Sutra عمومي
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Can the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali be applied today? Sutra means thread. Yoga Sutra is the thread of yoga. Most interpretations of the Yoga Sutra are complex and hard to understand. After investing more than 12 years studying, chanting and teaching the Yoga Sutras, Ruben Vasquez guides you on a journey exploring the wisdom of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. This ancient wisdom is relevant and applicable for yoga students and teachers today. Besides clear explanations and examples, each episode off ...
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¿Se puede aplicar hoy el Yoga Sutra de Patanjali? Sutra significa hilo. Yoga Sutra es el hilo del yoga. La mayoría de las interpretaciones del Yoga Sutra son complejas y difíciles de entender. Después de invertir más de 12 años estudiando, cantando y enseñando los Yoga Sutras, Rubén Vásquez te guía en una exploración de la sabiduría del Yoga Sutra de Patanjali. Esta antigua sabiduría es relevante y aplicable para estudiantes y profesores de yoga hoy. Además de explicaciones y ejemplos claros ...
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Welcome to Security Sutra, a sub-podcast of™, dedicated to safeguarding your startup against cyber threats in today's digital landscape. As part of one of the top 20 entrepreneurship podcasts on Apple Podcasts worldwide, we bring you vital insights into cybersecurity, blending deep tech with entrepreneurship to empower your startup. Our podcast features a diverse range of guests, including industry-leading cybersecurity entrepreneurs, Emmy winners, New York Times best-selling a ...
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Rock 'n' Roll Sutra

Joe Simek/Destroy It Up

Music geeks and yoga dorks unite! To help explain the yoga teachings that inspired the songs of Destroy It Up, frontman Joe Simek has created Rock ’N’ Roll Sutra, a companion podcast to his music. In addition to dissecting his own songs, Simek interviews yogis about music and musicians about spirituality, and explores yoga’s influence on popular music.
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Chanakya Neeti (Sutra Sahit)

Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions

This audiobook is a compilation of teachings by Chanakya, a prominent figure in ancient Indian literature. Among the numerous works of ethics literature in Sanskrit, Chanakya Neeti holds a significant place. It provides practical advice in a succinct style to lead a happy and successful life. Its main focus is to impart practical wisdom for every aspect of life. It emphasizes values like righteousness, culture, justice, peace, education, and the overall progress of human life. This book beau ...
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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali After reading many self development books on creative visualisation, mind control, power of the sub-conscious and self-actualisation, I got to studying Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, that changed my life. I realised that the previous books I had been reading, the crux of all that knowledge and much more had already been compiled more than 2500 years back by Maharishi Patanjali in the 196 Yoga Sutras. Each Sutra is a pearl of wisdom, to be properly chewed, digested and pra ...
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Narada Bhakti Sutra

Sukadev Bretz - Weisheit und Spiritualität

Das Bhakti Sutra ist der klassische Text zur Entwicklung von Bhakti, von Hingabe, von Gottesliebe. Das Bhakti Sutra gibt dir viele Anregungen, um dein Herz sprechen zu lassen und dir eine höhere Wirklichkeit erfahrbar zu machen. Sukadev, Gründer von Yoga Vidya, hat alle 84 Verse des Bhakti Sutra kommentiert. Alle Kurzvorträge zum Bhakti Sutra sind jetzt im Web, als mp3 Audios und als Videos. Im ersten Vers erklärt Sukadev was Bhakti ist, und warum Bhakti die Grundlage aller Religionen ist. A ...
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Savina is a spiritual mentor who wants to share her knowledge and guide you through your spiritual journey. She takes a deep dive into spiritual and universal concepts. She breaks them down into bite-size pieces so you can use them to transform your life. She uses her Clair abilities to deliver messages from guides and the universe. Savina has a passion for everything from astrology, to sex, to manifestation. Savina grew up on an island in the Caribbean (Trinidad and Tobago) in an Indian (Hi ...
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In this informal bite-sized podcast, we'll talk about a range of ideas found in Indian philosophy, along with their connections to the modern day. Your host is a philosopher who reads Sanskrit texts and thinks about how the modern and premodern are intertwined. Support this podcast:
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Get the NEW eBook @ - - - The Diamond Sutra is in reference to a satsang given by a man named Siddhartha Gautama, the well known "Buddha". It's essential teaching can not be described, however in this attempts to express it is the experience beyond all sensory perceptions and all experience of a separate self of the universe. Here, you are joining the expressions of this experience as visited by the sherpa Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne who describes his journey of awakening to ...
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Tantra, Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra... Many people believe you can get closer to God through a practice of sacred sensuality by raising your erotic energy. Learn lovemaking positions so you and your lover can connect with higher powers and create deeper intimacy through spiritual teachings, breathing and meditative exercises that expand both mind and body. It's not sex therapy yet sacred sexuality and lovemaking techniques can be used for erotic issues such as anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, ...
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The Soul Sutras Podcast

