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show episodes

Anne Dorte &


Anne Dorte Lunås er lei av at Oslo-kjendisene intervjuer hverandre. I denne podkasten prater hun med de mest interessante folka i Trondheim. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Efecto Dorsal


Aprende a entrenar mejor con pequeñas píldoras de conocimiento. Inspírate con deportistas o profesionales y descubre materiales o técnicas que te ayuden a recuperar y rendir mejor. Efecto Dorsal es el podcast que te da conocimiento gratuito sobre estos y otros temas y que te da la oportunidad de mejorar tus marcas o conseguir esos objetivos. Si quieres dar un paso más, haz click aquí: Salud y kms
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Projeto Educa Dor

Projeto Educa Dor

O Projeto Educa Dor é uma ferramenta de informação em saúde, criada por várias mãos, envolvendo as principais especialidades da área médica que trabalham diariamente com dor crônica.
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Dødens Dør

Rune Obling Marcuslund

Dødens dør - Et Dungeons and Dragons Podcast. Følg med vores eventyrere Aya, Winston, Andrea og Tweak, som de begiver sig rundt i kontinentet Gilga - En magiløs verden som er blevet vendt på hovedet af højere magter.
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Our official website: The RCEI is a Christian web radio ministry founded and managed by Franck Doristil since April, 2005. The main goal is to provide good spiritual food to all of those who are seeking the truth. Good music of various styles, Bible sermons, Bible studies and testimonies are available freely on our site. Thanks for choosing our radio for your spiritual grow ! Regards, Franck DORISTIL
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Dorthe Chakravarty

Dorthe Chakravarty

Podcast om historie, kultur, litteratur, forskning - og iværksætteri. Du kan også lytte med alle de steder, du normalt henter dine podcasts. Reklamefrit - gratis. Så del gerne, hvis du kan lide det, du har hørt. Se mere på
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The Doric Express

Allan Smith

OK here's how this works loons and quines. I currently BUY a Press and Journal every day. So you don't have to. You're already ahead by £2.10 a day! I read out some of the stories in it, in my own dialect, which is doric, the language of the NE of Scotland. The stories could be about anything that catches my eye. Local stories from Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire. Except Maud and Lumphanan as nothing ever happens in those places. Stories from the UK. London, Norwich, Alnwick or other villages like ...
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Canons of Dort

Todd Kuperus

An audio recording of the Canons of Dort, using the translation published by CRC Publications in 1988. For audio of the other Confessions of the Three Forms of Unity check out these RSS feeds: Belgic Confession: Heidelberg Catechism:
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Working with Dan Doriani

Center for Faith and Work

This podcast seeks to fire the imagination of Christians who long to practice their faith at work. The podcast features interviews of people who try to practice their faith at work. Guests may be famous or unknown. They may be very successful, quietly faithful, or instructive in their woes. We typically interview mature Christians, but there are exceptions. The common thread is a desire to live by one’s faith and convictions. Guests include professional athletes, award-winning broadcasters, ...
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Dorsey Wright & Associates Technical Analysis Podcast

Dorsey Wright & Associates Technical Analysis Podcast

Dorsey, Wright research is conducted along technical lines, adhering to the relationship between supply and demand. We believe this simple but accurate economic theory is manifested as a constant battle between these two forces for control of the equity vehicle. It is this objective, logical approach which helps reduce uncertainty in the market. We believe our Research, coupled with your own fundamental research, will greatly increase your probability of success whether your investment busin ...
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Borussia Dortmund verbindet Generationen, Männer und Frauen, alle Nationen. Im offiziellen Podcast des BVB bieten wir Euch spannende Charaktere und Interviewpartner, Geschichten zum Schmunzeln und Nachdenken, historische Gänsehaut-Momente und brandaktuelle Infos zu den wichtigsten Themen rund um den BVB. In der Regel bekommt Ihr wöchentlich eine neue Episode auf die Ohren. Wir werden mit diesem Format Themen beleuchten, um die noch nicht jeder weiß und insbesondere bei den relevanten Themen ...
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Dorsey Ross Show

Dorsey Ross

Hello, my name is Dorsey Ross, and I am the host of the Dorsey Ross Show. I am a minister and itinerant speaker. I started the Dorsey Ross Show to interview people of faith who have stories of faith and overcoming trials and difficulties. In this podcast, you will hear stories of all kinds. Some will make you laugh, cry, and even say I can connect with that story or that person. I would love to encourage you to check out these stories of faith, encouragement, and inspiration my guests share ...
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Dr. James M. Dorsey is a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, co-director of the University of Würzburg’s Institute for Fan Culture, and co-host of the New Books in Middle Eastern Studies podcast. James is the author of The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer blog, a book with the same title as well as Comparative Political Transitions between Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa, co-authored with Dr. Teresita Cruz-Del Rosario and Shifting Sand ...
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Dortech Garage Doors


