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A cidade e os seus desafios. A mobilidade, o atendimento nas unidades de saúde, as ocupações, o desempenho do ensino e as políticas públicas necessárias. O que afeta a vida do cidadão de BH ganha espaço todas às quartas e sábados, às 10h35 da manhã, dentro do CBN BH.
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It's what you need to know about what's happening in Pennsylvania, delivered to you in around 5 minutes every weekday morning by PennLive.com reporter Claudia Dimuro. "Today in Pa." brings you the biggest stories in the state, whether they're hard news, entertainment, sports or business.
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Medienfrau Doris Schulz
Warum Frau ins Weltall soll? Was können wir aus diesen Erkenntnissen ableiten? Die Astronautin Claudia Kessler berichtet darüber.
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Based her best selling book "The Good Italian Girl" Claudia Callisto invites her fellow ethnic friends to join her for an Italian coffee catch up and share stories about life growing up with their immigrant parents. We reflect on both the highs and lows of our cultural experience and how it has shaped us as the strong and resilient ethnic women we are today and how it has influenced our own parenting style and life..
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Ari Gosch und seine markante Stimme sind nicht nur Hörer*innen verschiedener RBB-Wellen wie Antenne Brandenburg, Radio Eins und Inforadio seit über 25 Jahren bekannt, sondern auch dem Musical-Publikum in vielen großen Hallen Mitteleuropas. Seit einer Weile ist nun auch Claudia Jakobshagen mit im News-Boot von Eilmeldung. Der neue Podcast EILMELDUNG! steht für öffentlich-rechtlich geschärfte höchstmöglich seriöse Recherche und Präsentation sowie für spannende, einfühlsame, aber auch satirisch ...
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Saúde, beleza, comportamento, família, filhos, carreira, finanças. Tudo que interessa às mulheres.
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Hello and welcome to the Empowered by Claudia podcast where we explore all things self-improvement and you will discover tools, tips and tricks to empower you to transform your life. I am Claudia, your host, a nurse, empowerment coach, fear of success instructor and your mentor on your self-development journey. I know first-hand how confusing and overwhelming this journey can be so I created this podcast to support you and so you do not feel alone.
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Technology in the classroom in the Philipines
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Enfermedades infecciosas
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The gospel of Jesus Christ
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A brother and sister talk about whatever we want to!
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Vivendo a vida cristã. Devocionais sobre o Reino de Deus para iluminar o seu caminho.
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星星小孩的地球旅行心靈筆記! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Claudia and Maya talking about sexual imagery in the media
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Feature interviews from journalist and broadcaster, Claudia Cragg
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Claudia Reid Talks Tea and deep thoughts
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just two crazy girls sharing our views Cover art photo provided by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ripato
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The Claudia Warias Podcast is here to provide a real, raw, unscetched & fun perspective on all things related to our human experience. It is a space for us to slow down & talk DEEP. Ready?
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Unterhaltsames aus dem Cockpit! Ich erzähle euch von meinen Gedankengängen auf den vielen Kilometern der Schweizer Strassen. Dabei lernt ihr neue Ortschaften in welschen Kantonen kennen, erfährt die neuesten Radionews, müsst mithelfen Fragen des Lebens zu beantworten und seid während maximal 15 Minuten gut unterhalten. Viel Spass damit!
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Two moms addressing the challenges and triumphs raising neurodivergent/autistic people in an atypical world. This is us, living life without a filter.
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Bring you electro, progressive, tech, and other dance music that's raw, wet and juicy, engorged with energy to stimulate your every palate... Tune in for exclusive mixes by Claudia Re. For more information please visit Claudia Re official fanpage : www.facebook.com/djclaudiare
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Claudia Chan is a NY Times celebrated author, speaker and coach helping individuals and businesses build success on authenticity and ease through a method called “Whole-Self Leadership.” In her 24 year entrepreneurial career, her platforms like the S.H.E. Summit conference have impacted over 1 million by igniting entrepreneurial and corporate changemakers to solve social issues in their communities. Her current focus is CC INNER CIRCLE—a community and movement devoted to creating a future wh ...
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Noticias, entrevistas y debate. Conducida por la diputada del Partido Comunes y Frente Amplio, Claudia Mix, representando al Distrito 8 (Estación Central, Cerrillos, Pudahuel, Maipú, Colina, Til Til, Lampa y Quilicura).
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Este podcast te acompañará a descubrir el maravilloso ser que eres. Aprenderás que amarte no es una cuestión de Ego sino de Salud Mental y contarás con las herramientas para llevarlo a cabo. Encontrarás temas de psicología, escritura terapéutica, amor propio, autoconocimiento, duelos, transformación y trascendencia.
