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Key essays from AI thought leaders, straight to your ears. Some prefer to listen vs. read, or digest better through the audio modality. This podcast is for you. We take no credit for the ideas herein, and we will direct you to the original essay, post, thread, op-ed, article, or wherever it is that we're drawing a piece from. You will be able to find this in the episode descriptions.
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Triple A-OK

Triple A-OK

Gather around your electronic audio-enabled device and become a part of the conversation. Join a new group of friends as they break down gaming, movies, comics and the larger geek culture into everyday speak.
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The A-Ok Show


Do you like history?Do you ever wonder what were these influencers life before they became this big?Well this podcast is for you! This podcast will talk about the life of influencers!
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A Very OK Podcast


Oklahoma Historical Society Executive Director Trait Thompson and former Executive Director Dr. Bob Blackburn explore the interesting stories and fascinating personalities that make up Oklahoma’s unique history.
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Meet me, Gina Mitchell. I am the proud mama of Sam Mitchell, podcaster from Autism Rocks and Rolls. I tell the story of how Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation came about and how this podcast, It’s OK, came to fruition. Parents with children on the autism spectrum, listen on! Join me in celebrating our children and understanding that success comes in all shapes and sizes.
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Speaking with interesting people, listening to controversial thoughts, the creative process of mixing and editing music... what's not to like about podcasts! Though it's a lot of work, I would like to see if I can keep this going and make the topics diverse and not just Technology-focused. Please subscribe and don't hate my taste in music! PS: I can be too verbose and, hopefully, the title of the podcast will remind me to be more pointed and pithy.
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show series
From the earliest days after the 1889 Land Run to the modern era, leaders in Oklahoma City have prioritized the sequestration of green space for recreation and rest. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss the push to create Oklahoma City's parks by people such as Daniel Stiles, G.G. "Gristmill" Jones, and Anton Classen. They …
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Gist: Explores the challenges of AI agent adoption, identifying critical infrastructure needs like accountability, context understanding, and coordination to transform AI from experimental technology to practical, trustworthy workplace tools. An AI voice reading of: "What It Takes To Onboard Agents" by Anna Piñol at NfX Key Figures & Topics: Gemini…
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One of Oklahoma’s first members of Congress, Dick T. Morgan, was a man of faith with a heart geared toward helping his fellow citizens, first in his native state of Indiana and later in Oklahoma. Through his law practice, he helped people navigate the complexities of land claims in the territorial era while planting churches and establishing Sunday…
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Gist: Hugging Face's Thomas Wolf challenges closed-source AI model comparisons by emphasizing the global, innovative potential of open-source AI technologies like DeepSeek. Thomas Wolf's original tweet at: https://x.com/Thom_Wolf/status/1885093269022834943 Summary: Thomas Wolf of Hugging Face critically reviews Dario's essay about DeepSeek and expo…
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Az utóbbi évtizedekben az ökológiai kutatásokban egyre nagyobb jelentőséget tulajdonítanak a természettel együtt élő, a helyi ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatásokat használó szakemberek ökológiai tudásának. A tudósok a kutatások előrehaladtával csak az utóbbi évtizedben ismerték fel, hogy a halászok ökológiai tudásához hasonlóan a szabadidős horgászok helyi…
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Summary: DeepSeek's AI advancements demonstrate the ongoing evolution of AI technology and underscore the strategic importance of export controls in managing global technological competition. "On DeepSeek and Export Control" is on Dario Amodei's blog at: https://darioamodei.com/on-deepseek-and-export-controls Deeper Summary: Dario Amodei discusses …
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Short description: AI agents are evolving from simple chat interfaces to potentially self-governing systems capable of executing tasks, innovating, and ultimately transforming entire business ecosystems with minimal human intervention. The Five Stages of AI Agent Evolution by Sarai Bronfeld at VC firm NfX. As always, this episode is voiced by Apes …
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Born in Virginia and raised by his mother in the Cherokee Nation, Robert Owen was a seminal figure in Oklahoma’s early history. He was elected as one of Oklahoma’s first U.S. senators in 1907 where he championed progressive and populist causes in the nation’s capital. Utilizing his background as a bank owner in Muskogee, he was the Senate author of…