Dortech Garage Doors is a locally owned and operated garage door repair and installation company in Toronto that specializes in providing a spectrum of residential and commercial garage door services. They install and replace openers, springs, rollers, remotes, panels, sensors, hinges, tracks and more to enhance an overhead door's performance and operating mechanism.
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Ever fancied a taste of rural Dorset life? The BV podcast brings you the best of the county’s award-winning magazine in a warm and engaging monthly listen. Join the hundreds of thousands of readers (and now listeners!) who love our deep-dive stories, expert insights, and stunning local features. From wildlife and farming to equestrian life, food, art, and even a spot of veg growing, we celebrate the heart of Dorset—wherever you are. Just like our magazine, it’s beautifully crafted, always fr ...
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Achtung, BVB-Fans: Der Podcast rund um Borussia Dortmund! BVB-Reporter Manni Sedlbauer und Mikrofon-Legende Oliver Müller geben Einblicke hinter die schwarz-gelben Kulissen. Wie laufen Pressekonferenzen beim BVB ab? Worüber wird unter den Stars in der Kabine getuschelt? Was wird auf der Pressetribüne diskutiert, in welchen Stadien und Städten Europas gibt es das beste Essen und wie laufen Champions-League-Reisen mit dem BVB ab? Manni und Olli berichten in ihrem Podcast aber nicht nur von ihr ...
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Hello C.S. Dorsey

C.S. Dorsey

Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
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Wir behandeln hier alle möglichen Themen rund um die Nachwuchsarbeit von Borussia Dortmund. Wir stellen neue Trainer vor, sprechen über Trainingsarbeit, Eltern, über und mit den jungen Spielern und befassen uns auch mit historischen Momenten der Nachwuchsarbeit. Alle zwei Wochen, jeweils Dienstags, senden wir eine neue Folge und lassen Trainer, Betreuer, Spieler, Eltern oder auch Fans zu Wort kommen. Wir wollen euch Themen und Personen näherbringen, die sonst nicht so im Fokus stehen und vor ...
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Mental Wellness, Sports and Life - At this time in our world with so much uncertainty, we listen and learn from those involved or connected in the sports world as they share their own personal stories and how it's impacted them to focus on mental wellness. We hope to always leave our audience fully engaged, encouraged and inspired, while assuring you that you're not alone. To move forward positively and productively, we must never forget we all need one another for the support necessary to i ...
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Cinema Dorian

