If you are looking to buy or sell a home, get all the information and the latest updates, tips, and tricks from Belladonna Riso - your professional Utah Real Estate Agent.
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Do you know what the globalist elite are planning? Do you know what is being taught to your children? Do you look at the world not knowing what is right in front of you? Take the scales off of your eyes and learn the truth in this informative podcast about the culture war you didn’t even know you were in.
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Questo podcast ha lo scopo di semplificare una vicenda molto complessa, quella dell’unificazione italiana. Semplificare vuol dire mirare alla sostanza lasciando perdere i fronzoli e gli artificiosi grovigli. Ha l’ambizione insomma di cercare una risposta sobria a una domanda precisa: come è avvenuta l’unità d’Italia? Le 15 puntate vogliono dunque essere utili a chi non ha né il tempo, né la pazienza per avventurarsi in libroni straripanti di pagine zeppe di informazioni, e però non si accont ...
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Per ogni problema esiste una soluzione!< Per trovarla, a volte, basta cercare un punto di vista diverso, essere creativi e aperti alle idee... Anche quelle più strampalate! Solo così possiamo trovare il “mattoncino” mancante: l'incastro perfetto che risolve la situazione svelando nuove inattese opportunità. In ogni puntata di "Brick Twist - Quando i mattoncini LEGO mi hanno risolto un problema", Vic incontra ospiti molto speciali: tutte persone che sono state capaci di creare un ponte tra il ...
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Vieni e seguitami: Risorse per l’apprendimento dei giovani | SD | ITALIAN
chiesa di gesù cristo dei santi degli ultimi giorni
This podcast is a simple and convenient way to share the videos from Come, Follow Me on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. It features the videos for the monthly gospel topic youth are studying in Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School.
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Election Interference Or Too Big To Rig?
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34:25#election #trump #harris #2024election #theagendawithcrystalrisotti #theagenda #crystalrisotti The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 20! This election is likely to be the most contested in history. Over 165 lawsuits have been filed. Did you know about the ‘quiet period’ guidance issued by the DOJ in September? And the following lawsuits that occu…
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What Do They Want? The Democrat Party Platform!
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1:19:46The Agenda with Crystal Risotti , Episode 19! With the upcoming election, it’s imperative that you know the party platforms because no matter what the candidates say, they commit to upholding the party platforms! We already covered the Republican Party Platform, and now we will cover the Democrat Party Platform. Often the rhetoric from the candidat…
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Take A Look! The Republican Party Platform!
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1:08:46#republicanparty #republican #platform #gop #theagendawithcrystalrisotti #theagenda #crystalrisotti #joshuacummins #revolverbroadcasting The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 18 With the upcoming election, let’s investigate the party platforms! Often the rhetoric from the candidates is the basis for peoples’ choice in voting for a candidate, but …
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Policy Showdown! Trump Vs Kamala!
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1:06:27#donaldtrump #kamalaharris #policies #pandering #trumpvance #harriswalls The Agenda With Crystal Risotti! Episode 17! Let’s take a look at the campaign websites of former President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. You will see stark differences in their plans for sure! Don’t be a low-information voter - dive into this election seas…
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Trump Assassination Attempt Timeline
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1:04:30In depth report on the events leading up to the assassination attempt by Thomas Crooks and what could have been done to of corrected all of the missteps by secret service that fateful day. References: Blackrock commercial - https://youtu.be/SoJ7HHkvtBE?si=suJ-1eHldYB8N4Dl Registerd Republican: https://www.reddit.com/r/DemHoosiers/comments/1ckyv67/o…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti: Episode 15! See what’s new, and what updates have occurred to previously discussed topics. Updates include: Title IX Student Loan Forgiveness WHO/Pandemic Treaty DEI/ESG Scores (Tractor Supply) If you missed prior episodes, please go back and watch them. References: Associated Press Title IX report for original bloc…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 14! Religion and politics: The two things we are told not to discuss. Yet, these are two of the most important things that explain who we are. They reveal our worldview. And, they are not separable. Find out what God says about Christian citizenship and our responsibility as Christians to be involved with pol…
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A Change of Plans-Detrans! Part 3
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1:11:41The Agenda with Crystal Risotti episode 13! Who or what is behind the push for gender ideology? What are detransitioners saying about their struggles? How many detrains people are there? In this episode, we will dive into the issues that face detransitioners. We’ll take a look at WPATH and what they’re saying in the SOC-8 standard of care. And hope…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti episode 12! Who or what is behind the push for gender ideology? What are detransitioners saying about their struggles? How many detrans people are there? In this episode, we will look at what some detransitioners are saying to warn others about the struggles they have or are experiencing. We’ll dive into the issues t…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti, episode 11! Society representation of gender ideology includes the mantra “You don’t accept me for who I am.” Why is there such an increase in gender dysphoria? Why is it higher for FtM than for MtF? What are the factors? In this episode, we will look at what some detransitioners are saying to warn others about the …
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Cosplay, Conventions, and Furries-Oh My!