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Short description: OpenAI's founder Sam Altman provides an introspective account of the company's evolution, challenges, and visionary mission to develop safe, beneficial artificial general intelligence that could fundamentally transform human capabilities and societal progress. Sam Altman, CEO and co-founder of OpenAI, penned and hosted his "Refle…
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The Source: Sam Altman's essay, "The Intelligence Age" as published on his blog at https://ia.samaltman.com/ on Sept. 23rd, 2024 Short Summary: "The Intelligence Age", powered by deep learning and AI, promises to dramatically expand human potential and prosperity through increasingly sophisticated technological systems that can solve complex proble…
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Short description: AI has the potential to compress decades of human progress into a few years, offering transformative solutions in health, economics, neuroscience, and global governance that could radically improve human quality of life. Dario Amodei, CEO and Co-Founder of Anthropic, penned and hosted his "Machines of Loving Grace" essay on his p…
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During his career, guitarist Jesse Ed Davis played with over 100 major artists, including Bob Dylan, the Allman Brothers, John Lennon, and Rod Stewart. His first brush with notoriety was playing with Conway Twitty in Oklahoma City, and he honed his chops with Taj Mahal after moving to Los Angeles. Jackson Browne credits Davis’s guitar solo on “Doct…
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Utazást teszünk a városökológia izgalmas világába, ahol megtudhatjuk, hogyan hat az urbanizáció, az intenzív használat és az élettelen környezeti tényezők átalakítása a körülöttünk lévő élővilágra, és a településeink biodiverzitására. Betekinthetünk abba a Kárpát-medencére kiterjedő kutatásba is, amelyben több élőlénycsoportot vizsgálva a kutatók f…
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A "stratégia" szóról először valószínűleg mindenkinek a háborús vagy gazdasági stratégiák, esetleg a stratégiai játékok jutnak eszébe. A növények nem szőnek terveket, nem játszanak játékokat, de miközben a túlélésért küzdenek ők is különböző stratégiákat követnek. Esetükben stratégiának a rendszeresen együtt előforduló tulajdonságokat nevezik. Ahog…
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Do I have a treat for you today! Ms. Kathy Rodriguez, founder of the nonprofit, Safe Stage Spacing, talks to me about the amazing services she offers to those on the spectrum and their families. We all know that going to the doctor, moving out of one's home, or even getting a hair cut, can be sensory overload for someone with autism. No worries tho…
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Aki látta a Vizipók, csodapók című rajzfilmet, tudja, hogy milyen színes a víz alatti világ! Köztük most elsősorban makroszkopikus vízi gerinctelenekről lesz szó, amelyek közül sokan ismerhetik a víz felett repülő kérészeket, a vízinövényen pihenő szitakötőket, vagy éppen a víz felszínén szaladgáló molnárkákat. Fény derül arra, hogy ezeknek az álla…
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During World War I, it was common for the German military to tap Allied communications lines along the western front. Seeking to find a way to communicate that could not be interpreted by the enemy, the commander of the 36th Infantry’s 142nd Regiment enlisted Choctaw soldiers to send messages in their native language. The result led to successful o…
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A magok kulcsszerepet töltenek be a növények életében - lehetővé teszik, hogy a növények túléljék a kedvezőtlen időszakokat és biztosítják a térbeli terjedést, az új élőhelyek meghódítását. A magok ökológiai szerepének megismerésével jobban megérthetjük a növényközösségek működését és hatékonyabban tudjuk védeni és helyreállítani a természetes élőh…
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Ebben az epizódban azokról az idegesítően zümmögő vérszívókról lesz szó, akik nyári estéken nem hagynak minket aludni. Óriási tévedésben van azonban az, aki azt hiszi, a szúnyogokról ennél többet nem érdemes tudni. Ezek az állatok ugyanis nem csak jóléti vagy járványügyi szempontokból érdekesek, de a táplálékhálózatokban megjelenő szerepük miatt is…
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Hogyan lehet összeegyeztetni a gazdasági, védelmi és közjóléti funkciók biztosítását a hazai erdőkben? Milyen tájszerkezetben valósítható meg az erdők teljes felhagyása, a természetvédelmi célú erdőkezelés, a természetközeli erdőgazdálkodás és az intenzív faanyagtermelés? Mi a jövője Magyarországon az ökológiailag fenntartható erdőgazdálkodásnak? M…
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After gold was discovered in California in 1848, Americans flocked to the west coast to make their fortunes. In 1849, Congress instructed Captain Randolph Marcy to find a suitable passage from Fort Smith to Santa Fe by traveling south of the Canadian River. Guided by Delaware scout Black Beaver, Marcy and the first wagon train reached their destina…
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Since statehood, numerous elected officials have found themselves on the wrong side of the Oklahoma Legislature’s good graces, which resulted in impeachment charges being filed. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss Oklahoma’s constitutional requirements for impeachment, some of the officials who have been impeached in the s…
