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show episodes

Museum Confidential

Philbrook Museum of Art

Museum Confidential is a behind-the-scenes look at museums hosted by Jeff Martin. The show is a co-production of Philbrook Museum of Art and Public Radio Tulsa. New episodes every two weeks.
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Mysteries at the Museum

Travel Channel

Join Don Wildman as he embarks on an epic quest to solve history’s greatest mysteries. From historical institutions to unexplored archives, Don unearths extraordinary relics and sinister artifacts. Featuring direct audio from the hit Travel Channel show, uncover the secrets behind these incredible objects and learn about the history of civilization, war, technology, and everything in between. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Im Museum

sisigrant media

Mit IM MUSEUM kommst du... richtig... ins Museum! Egal, wo du bist, egal, wie viel Zeit du hast. Wir nehmen dich mit zu skurrilen, lustigen, bedeutenden oder berührenden Objekten, tauchen in Ausstellungsthemen ein oder gehen mit interessanten Menschen im Museum spazieren. Hier bekommst du Kunst und Kultur, ohne jemals das Haus verlassen zu müssen!
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Museum Archipelago

Ian Elsner

A tiny show guiding you through the rocky landscape of museums. Museum Archipelago believes that no museum is an island and that museums are not neutral. Taking a broad definition of museums, host Ian Elsner brings you to different museum spaces around the world, dives deep into institutional problems, and introduces you to the people working to fix them. Each episode is never longer than 15 minutes, so let’s get started.
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National Leprechaun Museum Talking Stories

National Leprechaun Museum Talking Stories

Talking Stories is a podcast of stories, folklore, mythology, and chat from the Storytellers of the National Leprechaun Museum, on the 1st and 15th of every month. The National Leprechaun Museum, the first ever attraction dedicated to Irish mythology, opens up a fun and magical world full of fascinating folklore, mythology and enchanting stories.
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BC Museums Association Podcast

BC Museums Association

Join the BC Museums Association as we explore topics of importance to the cultural heritage community in BC, and around the world. Listen as we talk with sector professionals, volunteers, and other guests about their work in BC museums, galleries, and arts & culture institutions.
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GM Podcast, el programa del blog GameMuseum donde se rinden homenaje a los juegos que alegraron nuestra infancia. Desde los microordenadores de 8 Bits hasta las poderosas consolas de 128 Bits. Un podcast sobre el retrogaming, ya sean especiales sobre una saga, un juego o un sistema en particular, entrevistas y cápsulas en formato más breve con contenido musical o simplemente todo aquello que se nos pase por la cabeza. Anímate a escuchar alguno de nuestros programas y seguro que quedarás enga ...
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Aurelius Whitlock's Murder Museum

Marcus Richardson and Nathan Hicken

Join Marcus and Nathan as we play through murder mysteries of our own devising, playing curator, murderer, and detective. Listen along as we unravel the Museum's many secrets... What mysteries will you be able to solve?
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Museum Vest podden

Museum Vest

Her kan du lære om tema innenfor skipsfart, fiskeri-, kyst,- og krigshistorie samt hanseatene historie. Museum Vest-Podden produseres av Museum Vest, som består av avdelingene Bergens Sjøfartsmuseum, Norges Fiskerimuseum, Det Hanseatiske Museum og Schøtstuene, Nordsjøfartmuseet, Kystmuseet i Øygarden, Herdla Museum og Bjørn West-museet. Museum Vest podden har motatt økonomisk støtte fra Bergen kommune. Museum Vest har flere avdelinger. Bård Gram Økland er vert for podkasten, og den er produs ...
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Escape Rooms, Festivals und Konzerte – wir nehmen euch mit! Wir zeigen, was ihr in eurer Nähe erleben könnt, welche Events wir so auf die Beine stellen und warum ein Museum vielleicht doch gar nicht so langweilig sein muss. Außerdem sprechen wir in dieser Podcast-Serie über unsere Bücher-, Serien- und Film-Highlights und führen Interviews mit inspirierenden Künstlerinnen und Künstlern.
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Love my Museum

