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DJ Vlad

VladTV is the world leader in hard-hitting interviews with rappers, actors, professional athletes, gangsters, politicians, singers, business leaders and everything in between. Updated daily. Become a Member to get interviews up to a month early and ad-free.
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Dein Weg in ein freies, gesundes und selbstbestimmtes Leben ohne Alkohol! Du bist erfolgreich, stehst mitten im Leben – und doch spürst du, dass Alkohol dich zurückhält? Hi, mein Name ist Vlada Mättig und in meinem Podcast begleite ich dich auf deiner Reise in ein bewusstes, kraftvolles und vor allem gesundes Leben ohne Alkohol. Hier erwarten dich: 💛 Ganzheitliche Impulse, die Körper, Geist und Seele stärken. 🎙 Interviews mit inspirierenden Menschen, die ihren Weg in ein alkoholfreies Leben ...
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Оперный певец,преподаватель вокала,композитор,аранжировщик Royalty Free Music для ваших проэктов https://audiojungle.net/user/aleksandr-vladimirov/portfolio
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The West's obsession with Vladimir Putin's KGB past often misses the biographical detail that can be captured by a single word: dvor. The word means courtyard in Russian, but to a Russian speaker, it is evocative of a whole universe. It was the space where Putin, like so many Soviet kids of his generation, grew up and learned an unforgiving, often brutal social code. Puck journalist Julia Ioffe introduces Westerners to that universe and explains why it’s critical to understanding the Russian ...
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Marcelo Escobar Gutiérrez

Cuento para la asignatura de TLyR. Profesor Ramsés Montaño. Integrantes: Marcelo Escobar, Leonardo Montaño y Emilio Monroy. Baja California sur México a 31 de mayo de 2019
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Vlad shares

Vladimir Valdivia Carrillo

In this podcast, I'll be sharing with you my daily life, what's going on with my city, my daily life and everything I live. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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RTVSLO – Val 202

»Vlado je Vlado in Vlado Kreslin je Vlado Kreslin.« Brez dvoma glasbo enega najbolj prepoznavnih slovenskih glasbenikov poznamo vsi, zdi se, da ga poznamo tudi osebno. V pol stoletja dolgi karieri je postal in ostal priljubljen in vseprisoten. Kdo je Vlado in kakšni so njegovi odnosi z ljudmi, ki se jih človek še razveseli? Maruša Kerec in Andrej Karoli v seriji epizod o Vladu Kreslinu spoznavata 70 let življenja izjemnega glasbenika. Od 1. novembra do Vladovega rojstnega dne.
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The Vlad Vexler Show is about giving people a guide to surviving the 21st century, politically, culturally, and aesthetically. On my show I make sense of classical music, politics (populism, the wobbling of our democracies, climate breakdown), ethics, and sometimes wine. Professionally, I am a philosopher working in ethics and musicology. I coach artists and arts organisations, working with them to overcome creative blocks.
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Vlad Leto Photography

vladleto photography

Welcome to the "Vlad Leto Photography" https://vladletophotography.com/ podcast, where we delve into the world of photography and the stories behind the lens. Join us as we explore the life and work of Vlad Leto, a talented and sought-after photographer. In each episode, we'll be talking with Vlad and his clients, as they share their experiences and insights on what makes a great photo.
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3 Marketing minutes is a top digital marketing podcast hosted by Vlad Sapozhnykov (content is taken directly from the popular Adloonix Blog). Adloonix.com is one of the top digital marketing agencies in the nation and one of the fastest growing company in the UA in 2018-2019. As a digital marketing expert and in-demand public speaker, Vlad is consistently named one of the top influencers in the industry.
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Владимир Скороцкий - мультиформатный dj, филигранно чувствующий настроение публики. Мастерство оттачивал в самых престижных клубах Калининграда – «Little Buddha Kaliningrad» и «Universal». Более 10 лет вел популярные авторские развлекательные шоу на радио. В 2013-м cтал официальным dj «Дома Ленинградской Торговли»; в 2014-м - полуфиналистом всероссийского этапа международного конкурса «Miller SoundClash»; в 2015-м - официальным dj петербургского Фестиваля ярких открытий "LG Electronics" и...
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The Price of Conviction: A Tale of Two Vladimirs

Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

This podcast tells the remarkable stories of political prisoners around the world risking it all for something bigger than themselves: a better future for all of us. With Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine dominating headlines, Season One brings you the story of another Vladimir who's standing up to Putin despite two poisonings and a current 25-year prison (virtual death) sentence. To confront the global challenges of our time and build hope for the future, we shouldn’t hear out regimes who rul ...
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Welcome to "Vladster Talks VMeDx," the podcast channel where your host, Vladimir Gasic, takes you on an insightful journey into virtual medical assistant staffing. Join Vladimir, fondly known as the "Vladster," as he delves deep into the dynamics of VMeDx, a revolutionary company reshaping the landscape of medical assistance through virtual staffing solutions. Each episode features engaging discussions, expert interviews, and a behind-the-scenes look at how VMeDx leverages technology to conn ...
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show series
In 2021, veteran journalist Chris Hansen came through for his first-ever VladTV interview, where he spoke about growing up in Chicago and being inspired to be a journalist as a teenager after the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. Hansen went on to speak about working at NBC starting in 1993 and dangerous aspects of the job, and then he spoke about being the h…
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Yella Beezy, who was recently arrested for the murder of Mp3, came through for another interview with VladTV in 2019, where he spoke about the aftermath of being shot and staying silent about the people responsible for the job. He also spoke about Nipsey Hussle being one of the first people to call him after he was shot. After speaking about his in…
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During this full VladTV interview from 2019, Big U sat down to discuss LA life and street culture. He elaborated on personal stories such as his own encounters with the police. Big U also spoke on Suge Knight and Nipsey Hussle. Take a look at the full interview above.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on VladTV in 2023 to share about his family's fascinating and storied past. His father, Robert F. Kennedy, also known as Bobby, was the brother of John F. Kennedy and son of Joseph Kennedy. RFK Jr. detailed how close-knit the Kennedy family was, discussing both happy times and tragedies. He also addressed rumors regar…
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Viele Frauen glauben, sie müssten sich einfach mehr zusammenreißen, wenn sie mit dem Trinken aufhören wollen. Mehr Disziplin, mehr Kontrolle, mehr Willenskraft. Doch genau das ist der Grund, warum sie sich immer wieder im Kreis drehen. In dieser Folge spreche ich darüber: Warum Willenskraft nicht ausreicht, um Alkohol wirklich loszulassen Wie dein …
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In this 2020 interview, Rubi Rose sat down with VladTV as the newest signee to LA Reid's Hitco. The music artist detailed her rise in the music industry, as well as her dating history. She opened up about her past relationship with Playboi Carti, which included some turbulent moments. She also revealed that she dated Travis Scott and 21 Savage. Rub…
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n an exclusive interview on Vlad TV, emerging rapper Dave Blunts, real name Davion Blessing, shares his tumultuous life story. Born amid birth complications, Davion's last name, "Blessing," is a testament to his survival. Though originally from Salt Lake City, he was raised in Davenport, Iowa, following his parents' separation. At eight, Dave faced…
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Bricc Baby discussed ASAP Rocky's acquittal in a new sit-down with VladTV. The No Jumper host pointed out the details that may have led to Rocky beating the case and took pleasure in ASAP Relli argument failing. He also talked about Charleston White's arrest, claiming that such an outcome occurs when people try to "play both sides of the fence." Br…
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In his return to VladTV, Tony Yayo discussed the ASAP Rocky trial and 50 Cent's feud with Big Meech. He reflected on the fallout between Big Meech and 50, suggesting that the relationship soured due to Meech's family mismanaging the money that was made through the BMF television series. After discussing the possible reasons why Big Meech's 'Welcome…
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Back in 2016, Boston George, whose life was portrayed in the 2001 Johnny Depp movie "Blow," spoke openly about his life as a notorious kingpin. During his interview with VladTV, George touched on everything from his dealings with Pablo Escobar to having $68 million dollars seized from his bank account.…
