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As we continue our study in John 14, we unpack how the Holy Spirit is to be our helper according to Jesus. First, He is a Constant Companion, never leaving us alone but dwelling within us. Second, He Cultivates Our Obedience, empowering us to follow Christ’s commands in love. Third, He Clarifies the Truth, teaching and reminding us of Jesus’ words.…
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In this sermon we continue our study in the Gospel of John and consider the importance of Christ’s unity with the Father. We learned that Christ’s unity with the Father assures us that His words are true and will come to pass, giving us a certain hope. It also calls us to consistent lives, as the Church now represents Christ’s authority and power o…
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“I am the way, the truth, and the life” these famous words of Christ is quoted to emphasize the sufficiency of Christ to unbelievers. But as we see from the context of John 14, the Savior says these words as a means to comfort His disciples. In this sermon we unpack how these famous words of Jesus are meant to comfort those who believe and trust hi…
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As Missions Month concludes, we reflect on Matthew 9 and the Savior’s call to pray for laborers in the harvest. This sermon encourages us to have Christ’s heart for the lost, heaven’s perspective on salvation, and the willingness to move into action as laborers in the harvest.بقلم Pluslife Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Greg Armstrong of Saturate Church elaborates on his unique method of reaching Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He highlights the importance of using the Old Testament to deconstruct the Quran and the major pillars of Islam. Through this approach, the Bible not only refutes the claims of Islam but also stands alone as …
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The status of the Great Commission is almost completed and the role the church of Canada can yet play in these last days in the nation of Canada and across the Globe. There is a reality that Christian Canadians are missing in these last days. How will you respond when we stand before Jesus when he comes back?…
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In the final sermon of our Kingdom series, we discuss what it means to be a people for God’s possession. We saw how Peter’s words call back to the Old Testament and describe God’s covenantal relationship with His people. We then looked at what it means to be in a covenantal relationship with God which denotes a new citizenship, a call to stewardshi…
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Peter calls believers a “holy nation”, a people that is to be set apart from the world, but this task is easier said than done. In this sermon we look at how we can be holy just as God is holy. From Peter’s letter we see the need to believe differently than the world, which results in different behaviour. Believers benefit from holiness in a way th…
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As we conclude our series on the discipleship culture of our church, we look at what it means to be a Missional Community and approach to reaching the lost. We looked deeper into the Great Commision and the way Christ sends out His disciples as our template for reaching the lost. We were reminded of Christ’s authority that enables us and gives us t…
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A common talking point of the world is that “Christians should not judge people”. This however contradicts the Apostle Paul’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 5 to judge those within the church. In this sermon we look at the Apostle’s call to believers to not tolerate, and celebrate sin, nor should we associate with those who call themselves brothers but…
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In this sermon, we looked at the biblical framework upon which Paul calls us to speak in a manner worthy of the calling that God has bestowed upon us. By surveying various scripture portions, we observed that the words we speak are revealing about us, impactful to us, controllable by God and accountable to God. As Christians, we are called to speak…
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Thanksgiving for believers should never be an annual celebration, but should define their lives. As we look at Psalm 107 we are reminded of how those redeemed by God should practise gratitude. Thanksgiving should define believers, drive their praise and direct their lives, gratitude should be a defining characteristic of those who have been saved b…
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As we close our study in the 13th chapter of John’s Gospel, we look at the new commandment that Christ gives to His disciples–to love one another just as Christ has loved us. We look at why this commandment is considered “new” and what this kind of love entails. The hope is that we love like Christ in the Church, knowing that our love should define…
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Thesis: “God’s election depicts the depths of His affections.” This is what we see at the last supper and Judas’ betrayal. As we continue our study into the 13th chapter of John’s Gospel, we examine the depths of God’s love as demonstrated in His sovereign act of election. We are reminded that despite the difficult truth that some are chosen and so…
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As we begin our study into the 13th chapter of John’s Gospel, we dive deep into the story Jesus washing His disciples feet. We see that this act serve as an object lesson for His disciples on how to love one another. It presents a love that is humble, that puts the needs of others first, and leads by example. In the same way Christ invites His foll…
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As we conclude chapter 12 of John’s gospel, we are reminded of the authority and power of Scripture as they are the words of Christ Himself. There is great hope for anyone who believes the word of God that their dark minds can be illuminated and be given wisdom. There is a reverence for Christ’s words knowing that failure to abide and believe them …
