Hope Sabbath School
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Loma Linda University Church is a Seventh-day Adventist church in Loma Linda, CA. This is a podcast recording of the weekly online Sabbath School service.
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Learning how we grafted into Yahushua! Learning to become Israel. Keeping the feast, keeping Shabbat, and following Torah. Getting rid of the Levan of mans teachings!
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The audio version of the Seventh-day Adventist weekly Bible study guides.
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Weekly programs in Nepali about Spiritual life
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Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to [email protected] .
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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website www.bdsda.com to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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Daily Sabbath School Lesson in Indonesian, from Adventist World Radio
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Into the Void: A Black Sabbath Podcast is a podcast discussing all things Black Sabbath and related. Interviews, guests, deep dives into albums and thought provoking discussions on the greatest band of all time Black Sabbath.
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A Hora do Sabbat é um espaço de expressão, visibilidade e pluralidade de vozes da mulher arteira e fazedora. A única revista feminista colaborativa no seu radinho! Aqui tem toda nossa produção incluindo os podcasts DDD Detalhes do Disco Dela, Mulheres de lá pra, Seleta da Semana (playlist) e especiais... Conheça mais sobre a gente http://horadosabbat.com.br Horários no 📻: 📻 Silva 3°feira 7PM 📻 Graviola 4°feira 3PM 📻 Alma Londrina 5° 12PM 📻 Pagu 6°feira 9PM 📻 Aurora Recife: Sábado 12PM 📻 Eixo ...
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A free conversational study of the Sabbath School quarterly hosted by Jonathan Gallagher
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Lors de mon congé sabbatique académique en 2020-2021, en collaboration avec Patricia Teixidor, nous avons produit une série de podcasts. À travers ces interviews, notre objectif a été de donner une voix aux scientifiques de tout âge des universités africaines que j’ai pu visiter durant mon congé. Quels sont leurs rêves ? Quels défis rencontrent-elles et ils au quotidien ? Que désirent-elles et ils pouvoir changer dans leur environnement ? De plus, vous trouverez ici aussi des interviews réal ...
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You hear me talk about politics video games and a lot more
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Climbing Kilimanjaro July 2019.
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La révision de la leçon de l'Ecole Du Sabbat | Revizyon leson lekol saba a.
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Sabbath Day' on SermonAudio.
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A Sabbagraphy for the masses! Now that The End has come and gone, I’ve decided to put myself and any other willing Supernauts through Heaven & Hell! Exploring the music and impact of the band Black Sabbath. Listen in and follow on twitter @sabbathbloodypc or contact the show at [email protected]. Bog blast all of you!
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Listen to the commentary on the Sabbath School Quarterly by the North New South Wales Conference Sabbath School Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
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Sabbath School Shout Out gives you the opportunity to hear from local church Sabbath school leaders and teachers from around our NNSW conference.
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In this series, we're taking you through the centuries to supersonic years! We'll be going through all of the original Black Sabbath studio albums, discussing them song by song. We'll do other reactions, commentaries, analyses, and discussions as well! We want to build a community of Black Sabbath lovers, and really dive deep into why we love them so much. So take my hand and we'll go riding as we observe the Sabbath.
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Sabbathways brings you glimpses of historical religious writings from diverse traditions throughout the U.S. and beyond. It is one part religious story time, one part electric organ dreamscape with a dash of historical context. Every episode offers a different religious tradition’s texts—texts that explore the meaning of life, the presence of God, our place in society and beyond. These texts speak to current day issues and are enlivened by a song on the organ. sabbathways.org
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Du planst dein Sabbatical oder träumst schon länger davon, eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Tun und lassen was dir gefällt und dein Leben neu ordnen. Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Der Drang aus altbekannten Strukturen auszubrechen ist menschlich und auch oft sinnvoll. Beim Sabbatical Podcast erfährst du alles, was du für die Verwirklichung deines Traumes benötigst. Egal wie alt du bist und womit du dein Geld verdienst, ich zeige dir zusammen mit meinen Interviewgästen, wie du dich optimal auf dein ...
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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a podcast encouraging listeners to think deeper about God and faith. find us on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.
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In response to the grace of God, Christ City Church is joining Christ in his work of redemption in Washington, DC, and the world. Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God on display in DC, in every life and every sphere of life.