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"StellDichein mit Claudia" ist ein Podcast für Politikinteressierte, für Gutmenschen und für alle, die gern mal hinter die Kulissen der Arbeit der grünen Politikerin und Bundestagsvizepräsidentin schauen möchten. Claudia Roth ist eines der bekanntesten Gesichter von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, kommt aber ursprünglich vom Theater und war viele Jahre im Musikgeschäft mit der Band Ton Steine Scherben unterwegs. In diesem Podcast lädt sie Freund*innen, politische Weggefährt*innen und Vordenker*innen ...
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Velkommen til Claudia Rex' Univers. Her kan alt ske, snakkes om og vendes, men først og fremmest vil jeg følge parrene i Vild Med Dans. Kom med mig bag kulisserne, få lidt insider viden og kom helt tæt på alle de dejlige par.
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Periodista, activista digital y emprendedora #SuricattaStudio. Orgullosa mamá y junkie de las apps de Android.
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The Dr. Claudia Show offers advice and real life solutions for your life and your relationships - friends, family, marriage, parenting. Dr. Claudia's :60 Second Parenting Pointers offers parenting advice and solutions for your family. Dr. Claudia McCulloch teaches you to raise happier, healthier, and well adjusted kids. Learning to parent and educate your child properly will provide you and your family a more peaceful and empowering home environment.
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El mundo desde el punto de vista de dos niñas
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The Future Podcast Episodes will Be About How I Have Succeeded With Beachbody Results and Nutrition. How I’ve Been Successful With The System I’ve Got Setup and How I Will Be Evolving With Creativity and How I Get Help from The Devine for Guidance!
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Estrategias pedagógicas
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Podcast für Liebe, Glück & Erwachen. Ich bin Claudia Vorhemus, Spirituelle Lehrerin & Mentorin und ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Menschen in ihr Herz zu führen, in ein SINNERFÜLLTES & GLÜCKLICHES LEBEN. Stelle dir vor, du kannst alle Begrenzungen erlösen und beginnst dein weises Herz für dich und andere sprechen zu lassen. Mit jeder Begegnung, die wir haben, haben wir die Wahl in Frieden zu kommen UND GLÜCKLICH ZU SEIN. Abonniere meinen Podcast und lerne mit mir gemeinsam. Email: vorh ...
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"Dein neues Ich" ist Dein Podcast für Deine persönliche Entwicklung hin zu Dir SELBST. Mit viel Herz, Wissen und Humor ist es meine Inspiration Dich immer mehr für Dich SELBST zu begeistern und Deinem Wesenskern näher zu kommen. Ich bin Dr. Claudia Täubner – Inspiratorin, Coach, Buchautorin, Dreamworkerin und Innenwelten-Forscherin mit Leidenschaft. Ich begeistere mich immer mehr für dieses schöne Leben und nehme Dich gerne auf dieser Reise mit. Deine Wahrnehmung im hier und jetzt wird immer ...
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Claudia à la page, c’est un livre et un écrivain ou une écrivaine d’ici par épisode. Une conversation animée par Claudia Larochelle qui nous permet de plonger au cœur de l’œuvre. Des extraits choisis qui nous donnent le goût d’en lire davantage. Une série et une collection littéraire pour découvrir toute la richesse de notre littérature.
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Cláudia Clara - Master Mind e Coach Ministra o curso - Projeto de Vida para uma vida plena! Seu foco tem estado em incentivar outros a descobrir o seu senso de propósito. Sua missão de vida é despertar o espírito de liderança nas pessoas e ajudá-las a explorar o máximo de seus talentos, dons e habilidades, visando alcançar êxito nos negócios e na realização pessoal, cumprindo plenamente o seu chamado. “Nunca é cedo nem tarde demais para fazer um plano de vida.” - Hans Johansen
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CEO of Sweet Talk Social, Claudia Duran, discusses social media tips, trends, and advice for your social media marketing. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/sweettalksocial/support
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I’m Claudia Montes a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and professional Holistic Nutrition Chef with expertise in emotional eating and mindful eating. My passion lies in empowering adult and young women to make behavior changes and focus on specialty diets like high blood pressure and nutrient-dense foods. With my guidance, clients discover which foods and lifestyle choices make them feel best and improve their overall health and well-being. My podcast go over who I am and my expert niche in ...
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Born in the US of Mexican American and Mexican parents equals to...me! Sometimes I feel as if I straddle two worlds, two languages, two sets of expectations...”not from here, not from there...ni de aca, ne de alla” Join me as I share my life journey...of almost 50 an’ seen a lot. I’m transitioning from ”checking the box” of expectations to living my life, doing my life, breathing, embracing the hot flash era, being vulnerable, and entering my 50s (cincuentañera era) in love with myself: the ...