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As we continue our study in the Gospel of John we examine the glory of God as manifested in Christ and His death. We see that God’s glory is specifically displayed to show humanity where to go, a revelation of God and His good will for us. But as we see from our passage, it’s not enough to “see” the light, we must also “believe” in the light; putti…
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As we jump back into our study in the Gospel of John, we pick up in chapter 12, following the triumphal entry. Here we see Christ's expectations for those who would follow Him. Followers of Jesus must die to self, putting the love of Christ above everything else in this world. Followers of Christ must also abide in Him, finding our ability to produ…
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In the final chapter of Ruth we see the noble act of Boaz to marry Ruth, and how it foreshadows what Christ will do for His bride the Church. We see how just like Boaz, Christ redeems rejected sinners, and delights in His bride the Church. We also see the hope that in Christ the ruined find renewal. Jesus is the Boaz of the Church, the One who rede…
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In the third chapter of Ruth, we see more themes pertaining to how godly relationships between men and women are to look. First we see that healthy relationships are done in community; it takes a "village" to build up and protect relationships. Secondly, we see the need for women to depend on men, in that godly men are to be the refuge of women. Fi…
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As we continue our study in the book of Ruth, we look at the complementary roles of men and women, as well as the characteristics that make the two genders honourable. From Ruth's example we see that honourable women are humble, hardworkers and fulfil their call to be helpmates.In addtion, we learn from Boaz's example that men are to be pious, prov…
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In this sermon we explored Romans 6:1-14, emphasizing our union with Christ in His death and resurrection. We learned that grace doesn’t encourage sin but empowers us to overcome it. This union assures us of freedom from sin’s power and a transformed life. We are called to reject sin’s reign, offer ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness, …
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In this sermon we look at a proper perspective when it comes to serving in the church. We see in Peter’s first epistle the call to be like Christ who served unto death, and the necessity for us to crucify the flesh in order to truly serve. This allows us to earnestly love others and glorify God with our service. We are called to be good stewards of…
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Continuing in our Housekeeping series we look at discipleship and the role it plays in the local church. Taking from the Apostle Paul’s words in Ephesians 4, we are reminded that discipleship unites the church into the faith, as well as protects its members from being tossed about with false teachings. Discipleship is ultimately the method in which…
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In this sermon we look at our church’s culture of prayer and a proper perspective on the practice. We are reminded that our prayers should be guided by good theology, recalling to mind who God is as we pray, and that what we ask should be in line with His will. Prayer should also reinforce our trust in God, and be motivated by a sincere desire for …
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Perspective is pivotal when entering change, and we can often be held back by bad perspective. In this sermon we look at how to get a good perspective as we enter new seasons of faith and life. We take from the example of Joshua and Caleb from Numbers 13 to see the difference between their perspective and the cowardly spies. Ultimately, it is the e…
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How does a church community survive and thrive regardless of any situation? The clear parameters of scripture outlines that the church is to be a mature, growing, and Christ-abiding body of believers that overflows with the power of God's grace. It is in this grace that a gathering of believers endures all challenges and obstacles.…
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What role do children play in the Church? In this sermon we look at Christ’s sentiments towards children in Mark 10. From this passage we see how children should be desperately brought to Christ, and desired to be part of the Church. We also saw how we should not be like the disciples who saw children as a distraction, but rather see children as pe…
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In this sermon, we explored the universal journey to find meaning and purpose in life. Often, we seek fulfilment in pursuits that bring temporary satisfaction. Ecclesiastes 1 encourages us to reflect on their limitations by addressing deeper questions about life's meaning. Through the Preacher's words, we confronted the reality of life's fleeting n…
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Oftentimes we are afraid to move out of our comfort zones because of our fears. Whether it's fear of failure or fear of discomfort, our fears can paralyse us from pursuing things for the Kingdom. In this sermon we look at the promises of God in the parable of the talents that encourage us out of our comfort zones and labouring for the Kingdom.…
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In the second sermon of our Kingdom over Comfort series, we look at Christ’s rebuke of the lukewarm church, Laodicea in Revelation 3. From this rebuke, we see that there is a cost to complacency, and that Christ counsels against it. Our passage also promises that true comfort comes to those who conquer their complacency for the Kingdom.…
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As we begin our new series we examine what followers of Jesus are called to in this life. From the Savior’s own words, we see that our life in this world is not for luxury or comforts, but one of suffering and sacrifice, and a delight in seeing the Kingdom of God grow. Ultimately, tt should be our delight when we are called out of comfort, and call…