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After a long hard week at work, start your Saturday morning with the Mike Johnson and Cathy Boldeau, for the Sabbath Breakfast. From 7:00 until 9:00am, listen to the best in Gospel music, learn from the words of resident pastor, Ian Sweeney with the weekly Scripture Smash, be inspired by the Morning Message from international speakers, and hear the testimonies of a variety of guests.
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Hora do Sabbat - Especial 7 anos - Economia Criativa
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
28:50Sete anos de resistência, arte e conexões! Neste episódio especial, Sarah Mascarenhas e Elayne Bione, agora co-apresentadoras do Hora do Sabbat, celebram essa trajetória e mergulham no universo da economia criativa.Como a cultura se transforma em potência econômica? Como artistas e fazedoras podem fortalecer suas trajetórias nesse ecossistema? Com …
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अय्यूबको पुस्तकमा, हामीलाई महान् विवादको वास्तविकतामा केही रोचक अन्तर्दृष्टिहरू दिइएको छ।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्वमा आकाशीय शासकहरूको व्यापक दृष्टिकोण प्रकाशको पुस्तकमा समेटिएको छ, जहाँ शैतानलाई "ठूलो अजिङ्गर" को रूपमा चित्रण गरिएको छ जसले परमेश्वरको विरोध गर्छ र "सारा संसारलाई धोका दिन्छ"।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Yesaya menyanyikan nyanyian tentang kekasihnya, sebuah kebun anggur. Pemilik kebun anggur adalah Allah sendiri, dan kebun anggur melambangkan umat Allah.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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بقلم Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
5:24Ketika kita merenungkan Salib dan seluruh pekerjaan Allah dalam rencana penebusan, pahami bahwa pekerjaan Allah meyakinkan kita akan kasih Allah, sekalipun di tengah pencobaan dan penderitaan.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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हामीले देखेझैं, राष्ट्रहरूका झूटा “देवताहरू” भेषमा रहेका राक्षसहरू थिए। अनि अन्यत्र हामी प्रमाण देख्छौं कि कहिलेकाहीं पार्थिव शासकहरूको पछाडि राक्षसी स्वर्गीय शासकहरू हुन्छन्। परमेश्वरले पठाएका स्वर्गदूतहरूलाई पनि शत्रुको सेनाले विरोध गर्न सक्छ।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Moral Perfection is not Possible with Man, but It Is Possible with God
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
6:18What is our moral potential according to Jesus? In Mark 10:17-20, Jesus tells His disciples that moral perfection is necessary in order to receive everlasting life, and that although this is impossible with man, moral perfection is possible with God’s help. For more study, see: “What Jesus Taught About Doing Right and Wrong,” by Trent Wilde https:/…
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Satan is known as the father of lies. In this lesson we will dig into Jesus' response to Satan's lies. What can we learn from the parable of the vineyard? What does Paul say will be the final confession of all?
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Raja alam semesta yang sebenarnya adalah Yesus Kristus. Yesus memberikan kemenangan bagi kita, di dalam Dia kita memperoleh kemenangan, bahkan di tengah kesukaran dan penderitaan. Pekerjaan Kristus melawan musuh pada setiap kesempatan.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्वको प्रकृति प्रकट गर्ने एउटा शक्तिशाली कथा १ राजा १८:१९-४० मा पाउन सकिन्छ, कार्मेल पर्वतमा एलिया, जहाँ परमप्रभुले तथाकथित "राष्ट्रहरूका देवताहरू" लाई पर्दाफास गर्नुहुन्छ।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Join Miguel Mendez and Joey Oh for the lesson study this week.بقلم Loma Linda University Church
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Ketika semua upaya kita untuk mendapatkan jawaban gagal, kita dapat memandang Yesus di kayu salib dan melihat di dalam Dia bahwa Allah dapat dipercaya, sekalipun banyak pertanyaan yang masih belum terjawab hingga saat ini.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Many struggle with the question: If God is good, why is there so much suffering? Where is He in the midst of pain? The cosmic conflict helps shed light on this crucial issue, yet many questions remain. But when our search for answers falls short, we can look to Jesus on the cross and see that God is trustworthy, even when some questions remain unan…
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بقلم Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Are there rules for the Cosmic Conflict? The lesson this week sets out to explore the "rules of engagement" in the conflict between God and Satan. Is this a helpful framing of the situation if Satan - the great deceiver - disregards any rules and tries to cheat? The idea has value in attempting to explain why God might not step in sometimes as we w…
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Ketika umat Allah dengan rendah hati memohon pertolongan kepada Sang Penakluk yang perkasa, yang paling lemah sekalipun, namun percaya pada kebenaran, dan dengan teguh bersandar pada Kristus, dapat berhasil mengusir iblis dan seluruh pasukannya.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Ada batasan atau aturan main, yang secara dinamis terkait dengan iman dan doa.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Dalam pertentangan kosmis, iblis dan pengikutnya untuk sementara diberikan wilayah kekuasaan yang signifikan di dunia ini, dibatasi berdasarkan beberapa aturan main.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Iblis mendatangkan banyak malapetaka terhadap rumah tangga Ayub, namun dalam setiap kasus malapetaka itu Ayub terus memuji nama Allah, membuktikan bahwa tuduhan iblis itu palsu.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Iblis digambarkan sebagai "naga besar" yang menentang Allah dan "menyesatkan seluruh dunia", berperang melawan Allah dan hamba-hamba-Nya, juga digambarkan sebagai penguasa di balik kerajaan duniawi yang menganiaya umat Allah sepanjang zaman.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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This week's lesson delves into the influence of Satan and his fallen angels on our lives. Why does God allow this influence? What protections or limitations are there? How has God assured our victory?
