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show episodes

The Nielson Show

Edmonton Sports Talk

It the new home of The Nielson Show. The A.M. Nasty lives on every morning from 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM with hosts Dustin Nielson & Lt. Eric. From the Six O'Clocker check in to the Grand Finale and every conch, text and laugh in between subscribe and download every episode of Canada's most entertaining sports show.
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Der findes utallige bøger og artikler om strategi og ledelse. Ofte svære at forstå og meget indviklede. I denne podcast gør vi det modsatte. Vi gør det enkelt. Niels Lunde taler med topcheferne om strategi og ledelse og stiller spørgsmål, der giver håndgribelige svar.
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Nielson Music

Een podcast waarin ik langs ga bij mensen die zichzelf net als ik opnieuw hebben uitgevonden. Aan de hand van het thema van mijn nieuwste nummer bespreek ik hoe zij dit hebben gedaan. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Niels Brabandt. Gründer und Inhaber von NB Networks. Wir helfen Managern bessere Führungskräfte zu werden durch das Beherrschen Nachhaltiger Führung. Qualität seit 1998. Wir helfen Managern bessere Führungskräfte zu werden durch das Beherrschen des Konzepts Nachhaltiger Führung. Dieser Podcast hilft Ihnen Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Höhere Motivation der Mitarbeitenden bei gleichzeitig niedrigerer Fluktuation. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie bereits Führungskraft sind oder es noch werden wollen: bei d ...
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Berg & Nielson

Berg & Nielson Podcast

Er du til gakkede jingles og emner om alt fra aftensmad, (Som har en jingle) til verdens store problemer, så er Berg & Nielson lige noget for dig. En podcast om alt og intet, lavet af to nordjyder (Sonni Berg og Simon Nielson) med en passion for podcast!
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The Nielsen Experience Podcast is a collection of stories about what it’s like to work at Nielsen – a global, independent measurement and data company – straight from our employees. Every week, we’ll interview one employee about life at Nielsen and how they’ve found ways to be themselves, grow, and make a difference. For more about life at Nielsen, visit
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Niels Brabandt, the owner and founder of NB Networks, is your host. Sustainable Leadership. We are helping managers to become better leaders. This show dedicates time to help, to improve and to assist you in achieving your goals. You may already be a leader and aim to become better, or you want to be in a leadership position in the future and avoid mistakes on the way of getting there. Your host, Niels Brabandt, is in business since 1998. He worked for a large corporation as well as a global ...
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Niels Sønderby

Niels Sønderby

Kunne du tænke dig at få motivation og inspiration fra nogle af dem, der lykkedes? Så lyt med når Niels Sønderby jagter opskriften på held og forsøger at lokke de bedste tricks ud af kendte og ukendte ildsjæle med succes. Sportsfolk, politikere, iværksættere og ildsjæle.
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Morten Nielsen var digter og modstandsmand. Han døde en tragisk død som 22-årig i 1944. For eftertiden bliver han besættelsestidens poetiske martyr og helt. Hidtil har beretningen om hans død været, at pistolen gik af ved et uheld. Men mysteriet om Morten Nielsen viser sig at være meget større, end den historie vi kender. Tilrettelæggelse: Martin Grønne. God fornøjelse med denne eller én af de mange andre P1 Podcastserier.
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Niels Albertsen

