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He may be Bazless, but KJ has finally found a cinema, a workable app, his missing hard drive and the log-in for the hosting platform. All so he can tell you everything* you need to know about Joker 2, as most of us are calling it. He's forgotten the rules, forgotten what he's meant to list, but at least he's finally remembered there's a podcast in …
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Well, the one thing we can all agree on is that Sockgloves are a thing and Morgan's ahead of the curve once again. We also agree that this is the best of the prequels, but that's not exactly a bold statement. Or a high bar for that matter....بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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Somehow we spend more time talking about a film we can't stand than it would have taken to just sit there in sullen silence watching the actual thing. Still we had more fun. Morgan's back, the finer points of Yoda get discussed and we try and explain what a moisture farm is. So snuggle down and listen to Kahn be grumpy while John and Laura try and …
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So, funny story. As we were running out of Doctor Who episodes to talk over we started bending our minds to what to do next. And someone suggested Star Wars. And no one could think of a good reason not to. So here we are. We're not asking you to watch along this time, this is more 'we'll watch it so you don't have to' and then dissect it for your e…
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Look, it's not our fault - Kahn hates leaving things on an odd number. So you get a sneaky extra bonus episode that's four times longer than the thing we talked over. But at least we remembered to vote for our favourite Doctor. Oh, and don't worry, we've put the episode you need on our Facebook page.…
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Can this really be it? Is this really the end? A mere 17 months ago we sat down to have a bit of fun and a wee drinkie. Many alcohols and much episodes later, we come to the end of all that we know and love. There's an old Doctor, a new one, Rusty, twice the number of Tardises (Tardi?) and THAT SPEECH. Grab the tissues and press play when we say. T…
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And so we near the end, and what an end it's going to be. We have Missy, The Master, Bill as we've never seen her before..... It's going to be emotional. So settle in, dear listener, and join us as we prepare to say farewell to all we've known and loved.بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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As we saunter casually towards regeneration time, the Unsalted Popcorn crew gather to talk over World Enough And Tome, one of the most annoying titles of the modern era. There will be tears, there will be laughter, there will be obscure parallels drawn with an episode of Power Rangers and Laura does a football joke. So, as ever, get comfy and press…
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What started out as four people watching the final part of the "so-called" Monk trilogy descends into Morgan's love of a cake-based snack before you can so much as blink. But somehow we manage to turn it around and talk about Doctor Who stuff if not the actual episode that's on our screens.بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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And so we reach the midway point of what some people are calling a trilogy, and we are tackling the big issues this week – will John notice we've started? Does Kahn actually exist? What if The Doctor appeared in an episode of Monkey? Does Laura have OBS? Is Morgan Mary Poppins? As ever, press play when we say and let us talk you through Pyramid At …
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And so we embark on what some are calling The Monks Trilogy, and for added fun this episode is a race against time as someone realised a bit too late that they had to be somewhere else in less than an hour. Did they make it? Did we cut the episode short? Only one way to find out....بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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A special episode even by our standards as we concern ourselves with a Skype thingie you can't see and an entire season of Doctor Who we aren't even watching. We do take the time to discuss Nardole, but might possibly kill off Rory in the process. Hey ho, them's the breaks....بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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And so we reach the beginning of the end of Peter Capaldi's time in the Tardis – but at least we have Bill along for the ride. Your Unsalted Popcorn regulars are so excited they forget to talk about other things like Garbage's new album and Laura gets a thing wrong. We're still recovering from that one.…
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After a brief break, the Directionless Commentary crew are back and it's time to check out The Husbands Of River Song. A classic, a favourite and one we – in our own fine style – talk over so you don't have to. Sit back, pour a drink, press play when we say and watch with us....بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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Our regular listener will remember that at the end of Heaven Sent we discussed how the episode had been received, and many people said 'best ever, now watch them screw it up'. Well, funny story.... In amongst people eating hot food, mild connection issues (sorry) and someone plugging the new Del Amitri album, a cracking episode goes down hill at a …