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Claudia A. Merandi is the founder of the national "Don't Punish Pain Rally Organization." Claudia, mom to both Francesca and Ava, is the former owner of Merandi Court Reporting. She's a retired court reporter and self-published author, from East Providence, Rhode Island. As a person living with severe Crohn's Disease since a child, she witnessed first-hand the challenges a person with pain encounters when trying to obtain adequate pain management.Claudia, in 2017, created the Don't Punish Pa ...
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Claudia, also known as Claudia and David, is an American old-time radio drama. One version was broadcast on CBS July 4, 1941 - September 26, 1941[1] and another was syndicated in 1947. Claudia and David were first heard on radio in a segment on the June 6, 1941, episode of The Kate Smith Hour. At that time, Claudia had just fallen in love with David. When Smith's program went off for the summer, the 10-minute segments were expanded to fill her time slot. The couple's wedding occurred on the ...
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Philadelphia has lost its bid to impose stricter gun regulations as a means to stem rampant gun violence. A tornado touched down in Pittsburgh. A living woman was accidentally declared dead by Social Security. And a local baker won yet another big TV competition.بقلم PennLive
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Empréstimo para o programa de Mobilidade e Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado de BH
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A Câmara de Belo Horizonte aprovou, em primeiro turno, projeto de lei enviado à Casa, pelo prefeito Fuad Noman, que autoriza o município a contratar empréstimo de quase 310 milhões de reais para o programa de Mobilidade e Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado da capital. Cláudia Pires avalia o projeto.
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Eilmeldung Folge 72 KW 45, der Newsflash mit Ari Gosch, Claudia Jakobshagen und Magy Da Silva
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Themen in der 45. KW: Deutschland vom eigenen Klimakurs abgekommen.| Durch Deutschlandticket klimaschädliche Emissionen gesunken.| Anti-Abtreibungsgesetz in USA gekippt.| Jesidische Mutter im Gazastreifen gerettet. | 14,5 Millionen Kinder weltweit nicht geimpft. | Verkehrtminister Wissing als Kasper von Autofanatikern.| Sind Schwarzfahrerinnen krim…
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A proposal would allow the investment of 10 percent of Pennsylvania’s general fund into Bitcoin. A new program wants to fast-track the permitting process for bigger projects. You can help AI “to talk naturally.” Finally, Hersheypark’s getting a new ride.بقلم PennLive
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Three formerly elected, previously convicted city officials landed new taxpayer-funded positions. A school district is mulling over how much sway superintendents should have over policymaking decisions. Amtrak has completed a rail project just in time for the holiday travel season. And this ham, in the words of CBS Local Philadelphia, is on the lam…
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Patients who were affected by a 2023 Lehigh Valley Health Network data breach were just awarded $65 million. Philadelphia is now readying itself for a potential triple strike. The state has granted $5 million for some major upcoming sports events. Lastly, someone took Guy Fieri and Sammy Hagar’s tequila.…
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Rompimento da barragem de água no Parque Lagoa do Nado
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O rompimento da lagoa artificial surpreendeu os moradores de Belo Horizonte. Cláudia Pires falou sobre o monitoramento e as consequências do colapso da estrutura.
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If you’re a cold weather-type bird looking for a cozy getaway, look no further than these spots in Pennsylvania.بقلم PennLive
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One could argue that Thanksgiving is all about the side dishes.بقلم PennLive
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A county in Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of human trafficking in the country. The FBI is now involved in the investigation of a bank robbery. Mayor Ed Gainey has proposed Pittsburgh’s 2025 budget proposal. Plus, Pennsylvania’s one of the most charitable states around.بقلم PennLive
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People across the country started drinking more during the pandemic and haven’t stopped. SEPTA might go into a “death spiral.” The largest solar project developed by a Pennsylvanian utility is underway. Lastly, this is the state’s favorite Thanksgiving dish.بقلم PennLive
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About 50 underage students were the victim of AI-generated nude photos. Pennsylvania’s largest cyber charter school is being scrutinized for the way it spends funds. A package manufacturer is coming to Lebanon County. Finally, Hershey gets sour.بقلم PennLive
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Panorama de favelas e comunidades urbanas em MG
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Minas Gerais está entre os dez estados brasileiros com menos pessoas, em números percentuais, vivendo em favelas e comunidades urbanas. São 739.932 moradores, o que representa 3,6% da população total, de 20.539.989 habitantes. Cláudia Pires comenta estes dados.
