Permanent Weight Loss عمومي
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show episodes
Path to Permanent Weight Loss from Julia Brooks is designed to help you put your weight loss struggle behind you so you can walk around with crazy amounts of confidence and never be too tired for the ones you love. From nutrition advice & mindset to health tips & lifestyle. Path to Permanent Weight Loss is a blueprint for how to achieve permanent and lasting weight loss and maintain it for life when you’re a busy professional woman.
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show series
Do you ever wonder what the soul is trying to tell your body when it comes to losing weight? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks is joined by Author Juli Conard to discuss the connection between the body and the soul. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss:…
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Do you ever find yourself starting a new diet only to crash and burn? In this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia talks about why this happens and how to make sure it never happens again. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss: Join my Facebook community of overachieving women on a weight loss…
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Do you ever feel like you're destined for failure? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks is joined by her client, and re-occurring guest on the show, Farrah Haidar, as she navigates her weight loss struggles. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss:…
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Have you ever looked back on something with a new perspective that changes how you view the event? In this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks reflects on how perspective has impacted her when it mattered the most. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss:…
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Do you ever wonder what the connection is between excess weight and physical pain? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks is joined by Doctor Melissa Wolf to discuss how excess weight relates to pain and injuries. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss:…
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Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed because you feel like you’ve taken 1,000 steps back? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks talks about the importance of perspective when you have a setback and shares the most effective way to get back on track. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss: https://pwla.pwl…
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Have you ever felt like you were alone on your weight loss journey? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, we introduce our re-occurring guest, Farrah Haidar, as she starts her 70 lb weight loss journey. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss: Join my Fa…
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Path to Permanent Weight Loss from Julia Brooks is designed to help you put your weight loss struggle behind you so you can walk around with crazy amounts of confidence and never be too tired for the ones you love. From nutrition advice & mindset to health tips & lifestyle. Path to Permanent Weight Loss is a blueprint for how to achieve permanent a…
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Do you find yourself procrastinating on things that are important to you? On this episode of Path to Permanent Weight Loss, Julia Brooks talks about the power of procrastination and the impact it can have on reaching your weight loss goals. FREE Masterclass The 4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss:…
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If your expectations for your future are all based on your experiences in your past, then you only repeat your past. Listen today as I talk about thinking NEW thoughts for your future and the goals you want to set for yourself. Learn how to live an amazing, extraordinary life! Email:…
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On this episiode I cover some of what I’ve come to believe and understand about weight loss. Over the years how I became more and more obsessed about food, exercise, my body. I thought if I could just be skinny, everything would be fine. Unfortunately, all the information we've been told about weight loss over the last 50+ years has been wrong - co…
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Does feeling “ridiculous” hold you back from speaking up or even admitting something about yourself to yourself? You are not alone! This is one of the emotions coming up for my clients in my stop overeating class. The very thing that you feel ridiculous about needs to be examined and taken seriously! Find out more on this episode. Email: Joann@Joan…
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Where has the Weight Coach been? I'm here and sharing how thinking the same thoughts you've always thought creates the same results you've always gotten. Ever wonder why the weight always comes back on? There ya go - same thoughts, same turning to food, same regain. On this episode I am sharing some of my story and passion for this work, and why af…
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A favorite trainer of mine, female marine and built like, well BUILT, once said to me, "All this took a lot of food, A LOT." You see, I think most of us who deal with weight issues do not associate what we are eating with the body we are wearing. Intellectually, sure, we know our food goes into our body. But we do not have the experience of knowing…
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My mentor and coach, Brooke Castillo, who certified me as a life coach and weight loss coach has paid me the amazing honor of including a segment by me at the end of one of her podcast episodes. I was thrilled to share my take on Focus, Willpower and Desire with her audience. I am including a replay of that segment here in the second half of today’…
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Today’s message is Stop Dieting. Seriously! Stop dieting. If dieting worked, we would not continue to have an obesity problem in this country. The worst part of dieting is when you take off all those pounds and then they start coming back on, you think that YOU’VE failed. Find out in this episode what works to keep your metabolism rev'd up and your…