Megan de Matteo & Kaylee Dueber

This project was born from the friendship of two yogis who found themselves in the midst of mid-twenties mayhem. And they wanted to talk about it. But because of their connection to yoga, their love of spiritual mysticism and their desire to find meaning and strength - the conversations never really just stopped there. And so, Soul Sutras was born. What is it exactly? It is a podcast that, through conversation and connection, encourages us to examine the every day moments that compose a life ...
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Yoga Sutras and the World of the Human Mind

Vedanta Society, San Francisco

Swami Tattwamayananda’s exposition of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras was given at the Vedanta Society of Northern California, San Francisco (founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1900) from October 10, 2014 to December 21, 2018 in a series of 111 lectures. These lectures include a mixture of philosophy both Eastern and Western, history, psychology, comparative theology, mysticism, classical parables, and simple everyday examples. Patanjali was a great Indian sage who wrote major treatises on Ayurveda, Sa ...
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show series
Welcome to the September 2024 Startup News from! This episode covers the most impactful developments in the startup scenes of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Stay informed about key trends, funding rounds, and industry shifts that could influence your business or investment decisions. Key Highlights: Intel Pauses €30B Chip Factory …
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Salud, postura óptima y movimiento grácil (Tercera parte) ¿Cómo son tu postura y tus movimientos? ¿Cuáles son las razones que tenemos para practicar las posturas y los movimientos del yoga ¿Es probable que nuestra postura óptima esté influida por nuestra historia personal, contexto, circunstancias, necesidades y actividades?…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra:Health, optimal posture and graceful movement (part 3) How are your posture and movements? What are the reasons we have for practicing yoga postures and movements? Is our optimal posture likely to be influenced by our personal history, context, circumstances, needs and activities? According to the Yoga Sutras there are four c…
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Sezoni proizvoda koje su nam pokazale velike kompanije, a koje još mogu da koriste samo oni, ne i mi, priključila se i Meta. Zakerberg je nosio pametne naočare, ali ih još ne prodaje. Neki od nas su izdržali njegov šou, a neki i odustali. Budućnost roditeljstva nad Intelom je u vazduhu, baš kao i dosadašnja politika čuvanja podataka na Telegramu. G…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Salud, apetitos y eliminación ¿Es posible integrar apetitos adecuados y eliminación eficiente? ¿Cuáles son los apetitos que tienes a nivel físico, mental y emocional? ¿Están interrelacionados nuestros diferentes tipos de apetito? ¿Qué influye en nuestros apetitos? ¿Existe una diferencia entre necesidades y deseos? ¿Cómo se r…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Health, appetites and elimination (part 2) Is it possible to integrate adequate appetites and efficient elimination? What are the appetites that you have at the physical, mental and emotional levels? Are our different types of appetites interrelated? What influences our appetites? Is there a difference between needs and want…
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Apple je ovog septembra predstavio nove telefone, sat, slušalice i mnogo obećanja. Čini se da je „obični“ iPhone sa brojem 16 nikada bliži Prou, deseti Sat je malo tanji i malo veći, a četvrte „obične“ slušalice dobile su i svoj alter ego koji uklanja buku. Sve ostalo su obećanja za koja Apple traži strpljenje i poverenje. Hvala na slušanju! Pratit…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: ¿Qué es salud? Una definición de salud y su relación con las ocho ramas del Yoga de Patanjali ¿Cómo defines salud? ¿Cómo te guía tu definición de salud durante tu vida cotidiana? Una definición integral de salud que amlpía nuestra consciencia de la salud incluyendo las dimensiones física, mental, emocional y social de nuestr…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: What is health? A definition of health and its relation to Patanjali's eight limbs of Yoga How do you define health? How does your definition of health guide you through your daily activities? A comprehensive definition of health that broadens our awareness of health by including the physical, mental, emotional, and social d…