Simon Philip

Hvem kender ikke "den gamle, sure mand"? Ham har vi alle et billede af. Niels Albertsen mente selv, at han havde udviklet sig til en gammel, sur mand efter en svær tid. Heldigvis kom familien og vennerne ham til undsætning. I dag kigger han tilbage på en tid og en udvikling, han er glad for ikke længere at være i. Og han kigger fremad mod et godt liv som ældre. Et liv, der skal leves i gode, nære relationer og i nuet. Så få et sjældent indblik i en indsigtsfuld mands liv. Vi har efterhånden ...
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Top Traders Unplugged is a show that will keep you in the know about how the world's top investors are navigating todays' markets and where they think the economy is heading. Niels Kaastrup-Larsen brings these engaging and often surprising conversations to you each week, so you don't miss out when we explore their latest successes or failures, best ideas as well as other valuable insights—learn like never before by tuning into Top Traders Unplugged each week!
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Janne No Nielsen er for nylig blevet ledig på jobmarkedet. Hun kan virkelig noget, når det kommer til mennesker. Så hvis du leder efter en kompetent cand. merc. med masser af HR-erfaring, er Janne et virkelig seriøst bud. Eller måske kender du nogen? Start med at høre hende her. Og ellers er hun også på blandt andet LinkedIn:
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Aktuelles aus der modernen Ernährungsmedizin von Niels Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Sportmedizin & Ernährungsmedizin mit eigener Arztpraxis in Hamburg. Erfolgreich abnehmen, gesünder und spürbar fitter mit dem LIEBERLEICHTER-Ernährungs-Konzept! 👍 Haftungsausschluss: Bei diesen Inhalten handelt es sich um allgemeine Informationen, die in keinem Fall eine individuelle ärztliche Beratung ersetzen können. Bitte wenden Sie sich für eine individuelle Beratung und Behandlung im ...
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Join Peter and Joyce as they delve into a holistic journey encompassing health, fitness, nutrition, spiritual growth, relationships, and mental well-being. Discover actionable tips to align your passions, talents, values, and beliefs with a purpose-driven life. Peter N. Nielsen at the early age of 15 was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The challenge of having Crohn’s began his lifelong journey to physical and spiritual health. Overcoming his challenges led him to winning over 50 bodybuilding ...
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show series
Alma åbner sin første butik torsdag. Med afsæt i den lukkede Irma-kæde, vil en række tidligere Irma-ledere med direktør Alfred Josefsen i spidsen, vise at der er et hul i markedet. Er det virkelig muligt, at starte en ny kæde i en dagligvarebranche med hård konkurrence, travle kunder og pres på priserne? Niels Lunde taler med Alfred Josefsen, stift…
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Kaum jemand mag sich über Finanzaspekte unterhalten. Sobald er Begriff fällt, verweisen selbst Führungskräfte oft auf andere Abteilungen und sagen regelmäßig, dass man für jenes Thema weder zuständig noch verantwortlich ist. Gleichzeitig hat jede Handlung, jede Entscheidung einen finanzielle Auswirkung, eine finanzielle Konsequenz. Können Führungsk…
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Hardly anyone likes to talk about finance. However, any decision made has a financial implication, a financial impact, a financial consequence. Can leaders today still brush off the topic by saying they are not responsible for this aspect of the business or do we need another approach today? Niels Brabandt discusses the topic in this week's episode…
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The third and final hour started off with ‘Kind Of Easy Trivia’ presented by Mr. Mikes and Scuba Steve crushed it through technical difficulties. ‘Three Questions Too Many’ presented by Park Mazda followed and the text of the day came straight from here so you know it was good. Next ‘Scalding Hot Takes’ went the distance and the boys had to go 1 on…
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In the second hour, Luke Gazdic jumped on the program to talk the Oilers and their push toward the playoffs. After Luke left, the fellas got ‘Fired Up’ about Opening Day presented by Gemco. Right before the sports update Dusty did his ‘Hot Line Of The Day’ presented by CoolBet and out of it the fellas had beef in ‘I Got Beef’ for Acme Meats, this o…
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To kick of the show the fellas gave their thoughts on last nights loss to the Stars, then caught the early birds up with ‘The Morning Announcements’ presented by 100.3 The Bear, when we dove into what Wednesday was in the world of sports. ‘The Morning After Show’ took us out of the first sports update, we talked about the questions marks surroundin…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia, another 5/5 performance! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Greg Wyshynski was the final guest on today’s show! He started off with his thought’s on offer sheets and the St. Louis Blues recent success, touched on Chychrun’s contract and ho…
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Jamie McLennan was the first guest on today’s show! He gave his initial thoughts on the Chychrun deal… and what this means for Oilers defensemen Evan Bouchard. He then gave his thoughts on goaltender interference as the controversy continues… Noodles finished with his thoughts on Ovechkin’s great chase. We then gave a game day parlay brought to you…
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The fellas are back with their first show in over a week and we start off with an absolute banger! There was so much to get caught up on. Dusty found out about last Friday’s show where Matty was dropping SG’s like no tomorrow and all the latest Atif drama… We then dove into Morning Announcements presented by 100.3 The Bear to recap all the action f…
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How can you become a leader in the creative industry? Vincent Wanga has an impressive track record to offer. He delivered success in the very competitive field without starting from any privileged position. In this interview with Niels Brabandt, he shares his insights. Host: Niels Brabandt (he/him) / Guest: Vincent Wanga Contact:…
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‘Kind of Easy Trivia’ presented by Mr. Mikes started off the final hour of the show. And the fellas rolled straight into ‘Three Questions Too Many’ presented by Park Mazda. Joaquin Gage, Co-host of EST Afternoon’s joined the show after the sports update to talk, Korn, F1, Oilers and Tequila. To finish off the show, we checked with the slopes in ‘Ma…