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Don't worry, this is definitely a Doctor Who episode. Possibly one of the best ever. And not a cat or Corden in sight. We've even brought crackers, and we answer Katy's questions. Who says we don't look after our listener? As ever, press play when we say and join our Directionless Commentary experts as we join The Doctor in that place....…
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And so it has come to this. Our 100th episode. What an occasion. Especially after the worst year since the last bad one. We couldn't let this momentous occasion pass without doing something special. And we had ideas. So many ideas. But then someone - and we still don't know who - came up with an idea so stupid, not doing it seemed impossible. So we…
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Ever notice the issues with found footage stories? We have. Which is handy as there's not a lot else to talk about with this episode. So we burble on and on and pray for it all to end..... Listening to this will be more fun than watching the episode, that's for sure. Sadly, watching it is kinda the thing with these podcasts. Sorry about that.…
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So, funny story. This is technically the first episode, but it's also the second one as it was recorded after the first one despite us watching the first one first and the second one second. Got that? Good. All will become less clear once you start listening. The key thing to note is this the Zygon Invasion episode, which should come before Zygon I…
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So, funny story. This is technically the second episode, but it's also the first one as it was recorded before the first one despite us watching the first one first. Got that? Good. All will become less clear once you start listening. The key thing to note is this the Zygon Inversion episode, which should come after Zygon Invasion but doesn't here.…
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As Unsalted Popcorn's intrepid time-travelling TV watchers carry on with season nine, thoughts turn to, among other things, Lego Daleks, cats' bottoms, gunk and the mysterious Potato. Find out more, or arguably less, by joining Laura, John, Morgan and Kahn as they talk over The Witch's Familiar and wonder where things have gone so right.…
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And so The Doctor is back with a bang. He has shades, he has a guitar, and Morgan, John, Laura and Kahn get all excited as it's like season 8 never happened. We have Missy and Daleks and all is right with the world it seems. As ever, press play when we say and watch and listen along as we embark on Peter Capaldi's second season in the little/big bl…
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And so we come to the end of Peter Capaldi's first season as The Doctor - and you know what that means? A double-episode special with added booziness. We start off all paying-attention and we end with Kahn not remembering people's names. In between there are two episodes, more than two hours of insight and analysis and a slow descent into madness. …
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And so, as we near the end of Peter Capaldi's first season as The Doctor we hop aboard The Orient Express and go in search of meaning, Frank Skinner and try not to mention The News. We fail. Sorry. But we have fun, and that's what matters. So put on your best togs and join Morgan, Laura, John and Kahn as they talk you through the best Agatha Christ…
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Spiders dominate proceedings as we try and make sense of The Doctor and Clara in Kill The Moon, an episode we have more fun talking over than actually watching. Also, turns out we had all forgotten how it ended. As ever, listen along and press play when we say and let the Unsalted Popcorn team's Directionless Commentary enhance your Whovian experie…
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If we thought Robots Of Sherwood was bad, Listen turns out to be worse. So much worse we all actually end up discussing it. Laura, John and Kahn struggle to get through the whole thing, only to find out Morgan was genuinely creeped out. So it works on some people....بقلم Unsalted Popcorn
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A day of surprises at Unsalted Popcorn towers, as Laura enjoys five minutes of the worst Dr Who story ever* while John and Kahn get stuck into the nitty gritty of Death In Paradise, which is preferable to watching a man fight Robin Hood with nothing but a spoon. Morgan actually watched the episode. But then she's odd. There's an update on Capaldi's…
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After a short break the Unsalted Popcorn crew and back - and what a way to return! Capaldi's in and dinosaurs are everywhere, so naturally Laura, John and Kahn turn their attention to the convoluted issue of continuity in the DC universe... As ever, press play when we say and listen and watch along as we talk you through the start of the 12th Docto…
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Time may be wibbly wobbly, but it can also come to an end - as it does today for Matt Smith. But don't be sad, because before we all sit down to watch Time Of The Doctor together, we have a little treat - the '90s classic, Dimensions In Time. Yes, we're going with classic. You'll need YouTube for this long-forgotten gem, so check our TwitBook pages…
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So here we are, the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who - the War Doctor comes to play and we all get very excited. But not before we get carried away watching Paul McGann become John Hurt. In between all the Who, we find out just who Generation X is, why Morgan cried that time, what Ridley Scott gets up to and why Morgan thinks she's getting a …