Amy Kehs

How do you get visitors through your museum doors? How do you keep them coming back and better yet, bringing a friend? Your host, Amy Kehs, a brand strategist and communications expert for museums, talks about how you can make your workplace a lovely place to be, while also making your museum a place your community loves. Over the last 30 years, Amy has worked for some of the most renowned museums on the planet, helping ensure that they thrive into the next century.
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The Buffalo History Museum Podcast

The Buffalo History Museum

The Buffalo History Museum Podcast is the premier source for Western New York history. Each episode, we tell a story of the people and events that have shaped our region. New episodes are released monthly. Help us grow by subscribing, rating, and reviewing us.
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National Museums NI

National Museums NI

It's #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. Sit back and relax with our playlist featuring the sound of local waves. It’s important to take time to connect with nature and water. This connection can help shift our focus away from daily stresses and problems, allowing us to gain perspective and find a sense of calm.
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Fraunces Tavern Museum

Fraunces Tavern Museum

Fraunces Tavern Museum’s mission is to preserve and interpret the history of the American Revolutionary era through public education. This mission is fulfilled through the interpretation and preservation of the Museum's collections, landmarked buildings and varied public programs that serve the community. You can stand in the room where General Washington said farewell to his officers and explore seven additional galleries that focus on America's War for Independence and the preservation of ...
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Arizona Roundup with Stuart Rosebrook at Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott Arizona Join Sharlot Hall Museum Executive Director Stuart Rosebrook every week for a fun-filled, informative show about the museum, what is happening around town in Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona history, literature, film, art, travel and adventures across the Southwest.
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A captivating podcast dedicated to unveiling the rich and diverse history of Elgin, Illinois. Each episode brings to life fascinating stories and lesser-known anecdotes from Elgin’s past. Whether you’re a history buff or simply curious about local heritage, this podcast offers an immersive journey into the events, people, and places that have shaped Elgin over the years.
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Gooise Museumschatten

Samenwerkende Musea Gooi & Vecht

Gooise Museumschatten zijn te bewonderen in tentoonstellingen, maar een nog veel groter deel is veilig opgeborgen in depots én op te zoeken in de collectieportal van de samenwerkende musea in Gooi & Vecht. Caspar Stalenhoef zoekt de museumschatten online op en gaat in gesprek met experts over welk verhaal erachter zit. De podcast is mogelijk gemaakt door een bijdrage van de provincie Noord-Holland. Gooise Museumschatten is een programma onder leiding van regioconserva ...
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Over a decade of planning and persistence in the making, the National Law Enforcement Museum has opened its doors to the public. Finally, citizens and law enforcement professionals from diverse perspectives and backgrounds will have a place to share in the vibrant story of American law enforcement. Within the walls of the Museum’s strikingly contemporary exterior, artifacts from our collection of more than 25,000 objects tell the story of American law enforcement – past, present, and future ...
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#Museumslauschen 2.0

Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt

Die Museumslandschaft in Sachsen-Anhalt ist vielfältig und reich. Wir wollen sie erkunden und spannende Perspektiven auf die Inhalte entwickeln. Deswegen legen wir geräuschvoll los: Mit der Staffel Hören startet #Museumslauschen2.0, die Fortsetzung von #museumslauschen! Der Podcast wird gefördert vom Land Sachsen-Anhalt und produziert vom Projekt eCulture im Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
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A monthly podcast from the Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum. Hosted by Colonel Andy Taylor and Rev Paul Roberts. Stroll with us around the highways and byways of Herefordshire while we explore the story of the our regiment and county in war and peace. Special guests, featured items from the museum's collection and highlights from the lives of those who served from our beautiful county... and a pint or two as well!
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Der Podcast aus und für Museen in denen Museumsdirektoren, Kuratoren und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter zu Wort kommen und Einblicke hinter die Kulissen ihrer Arbeit geben. Ein Kanal zum Austausch unter Fachleuten und Kulturinteressierte. Weitere Informationen unter
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Museumspodden er et samvirke mellom museer og kultursektoren for felles distribusjon av kunnskap og mangfoldig lytteropplevelse uavhengig av geografisk tilhørighet.
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Art · The Creative Process: Artists, Curators, Museum Directors Talk Art, Life & Creativity

Artists, Curators, Museum Directors Talk Art & Creativity · Creative Process Original Series

