Une exploration des multiples facettes de la pensée juive, de leurs résonances dans la culture occidentale, et de leur mise en perspective avec les autres cultures. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Learning the daf? We have something for you to think about. Not learning the daf? We have something for you to think about! (Along with a taste of the daf...) Join the conversation with us!
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Daf Yomi with Sruli Rapps: computer programmer, product designer, gemara learner, ex-guitar player, and nudnik. Classes are published daily to YouTube and multiple podcast platforms.
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.
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Study Highlights of the Daf in approximately 10 minutes. This program is enjoyed by beginners and by those who learn the Daf and want a meaningful review. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.
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The Thinking Talmudist Podcast shares select teachings of Talmud in a fresh, insightful and meaningful way. Many claim that they cannot learn Talmud because it is in ancient Aramaic or the concepts are too difficult. Well, no more excuses. In this podcast you will experience the refreshing and eye-opening teachings while gaining an amazing appreciation for the divine wisdom of the Torah and the depths of the Talmud. Every week a new, deep, and inspiring piece of brilliance will be selected f ...
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Daf - Temura
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Talmud Yerushalmi
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Judentum auf Deutsch, gelesen und erläutert, mit historischen Hintergründen und neuster Forschungsliteratur
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Judaism is renowned for its inquisitive nature, and critical thought. These attributes stem from the Talmud, Judaism's most important text which is unpacked page by page in these podcasts by Rabbi Idan Scher.
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Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate various selected texts from the vast sea of the Talmud, and gain insight and appreciation of its rich knowledge. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, also known as the Gemara. These courses are taught by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, an expert Talmudic scholar, who masterfully presents the Talmud’s profound wisdom in a clear, easy to fol ...
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Join us as we take a deep dive into a topic from the Daf Yomi, the daily page of Talmud, with modern-day Sages of Torah and the world who can draw from their unique expertise to share modern and creative perspectives on the text.
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Shimón Romano. Cuentos para los niños / Torá To Go Kids. Talmud Torá Monte Sinaí México
Shimón Romano
Bienvenidos a este Podcast ! Tora To Go Kids (Monte Sinaí México) presenta a Shimón Romano. Maasim (Cuentos con mensaje) para los Niños (Y también para los papás) Ideales para antes de dormir... y comentar en familia. No está permitido escuchar en Shabat (Sábado) y Yom Tov (Fiestas). ¿Te gusta?, ¿Tienes algún comentario o sugerencia? No dudes en escribirnos... shimonromanosh1@gmail.com
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Sanhedrin 102: Maybe the Wicked Kings Weren't So Bad
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
19:25An approach to the Golden Calf that blames God for giving the Israelites gold and silver upon their departure from Egypt -- because they suddenly had the means for the wrong-doing, instead of when they were poor. This raises questions, of course, about wealth and leisure, and its desirability. Also, Rabbi Abbahu would lecture on the topic of 3 wick…
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.101a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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Sanhedrin 101: Good in This World, Good in the World to Come
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
23:09More on those who have no portion in the World to Come -- starting with those who whisper incantations over a wound. The problem seems to be magicking up God's healing powers, which is a marked sign of disrespect. But some surprising measures of incantations are indeed permitted - even on Shabbat. Also, when Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyracanus became ill -…
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Ep 77 - God! Show me your Glory (Berachos 7a-7b)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
36:50What happens when Moses, the great prophet, asks to see the face of God and is denied? Join us as we unravel the intriguing narratives from the Talmud where contrasting interpretations by Rabbi Yeshua ben Korchah and Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani shed light on a pivotal moment in Moses' journey. Discover how a single choice at the burning bush led to M…
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Sanhedrin 100: Rabbinic Disrespect - and the Wisdom of Ben Sira
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
19:12One of the sages presents an interpretation, describing the beauty of a vision of a plentiful river surrounded by delightful growing things that emerges from the Holy of Holies. Others congratulate him on his teaching -- and one of those congratulations is criticized as coming from bystander who wasn't in a position to judge, and therefore was disr…
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.100a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.99a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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Different opinions from the sages on the length of the "messianic era": 40 years? 70 years? 3 generations? Or Rabbi Hillel's shocking statement that the messiah has already come and gone, as per fulfilling the prophesies in the era of Hezekiah, king of Judah. Also, the distinction between the messianic era and the World to Come, with prophecy being…
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Sanhedrin 98: In Every Generation, Every Day
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
17:01Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi - on the messiah, and when he will come, with regard to the people awaiting his arrival. Including Eliyahu (Elijah), of course. Also, the birthpangs of the messiah - how many sages want the messiah to come, but only after they themselves die, so they don't have to suffer through it. But won't the messianic era be worth it? A…
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.98a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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Is there truth in the world? Rava thought not, until he encountered one truth-telling sage and heard his story of truth-tellers, and how that sage's own lie was his downfall. Also, a story about Eliyahu, in the exploration of the messianic time to come -- including a good deal of calculation and supposition regarding when it will happen. Plus, the …
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.97a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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"Espérer l'espérance". La leçon d'Edmond Fleg avec Haïm Korsia
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
32:37durée : 00:32:37 - Talmudiques - par : Marc-Alain Ouaknin - . - réalisation : Alexandra Malkaبقلم Marc-Alain Ouaknin
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.96a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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From Sennacherib to Nebuchadnezzar - and why the latter was able to conquer Jerusalem (that is, what good deed did he do that he got his way of breaking through Jerusalem's divine protection?). Also, how Nebuchadnezzar's captain of the guard, Nevuzaradan, led the charge, and succeeded where Sennacherib did not, apparently with God's approval. He wa…
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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https://www.sefaria.org.il/Sanhedrin.95a?lang=he Email: sruli@babbleontalmud.com
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Sanhedrin 95: Stories of War and a Hidden Message of Hope
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
24:23Compare this part of the daf to the stories in Shmuel Bet (Second Samuel) -- the son of Goliath is armed to go take vengeance on David. Ishbivenov is this same son of the giant, and his name is connected to his identity - because his revenge is on account of Nov. God makes it clear to David that he must pay the price of his wrong-doing, and gives h…
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Sanhedrin 94: The Writing of the Verses of Biblical History
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
20:29A focus on the Assyrian king Sennacherib, and the Jewish king, Hizkiyahu (Hezekiah). Why is the wicked king given an honorific, asks the Gemara. And answers: He didn't use derogatory language when speaking about the land of Israel. Is that really the case?! From Sennacherib, we move on to Hezekiah -- and the discussion of him as a possible messiah,…
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Learn a daily class on a Daf of Gemara, the perfect Daf Yomi class; clear and engaging shiurim from Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac. Or browse the series for classes on any Masechta and tractate of your choice.بقلم Chabad.org: Avraham Zajac
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