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Welcome to the Summer 2024 Startup News Wrap-Up from! In this special Labor Day episode, we cover the most crucial updates from the vibrant startup ecosystems in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, investor, or tech enthusiast, this episode is packed with insights into the latest trends, funding rounds, …
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Pavel Durov, osnivač i CEO aplikacije Telegram, koja uzgred nije unapred postavljena kao enkriptovana, proveo je neočekivane letnje dane iza francuskih rešetaka. Neočekivano je i da Linda (zapravo Lidl), pored namirnica, nudi sopstvene oblake da u klaudu čuvate podatke. Neobičan bi bio i Windows bez Control Panela. I kako na kraju reći da je ovo sa…
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Google je predstavio novu generaciju Pixel uređaja, ali je letnju pažnju ponajviše želeo da usmeri na virtuelnog asistenta Gemini. Uz obećanje da će (nekad i nekako) biti dostupan svim Androidima, Gemini se zakašljucao u uživo demonstraciji, ali je pokazao šta sve može. Pixel kolekcija broji četiri člana – uz savitljivog i velikog, a našem uhu mila…
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U letnjoj epizodi usporenog ritma, koje smo se i mi uželeli, premotavamo Samsungov Galaxy događaj. Kao i obično u poslednje vreme, tražimo šta je vest – prsten, ultra sat koji meri i krvni pritisak, ili telefoni na preklop koji u novoj iteraciji donose razliku od dva slova, koja već i nisu tako nova – AI. Ipak, vest leta je opšti pad sistema koji p…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: ¿Es este tu mejor momento? ¿Te cambiarías por una versión anterior de ti misma? ¿Es tu nivel de consciencia mayor que antes? Puede ser útil reconocer que ahora mismo eres la persona más mayor que has sido nunca, con más experiencia y sabiduría que nunca antes. Al mismo tiempo, ahora mismo eres más joven de lo que jamás serás…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Could this be your best moment? Would you trade places with an earlier you? Is your level of awareness greater than it was before? It may be useful to recognize that right now you are the oldest you have ever been, with more experience and wisdom than you ever had before. At the same time, right now you are the youngest you …
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Escoger ser feliz ¿Cuál es mi perspectiva del mundo? ¿Y cómo influye en mis maneras de percibir y de participar en el mundo? Cuando sigo mi tendencia natural a hacer lo que me hace sentirme mejor y a alejarme de lo que me causa dolor, ¿aumenta mi consciencia? ¿Intento manipular el mundo para que se ajuste a mis expectativas?…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Choosing to be happy What is my perspective on the world? And how does it influence my ways of perceiving and being in the world? When I follow my natural tendency to move toward feeling better and away from feeling pain, does my awareness increase? Am I trying to manipulate the world to fit my expectations? Is this making m…
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Za početak, Microsoftov Recall i Appleova inteligencija u Evropskoj uniji. Apple je pustio OpenAI na iPhone besplatno, što je bio samo jedan od vesnika varljivog leta 2024. Microsoft je iz sve snage naslonio Copilot+ PC na snimanje ekrana korisnika i pretraživanje istih, no koliko je ideja dobra govori to da se od nje odustalo pre nego što se i poj…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Mantra para la presencia Nuestras palabras influyen en nuestros pensamientos y perspectiva. ¿Cuáles son las palabras que usas con frecuencia? ¿Son tales palabras útiles para estar presente o son elementos que te distraen? ¿Qué sucede cuando cambiamos las tendencias de preocuparnos y predecir por el mantra Ya veremos? https:/…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: A mantra for presence Our words influence our thoughts and perspective. What words do you use frequently? Are those words useful to be present or are they potential distractors? What happens when we replace our tendencies to predict and worry with the mantra Let's see? This content is inspired by the …
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Venus is the planet of love, relationships, beauty and money. Look for the sign that your natal Venus is in, which will give you insight into the type of person you want to attract into your life. Venus will tell you how you want to be loved and how you love. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship or not. This insight will help you understan…
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This Month in German, Swiss, and Austrian Startups - June 2024 | Welcome to our June 2024 wrap-up, where we bring you the latest news from the startup and tech entrepreneurship scenes in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, all in under 30 minutes! In this episode, recorded with Chris in New York City and Joe joining from Frankfurt, we …