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Losing weight is a battle fought in the mind, not the gym or kitchen. Only when you are finally able to “flip the switch” and face your issues, will you be able to start a real weight loss journey. If you can work through some emotional baggage you’ve been dragging around behind you, the pounds you are carrying as a result of that particular piece …
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Today my book, WIDOWED, is live on in Kindle Format and I'm offering it for FREE for the next 3 days. Details in this brief announcement. Event registration: Book web page:بقلم Joann Filomena, Life Coach School Certified Life Coach and Weight Coach
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Understanding how to feel and process your emotions is key to permanent weight loss. Today I discuss how you can begin to tune into your feelings, recognize them and move through them. Reach out to me in email at Website: http://joannthelifecoach.comبقلم Joann Filomena, Life Coach School Certified Life Coach and Weight Coach
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What have you got to lose? What have you lost? I cover both today. There is judgement out there over how much or how little you have to lose, but how can we fully comprehend the emotional pain of another? Today I share more of my own personal life with all of my listeners along with a special announcement. I hope you'll indulge me on sharing the ev…
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There are lots of life lessons to be learned from the hit reality show, Survivor - “play hard” “Play Strategically” “Stay flexible” “Face your fears” “Change your destiny” - you get the idea. But what has perked my interest is the food - or lack of it. It is fascinating to watch perfectly normal, healthy humans begin to eat limited rations and quic…
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This episode was inspired by a post from a friend on Facebook. I am so happy that she wrote this post because it made me realize the importance of specifically teaching the coaching thought model that I work with and teach my clients how to implement in their own lives. Not a day goes by in my own life that I am not self-coaching with this model, o…
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Have you immersed yourself for years in educating yourself about diets and work outs, nutrition, supplements - read every book, tried every diet? It was SOOOOOO much work and the weight always came back. Now you absolutely know the diets don't work. But where do you begin? This episode shares how to make permanent change in any area of your life! F…
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If you don’t like your outcome, change your responses by changing your thoughts. Everything you experience today is the result of choices you have made in the past. Own that, take responsibility for it - then you can decide what you want and get it. Listen today to find out how! Learn about the Weight Loss Mastermind at Ema…
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How do you find the motivation to get it done? When you reach quantum decision, you are so fired up and there is no looking back. But then what about when all that fire and motivation starts to drop off? This is when commitment to yourself has to kick in. I also share with you how to recapture that fire and motivation you initially felt. Find the W…
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Once you understand all the reasons for overeating, it is time to design a plan for not overeating. The best way to do this is to DECIDE what you are going to eat on purpose and then eat it. If you want to lose weight, you need to find out what combination of foods in what quantities will allow you to lose weight. Register for the Weight Loss Maste…
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What does Focus, Willpower, and Desire have in common? It just may be the fact that we do not have unlimited amounts of each. Can you flip the switch on desire? The next time you have a huge craving for chocolate chip cookies, is there a switch to flip all that desire right back over to the cute dress in your closet? Listen and learn more about how…
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That urge to overeat or snack that can feel SO overwhelming and/or out of control is all about your desire. Today I talk to about where that desire comes from and how you can begin to better understand how to begin to free yourself from its grip. Check out The Weight Loss Mastermind at Email: Web…
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Stop hiding from your life. Learn how vulnerability can set you free. Are you ready for this amazing journey? Join me. We are in this together. Know that here in the podcast, as in the mastermind and in my blogs - I am genuine, vulnerable, authentic - the real deal. I’ve been down that same road, I know what if feels like. I know the deepest, most …
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If you struggle with weight loss and food issues, you are struggling with emotions. When you begin to learn to manage your emotions, this changes how and what you eat. Managing one’s thoughts and emotions can create very real results in your life; but I also believe that managing your thoughts and emotions along with intention creates magic in your…
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Does it sound strange that in this podcast series, I talk a lot about your thoughts and thinking? Emotions and feelings? This is the basis for chronically being overweight. IT IS the basis for all that dieting off pounds and gaining it back again. If you’ve dieted down and then felt the humiliation of having to go back to the next size up and the n…
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Join in listening to the weight coach and learn about permanent weight loss. Are you just tired of hearing "eat less, move more?" There is a bit of truth there, but it can also suck for weight loss and today's episode will tell you why. I also get off onto a bit of a rave over Pokemon Go - the perfect incentive to get yourself outside and socializi…
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I continue to coach ME constantly - it is what I do. I’m good at it. My passion is to teach this, and I try to convey as much about it as I can on my podcast, in my written blogs, and even in live webinars. The thought model is key to the kind of coaching I do, which is CAUSAL coaching. It uncovers the reason for your issue instead of trying to fix…