Art episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. We speak to artists, curators, museum directors about their work & how they made their creative careers. To listen to arts episodes across a variety of disciplines, follow our main podcast: “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”. You’ll find us on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations wit ...
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The Walt Disney Family Museum is a center for art, animation, and inspiration. Located in the historic Presidio, a national park in San Francisco, California, the museum celebrates the remarkable life of Walt Disney by telling his story, celebrating his legacy, and examining his influence on the world of entertainment. Ten years ago, we were founded in 2009 by Walt Disney’s daughter, Diane Disney Miller, who wanted to share the story of her father with the world. Now, we are hosting a year-l ...
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The Jule Museum Podcast

The Jule Museum at Auburn University

The Jule Museum Podcast is a monthly series that features visual arts research at Auburn University. Each episode delves into the intriguing stories behind art objects, exploring the historical context, cultural impact and the creative minds behind them. Whether you’re an art lover, a student, or simply curious about the visual arts, this podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Listeners can expect insightful interviews with artists and scholars who share their expertise and pe ...
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Rota dos Museus

Rádio Jornal do Centro

Um museu é uma instituição ao serviço da sociedade e do seu desenvolvimento. A sua origem leva-nos a viajar até à antiguidade. Nesta rubrica, percorremos o distrito de Viseu para descobrir os museus que nos dão a conhecer a nossa região
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Museum Jan Cunen