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‘Allah palsu’ para bangsa adalah setan-setan yang menyamar. Penguasa jahat di udara terkadang berada di belakang penguasa duniawi. Malaikat utusan Allah ditentang oleh kekuatan musuh, "tertahan" oleh "pangeran kerajaan Persia" selama tiga minggu penuh.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Torah Observance & Once Saved Always Saved, Was Korah Saved? Sheol, sermon by Jeff Schwarzentraub.
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
30:13In this thought-provoking Sabbath Lounge discussion, we tackle key issues surrounding Torah observance, the 'Once Saved Always Saved' doctrine, and the fate of Korah in Scripture. We explore the tension between modern Christian views and the deeper teachings found in the Torah, particularly as it relates to how we observe the Sabbath and other bibl…
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Is It Possible to be Morally Perfect? (Jesus’ Teaching on Repentance Using Fruit Trees)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
4:35Is it possible to always do the right thing and always avoid doing wrong? Many Christians think this is impossible, nor the standard for the Christian here in this life. But what we will look at in this podcast is one teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 4:17 and 7:16-18, and also in Luke 6:43-44, that dispels the idea that Jesus thought moral perfec…
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Jadi, di balik "allah-allah" palsu bangsa-bangsa, sebenarnya ada iblis yang menyamar. Ini berarti bahwa semua ayat Kitab Suci yang membahas penyembahan berhala dan dewa-dewa asing adalah ayat-ayat "pertentangan kosmis".بقلم Adventist World Radio
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हामीले परमेश्वर र शैतान बीचको ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्व सिकाउने केही खण्डहरू देखेका छौं। तर यस्तो द्वन्द्व कसरी सम्भव छ? सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वरको विरोध कसले गर्न सक्छبقلم Adventist World Radio
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For the cosmic conflict to occur, God must allow the enemy some freedom and power within certain parameters, though the details are unknown to us. Even God's angels operate within these "rules of engagement." Understanding that God governs by love, not coercion, helps us grasp this concept and better understand the great controversy.…
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بقلم Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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What about celebrating what God does, more than analysing what he might not prevent? This conversation grows out of the previous episode, revisiting the idea of comparing or weighing good versus evil in the world. In a profound sense it seems that goodness really must outweigh all the suffering. This is the fundamental core of hope in the Christian…
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येशू र प्रलोभन बीच हडताल मुठभेड, धेरै द्वन्द्व को प्रकृति को बारे मा प्रकट गरिएको छ। यहाँ हामी ख्रीष्ट र शैतान बीचको ठूलो विवादको वास्तविकता देख्छौं, तर कडा र ग्राफिक सर्तहरूमा खेलेको छ।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Demi kebaikan seluruh alam semesta sepanjang zaman kekekalan, tuduhan iblis bagi pemerintahan Ilahi harus bisa dilihat dalam terang yang benar oleh semua makhluk ciptaan, sehingga keadilan, kemurahan, keteguhan hukum Allah tak dipertanyakan lagi selamanyaبقلم Adventist World Radio
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التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
6:12Sejak awal iblis menuduh Allah tidak benar-benar adil & penuh kasih, hukum Allah menindas & menyakiti. Yesus datang "memberi kesaksian tentang kebenaran", melawan kebohongan & fitnah iblis, mengalahkan, pada akhirnya, membinasakan iblis & kuasanya.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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यस खण्डका अनुसार, दुष्टताको उत्पत्ति र ब्रह्माण्ड द्वन्द्व स्वर्गबाट सुरु भयो।उहाँ पतन हुनु अघि, शैतान भनेर चिनिने प्राणी एक ढाक्ने करूब थियो। यो करूबको रूपमा पहिचान हुनुभन्दा बाहिर, उहाँ "" सिद्धताको छाप हुनुहुन्थ्यो,بقلم Adventist World Radio