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Da Band's Chopper joined VladTV for an in-depth discussion about his career. The New Orleans native described his troubled upbringing, which saw his father serve a life sentence and his mother leave him in the care of his grandmother while she lived in another state. After the passing of Chopper's grandmother, the Making The Band cast member was le…
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Протонофоры – это класс молекул, разобщающих электрохимический градиент дыхательной цепи митохондрий. Презентация к подкасту В подкасте мы разберем: Механизм действия протонофоров и эволюционный контекст их появления – Механизм действия эндогенных разобщающих белков и химических протонофоров; – Немного исторического контекста возникновения… Continu…
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Was bedeutet Freiheit für dich? Ist es die Unabhängigkeit von äußeren Zwängen, das Reisen ohne festen Wohnsitz oder vielleicht die Freiheit, dich nicht mehr von alten Mustern und Verlangen steuern zu lassen? In dieser Folge habe ich eine ganz besondere Gästin für dich: Stefanie Bötsch vom Psychoaktiv Podcast. Sie lebt nicht nur die Freiheit in ihre…
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Benzino returned to VladTV following a near three-year ban from the platform. The former owner of The Source spoke about squashing his differences with DJ Vlad and hoping it sets an example for younger generations to move past petty feuds. Benzino praised Kendrick Lamar's performance at the Super Bowl and offered his thoughts on the impact of Kendr…
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Ray J joined VladTV for an in-depth discussion about his life and career. He started by pointing out his family's roots in Mississippi and his ties to Snoop Dogg before describing his teenage experiences with Death Row Records. He also addressed his experiences with gangs and the infamous film with Kim Kardashian. Throughout the interview, Ray J de…
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In a new VladTV exclusive with Michael Jai White, the action star and DJ Vlad debated the safety of bringing a fake gun to a potential confrontation amid the ASAP Rocky case. The martial artist also pointed out the misconceptions about the effectiveness of PEDs in combat sports before comparing the popularity of MMA versus boxing. Michael Jai White…
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Comedian Michael Blackson returned to VladTV and immediately gave his reaction to Kanye West and wife Bianca Censori's antics at this year's Grammy Awards. As a noted Philadelphia Eagles fan, the comedian and actor gave his take on his team's upcoming Super Bowl rematch against the Kansas City Chiefs. After giving his take on ASAP Rocky's trial, Mi…
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Amber Rose sat down with DJ Vlad in 2014 and discussed her life story up until that point. She described having an Italian upbringing while growing up in South Philly. She recalled getting into fistfights and witnessing violence before explaining her decision to avoid all drugs after seeing family and friends become addicted to various substances. …
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Wack100 returned to VladTV and commented on Kendrick Lamar's recent success, including winning 5 Grammys for "Not Like Us" and the Compton rapper's Super Bowl performance. Wack reflected on Kendrick's big night at the Grammys and suggested that the wins were a message to Drake from UMG. He also compared "Not Like Us" to other classic disses. He als…
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Comedian D.L. Hughley sat down for his first interview with DJ Vlad in 2017 to speak on a host of topics from his career trajectory to the current state of American politics. D.L. disclosed to Vlad being imbued in the Bloods at a young age but ultimately leaving knowing the way things end when one is involved in that lifestyle. The funnyman also di…
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Vielleicht kennst du das: Ein Teil von dir wünscht sich, ohne Alkohol zu leben, aber ein anderer Teil hält dich zurück. Du fragst dich: „Wie schaffe ich es, ohne Alkohol glücklich und entspannt zu sein?“ 💡 In dieser Folge zeige ich dir einen klaren, sanften Weg aus dem Kreislauf – mit 8 einfachen Schritten, die wirklich funktionieren. ✨ Was du in d…
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With his fist Netflix standup special "Life" premiering today, comedian and TV personality Andrew Schulz came to VladTV in 2016 to discuss an array of topics from cultural appropriation to considering Muhammad Ali to have been a modern day prophet similar to Jesus. The brilliant idiot starts the conversation giving his opinion on Drake's recent alb…
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Dwen Curry, who was recently featured in the BET film “Fighting To Be Me: The Dwen Curry Story” came in for an interview in 2023 after the release of "America Gangster: Trap Queens". Dwen talked about being born around the time of the infamous Detroit Riots in the late sixties. From there, she reflects back on her upbringing in the city, including …