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1:15:50The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 10! The culture war is full of influences for our kids. Cosplay, conventions (CONS), and Furries are not only an influence, but also a result, of the culture war. We are expected to guard our minds. Learn about these topics and the pros and cons, and how to protect your children. References List of 2023 Conve…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti, Episode 9! There are many influences that can contribute to gender dysphoria: social media, anime and manga, chat rooms (ie., discord, reddit), etc. It’s a subculture. My position is not that correlation is causation: it’s simply that there are influences that are risks. It’s up to parents to decide what the risk is…
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Transgender Ideology and Title IX
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1:00:46The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 8! Title IX was just updated by the Biden administration to redefine gender to include trans. Watch this episode for a dive into some of the influences regarding transgenderism and LGBTQ+ ideology. Learn about: - Risks of treatments on minors - Title IX changes How does this affect our children? What does the…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 7! What is gender ideology? What is the history? Why has it gained momentum in recent history? Is gender ideology legitimate? What does the Bible say about it? How does gender ideology align with the Communist Goals and big pharma? Find out how gender ideology became such a behemoth in our culture, infiltrati…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 6! In the past few decades, we have seen a decline in education. Who is behind this decline? What is the reasoning behind the decline? Why is there an agenda for the decline? How did it occur? - Communist goals - UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) In this episode, Crystal informs on CASEL and…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 5! In the past few decades, we have seen a decline in education. Who is behind this decline? What is the reasoning behind the decline? Why is there an agenda for the decline? How did it occur? In this episode, Crystal will cover how the decline aligns with the Communist Goals and the United Nations Sustainabl…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 4! In this episode, Crystal explains how healthcare is a global initiative by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Goals through the collaboration with the World Health Organization. While the UN focuses on mental and physical health, spiritual health is also affected. The health-oriented Sustain…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 3! In this episode, Crystal discusses the global economy, including the United Nations World Economic Forum, and BRICS. Crystal elaborates on ESG scores and how they affect us, social credit scores and the initiation into the United States, inflation, digital currency, and what we need to know. Crystal challe…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 2! In this episode, Crystal revisits the sovereignty of the United States contrasted with globalism and the United Nations, and the Communist Goals read into the Congressional record in 1963. She also highlights and exposes the problem with public-private partnerships, which are trending in our government and…
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The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 1
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39:56Episode 1! In this episode Crystal tells you her testimony in Christ. She tells you about her Christian upbringing, going wayward, relationships in between, and a few hardships. She will give you the motivation for her research and reveal what she has unearthed. We are fighting a culture war. For Christians and nonbelievers alike, this is a must li…
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Episodio 6: Le chiavi della discordia
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10:29Perdere le chiavi, o dimenticarsi dove sono, è il grande problema di Pietro: e dopo la sua ennesima distrazione, la sorella gemella Alice capisce che è ora di trovare una soluzione. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.بقلم OnePodcast
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Un giorno, la rampa che permette a Giulia, su una sedia a rotelle, di accedere all'edificio della scuola sparisce. E anche se tutti si impegnano ad aiutarla, Giulia vuole recuperare la sua autonomia il prima possibile e trovare un modo alternativo per superare quei 5 gradini. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Laura e Sergio, da poco trasferitisi in campagna, hanno finalmente potuto realizzare il sogno della figlia Gaia: regalarle un gattino. I due sono inseparabili, ma quando Gumble, il micio, sparisce, i tre si devono ingegnare per trovare il modo di farlo tornare a casa. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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La giornata sembra essere rovinata quando l'amato orsacchiotto di Virginia, ereditato dal fratello maggiore Federico, finisce su un albero. La situazione sembra irrecuperabile; ma non per Federico, che farebbe di tutto per riportare il peluche tra le braccia della sorellina. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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La cena organizzata da Paolo nel ristorante della sorella Samanta rischia di andare in fumo dopo un brutto cortocircuito. Ma ecco che Stefano, figlio di Paolo, ha un'idea geniale che cambia le sorti di un disastro annunciato. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.بقلم OnePodcast
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Mario e Irma sono due giovani artisti che stanno finalmente realizzando il loro sogno: aprire un atelier creativo. L'inaugurazione dello spazio si avvicina e la ditta incaricata di metterlo a posto sparisce. E proprio quando sembra che tutto sia perduto, una soluzione inaspettata compare davanti agli occhi dei due. See omnystudio.com/listener for p…
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Per ogni problema esiste una soluzione! Per trovarla, a volte, basta cercare un punto di vista diverso, essere creativi e aperti alle idee... Anche quelle più strampalate! Solo così possiamo trovare il “mattoncino” mancante: l'incastro perfetto che risolve la situazione svelando nuove inattese opportunità. In ogni puntata di "Brick Twist - Quando i…
