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KOPPLA AV med Johan & Ramona

Johan & Ramona

I vår podd pratar vi om livet som det är – utan filter. Relationer, vardagspusslet, psykisk ohälsa och allt däremellan. Vi, Johan och Ramona, delar med oss av våra erfarenheter, tankar och utmaningar, både som par och som individer. Häng med oss för ärliga samtal, skratt och kanske en och annan insikt!
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MVCC Ramona Sermons

Mountain View Community Church

A collection of the sermons preached at Mountain View Community Church in Ramona. Never miss a great message from God, or go back and listen to your favorites.
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The Cosmic Cuppa With Ramona Oliver

Ramona Oliver

Get ready for a cosmic rendezvous on The Cosmic Cuppa! I'm Ramona Oliver, the mystic maestro from RO’s Glow Healing, and brace yourself for a dose of spirituality, metaphysical mayhem, and life served with a side of sass. Grab a seat, darling, it's time to sip on a Cosmic Cuppa!
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Dieser Podcast richtet sich an alle die sich zum Thema Engel und andere spirituelle Themen informieren wollen. Es gibt Engelbotschaften, Interviews von Menschen über Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen mit Engelerlebnissen, Engelaffirmationen und anderes. Ich werde einmal im Monat meine Radiosendung Engelkontakt, hier als Podcast ohne Musik veröffentlichen. Bist du neugierig geworden, dann einschalten und ich wünsche viel Vergnügen beim Hören. www.heilpraxis-radsch.de www.engelkontakt-heilung.de A ...
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Matt & Ramona Off Air

Matt & Ramona

A powerhouse in the Carolina's Queen City for 13 years, The Matt & Ramona Show has been nominated for radio's prestigious Marconi Award multiple times, as well as being voted "Best Radio Show" by Charlotte Magazine in 2013 and 2015. Comfortable in front of the camera as well, Matt and Ramona spent four years as co-hosts on Fox News Edge. Ramona also co-hosted Charlotte Today on NBC for 2 years and currently, Matt co-hosts The Edge on WCCB. 580084
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Join legendary New York graffiti artist and graphic illustrator Futura along with Adobe + (RED) Student Design Competition winner Ramona Ring of Hamburg, Germany, as they discuss their design for the digital album cover of the forthcoming "Dance (RED) Save Lives 2" compilation.
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Join filmmakers Ramona S. Diaz, Joshua Green, and Capella Fahoome as they discuss their new documentary, "Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey." The film chronicles the rock-n-roll fairy tale story of Filipino Arnel Pineda, who was plucked from YouTube to become the front man for the iconic American rock band, Journey.
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show series
Ramona snackar rövtumörer och Johan har ångrat sig. Instagram poddinsta: https://www.instagram.com/kopp1a.av/ Johan: https://www.instagram.com/juanito_johansson/ Ramona: https://www.instagram.com/ramonasolfrid.jo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Swedens-Most-Wantedبقلم Johan & Ramona
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Sermon on Galatians 4:21-31, where Paul applies the story of Sarah & Hagar and their respective sons (Isaac & Ishmael) allegorically, showing that it is those who believe who are the true children of God in the line of Abraham & Isaac, while all who seek justification through the law are the spiritual descendants (so to speak) of Ishmael and are ch…
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Sermon on Galatians 4:21-31, where Paul applies the story of Sarah & Hagar and their respective sons (Isaac & Ishmael) allegorically, showing that it is those who believe who are the true children of God in the line of Abraham & Isaac, while all who seek justification through the law are the spiritual descendants (so to speak) of Ishmael and are ch…
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Sermon on Galatians 4:12-20, where Paul contrasts the Galatian believers' initial reception of him and his message of the gospel with their current turning away. He also shows us the care that he had for them as a true pastor, as opposed to the false motives and zeal of the false teachers among them.…
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Sermon on Galatians 4:12-20, where Paul contrasts the Galatian believers' initial reception of him and his message of the gospel with their current turning away. He also shows us the care that he had for them as a true pastor, as opposed to the false motives and zeal of the false teachers among them.…
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Manipulation comes in many forms, but in all its various forms it is always a matter of control and it always plays on the desires of the other person. The manipulator plays on the other person’s desire for love and acceptance. Manipulation plays on the other person’s desire for safety and security for themselves and for others they love.…
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The delay of Jesus’ second coming is not evidence of a failed prophecy, but the manifestation of God’s loving patience. The delay has and is giving opportunity for people from every tribe, tongue and nation to be reconciled to God. God wants a big family with Him in the New Heaven and the New Earth (3:13)! It is our privilege to serve God’s patient…
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Johan får gubb-nog & Ramona håller med. Instagram poddinsta: https://www.instagram.com/kopp1a.av/ Johan: https://www.instagram.com/juanito_johansson/ Ramona: https://www.instagram.com/ramonasolfrid.jo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Swedens-Most-Wantedبقلم Johan & Ramona
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Contrary to the contention that everything has continued the same since God created all things by His Word, Peter points out that God destroyed all things by His Word and with water through the Flood. Though the false teachers deliberately leave out the Flood, Peter makes clear a cataclysmic event of judgment happened in the past and that another i…
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Vi är tillbaka efter en jobbig januari som går mot sitt slut! Idag blire kul, sorgligt och ännu mer kul! Instagram poddinsta: https://www.instagram.com/kopp1a.av/ Johan: https://www.instagram.com/juanito_johansson/ Ramona: https://www.instagram.com/ramonasolfrid.jo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Swedens-Most-Wanted…
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Sermon on Philippians 3:14, where the Apostle Paul exhorts us to press on toward the mark of the upward call in Christ Jesus, seeking to attain even to the measure of the resurrection in our holiness & fellowship with the Lord, as it were.بقلم Rob Franklin
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False teachers are doomed for destruction. As they introduce destructive heresies, they are “bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” (2:1). Their judgment is certain: “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” (2:3).بقلم Nelson, Paul
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In verse 10, Peter calls these false teachers bold and willful. Together, these words describe people who are recklessly and ruthlessly determined to have their own way. Their arrogance is driven by claims to have received direct revelation from God by means of dreams. Jude notes that "relying on their dreams" these false teachers will blaspheme/sl…
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Johan har en gnäll o snäll lista & Ramona är nöjd med allt förutom när Johan avbryter. Instagram poddinsta: https://www.instagram.com/kopp1a.av/ Johan: https://www.instagram.com/juanito_johansson/ Ramona: https://www.instagram.com/ramonasolfrid.jo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Swedens-Most-Wanted…
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These false teachers will secretly bring in what Peter calls "destructive heresies". Originally heresy meant "to make a choice", but over time and usage it came to mean "a sect, or party". The false teachers will be divisive because their teachings will cause division and schism within the church family instead of unity (Eph. 4:1-6).…
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Ramona & Johan sätter sig ner för att svara på tittarnas frågor! Instagram poddinsta: https://www.instagram.com/kopp1a.av/ Johan: https://www.instagram.com/juanito_johansson/ Ramona: https://www.instagram.com/ramonasolfrid.joبقلم Johan & Ramona
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Sermon on 2 Corinthians 8:9, where Paul teaches us that the grace of giving (as well as the grace of living unto God) must be grounded in the grace of our Lord Jesus toward us and all of the blessings and spiritual riches that we have in Him.بقلم Pastor Andy Schreiber
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