Museum Jan Cunen

Museum Jan Cunen zet het mes in allerlei thema’s die te maken hebben met onze tentoonstellingen. Een boeiend kijkje achter de schermen, met prominente gasten en inspirerende gesprekken. Luister, geniet en ontdek.. en hopelijk tot ziens in het mooiste museum van Oss.
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Evel Knievel inspired millions with his courage and perseverance. We are building a museum so you can experience heroic memories and be reinvigorated with that spirit of bravery and positivity. Along the way, we meet people involved in the life, the times, and the legacy of the King of Daredevils. Your fun host Joe Friday presents these super interesting characters to you with entertaining and inspirational interviews.
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show series
Muy buenas audiencia!! Venimos con el programa del mes de marzo, cargadito de música y con un invitado de lo más especial. En este programa hablaremos del Sintetizador Roland MT-32, ese aparato que casi nadie tuvo conectado a un PC en los 80/90 y que es capaz de reproducir unas melodias MIDI que dejan en pañales al resto de tarjetas de sonido de la…
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Precinct 444 invites you to meet the artists featured in the National Law Enforcement Museum’s newest exhibit, “Officers as Artists: The Creative Expression of Those Who Serve.” Now open until August 30, 2025. In today’s episode, you will meet Lee Darnell, who has served for more than 30 years in law enforcement. He is currently a Sergeant and the …
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Sharlot Hall Museum's Executive Director Stuart Rosebrook sits down with the Founder, President and CEO of Prescott's Western Heritage Foundation and discovers how Dennis envisioned a welcome center on Prescott's famed Whiskey Row across from the famous Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza and created a one-of-a-kind experience run entirely by volunteer…
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On this episode of our Mini Musings, Chris and Bri walk the red carpet and highlight Walt Disney's historical success at the Academy Awards®. 🏆 Listen to learn more about The Walt Disney Family Museum's collection of Oscars that you can see now in our Awards Lobby.بقلم The Walt Disney Family Museum
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3月21日OAのゲストは、消しゴムはんこ作家の田口奈津子さんです。 その多彩な色使いと精密な描写で、消しゴムはんこをアートの領域にまで昇華させた田口さん。 「消しゴムはんこ」というと皆んなが思い浮かべるナンシー関さんとは全く異なる絵画のような世界観に注目が集まっています。 どういったきっかけで消しゴムはんこ作品に取り組むようになったのか? バラカンさんも絶賛のその魅力とは? >>田口奈津子(@atelier_naco/) / Instagram <オンエア楽曲> Flook『Koady / The Burning Lion』بقلم ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子
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David Spira and Peih-Gee Law join us for another round of mini mysteries! Check them out on their podcasts Reality Escape Pod and PG's Playhouse. Special thanks to listeners Melissa and XeroxGirl for the mysteries they wrote! Also thanks to author Hy Conrad; check out more of his mysteries at . If you have a mystery you'd like to submi…
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Don Wildman examines the greatest high-wire stunt in history, investigates the incredible lengths Thomas Jefferson took to preserve America's reputation, and unravels one of the most bizarre hoaxes the world has ever seen. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Wieso werden Frauen in Animes eigentlich so oft sexualisiert? Diese Frage bespricht Jugendreporterin Lee-Ann mit Verena Maser. Sie liebt Animes und Manga seit ihrer Jugend, hat sogar einen Doktor zu dem Thema gemacht und arbeitet jetzt als Übersetzerin. Welche Anime Empfehlungen sie hat, wenn ihr nicht nur klischeehafte Frauenfiguren sehen wollt, e…
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In honor of the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, the museum brings our newest exhibit, Home Front Heroes. Home Front Heroes looks at the effort of Muskegon County during the war. In this podcast episode we look at the Civilian Defense Corps which was in charge of dealing with air raids and drills, civil air patrol, and recruiting volunt…
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In this episode, we look back on the riot at Attica in 1971, as it remains the worst prison riot in American history, and scholars and criminal justice professionals alike, continue to look to the lessons of Attica when addressing crucial criminal justice and prison reform in the United States. We discuss the Attica Prison riot, the lessons that we…
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On this episode of the podcast, Amy shares an unexpected story about lettuce—and how it is connected to something exciting she’s working on for museum professionals. Through a personal journey of learning, mentorship, and growth, Amy reflects on how practical guidance and community support can make a real difference for museum staff, especially tho…
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Warning Explicit Content. Like Really Warning, like do not let kids listen to this episodeJoin Naoise, Brendan (Yes The Brendan that did our amazing art) and Diarmuid (for his last appearance) as they tell the most explicit, dirty and bizarre story on tonight's podcast. Happy Saint Patrick's Day indeedA special thanks to Brendan Atkins for our amaz…
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Over the past two decades, natural things—especially those collected, exchanged, studied, and displayed in museums, such as animals, plants, minerals, and rocks—have emerged as fascinating protagonists for historical research. Nature on Paper: Documenting Science in Prussia, 1770-1850 (U Pittsburgh Press, 2024) follows a different, humbler set of o…
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Sharlot Hall Museum's Executive Director sits down with Phippen Western Art Museum Executive Director Edd Kellerman and discuss his life growing up in Prescott, the significance of George Phippen's legacy, the history of the Cowboy Artists of America and upcoming events at the Phippen, including their internationally famous Memorial Day 51st Annual…