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How can the Nonviolent Communication Method by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg improve your life? Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Conflict resolution is a major aspect of my job. I want to share some of the top communication strategies I use to get people working together. Most of the stra…
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If you have a business or a service you’re promoting, you have to know how to utilize social media properly. Here are five tips on how to do that. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Did you know that—according to a recent study—a whopping 79% of adults are on social media? If you hav…
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If you’re concerned that we might be looking at a new housing bubble, here are some market statistics to put your mind at ease. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Are we looking at a new housing bubble here in Utah? It’s a question a lot of people are asking because—in case you didn’…
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Tax season is right around the corner, so today, I want to highlight some potential tax breaks you should ask your tax professional about. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Tax season is nearly upon us, so today, I wanted to touch on some of the lesser-known benefits of owning a hom…
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Want to enjoy some holiday festivities without spending your brains out this Christmas? I have five ideas that are both fun and budget-friendly for families to do this season. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Today I wanted to give you five cool ideas for things you can do this Chr…
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Selling your home during the holidays here in Utah is a great idea. Buyers are more motivated now than they are at any other time of year. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Why should you list your home right before the holidays here in Utah? Most people think that they should wait …
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Halloween may be over, but that doesn't mean I can't take advantage of this fortune teller costume to cast some predictions about the future of the Utah housing market. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Since I dressed up as a fortune teller for Halloween, I thought it was all too f…
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Home sellers don’t have to disclose whether their home is haunted under the Stigmatized State Property Act. What can you do if you encounter unwanted visitors? Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. There is a funny state law that most folks aren’t aware of. It’s called the Utah Stigmati…
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When you prepare to sell your house, there are a lot of positive changes you can make without spending a lot of money. Today, I'm going over five things that will improve your home before you sell. Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Today I wanted to give you some really great things…
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I’m excited to be joined today by Loran Brumley who worked as a SWAT officer and in corrections for more than 20 years. He’s here to give us some tips for keeping your home safe. For starters, Loran says, criminals aren’t as smart as we think they are! Most burglars don’t have elaborate plans like you see in the movies, but rather knock on doors, a…
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Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. I wanted to talk today about the topic of winning a bidding war and competing against multiple other offers on a home. I have five tips to offer to help you win, because the competition right now is fierce. Come in with the right mindset. Treat the …
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Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. My name is Belladonna Riso and I'm a broker here at Century 21. Thanks for taking a moment with me on my blog. "Why should I hire you and your team?" is the question I get asked the most. Well, we're going to sell your home for the most money the ma…
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Want to sell your home? Get a FREE home value report. Want to buy a home? Search all homes for sale. Ah, the infamous Zestimate. It's Zillow's value estimate for homes. Why do people have such strong opinions on it? Well, it has to do with the accuracy of the info. We find that the Zestimate is typically off by up to 15% from the actual sales price…
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15 L'Italia é fatta, i problemi restano
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8:44L'Italia è fatta, Mancano gli italiani; Uno Stato poco democratico; Il futuro è legato al passato.
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La terza guerra d'indipendenza La questione di Roma capitale Garibaldi ferito sull'Aspromonte Firenze capitale e il Sillabo La sconfitta di Mentana
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13 Il brigantaggio e i problemi finanziari
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13:47La morte di Cavour; Destra e Sinistra storica; il brigantaggio; il problema finanziario.
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12 La battaglia del Volturno e la proclamazione dell'unità
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8:33Garibaldi entra a Napoli; la battaglia del Volturno e l'incontro di Teano; la proclamazione dell'unità.
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Garibaldi e i Mille; la conquista della Sicilia; l'episodio di Bronte e la battaglia di Milazzo.
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La seconda guerra d'indipendenza; le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale; l'armistizio di Villafranca; l'annessione di Toscana ed Emilia-Romagna.
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Il fallimento di Pisacane e la Società nazionale; i patti con la Francia.
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8 La fine dell'isolamento del Regno di Sardegna
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7:16La crisi "calabiana" e il primato del Parlamento; la guerra di Crimea.
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La figura di Cavour; il connubio Cavour-Rattazzi.
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6 La fine della prima guerra d'indipendenza e la resa di Venezia
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7:52La fine di Carlo Alberto; la resa di Venezia; la ribellione di Genova e la pace di Milano.
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