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The FDA is looking to pull a common ingredient used in popular cold medicines from the market. Pennsylvania’s population grew last year. A historic ship will set sail from Philadelphia this week. Also, do you like one of the “world’s worst beers?”بقلم PennLive
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Norfolk Southern tells employees they shouldn’t spend more than a minute inspecting railcars, although the company claims this is simply the industry standard. Delaware ports are trying to expand, and those in Philadelphia aren’t happy about it. The Department of Military and Veteran Affairs is now accepting grant applications for services and prog…
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13 people were charged for their roles in trafficking oxycodone. The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has banned campfires at state parks and forests as the drought persists. Two Pennsylvania cities are supposedly amongst the top 10 “most livable.” And keep it punny.بقلم PennLive
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Over 100 inmates were released from jails as a result of staffing shortages. SEPTA workers might strike as soon as this Friday. A Pennsylvania-based cheesemaker has voluntarily recalled several of its products. Finally, a fast food company is (boldly) expanding into Philadelphia after poking fun of the beloved Philly cheesesteak.…
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A fire broke out on Blue Mountain in Northampton County. Unemployment claims went up last week. A closing facility will periodically lay off workers through next year. Lastly, they said it couldn’t be done, but the Philly Portal has made it through the week.بقلم PennLive
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O prefeito de Fuad Noman deve ir a Brasília nesta semana para tentar finalizar uma negociação com o governo Lula sobre o anel rodoviário. O objetivo é viabilizar a municipalização do trecho, que é, atualmente, de responsabilidade da União.
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Conferência Municipal de Meio Ambiente de BH
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O evento é uma das etapas para a 5ª Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente de 2025 e tem o objetivo de incentivar a participação da sociedade nos projetos para enfrentar os efeitos do aquecimento global. Cláudia Pires fala sobre a articulação de BH e da região metropolitana.
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Pennsylvanians might get the chance to glimpse a meteor shower that’s “rich in fireballs” this month.بقلم PennLive
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PPL Electric’s price to compare is going up. Tens of thousands of Wawa-branded products have been recalled. The end of daylight saving time is night. And this woman is believed to be North America’s oldest living person.بقلم PennLive
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What authorities have deemed the “Bad Bunny” drug ring has been broken up. An ex-county commissioner gave a former classmate of his almost $2 million in contracts for a solar farm. Pennsylvania- and Jersey-based newspapers will cease their print operations. Plus, you can smell like Philly with these new perfumes.…
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Speed cameras will keep an “unblinking eye” on motorists in this area of Philadelphia soon. Pennsylvania is investing millions to support the expansion of Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc. Here’s what the weather’s going to be like for Halloween tomorrow. Lastly, the state has a new old-growth forest.…
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A scientist at Penn State was banned from conducting research after “unreliable data” was found in several of her scientific papers. School members convened behind closed doors after protestors crashed their meeting, and now there’s a debate over whether or not their actions were legal. The state DEP has reduced its permit backlog by nearly 70 perc…
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In the 19th century, a young sheep herder was tending to her flock when she noticed a strange man watching her from afar. Around the same time, sheep were getting picked off one by one by some great, lumbering beast. Needless to say, it didn’t take too long for people to suspect the stranger of being a werewolf.…
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Cláudia Pires faz uma análise do resultado das eleições municipais de Belo Horizonte e quais devem ser as prioridades do prefeito reeleito.
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Cláudia Pires avalia as propostas para política urbana dos candidatos que disputaram o segundo turno em BH, Fuad Noman, do PSD, e Bruno Engler, do PL. Cláudia fala, ainda, sobre a alta abstenção em BH.
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A man from Pennsylvania is officially the world’s top pumpkin grower.بقلم PennLive
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A bill would implement a tracker which would follow rape kits through the testing process. A school district has launched an AI gun-detection system. Drivers in bike lanes could soon get fined in this city. Lastly, the most popular legend in Pennsylvania is actually based in truth.بقلم PennLive
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Cláudia Pires faz um raio-x do tranporte ferroviário da capital mineira e, ainda, um resgate histórico das promessas de ampliação dos últimos anos.