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In this Easter sermon, we look at Isaiah's description of Christ as the "Man of Sorrows". We examine what this prophecy of the Messiah written hundreds of years before Christ, tells us about the Saviour and what He accomplished at the cross. Ultimately, we are reminded how Jesus became the man of sorrows, so that we may have joy in this life and th…
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In this sermon we look at the triumphal entry from the vantage point of the apostle John. We see that the apostle’s purpose is to highlight the ignorance of the people present at the triumphal entry, that despite the shouts of “Hosanna” the people's faith in Jesus was insincere. Similarly, many Christians today have a misconception of who Jesus is …
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We begin our study in John chapter 12 with the story of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus and the significance behind the act. Similar to the accounts of the other Gospels, this act of anointing Jesus is meant to convey His Kingship; just like the kings of old were anointed for office, Jesus was anointed as well. The act also demonstrated how much M…
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To what degree do unbelievers fall into God’s purposes? Can evil men be used to carry out God’s plans? Continuing our study in the Gospel of John, we look at the plot to kill Jesus and how God used the plotting of evil men, to carry out the redemption of the Elect. From this passage, we were reminded of God’s sovereignty and how even what men inten…
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In our study of John 11 we finally get to Christ's miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. From this example of Christ's divinity, we were reminded that God will affirm our faith in times of hardship just as Jesus does with the faith of Mary and Martha. We also see how Lazarus's resurrection is symbolic of our own salvation; being dead in sin and…
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As we continue our study in the Gospel of John, we look at the death of Lazarus and the grief that the Savior demonstrates. We see how this grief is not merely to sympathise with the bereaved but also an indignation towards unbelief and death itself. The funeral of Lazarus brings to light God’s heart towards sin, death and the sorrow of His people.…
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Coming back to our study in the Gospel of John, we pick up our study in chapter 11 and the resurrection of Lazarus. The chapter opens with Jesus’ delay despite knowing that Lazarus is ill. This narrative gives us insight into comforting truths about God’s timing in that God is never truly delayed, but that He is working everything for His glory and…
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Coming back to our study in the Gospel of John, we pick up our study in chapter 11 and the resurrection of Lazarus. The chapter opens with Jesus’ delay despite knowing that Lazarus is ill. This narrative gives us insight into comforting truths about God’s timing in that God is never truly delayed, but that He is working everything for His glory and…
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In the final sermon to our vision casting series “Counter Culture Church” we looked at the kind of prayers that the early church in Acts was devoted to. We saw how their prayers were distinguished from their time not because of its content but because of their attitude in prayer. It was an attitude of persistence, dependence and a desire to pray to…
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Continuing our study into the early church, we looked at the practice of breaking bread, or more commonly known as communion and how this made believers counter cultural. We saw how the early Church practised this ordinance in order to propagate unity, proclaim the Gospel and as a personal reminder to believers that they were indeed part of the bod…
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As we continue our study into the characteristics of the early church that made them counter cultural, we examined their devotion to “the Fellowship”. We saw how the early church was completely devoted to the mutual upbuilding of one another, hence why they had everything in common. This participation to the body of Christ distinguished them from r…
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As we begin our vision casting series, we look at what made the believers in the book of Acts a counter culture church. We saw how the believers were devoted specifically to the Apostles teachings, namely the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the pursuit of holiness. In the same way, believers today should demonstrate a dedication to the Gospel and an int…
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As we look towards the new year, and all of the possible trials we will face, what will our faith say about Jesus? For the final sermon of the year, we looked at Peter’s confession of faith, and the proclamation that Christ establishes His Church upon. This proclamation of Christ’s identity is the battle cry of the Church–that which not even the ga…
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For our special Christmas service, we looked at the first promise of the advent season, the hope found in Genesis 3:15 and the proto-evangelium. We saw how this prophecy sets up the Biblical theme of a dragon slayer coming to slay a dragon of death and darkness, and the redemption of God’s people. Beneath the traditional themes of the Christmas sea…
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We will begin with 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 and show how Jesus is the perfect example of this love as shown in John 1:1-14. Jesus came to his own and they rejected him. However, love was not ended there. Jesus’ love never failed and now we too have been given that same never failing light to take into the darkness.…
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We ought to give thanks, draw near to God, and curate our mindstream. Do this repeatedly, year after year, and in time, you will experience what Paul calls “the renewal of your mind.” You will become a person for whom joy is your baseline. Other emotions come and go, yes, and you’re not always happy, but joy is the default setting of the person you…
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