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I would like to introduce you to Ms. Kimberley Cox, Indianapolis, IN native, the mother of two beautiful children, one who happens to be on the autism spectrum, and the creator of the NeuroCircus, a nonprofit that Ms. Cox is trying to build that will provide resources for autism families. The unimaginable tragedy that Ms. Cox has endured is one tha…
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From 1953 to 1957, University of Oklahoma football coach Bud Wilkinson and his Sooners won 47 games in a row, an NCAA record. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss Coach Wilkinson and his leadership skills, the players who made the winning streak possible, and a few of the significant games along the way. Their guest is Berr…
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Négy évtized után 2012-ben figyeltük meg a dunavirág (Ephoron virgo) első nagy, milliós rajzását több Duna menti településen, például Tahitótfalu, Pócsmegyer, Budapest, Vác és Göd területén. 2013. augusztus 19-én ismét megindult a tömegrajzás csodálatos jelensége Tahitótfalunál, a Tildy Zoltán hídnál, valamint sok további Duna-parti helyszínen. Tul…
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Miért van szükség helyreállításra? Miért kell és hogyan lehet ezt kutatni? Mik az esélyeink a klímaváltozás mellett? Lehet-e csökkenteni helyreállítással az inváziós fajok kockázatát? Mi tehet az egyén, mit a döntéshozó? Ilyen és hasonló kérdések mellett beszélgetünk a HUN-REN Ökológiai Kutatóközpont Restaurációs Ökológiai Kutatócsoportjában folyó …
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Crowds came by the thousands to Municipal Auditorium in Oklahoma City to see the first television images in Oklahoma at a demonstration sponsored by WKY Radio on November 13, 1939. Despite television being a financial drain on broadcasters who had tried it before, E.K. Gaylord believed Oklahoma deserved it, so he applied for a license and was grant…
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Today, Kadin McElwain is in the house! Kadin and I had the absolute best conversation about making friends when someone is on the autism spectrum, how adults can be their child's biggest advocate, and honestly, about the future of humanity as a whole. Kadin is an autism advocate and when the naysayers said, no, I don't think you can do that, well, …
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Oklahoma was a state for almost thirty years before the state park system was created. Thanks to federal funds and free labor provided by the Civilian Conservation Corps, seven new state parks were constructed starting in 1935. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss the political conditions that led to Oklahoma creating the S…
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After listening to Sam's podcast episode #103, My Way or the Highway, Autism Rocks and Rolls, listen to this companion episode, but from a parent's perspective. In this episode, we talk to the one and only, Sam Mitchell! He and I talk about how our family helped Sam understand, "my way or the highway," wasn't always the answer.…
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In February 1824, the general-in-chief of the Army authorized the abandonment of Fort Smith and the creation of a new fort in the southwest. Col. Matthew Arbuckle selected a site near the Three Forks and named it Cantonment Gibson. Its mission was to protect white settlers, work for peace between tribes in the region, and establish a diplomatic rel…
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Maria Tallchief, Marjorie Tallchief, Yvonne Chouteau, Moscelyne Larkin, and Rosella Hightower were all American Indian women, born in Oklahoma during the 1920s, who went on to become prima ballerinas. Nicknamed the “Five Moons,” they achieved the pinnacle of success in their respective ballet careers, making their marks in America and on the intern…
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The confluence of cultures in Oklahoma, from Blacks who arrived as enslaved persons from the southeastern United States to European immigrants, created the ideal environment for the musical form known as jazz to take root. Jazz performers such as Charlie Christian, the Oklahoma City Blue Devils, and the Ernie Fields Orchestra made their mark on the…
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In 1964, Oklahoma Supreme Court Justice N.S. Corn was convicted on federal income tax evasion charges. While incarcerated, he provided testimony implicating himself, Justice Earl Welch, and Justice N.B. Johnson in a scheme to accept bribes in exchange for affecting the decision in cases before the court. The resulting scandal cast a shadow over the…
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After you listen to Sam's episode, 102:Honesty vs. Bluntness, on his podcast, Autism Rocks and Rolls, check out this episode. My episode aligns with Sam's in that I talk about the challenges for parents when it comes to differentiating and teaching their children the difference between being honest, but not rudely blunt. There is often no middle gr…
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The Cherokee Nation lived in their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States for centuries before the first arrival of Europeans on American soil in the 1500s. As settlers arrived in larger numbers, the Cherokees were forced to cede or sell their lands, first to the British government and then to the United States through successive treaties…