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3月14日OAのゲストは、六本木・東京ミッドタウンにある「21_21デザイン・サイト」で開催中の『ラーメンどんぶり展』展覧会ディレクターの佐藤卓さんです。 今や世界的人気となったラーメン。その器である「どんぶり」に多様なデザイン視点からアプローチしたユニークな展覧会。 横尾忠則さんや深澤直人さん、田名網敬一さんなどアーティスト/デザイナーによるオリジナルのどんぶりや、その90%近くを生産している「美濃焼」の新たな試みなど、見所が満載。この展覧会を見学したら、あなたもきっとラーメンが食べたくなるはずです! 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT企画展『ラーメンどんぶり展』 会期:2025年6月15日(日)まで <オンエア楽曲> 矢野顕子『ラーメンたべたい』…
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Welche Rolle spielt Musik in Animes? Was ist eigentlich Fan-Musik und wieso ist sie so wichtig? Über diese spannenden Themen und was überhaupt die DoKomi ist, hat Salon5-Jugendreporterin Lee-Ann mit Andreas Degen gesprochen. Andreas Degen ist einer der Gründer der Dokomi. Also hört gerne rein!
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Er ist selbst ernannter Essen-City-Präsident, macht Musik, gibt Workshops, macht Comedy und ist in der Schauspiel-Szene aktiv: Dein Couseng. Jugendreporterin Mirjam hat mit ihm über die Problematik hinter vielen Rap-Texten und über aktuelle Artists gequatscht. Außerdem verrät Dein Couseng, wie sich die Rap-Szene mit der Zeit verändert hat und wie j…
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How has feminism changed in light of the way we live now? DEAN SPADE (Author of Love in a F*cked Up World: How to Build Relationships, Hook Up & Raise Hell Together) on recognizing political conditions in personal relationships. MARILYN MINTER (Artist, Feminist) on sexual agency, beauty & her creative process. TEY MEADOW (Author of Trans Kids: Bein…
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Commissioned by Ryan Schile Archival recordings from Mercury 3, Gemini 3, and Apollo 9. Audio translations of Cassini's recordings of lightning on Saturn, Voyager recording plasma waves hitting solar winds, Cassini recording solar winds hitting Saturn's magnetosphere, and Voyager-2 recording solar winds hitting Jupiter's Magnetosphere. Track nine o…
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Don Wildman uncovers the truth behind one of the most audacious hoaxes in sports history, investigates the preserved remains of a terrifying beast and inspects a watch linked to a presidential scandal. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Tell us what you think of this episode This episode contains interviews with attenders to the first ever Walkers and Talkers Event held in Wales on February 13th 2025. Around 80 people turned up to the Museum of Welsh Cricket for a cup of coffee, a gentle stroll around the environs of Sophia Gardens and to listen to ex Glamorgan player and coach Ma…
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As a nonprofit institution, our mission and our goals would not be possible without our generous donors. But finding those donors, helping them to see how their money can make an impact and managing those relationships takes the work of a whole team of people. That's why we have a Philanthropy team here at CMC. The leader of that team is our VP of …
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Ein Gespräch mit der Historikerin Anna Dolganov In dieser Podcast-Folge spricht Andreas mit der Historikerin und Papyrologin Anna Dolganov über einen spannenden Fund: einen fast 2000 Jahre alten Papyrus, der eine Gerichtsverhandlung und einen Kriminalfall dokumentiert. Anna erzählt uns wie sie diesen Fall entziffert hat und was die Papyrologie über…
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How did exhibitions become a vital tool for public communication in early twentieth century Britain? Showing resistance reveals how exhibitions were taken up by activists and politicians from 1933 to 1953, becoming manifestos, weapons of war and a means of signalling political solidarities. Drawing on dozens of examples mounted in empty shops, work…
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Lotta Kummer, Nina Kummer und Johann Bonitz - das ist Blond. 2011 wurde die Band in Chemnitz gegründet und seitdem machen sie Musik über Themen, die sie bewegen. Über Politik, über Menschen, über den Alltag. Über all das haben wir mit Blond gequatscht.Wenn du wissen willst, wie Musik und Politik zusammenhängen, hör rein!…
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Hvordan jobber en naturfotograf og hvordan formilde naturen ved fotografiet? Stein Olsaker er gjest i studio og forteller om hvordan han jobber som naturfotograf. Olsaker er aktuell med ny fotoutstilling på Herdla Museum, like nord for Bergen. Utstillingen heter «Det en ser langs kysten» og vises 2. mars-31. mai 2025.…
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What if a museum were more like a laboratory? What if our exhibits were experiments? What if our galleries were more about questions, rather than answers? What if we didn’t fear failure as much? What if scientists, artists, and technologists all created exhibitions together? What happens when you edit an exhibit about editing DNA? Should every proj…
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Everyday items found at the sites of atrocities possess a striking emotional force. Victims’ garments, broken glasses, wallets, shoes, and other such personal property that are recovered from places of death including concentration camps, mass graves, and prisons have become staples of memorial museums, exhibited to the public as material testimony…
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Through a thoughtful investigation, Disability in Ptolemaic Egypt and the Hellenistic World: Plato’s Stepchildren (Routledge, 2024) reveals often-overlooked narratives of disability within Ptolemaic Egypt and the larger Hellenistic world (332 BCE to 30 BCE). Chapters explore evidence of physical and intellectual disability, ranging from named indiv…
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Another Thrilling Episode about Na Fianna with Dónal, Katie & Izzy, as they discuss how Finn took over the warriors of Na Fianna and defeated the monster with the scariest name around!!!A special thanks to Brendan Atkins for our amazing art! You can find Brendan's work on Instagram @brendansketches or www.brendanatkins.comMusic is For Spring by Lig…
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