Kevin Dorian

Musings, rants, raves or just having a conversation with you about almost anything and everything cinema, film and television by writer/producer/director & actor Kevin Dorian, graduate of UC Santa Barbara's Film & Media Studies Department and soon to join Cal State LA's MFA Film Production Program.
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show series
A dor relacionada ao câncer é uma realidade difícil para muitos pacientes, mas existem formas de alívio e tratamento. Neste episódio doProjeto Educa Dor, o Dr. João Rizzo e o Dr. Luciano de Oliveira explicam tudo sobre a dor relacionada ao câncer. Eles falam sobre como essa dor impacta a vida dos pacientes, os desafios no tratamento, opções para al…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! En este episodio os cuento los pilares fundamentales que utilizo con mis deportistas para optimizar los entrenos nadando y que consigan dar un salto enorme en su natación Zonas de entrenamiento nadando (con calculadora): https://…
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Do you know what’s tricky? Making three deeply interesting interviews sound like they’re worth your time, when they’re about ‘eating healthily, loans for home improvements and the old planning vs wildlife chestnut’. SEE? Don’t tell me your brain didn’t just switch off a bit, because I know it did. But hosts Terry Bennett and Jenny Devitt have done …
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mit Aaron Held, Marwan Omir Mirza und Till Burkhardt Jetzt den BVB-Podcast abonnieren in deiner Podcast-App und unter Aktuelle News findest du auf oder in der BVB-App! Folge dem BVB auf den sozialen Medien:…
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mit Aaron Held, Marwan Omir Mirza und Till Burkhardt Viel Spaß beim Zuhören! Und nicht vergessen: Jetzt den Nachwuchs-Podcast in Deiner Podcast-App abonnieren oder unter und wenn er Dir gefällt, schreibe uns gerne eine Bewertung und sag es Deinen Freunden. NUR DER BVB Aktuelle Ne…
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There is logic to Donald J. Trump’s madness.Irrespective of the merits of the US president’s ethics, policies, and style, Mr. Trump’s grenade-throwing shock-and-awe approach has galvanised Arab states into action over Gaza, much like it did with the Europeans regarding their defense and Ukraine policies.“Love him or hate him, Trump has shaken thing…
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En una entrevista exclusiva en Miami, el cantautor español, Alejandro Sanz, abre su corazón y narra cómo ha vivido durante más de 38 años como un referente internacional de la música, la depresión y cómo logró salir de ella.بقلم Joaquín López-Dóriga
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Zwei Siege in Folge. Das gab es, so schockierend wie es klingt, in dieser Bundesliga-Saison des BVB noch nie. Doch gerade die neuentdeckte Stärke macht Hoffnung auf einen konstanten Aufschwung. Kovacs Methoden zeigen Wirkung. Doch nicht jeder Dortmund-Profi dürfte sich darüber freuen. Karim Adeyemi tut es das aber auf jeden Fall, der Offensivstar z…
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Doktor i partikkelfysikk, forfatter og foredragsholder Inga Strümke er en kapasitet. Hvordan kom hun seg ut av den kneika hun var i for ti-tolv år siden da hun følte seg ensom og litt for dum til å bli fysiker? Og hvorfor har Jonas Gahr Støre imponert henne? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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durée : 00:23:02 - Chrétiens d'Orient - par : Sébastien de Courtois - Sur les traces des monastères de la mer Rouge, en bordure de désert, pour découvrir l’Égypte copte et l’idée folle du retirement du monde. - réalisation : François Caunac - invités : Nicolas Diat Essayiste et éditeurبقلم Sébastien de COURTOIS
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Habitten er en flydende ide, der lever omkring kroppen, fortæller modehistoriker Kjerstin Vedel, når hun sætter fokus på habittens lange liv. For det perfekte snit – og den helt rigtige vinterfrakke, som en af skolens kursister er ved at sy – skriver sig ind i en tradition af frakker, jakker og klædedragt, som handler om, hvordan vi vil vise os fre…
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Russia is not the only country laughing all the way to the bank after US President Donald J. Trump’s war of words with his visiting Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky.So is Israel. Mr. Trump’s willingness to accommodate Russian President Vladimir Putin serves Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s purpose as he seeks to redraw the Middl…
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Small-t traumas affect all of us. They are the things that happen inside of us when we experience the world letting us down. When we marry and work to make a new family, we have to deal with the hard things with your own parents. Dan Allender, a therapist and writer on a variety of topics, joins Dan (Doriani) to discuss topics from Allender's new b…
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Em várias escolas pelo país, os primeiros dias sem os celulares foram protagonizados pela interação social e a redescoberta de livros e brincadeiras entre os alunos. Os estudantes estão usando a criatividade e inventando formas bem-humoradas de interação como o chamado "Twitter físico". No entanto, diversos jovens estão sofrendo com a abstinência, …
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What if overcoming addiction was more about healing emotional wounds than breaking habits? Join us for an eye-opening conversation with Timothy Reigle, the founder of Into the Wilderness Ministries, as we uncover his transformative journey from a youth entangled in rebellion and addiction to becoming a beacon of hope and recovery. Timothy shares de…
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Um levantamento da Quaest, mostra que a classe média brasileira tem novas aspirações. O diploma, por exemplo, é apontado como importante para pouco mais da metade dos entrevistados de classe média. Os dados comprovam o que todos já percebemos no dia-a-dia: as famílias estão menores. Também há um sentimento de nostalgia nesse estrato social: mais da…
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In this first BV Podcast of February 2025, hosts Terry Bennett and Jenny Devitt dive into some of the bigger issues, from February's BV – from controversial beaver reintroductions to flood management. The anonymous parish councillor known only as the Dorset Insider has a few things to say about dog fouling. Political Perspectives: Climate Bills, Ec…
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Aufatmen beim BVB! Borussia Dortmund oder wohl eher Serhou Guirassy schießt Union Berlin aus dem Signal Iduna Park. Der Schlüsselspieler des Abends ist aber wohl ein anderer Profi. Außerdem: Carney Chuckwuemeka lässt seine Klasse aufblitzen und macht Lust auf mehr. Doch: Was passiert jetzt mit Julian Brandt? Es gibt da nämlich einen brisanten Verda…
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