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John and Darin discuss the live Black Sabbath album "Reunion" which features the return of all four original members. To support the podcast you can make a donation at: https://ko-fi.com/intothevoidablacksabbathpodcast “Lair Of The Alchemist” on Youtube for more metal and hard rock discussion. Also check out: “Kicked In The Teeth: An AC/DC Podcast”…
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दृष्टान्तको प्रश्नको समानान्तर - मालिकले राम्रो बीउ मात्र रोपेको भए खेतमा खराब बीउ किन हुन्छ - अर्को प्रश्न हो: यदि परमेश्वरले संसारलाई पूर्ण रूपमा राम्रो बनाउनुभयो भने, यहाँ खराबी कसरी उत्पन्न भयो?بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Asal usul kejahatan & pertentangan kosmis dimulai di surga. Lucifer, pada mulanya "sempurna sejak hari ia diciptakan sampai terdapat kecurangan padanya, Yeh. 28: 15. Yang sempurna bisa jatuh, sebab "sempurna" mencakup kebebasan moral memilih sejatiبقلم Adventist World Radio
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येशूले आफ्नो खेतमा असल बीउ मात्र रोप्ने जग्गाधनीको कथा सुनाउनुहुन्छ। तर, गहुँमा सामा उब्जिन्छ। यो देखेर मालिकका नोकरहरूले उहाँलाई सोध्छन्, ''''महाराज, तपाईंले आफ्नो खेतमा असल बीउ छर्नुभएन? त्यसोभए यसमा सामा कसरी हुन्छ?" 'بقلم Adventist World Radio
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Kebohongan tentang karakter Allah yang dimunculkan oleh ular, lblis itu sendiri. Ular secara langsung membantah apa yang telah Allah katakan, dengan berkata kepada Hawa, "Kamu tidak akan mati", Kej. 3: 4.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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बाइबलीय धर्मशास्त्रको केन्द्रबिन्दु ख्रीष्ट र शैतान बीचको ठूलो विवाद हो। यद्यपि भगवान र स्वर्गीय प्राणीहरू बीचको ब्रह्माण्डीय द्वन्द्वको विचार जो भगवानको विरुद्धमा लडेका छन् र विद्रोह गरेका छन्, यसको एक प्रमुख आकृति हो।بقلم Adventist World Radio
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There is a conflict between good and evil. How did it start? How did we get in the middle of it? This lesson will answer these questions and take a look at the armor God offers us as protection.
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Kejahatan adalah akibat dari musuh, Iblis, yang melawan tuannya. "Seorang musuh yang melakukannya" Mat 13: 28. Allah pada akhirnya akan mengakhiri kejahatan, namun mencabut sebelum waktunya akan mengakibatkan kerusakan permanen yang merugikan kebaikan.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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February 22, 2025: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
54:18Join Miguel Mendez and Joey Oh for the lesson study this week.بقلم Loma Linda University Church
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Torah Observance, Meaning of Israel, Observation of Sabbath, Feast Days, featuring Jeff Schwarzentraub
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
49:03In this week's Sabbath Lounge discussion, we examine the complex relationship between modern Christianity and Torah observance, specifically focusing on Exodus 23:10-33. Jeff Schwarzentraub's message on the keys to spiritual growth. Rest and worship are explored in depth, but we also address the ongoing debate about what it truly means to observe t…
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Tema pertentangan kosmis, di mana kerajaan Allah dilawan oleh lblis dan para malaikatnya, bukan sesuatu yang bisa kita abaikan. Injil saja penuh dengan referensi tentang Iblis dan setan-setan yang menentang Allah.بقلم Adventist World Radio
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The theme of a cosmic conflict, in which the kingdom of God is opposed by the devil and his angels, is not one that we can neglect without missing a great deal of what the biblical narratives are about. The Gospels alone are filled with references to the devil and demons who oppose God. This week, we will address how the two following questions mig…
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بقلم Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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