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Emotional eating is the main cause of overeating. Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, or violated by others. Establishing a few personal boundaries of your own can help diffuse the emotional eating that results from others stepping across the line. Click t…
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Why do you want to get control of your eating and stop overeating? Of course there is the whole body image thing, but there is also an element of feeling out of control. You do not like the feeling that you cannot stop yourself - the DESIRE to go eat something is so strong that you have to respond and feel like you cannot control it. Where does tha…
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How do you learn to eat what your body needs without it shutting down in starvation mode? Today we are going to take a look at thePhysical Hunger Scale and I’ll show you exactly where to start finding yourtrue early hunger signals and where satiety is, and how to be able to gauge andrelearn these signals for yourself. This is where you begin to get…
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A meta-skill is like a master skill that you apply to other skills you have, to enhance your skill and make it better. Do you have a meta-skill you can apply to weight loss? I bet you do! Find out what a meta-skill is and how you can find a meta-skill to apply to your eating. Reach out for a FREE MINI SESSION with Joann Filomena. REVIEW WEIGHT COAC…
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So you’ve slid past 55 - maybe you’re over 60 now and thinking weight loss is impossible? For many of us, life gets better—easier, even—as we get older. We get more comfortable and confident in our own skin. But we may still be facing the same weight loss, yo yo dieting struggle we’ve dealt with our entire life. You can finally do this RIGHT. Get h…
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Do you wish you could know for sure which weight loss program is the most successful? The surprising answer and the good news on what is going to serve you best. Plus free mini sessions are in high gear! Sign up by going directly to my scheduling calendar at You can email me at Visit my website at …
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Focusing on practice instead of your goal can create incredible, permanent weight loss success. Find out how you can do this and ingrain new practices, processes and thoughts until they become second nature. We are going to do the work and love the work, and hopefully love US as part of the process. PLUS find out what my mission is for the next 60 …
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What are the two main reasons you cannot permanently take off weight and keep off weight on a diet? In the news are the very reasons why with the release of studies done on the contestants from The Biggest Loser television program. Find out what these two reasons are that dieting actually sets you back and what you can do to change this for yoursel…
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This episode dives deeply into your thoughts and how they construct your belief systems, and the effect your fat belief system has on your life and your body. I explain the master coaching tool that begins to navigate your way through the thoughts that make up your belief system about your weight. Buckle up because this information is life changing…
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Food journals - whether you love them or hate them, they work. But it is far more important to journal your EATING than it is to journal calories or points, and today Joann tells you why and the questions you want to ask yourself to journal. Learn what drives you to overeat and the urge to overeat begins to go away. Show note links: Free Webinar fo…
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When you are about to eat, is your thought “I just want it.” There is certainly more going on there than first meets the eye, especially if what you truly "just want" is weight loss. Learn how to take control of your eating and your life as an adult in charge. You get to choose what you want in life! contact me at and jo…
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Have you tried to find weight loss groups on Facebook for mutual support and only found a bunch of advertisers? I share more of my own backstory, plus the free Starters Guide to Overcoming Overeating! Here is the link for my Facebook group: The Weight Loss Mindset: Website for the free guide: http:/…
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Over 70 years ago 36 men reported in as test subjects for the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. This study has long been known as the most important study on the effects of food restriction. What has not been discussed is the implications the study has on common diets popular today. Some of the experiments results are mind blowing - some of the resu…
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Are you thinking you need to do something about your weight, but you just don't have the steam yet? Maybe you've had false start after false start - I'll diet on Monday, but by Tuesday you give up. Did you know you can create motivation? Wildly inspired, lasting motivation? You can and this episode will tell you how. You can contact Joann at Joann@…
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Dieting without understanding the cause of overeating is like trying to drive a car on three wheels which the real solution would be to fix the fourth wheel. Just like it is a struggle to steer a car with a flat, dieting is a crazy struggle without understand what is driving your eating. On this episode, Joann discussed the main cause of overeating…
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How did you feel when it was announced that Oprah bought 10% of Weight Watcher's company? Is this the real answer? The weight coach weighs in on this development. The real answer lies within YOU. You can contact Joann at Website: http://joannthelifecoach.comبقلم Joann Filomena, Life Coach School Certified Life Coach and Weight Loss Coach
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The first two tools I teach to my weight loss clients. Knowing how to use a hunger scale can put you back in control and feeling at peace with eating. What to eat? Your already have that knowledge inside! You can contact Joann at Website: http://joannthelifecoach.comبقلم Joann Filomena, Life Coach School Certified Life Coach and Weight Loss Coach
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