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I'm back, guys! You can thank Jupiter in Taurus for my absence. But I'm back better than ever. This came up in a few client sessions, and I wanted to explain how the universe views being on the right path. Enjoy! And yes, I promise there's more to come :) You can find me on Instagram @iamsavinaleo New Website…
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Apple je prisvojio „AI“ i stavio ga na iPhone, a Apple Intelligence dovoljno je veliki da u njegovu senku stanu i novi Appleovi operativni sistemi. Ovogodišnji uvod u WWDC sastojao se iz dva čina, Apple je u oba najpre hvatao korak, a onda to pakovao u sebi svojstveno pakovanje. Propraćen nekolicinom pravih zanimljivosti u novim verzijama operativn…
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### Podcast Description: The Path to US VC Funding: Tips from JC2 Ventures Partner Yvette Kanouff In this episode of, host Jörn "Joe" Menninger sits down with Yvette Kanouff, Partner at JC2 Ventures, to discuss the secrets to optimizing your VC pitch. Drawing from her extensive background in mathematics and technology, Yvette shares i…
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Glavna tema ovog puta je Microsoft i novi pokušaj da Windows laptopovi budu kul. Zamislite laptop kome baterija traje dugo, ponekad je brži „čak“ i od M3 MacBook Aira, i koji prati i snima svaku vašu akciju ne bi li vam pomogao da se setite svega na šta ste u međuvremenu zaboravili. Ako vam se ideja dopada, onda je Copilot+PC, kako god to tumačili,…
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Welcome to our May 2024 wrap-up, delivering vital news from the startup and tech entrepreneurship scenes in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland—all in 30 minutes or less! 🎧 Join Chris from New York City and Joe from Frankfurt as they bring you the latest updates in the GSA region. Due to Whit Monday and travel plans, this news cut is from May 16th. A…
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Dug je bio Google, kratak OpenAI, a tužan Apple. Google je skoro dva duga sata uvoda u I/O u potpunosti posvetio veštačkoj inteligenciji. Mnogo stvari moglo je ostati nepomenuto, neke su pak bile zanimljive, ali je ipak i ovo jedan od događaja čije je gledanje bolje prepustiti nekome poput nas. OpenAI je sličnu priču spakovao u prihvatljivih 25 min…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Sensibilidad y retroalimentación ¿Estás notando cambios en tu sensibilidad? ¿Juegas juegos internos para anular la retroalimentación de sentido común que recibes? ¿En qué confías más, en el ciclo de retroalimentación de la sensibilidad o en tus tendencias internas? ¿Qué ocurre cuando sigues tu sensibilidad? ¿Qué ocurre cuand…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Sensitivity and feedback Are you noticing changes in your sensitivity? Do you play internal games to override the common sense feedback you receive? Which do you trust more, the feedback sensitivity loop or your inner tendencies? What happens when you follow your sensitivity? What happens when you follow your tendencies? Do …
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Lower your Costs of ISO 27.001 and SOC 2 Compliance by up to 85% [with our Partner Vanta] Achieving ISO 27001 or SOC 2 compliance can unlock major growth for your company and build customer trust, but this process can be time-intensive and costly. Vanta automates compliance, getting you audit-ready quickly and saving you up to 85% of associated cos…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Distracciones La habilidad más importante a cultivar Las distracciones ocurrirán, tarde o temprano, unas pocas veces o innumerables. Incluso cuando nos distraemos, darnos cuenta de que nos distrajimos significa que estamos presentes, porque tomamos consciencia de que nuestra atención se alejó del punto focal previsto. Lo imp…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Distractions The most important skill to cultivate Distractions will happen, sooner or later, either a few times or countless times. Even when we get distracted , noticing that we got distracted indicates that we are present and that we are aware that our attention moved away from our intended focal point. What is important …