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The end of Matt Smith's reign is in sight, we're rounding the final bend and heading for the home straight - so what better time for a pit stop? So once we've trudged through The Name Of The Doctor, we lighten the mood with the frankly far superior The Five(ish) Doctors and for the first time any of us can remember we actually talk about what we're…
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Believe it or not, and we certainly didn't, we have now done 50 of these 'ere Directionless Commentary things - and what better way to mark the occasion than by watching not one episode we can't stand, but two! So, sit back and enjoy three people having fun despite watching The Bells Of Ahkaten and Nightmare In Silver.…
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As the old saying goes, if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Which is a problem for a podcast. So Laura, John and Kahn do their best while reluctantly staring at The Bells Of St John. Thankfully the pressing matters of Tardis doors and the books of James Patterson keep them occupied...…
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Well look who's back.... yup, it's the Chewing The Popcorn guys and Clara Oswald. Two things that go together like a tea time frozen food and something you'd have afterwards. But as it's Christmas, we'll try and be nice. We'll also come up with an Aled Jones theme tune and wonder how Rose would have got on playing up front for Wolves. There's also …
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A somber time for all Who fans as we say goodbye to Amy Pond. I mean, sure, Rory goes too - but no one was bothered about that.... As the Directionless Commentary crew gather to watch those Angels taking Manhattan, Laura, John and Kahn ponder date-free tombstones, Death In Paradise, James Dreyfuss' inevitable casting and Morgan's relaxed attitude t…
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This is our 80th episode, and we noticed and remembered! So we celebrate by watching Asylum Of The Daleks and bemoaning the existence of Clara. On a lighter note we disagree about who the Doctor's oldest foe is and marvel at timelord tuckshops. We also look ahead to what season 7 has in store for us.…
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It's the middle of February, so naturally we're watching a Christmas special – and one that throws up a lot of questions. Such as, is that any way to treat Bill Bailey, is this a mash-up with Outnumbered, has anyone actually read the Magna Carta and where the hell did the co-pilot go? Answers to the usual address after you've enjoyed our latest Doc…
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Grab your hat! Put on your posh shoes! We have a wedding to go to! Yes, it's the Season 6 finale, The Wedding Of River Song – and there isn't a dry eye in the house as the confetti flies, bouquets are thrown, we find Frutella in a draw, and the controversial subjects of wooden washing machines and hazelnut porridge are argued over while we wait for…
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Well, we're back - but will Morgan be joining us? All will be revealed, possibly, as we pull up our suitcase, polish our armour and take on The Girl Who Waited. The finer points of Timelord reporoduction and their dangly bits all benefit from our expert analysis, as does the thorny matter of secret regenerations. So, curl up and unwind, press play …
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Well, it had to happen at some point. It's the episode where they try and kill You Know Who and we watch it without Morgan knowing. The guilt, the shame, the embarrassment when we get caught... Still, life goes on. Not for Mr H, obviously, but that's not important right now. Especially when more pressing matters such as the disappearances of Laura …
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Well if it isn't that time again. We have a Kahn, a Laura and a John and A Good Man Goes To War. As our Directionless Commentary crew chat you through The Doctor's latest adventure, the important matters of maguffins, big Smurfs, the catchphrases of Danger Mouse and potential Captain Jack crossovers are all given due consideration. So get the episo…
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We're back! Yes, 2021 is seemingly no different to 2020 and so in keeping with this we're carrying on as before with Season 6 of Doctor Who. As Kahn, Laura, John and Morgan gather around the ol' tellybox to watch The Doctor's Wife, the finer points of Tim Burton, Kris Marshall, Staged and Star Trek all pop up. So settle down with a mug of coco, pre…
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Welcome to 2021! And so, as a terrible year ends, Jodie and the gang are back to help us all feel better about all of the everything. And because we care, the Unsalted Popcorn crew are on hand to tell you want we thought about the Dr Who special, so you don't have to worry about it. No spoilers, just a quick chat about the return of the good Doctor…
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After what seems like forever but may only have been a moment, the gang reconvene to sit through Day Of The Moon. One of them keeps banging on abut the lack of definite article and invisible Tardiseseses (Tardises? Tardi?), while the others talk about the actual episode, Tardis Tours in Glasgow and Aberdeen on a sunny day. CyberBlobby makes an appe…
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