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A judge — who’s been in this position before — is under fire following a fatal stabbing. Cracks in an airport parking garage are a cause of concern for a number of people despite assurances that these worries are “utterly unfounded.” Farms are struggling amidst this drought. And you, Pennsylvania, sure are generous with Halloween candy.…
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A teen was fatally shot in Harrisburg for the third time in as many months. A man’s child sexual abuse material case has been dismissed due to a 1981 Supreme Court opinion. Lower-priced new cars are becoming more popular. Finally, here are some pumpkin-carving tips from a pro.بقلم PennLive
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Schools in Pennsylvania may soon have a list of “evidence-based” reading curricula to choose from. SEPTA riders are objecting to the upcoming fare hikes. The state’s ban on fortune-telling may get nixed in the near future. And about hundreds of mink were released from a farm over the weekend.بقلم PennLive
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Novos banheiros com limpeza automática em BH
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A Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte publicou, no Diário Oficial do Município, um contrato de R$ 1 milhão com uma empresa que vai instalar cinco banheiros públicos na região central da capital mineira. Cláudia Pires fala sobre a instalação, gastos e acesso à população.
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Did you know that Pennsylvania’s home to one of the world’s most haunted locations? And no, it’s not Gettysburg.بقلم PennLive
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Fall is arguably one of the best times to drive, and a city in Pennsylvania is one of the best places to take one.بقلم PennLive
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An airport director has shot down rumors concerning thousands of immigrants supposedly being flown into an area overnight. A popular convenience chain is shuttering over 400 locations. Now’s the best time to get your heat ready. Lastly, anyone missing “Pork Chops?”بقلم PennLive
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A proposal brought forward to address a city’s homelessness problem has drawn ire. Hundreds of groups have received xylazine wound kits. The next supermoon will be the closest to Earth for this year. And lawyers have to say “sorry” for a “scream test.”بقلم PennLive
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Descubre algunas de las colecciones mas importantes Mexico-americanas
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About 200 schools may have served contaminated chicken to students. One municipality may have to issue a fee in order to keep up with state stormwater management regulations. You may be entitled to a piece of a $35 million settlement. Lastly, this man has ridden one roller coaster 1,000 times.بقلم PennLive
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A rodovia teve dois trechos relicitados nos últimos meses. Cláudia Pires fala da situação de segurança e os principais problemas da via, que é, também, importante rota de minério.
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It was the 1980s when a family — forced to move to West Pittston, Pa., because of Tropical Storm Agnes — began to be tormented by supposed demonic entities in their home. Join “Today in Pa.” host, Claudia Dimuro, for a first-ever, special episode of “Paranormal Pa.” covering Pennsylvania’s very own “Amityville Horror” — the Smurl haunting.…
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im Gespräch mit Personal Development-Expertin Dr. Tanja Abwa
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Dr. Tanja Abwa begeistert sich seit ihrem 18. Lebensjahr für die Arbeit mit Menschen, vor 15 Jahren gründete sie ihre erste Firma „Natural Talents“ – heute ist ihr Leitsatz: Wir unterstützen Menschen und Unternehmen darin, die beste Version ihrer selbst zu werden. Für mehr Erfolg und Zufriedenheit." Sie ist nun Country Managing Direktor des Scheele…
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A Pennsylvania man who accused a weed killer of causing his cancer was awarded $78 million. The systems American Water turned off following that cyberattack are back online. Don’t fret if you missed out on seeing the northern lights the other night. And this is a rather happy “tail.”بقلم PennLive
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Schools are receiving more threats this year. The state Supreme Court will determine whether the social media posts of public officials concerning agency business are public record. Money is going toward getting electric school buses on the road. Plus, Pennsylvania has some sweet tooth.بقلم PennLive
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A school in Pennsylvania is among those accused of price-fixing. Airports all along the East Coast are experiencing flight delays and cancellations due to the hurricane. Some places are under a frost advisory today. And surgeons successfully separated conjoined twins.بقلم PennLive
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Standing Tall: Teresa Dall’Acqua Leonardi’s Triumphs in the Face of Adversity
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I'm delighted to introduce Teresa Dall’Acqua Leonardi OAM to our podcast series. Teresa shares her remarkable life journey, filled with both triumphs and challenges, including one of her proudest moments: receiving the Order of Australia Medal in 2009. This prestigious honour is a rare achievement for an Italian woman within the Italian-Australian …
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The largest water utility in the United States — which manages locations in Pennsylvania — was hit by a cyberattack. A proposal would relax the prescription rules for psychiatric drugs. It’s going to cost more to play Mega Millions. Lastly, this tree has roots that are out of this world.بقلم PennLive
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40. The key to flourish as a working mum: stop feeling overwhelmed, guilty and not good enough
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In this episode of the Empowered By Claudia podcast, host Claudia is joined by Carly Hopwood of Sajer Group. Carly is a Work-Life Coach and has an unorthodox take on the concept of work-life balance... in that she doesn't believe it truly exists. Join us as Carly shares her powerful insights on how we can release feelings of overwhelm, guilt and no…
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