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Za dlaku smo izbegli ozbiljan problem skriven iza samo dva slova (XZ), Threads se povezao na fediverse, u Nemačkoj se prelazi na Linux, a Jony Ive traga sa novim iPhoneom. No, prve stvari prvo, brat Woo nastavlja sa pisanjem, ovoga puta na temu novog Questa, pa ako vas tema zanima, pravac na njegov blog. Jedna od nemačkih država odlučila je da pređ…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Rango de Consciencia - Consciencia abierta Consciencia abierta es receptividad a todo lo que trae cada momento ¿Sería útil mejorar nuestra capacidad de modular nuestra consciencia para poder elegir entre centrarnos en una idea o un objeto o simplemente estar en consciencia abierta? ¿Qué pasa si practicas este ejercicio varia…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Range of Awareness - Open awareness Open Awareness is the experience of being open to whatever each moment brings Would it be useful to grow in our ability to modulate our awareness so that we can choose to focus on an idea or object or just be in open awareness? What happens if you try this exercise several times? What do y…
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Welcome to our March 2024 wrap-up with vital news from the startup and tech entrepreneurship scenes in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in 30 minutes or less 🙂. Our startup news is recorded with Chris in New York City and Joe in Frankfurt. Recording date is March 25th 2024 and all news not included will be in our next news to be released on April …
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Rango de consciencia - concentración ¿Qué se siente cuando nuestra mente se concentra en una sola cosa? Explorando el rango de consciencia al enfocar nuestra mente sobre una sola cosa. Cuando intentamos concentrarnos en una sola cosa, la mayoría de nosotros descubrimos que nuestra mente se distrae con facilidad. Este ejercic…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Range of awareness - Concentration What does it feel like when our mind focuses on just one thing? Exploring the range of awareness by focusing our mind on a single object of concentration. When we try to concentrate on a single thing, most of us find that our minds are easily distracted. This exercise strengthens our abilit…
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Apple je sateran u ćošak, a borba veštačkih inteligencija za podatke je počela. Dok smo mi „spavali“ scena je obilovala aktivnošću, pa ova epizoda daje sve od sebe da uhvati korak sa njima. Među vestima izdvojila se i jedna važna, zvučni mag i brat Woo vratio se pisanju, pa ako vas zanimaju gejming i Nintendo, pravac na njegov blog. Hvala na slušan…
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Rango de consciencia y experiencias ¿Qué sucede cuando exploras tu Rango de Consciencia? La mayoría de nosotros descubrimos que desarrollar nuestra sensibilidad a los procesos naturales enriquece nuestras experiencias. En el yoga, intentamos expandir nuestra consciencia para poder participar en nuestras vidas de forma consci…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Rango foawareness and experiences What happens when you explore your Range of Awareness? Most of us find that developing our sensitivity to natural processes enriches our experiences. in yoga, we try to expand our awareness so that we can participate in our lives consciously and intentionally. We experience the world through…
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🚀 Welcome to – Your Ultimate Destination for Tech Entrepreneurship News! 🌟 Interested in Working with us? Have a look here: Subscribe Here In this episode, we dive deep into the latest tech and startup highlights shaping the landscape of innovation. Join us as we …
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Quejarse ¿Te quejas alguna vez? ¿De qué te quejas? ¿Es posible modular tus quejas? ¿Son nuestras quejas una forma de liberar una acumulación de tensión e irritación? ¿O es una expresión de frustración porque nuestras expectativas no corresponden con la situación en la que nos encontramos? El primer camino es una forma muy pr…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Complaining Do you ever complain? What do you complain about? Is it possible to modulate your complaining? Are our complaints a way to release a build-up of tension and irritation? Or is our complaining an expression of frustration because our expectations do not match the situation we find ourselves in? The first path is a …
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Tejiendo el Yoga Sutra: Cambiando de dirección - Elevar Practicando pratipaksha bhavana en nuestras vidas A simple and effective way to turn unhelpful tendencies around. Notice the tendencies and replace them with life affirming and uplifting tendencies. Would it be possible that cultivating an uplifting attitude makes us feel happy and radiant? Ar…
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Weaving the Yoga Sutra: Changing direction - Uplift Practicing pratipaksha bhavana in our lives A simple and effective way to turn unhelpful tendencies around. Notice the tendencies and replace them with life affirming and uplifting tendencies. Would it be possible that cultivating an uplifting attitude makes us feel happy and radiant? Are you curi…
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