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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Oklahoma Territorial Museum in Guthrie, the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted a fireside chat between former governors Brad Henry (2003–2011) and George Nigh (1979–1987) at the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple in October 2023. In a conversation moderated by Trait Thompson and Michael Williams, regist…
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Oklahoma’s motto, Labor Omnia Vincit, means “work conquers all things.” Today, many people see it as a nod to the hardworking nature of our state’s citizens. In reality, it’s a tribute to organized labor, which was a significant political force in the formation of Oklahoma’s constitution and early laws. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob B…
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The 1956 Frederick Bombers were the first integrated high school football team to win a state championship in the United States. Coached by Dean Wild, a previous state champion at Watonga, the team of 12 Black players and 27 white players went 14-0 that year and beat Okmulgee Dunbar 33-0 in the Oklahoma Class B state championship game. Coach Wild’s…
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Meet me, Gina Mitchell. I am the proud mama of Sam Mitchell, podcaster from Autism Rocks and Rolls. I tell the story of how Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation came about and how this podcast, It's OK, came to fruition. Parents with children on the autism spectrum, listen on! Join me in celebrating our children and understanding that success comes i…
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When Clara Luper and her students went to New York City in 1957 to perform her play, Brother President, they experienced integration for the first time. The trip opened their eyes to a new way of living and became the impetus to try to bring freedom to segregated Oklahoma. As the NAACP Youth Council leader and a well-respected teacher, Clara Luper …
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Rodeo in Oklahoma evolved from competitions between cowboys at ranches in the Oklahoma Panhandle in the 1880s to the professional sport of the modern era. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn explore the origin of rodeo in Oklahoma, the formation of the PRCA, and the impact the National Finals Rodeo made on Oklahoma City. Their gue…
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Taylor Sheridan’s 1883, a gritty western prequel to his wildly successful Yellowstone series, captured the nation’s attention with its realistic portrayal of an emigrant journey across the US to Oregon. But, how real was it? In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn are joined by Kathy Dickson, director of museums and sites for the Okla…
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The Oklahoma State Capitol is the temple of our democracy in Oklahoma, the place where people come to have their voice heard. Today, it’s hard to imagine the landscape without the grand edifice. Back in 1910, the cities of Guthrie and Oklahoma City jockeyed back and forth for the rights to the capital city delaying completion of Oklahoma government…
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Bob Wills was born in Texas, but he and his Texas Playboys became a national sensation when they began playing live shows on KVOO from the legendary Cain’s Ballroom in Tulsa. Bob’s unique style of music blended folk, jazz, hillbilly, and blues to produce the sound we know today as Western Swing. His music is still as popular as ever and it is regul…
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As the suffrage movement played out on the national stage with women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Alice Paul leading the charge, Oklahomans were also working to see the 19th Amendment passed and ratified. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss the political landscape in Oklahoma and Indian Territories that initially reject…
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Since prehistoric times, commerce has been one of the engines that made Oklahoma run. This began with the Indigenous peoples who lived at Spiro Mounds. They had a vast trade network and obtained goods from across the country, a practice that was continued by their descendants. In the 1700s, French traders moved into eastern Oklahoma, opening up tra…
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In this episode, OHS executive director Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn are joined by Oklahoma History Center director Dan Provo to discuss Oklahomans who contributed to the space program in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1961, when President Kennedy challenged Americans to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade, Oklahomans answered the call…
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In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn talk with special guest Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell about the importance of cultural tourism in Oklahoma. After discussing some of their favorite historic places in the state, the crew talks about the evolution of the Oklahoma Historical Society from an entity that solely collects artifacts…
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When the economy cratered with the stock market crash in October 1929, Oklahomans had already been feeling the effects of an economic depression for several years due to falling agriculture and oil prices. The onset of the Dust Bowl in western Oklahoma and the rejection of the New Deal by the state’s political leadership exacerbated the effects of …
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