Audio and video podcasts produced for the New Jersey Policy Research Organization (NJPRO) Foundation, an independent affiliate of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association.
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NJPRO Foundation Podcast #1: “Economic Policies and Solutions: Making New Jersey a Better Place for Business,” 7/10/2008
In one of the most comprehensive studies of New Jersey’s business climate conducted to date, NJPRO surveyed business leaders, compared the ways other states retain and attract firms, and recommended short- and long-term policies New Jersey can adopt to make its business environment friendlier. The report, available at NJPRO's website, summarizes th…
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NJPRO will soon be launching podcasts at this blog, RSS Feed, and iTunes channel. Be sure to subscribe so that you can get the latest research from one of New Jersey's most respected policy research institutes. Download the podcast Download the podcast here (1.4 mb stereo MP3 file, 00:01:04 duration). Produced by Professional Podcasts LLC, Cherry H…
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