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Gervonta "Tank" Davis sat down with VladTV in 2017 for an in-depth discussion on his life and career. Tank Davis talked about his rough upbringing in Baltimore, which included foster care and his parents' battle with drug addiction. He opened up about boxing at the age of seven and signing to Floyd Mayweather's Money Team. Tank also addressed the h…
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Rest in peace Angie Stone, who passed away today. In this full-length interview from 2023, R&B/Soul veteran Angie Stone sits down with Shawn Prez to discuss her lengthy award-winning career. The Grammy-nominated songstress starts off by referring the VladTV viewers back to one of her earliest groups, The Sequence, before stating that the Southern-b…
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In this 2020 VladTV exclusive, B-Real of the legendary group Cypress Hill stopped by to have an in-depth conversation about the group's history and his personal journey as well. B-Real recounted his early days in the streets as a member of Family Swans Bloods, the formation of Cypress Hill, and why he chose to never broadcast his gang affiliation i…
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Diese Podcast-Folge ist eine liebevolle Erinnerung daran, dass du stärker bist, als du vielleicht manchmal glaubst. Affirmationen sind nicht nur Worte – sie sind kraftvolle Botschaften an dein Unterbewusstsein, die dir helfen, dich neu auszurichten, alte Muster zu durchbrechen und dein Vertrauen in dich selbst zu stärken. Vielleicht kennst du diese…
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In this VladTV full interview from 2019, Freeway Ricky spoke about a variety of topics, including still living in South Central LA, Tekashi telling on everyone, and his take on the Nipsey Hussle murder.Along with that, Freeway Ricky spoke about his time in the drug trade, and ultimately what led to him getting busted.…
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Actor Lou Diamond Phillips detailed his life and career in a new VladTV exclusive. He described growing up in a military family, which required him to move around a lot before settling in Texas. Phillips opened up about pursuing TV and film at an early age before securing his first major, and arguably most notable, role in "La Bamba." He described …
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sdfRapper and singer Morray detailed his life story in a new VladTV exclusive. The Fayetteville native described splitting his upbringing between North Carolina, New York, and Pennsylvania. He also explained how financial struggles and being a follower led him to a life of crime during his teen years. However, his final stint behind bars and the bi…
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Maino returned to VladTV amid the drama involving Cam'ron and Jim Jones. Maino reacted to being dragged into the feud and having to clear up misconceptions to the public. He also revisited his time as a hungry rapper, who would troll and diss other artists for shock value and attention. The rapper pointed out how such antics led to a select few pee…
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Rico Recklezz returned to VladTV to discuss a variety topics, including his new romance with R&B star Summer Walker. The Chicago rapper offered details about how the relationship developed before reflecting on Drake shouting him out. Rico Recklezz also reacted to Tay Savage explaining the origins of "savage life" in Chicago jails, as well as Lil Du…
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1090 Jake returned to VladTV to discuss a number of legal matters within the rap industry. He started by tackling ASAP Rocky's gun case and whether it was wise for Rocky to risk a 24-year sentence by rejecting his plea deal. Jake also talked about Tory Lanez's legal troubles since getting convicted for shooting Megan Thee Stallion, which DJ Vlad re…
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Crunchy Black returned to VladTV to offer his thoughts on a number of developments since his last interview. The Three 6 Mafia legend reacted to Project Pat losing his 21-year-old son violently, pointing out his own grief over the previous loss of his daughter. He also talked about Gangsta Boo's brother and his alleged involvement in the female rap…
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Co-Abhängigkeit ist ein oft unterschätztes, aber tiefgreifendes Thema, das viele Menschen betrifft – vor allem in Beziehungen, die von Sucht oder emotionaler Abhängigkeit geprägt sind. Doch wie erkennt man, dass man sich in einer co-abhängigen Struktur bewegt? Und vor allem: Wie kann man sich daraus befreien? In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Jil Rie…
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Errol Musk, the father of billionaire mogul Elon Musk, joined VladTV for an in-depth discussion about his life as a successful politician and businessman. Errol started by discussing Elon's controversial gesture at Donald Trump's presidential inauguration. He describes Apartheid-era South Africa and divorcing Elon's mother before offering a glimpse…
