We are a church in Daytona Beach, Florida committed to being Christ centered in all aspects of life. We desire to see real spiritual growth through Jesus Christ and to honestly engage with others about him.
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Jesus gives us two warnings in this passage, and these will be our two main headings this morning: First: beware of saying without doing. And second: beware of building on the wrong foundation.
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Those who are utterly convinced of the value of Christ and His Kingdom will give up everything to gain that kingdom.
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This is a parable about how all of us are in danger of listening without really listening. Hearing without really hearing.
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Following Jesus means letting his words, in the Scriptures, shape our lives as his disciples.
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When Jesus calls us to follow him. He is calling us to live like him.
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A disciple’s devotion to Jesus comes from an experience of and appreciation for his grace.
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Who are you following? Everyone is following someone or something.
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May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)
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But where does “community” come from? I’m not talking about where good community or bad community comes from, I’m talking about the concept or idea of “community” itself. How did this idea of “community” come about? Did mankind just collectively think one day and say “Y’know, we should hang out and do stuff together?” Fortunately, it’s a lot more p…
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The only way to fill all of life with the power of Christ is to fill all of life with gratitude to God.
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God, who made us in his image as male and female, calls us to follow Christ, not just as human beings, but as men and women.
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Your core identity is found in being an image bearer of God as a human and a beloved child of God as a Christian. God, who created us as male and female in his image, gave us the gift of marriage and sex in marriage as a bond of oneness. When we view sex or use sex in ways that are counter to God's purpose, we distort and diminish sex, dehumanize p…
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When a woman is pregnant, God Himself is forming the child within her. That child is a human being known and loved by God; therefore, that life is sacred and worthy of love and protection.
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In a sinful world that opposes Jesus Christ and the Gospel, we must expect and engage in conflict to make disciples in Christlike character.
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We are Christians, Spirit indwelled Christians, we have a counter-cultural source of knowledge and truth and that is because we have received a countercultural revelation.
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The countercultural authority we need for a fruitful life is the guidance we find in God's word.
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It’s important to accept deeply that faith will be tested in this pilgrimage. When it is God wants us to trust him.
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Nothing can make us happy except the God who made us for himself; nothing can satisfy our thirst for happiness except the Christ who made satisfaction for our sins that we might belong to him.
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Genesis 21 is the story of a promise fulfilled. It shows us that God keeps His promises with unfailing consistency.
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In this story we see that when we stumble into the same stubborn sins, we must remind ourselves of both the severity of our sin and the sovereignty of God’s grace.
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In a culture without the fear of God, to live as God's pilgrim children must be our firm resolve.
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God does what is right because that’s who he is. Because God does what is right, the way he rules is right. Because God does what is right, his words are right.
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We’re going to look at Genesis 18 through the lens of where the story ends up in Genesis 21 and see this idea of the better laughter as a theme for what faith can look like in our lives.
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It is God Almighty who gives us His promises and calls us to our pilgrimage.
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The God who looks after us will do what he has told us he will do. Therefore, we can and should trust him to care for us his way.
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One thing that makes the Bible so relevant to us all is that it speaks, what are sometimes surprising truths, to issues that are very much still at play today. How do you get right with God? What can most powerfully motivate you to live for God?
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God's strengthens fearful believers with covenant promises. We can take our fears to him and trust in him.
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As we live a life of faith, we can count on God to know and care for us.
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In our text today, James corrects our view and understanding of God, who he is and what he does.
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Our pilgrimage is perilous but the Lord is powerful. We must be willing to fight knowing that the Lord is the one who brings victory.
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The that we're called to live as children of God requires two things: our faith and God the father's faithfulness.
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Hebrews 11:13 tells us that Abraham lived, by faith, as a pilgrim on the earth. God uses his story to teach us how we grow beyond a faith that's theoretical to a faith that is trusting. The better we understand that the more equipped we are to experience life in a relationship with God, get through its difficulties, glorify God, and grow stronger s…
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God initiates our pilgrimage of faith.
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God in Christ readily gives what he has promised. Therefore, we must know Jesus Christ in order to receive God's promises.
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Christians have not always loved one another with a beauty that turns heads. We love safely and comfortably, but not always authentically. We love our doctrine, our traditions, and our preferences. But when it comes to loving one another, we struggle. Because it’s possible to be doctrinally right while relationally wrong, the Apostle Paul gives us …
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Set your hope fully on the grace that is to come.
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In Christ you are called to freedom from the "curse of the law," the crushing constraints of legalistic religion, and to live in love.
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...who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification. That's the heart of the gospel for Easter and every day! Jesus was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.
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No matter how bleak our present circumstances, God’s holy name is the guarantee of all God’s promises. When all is said and done, God’s holy name will be our eternal reason for praise.
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The more fully you receive the grace of the cross, the more thoroughly you find the power of hope.
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Through the cross Jesus passed the test that Adam and every human fails, and bore the condemnation of our failures to bring us back into covenant with God.
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What does it mean to go deeper in times of difficulty?
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