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To start the second hour the fellas were joined by Craig Button of TSN, presented by Pro Am Sports. He and the boys talked everything Oilers. The weekly confessions, presented by ’Spectrum Rental’ took us into the back half of the hour and the conversation continued into ‘The Fan Zone’ presented by FansFirst. The boys talked about which Oiler will …
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We are back with a Tuesday edition of The Nielson Show, LT. E is joined by Wil Fraser for one last time before Dusty gets back from his vacation. The fellas kicked off the show with ‘The Morning Announcements’ presented by 100.3 the Bear. Out of the first sports update of the day, the boys got ‘Fired Up’ for Gemco. The topic of conversation surroun…
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We got the third hour started with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Ryan Rishaug was the final guest on today's show! He shared his thoughts on the Oilers performance against the Kraken, touched on the potential lineup against the Stars on Wednesday, and finished with…
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Darren Dreger was the first guest on today’s show! He gave his thought’s at this year’s NHL General Manager’s meeting, touched on the Oilers performance over the weekend, gave some praise to the St. Louis Blues and finished with his thoughts on the L.A. Kings. We then hit our Coolbet Hotline of The Day right before the update. Near the end of the s…
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We are back with another edition of The Nielson Show and we have an absolutely jam packed show coming your way! The fellas start off the show, recapping their weekends. Wasn’t long before we dove into Morning Announcements from 100.3 The Bear to recap everything that transpired over the weekend. After the first update, we dove into The Fan Zone to …
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We got the third hour started with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. It's Friday, which means it's the fan favourite Sobeys & Safeway Liquor Beer of The Week! This weeks beer of the week was provided by Bud Kelly from Troubled Monk Brewery. They stopped by to showcase …
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Chris Johnston was the first guest on today’s show. He was at the general manager’s meeting down South this previous week, in which he gave his thoughts on. Neck guards, NHL expansion and the NHL’s wild card were among the things that took precedence at this year’s meeting. Only one game in the NHL tonight which sees the Penguins take on the Columb…
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Today it’s Matt Iwanyk and Wil Fraser on The Nielson Show. The boy's had lot's of laughs to start the show. We hit some Morning Announcements from 100.3 The Bear to recap all the action from last night. Basketball, soccer, hockey all sorts of sports we touched on. After the first break, we finished hour one with The Fan Zone for FansFirst to discus…
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Børsen og McKinsey & Co. holdt deres årlige topmøde forleden. På mødet talte blandt andre Jake Sullivan, USA's tidligere sikkerhedsrådgiver, Daron Acemoglu, nobelpristager og professor på M.I.T og Keyu Jin, professor på Harvard University. Samt 700 danske topchefer og ledere. Hvad var de mest interessante iagttagelser? Niels Lunde og Bjarne Corydon…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia. Abootzky gave it his all but unfortunately it wasn't enough. Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Sports, food and weather were all discussed here. After the break, we then dove into The Orange & Blue Breakfast to take a deep dive into tonig…
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The first hour started off with I Got Beef from Acme Meat Market. Lots’s of good beef from the fellas today. We then dove into our Coolbet segment powered by Coolbet Canada. This was all Oilers and Jets. Bruce Boudreau joined the boy’s in the middle of the hour to discuss all things hockey and finished with his thoughts on what he think will happen…
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It’s a huge show as the Oilers welcome in the Winnipeg Jets! Like always, the boys start off with some early morning banter. Lots of laughs and lots of fun. We then dove into Morning Announcements presented by 100.3 The Bear to recap all of last night’s action. After the first break we dove into The Fan Zone to discuss how pumped Oilers fans are fo…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia, this one was interesting... Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Greg Wyshynski was the final guest on today's show! He shared his thought's on the Oilers play as of late. He touched on some March Madness, and the general manager meeting's d…
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Jamie McLennan was the first guest on today’s show! He shared his thoughts on the Habs and Senators going at it last night. The Oilers dominant performance last night. He shared his thoughts on who the Oilers should play more nearing the end of the season, Pickard or Skinner. And he finished with his thoughts on this year’s Hart Trophy race. We the…
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We are back with another edition of The Nielson Show! Positive vibes at the top of hour one as the Oilers do come away with a huge victory. Wasn't long before we dove into Morning Announcements presented by 100.3 The Bear to recap all the action from last night. After the first break, we dove into The Morning After Show to look at last night's big …
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Extraversion and Introversion are often known as binary labels. The newest scientific results show a more nuanced spectrum. Moving away from quick decisions to a suitable spectrum model, what does all this mean for the organisation? Niels Brabandt discusses the issue in this week's episode. Host: Niels Brabandt / Contact: https:/…
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Extraversion und Introversion sind oft als binäred Modell bekannt. Neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse belegen, dass sich mehr Nuancen in einem Spektrum zeigen. Welche verschiedenen Aspekten gibt es hierbei zu beachten? Welche Bedeutung haben diese Aspekte für die Organisation? Niels Brabandt diskutiert das Thema in der aktuellen Episode. Gastge…