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Viele denken bei Sucht zuerst an Alkohol oder harte Drogen – doch auch Cannabis kann süchtig machen. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Yanna Lorang über ihren persönlichen Weg in ein nüchternes Leben. Lange Zeit hat sie regelmäßig Marihuana konsumiert, ohne sich selbst als abhängig zu sehen. Doch irgendwann merkte sie, dass sie nicht mehr ohne konnte…
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Dynzell Sigers joined VladTV to detail his entire journey to increase his height from 5'5" to 6'0" through a procedure that cost him over $80,000. He described his rough upbringing in Chicago, which resulted in him moving to Georgia as a pre-teen. Sigers talked about his struggles to adapt to the new environment and getting into legal trouble befor…
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R&B group Day26 returned to VladTV for a more in-depth discussion about their time on MTV's "Making The Band" and being signed to Diddy's Bad Boy Records. The interview started with group members detailing their individual paths to the MTV reality show, which included being in other groups and signing previous deals before pursuing the opportunity …
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ДВС – это диссеминированное внутрисосудистое свертывание крови, оно же проблема микротромбов в микрососудитом русле. В легких формах это типичное последствие многих инфекций и хронических заболеваний. Книга Зербино и Лукасевича «Дессиминированное внутрисосудистое свертывание крови» (Медицина, 1989) будет нашим спутником в путешествии… Continue read…
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Chicago rapper Tay Savage detailed his life in a new VladTV exclusive. He explained his troubled past, detailing the various crimes that started at eight years old and multiple stints behind bars. Tay Savage also talked about taking his Muslim faith seriously while he was locked up, just as his father did. The rapper recalled his connections and in…
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John "Red" Shea, former associate of crime kingpin White Bulger, described his role in the notorious Winter Hill Gang in this new VladTV exclusive. The former mobster described his upbringing in South Boston and the circumstances that led him to the criminal underworld. Shea talked about pursuing boxing as a profession and even turning pro. However…
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Math Hoffa returned to VladTV following the viral moment in which he crashed former co-hosts Hynaken and Esso's interview with Angela Yee. After revealing how he found out about the interview, he claimed that he walked in on the interview to have a peaceful dialogue with the former "My Expert Opinion" hosts. After explaining what caused his profess…
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Lil Eazzyy sat down with VladTV to discuss his life and career. The Chicago rapper described splitting his time between Southside Chicago and the suburbs, as well as being introduced to Hip-Hop through Chicago's drill scene. Eazzyy admitted he was inspired to pursue rap after witnessing schoolmate Juice WRLD blow up as an artist. Despite living in …
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Wack100 returned to VladTV to discuss the controversial brawl that occurred outside of No Jumper's studio. He provided details of the event and what led to the physical altercation before speaking on gang culture and media platforms that cover it. Wack also offered his thoughts on updates in the legal concerns regarding Lil Durk, NBA Youngboy, and …
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O-Block Louie, close friend of late rapper King Von, detailed getting shot in the head during the shooting that resulted in Von's death passed away today. First, he talked about his upbringing in Chicago and his early connection to Chief Keef. He also detailed his friendship with King Von and Von's unlikely rise as a rap star after being acquitted …
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Former Army Ranger Nicholas Irving joined VladTV for an in-depth discussion about his American politics, foreign affairs, and the domestic attacks on American soil. The ex-Army sniper revisited his previous VladTV interview, where he predicted an increase in domestic terrorism. Irving commented on the suspect in the recent New Orleans attack being …
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In this 2023 VladTV exclusive, LaVar Ball sheds light on his upbringing and his sports journey. Ball, who grew up in a two-parent household in South Central, was largely unfazed by the surrounding gangs thanks to his strong family unit and their emphasis on family values. Ball, known for his outspoken personality and fathering three successful bask…
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