihr Ansatz richtet sich gegen den gesellschaftlichen Druck, einem bestimmten Schönheitsideal zu entsprechen, und unterstützt Menschen dabei, Frieden mit ihrem Körper zu schließen. Ihr Ziel …
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Über Ramona: Ramona ist Business Mentorin und Expertin für Creative Leadership. Mit ihrer Unterstützung kommen selbstständige Frauen (to be) zu einem starken Business-Fundament aus Strategie und Kreativität. Diese Kombination hilft beim Entwickeln und Umsetzen von Business-und Produktideen und langfristigen Lösungsstrategien für ein sinnhaftes und …
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