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Organisations frequently claim to drive innovation. The reality is often a very different one. How can innovation become a reality in your organisation? Matt Sturgess is a former CEO, a former MD and answered important questions in the interview with Niels Brabandt. Host: Niels Brabandt / Guest: Matt Sturgess Contact: https://www…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia, another 5/5 performance! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Joaquin Gage was the final guest on today's show! He gave his thought's on the Australian Grand Prix which kick started the new F1 season and the Oilers are in action tonight, Gag…
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Craig Button was the first guest on today’s show! He gave his thoughts on the Oilers play as of late and how they were able to salvage their road trip. He also gave his thoughts on this year’s Hart Trophy race and finished with his thoughts on the Tampa Bay Lightning and just how quietly good they’ve been all season long. As always, we hit the Cool…
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We are back with another edition of The Nielson Show! The big man is gone, so Wil with one L is stepping in and he's better then ever. The fellas started with some good friendly banter and catching up, sprinkled in with some Oilers discussion. We then segwayed to Morning Announcements for 100.3 The Bear to recap all the action last night in the wor…
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Bethany Snyder joins Greg to dive into successful advocacy strategies for nonprofits. Join us as we explore proven tactics, tools, and real-world examples that empower organizations to effectively champion their causes, build stronger connections with stakeholders, and drive meaningful change. Whether you're new to advocacy or looking to refine you…
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We got the third hour started with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Ryan Rishaug was the final guest on today’s show. He shared his thoughts on the Oilers play as of late, where Frederic will fit in once he’s off the IR and finished with his thoughts on the blue line …
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Darren Dreger was the first guest on today’s show. He joined the fellas all the way from sunshine Florida as the annual General Managers meetings takes place. He shed some light on what to expect from this years meeting, then shared his thoughts on the Oilers play as of late and what they need to do to find their game back. And he finished with his…
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It’s a St. Patty’s Day edition of The Nielson Show! The boy’s start the show absolutely buzzing as so much happened over the weekend and because it is St. Patty’s Day, the fellas had a lot of fun with this. It wasn’t long before we dove into Morning Announcements presented by 100.3 The Bear to recap some sport from the weekend. After the first brea…
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We got the third hour started with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. Right before Sobeys & Safeway Liquor Beer of The Week we dove into The Orange and Blue Breakfast to setup tonight's game against the Islanders! It's Friday, which means it's the fan favourite Sobeys &…
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Chris Johnston was the first guest on today’s show! He started off with the latest on Trent Frederic, and when he thinks he’ll be making his debut. Touched on their recent slump and the Oilers always going nuclear… we then switched gears to the big one tonight between the Stars and Jets. He finished with his thoughts on the Kings leaping over the O…
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The fellas are back with their final show of the week. And boy, do we have a lot to discuss. The Oilers fall again… and that’s the first thing we dove into, after playing some goal songs! No beating around the bush today, we jumped right into the Oilers conversation right before Morning Announcements from 100.3 The Bear. After the first sports upda…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia, another 5/5 performance! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. It's Thursday, which means Scalding Hot Takes! Can YouTube Trev threepeat or will the vets show up for once... We then dove into The Orange & Blue Breakfast to take a deep dive in…
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Hour two got started off with ESTY winning guest of the year, Luke Gazdic. He started off with his thoughts on the moves the Oilers made before trade deadline and gave his thoughts on the new guys. He then touched on the lineup and shared his thought’s on who he’d like to see on Leon’s line. This led to the fellas discussing line mates for Leon rig…
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We are back with another edition of The Nielson Show and we start off with lot’s of fun and conches! Is McDavid going to leave? Should Janmark be in the lineup? All this was discussed before we hit our first segment! Like we always do, Morning Announcements was the first segment we hit to recap all the action from last night. We then transitioned t…
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The third hour kicked off with Mr Mikes Kind of Easy Trivia, and Slim Jim absolutely crushed it! Three Questions Too Many presented by Park Mazda got us to the to the sports update. We then shifted to Lt. Eric’s weekly rankings of power! This week, Eric ranked the top 10 sports logos that should make a comeback. It was then time for a 'Snow Report'…
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Craig Button was the first guest on today’s show! He shared his thoughts on the Oilers play as of late, their attention to detail on defence and what needs to change… He then switched gears to discuss the Senators push for the playoffs. And are the Canucks going to make the playoffs? Craig Button shares his thoughts! Right after Craig, we did somet…
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Was the start to today’s show ESTY worthy?! The fellas were absolutely buzzing. We start off with a few stories, Zach’s trip, ‘The Catch’ heard across the studio, and comfortable naked guy at the gym. Lot’s of laughs to start off the show. We then transitioned to Morning Announcements for 100.3 The Bear to recap everything in the world of sport fro…
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The intersection of cryptocurrency and nonprofits is creating new opportunities for innovative fundraising, enabling organizations to tap into digital assets while promoting transparency and global reach. Matthew Nash, Executive Director of The Blackbaud Giving Fund, joins Greg to explore how cryptocurrency is transforming charitable giving. We dis…
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