Max Lucado عمومي
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show episodes
It doesn’t matter if it’s a good day, a hard day, or somewhere in-between—we need the hope God offers every day. Max shares words of hope and help through simple, one-minute daily devotionals to encourage you to take one step closer to Jesus.
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In these tough times, could you use a word of encouragement? From Max Lucado, a pastor for over 40 years and bestselling author whose books have sold more than 145 million copies in over 50 languages, The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast is all about the greatest story ever told—the living Savior who brings you a lifetime of hope. With rich biblical insight, heartwarming storytelling, and Max’s comforting tone, you’ll be empowered to place your faith in a loving God who is always near you ...
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show series
Listen to Today's Devotion 1 Samuel 16:7 (NKJV) says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Those words were written for misfits and outcasts. God uses them all. Moses ran from justice, but God used him. Jonah ran from God, but God used him. Rahab ran a brothel, Lot ran with the wrong crowd, but God used them all. …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. This week on the podcast we’re turning our attention to a favorite passage of mine found in Matthew chapter 6: “Give us this day our daily bread.” No prayer better summarizes our relationship with God than this expression of trust. God’s treatment of fear …
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Listen to Today's Devotion God called David a “man after his own heart.” One might read his story and wonder what God saw in him. He fell as often as he stood. He stared down Goliath, yet ogled at Bathsheba. He could lead armies but couldn’t manage a family. Raging David. Weeping David. Bloodthirsty. God-hungry. Eight wives. One God. A man after Go…
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Listen to Today's Devotion Unceasing prayer may sound complicated, but it needn’t be that way. Do this: think of prayer less as an activity for God and more as an awareness of God. Seek to live in uninterrupted awareness. As you stand in line to register your car, think, “Thank you, Lord, for being here.” In the grocery store as you shop, think, “Y…
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Listen to Today's Devotion God heals, not prayer. A matter of semantics? No. If you think the power is in the prayer and not the One who hears the prayer, you fault the pray-er for unanswered prayer. If I had prayed more, better, differently… But the power of prayer is in the One who hears it, not the one who makes it. So, if you are waiting on God…
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Listen to Today's Devotion Prayer reminds us of who’s in charge. You don’t take your requests to someone with less authority. You take them to someone who outranks you in the solutions department. The same is true in prayer. You don’t pray just to let God know what’s going on. He’s way ahead of you on that one. You pray to transfer “my will be done…
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Listen to Today's Devotion A quiet time with God is very similar to a special date. Denalyn and I like to go to the same restaurants over and over again. When we’re there, we remember special moments we’ve shared before. Our hearts open up, and we talk to each other. We listen, we laugh, and sometimes we cry. I love those times! So does God. A quie…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. What happens when we believed we are loved by God? What do we do? How do we act? Might I suggest that the primary purpose of the Christian is this: to worship. When we worship God for who he is and all he has done for us, it reinforces what we know to be t…
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Listen to Today's Devotion Fretting over tomorrow’s problems siphons the strength you need for today, leaving you anemic and weak. So when you can’t sleep, don’t count sheep; read Scripture. Worry takes a look at catastrophes and groans, “It’s all coming unraveled.” But God says in Romans 8:28 (MSG), “Every detail in our lives of love for God is wo…
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Listen to Today's Devotion When we look at the love of Christ, we make a wonderful discovery: love is more a decision than an emotion. Christ-like love applauds good behavior. At the same time, Christ-like love refuses to endorse misbehavior. Jesus loved his apostles, but he wasn’t silent when they were faithless. Jesus loved the people in the temp…
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Listen to Today's Devotion Vengeance fixes your attention on life’s ugliest moments. Score settling freezes your stare at cruel events in your past. Is that where you want to look? Will rehearsing and reliving your hurts make you a better person? By no means – it will destroy you. Revenge moves God away from the equation. It replaces God. I’m not s…
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Listen to Today's Devotion You’ve been hurt. Part of you is broken, the other part is bitter. Part of you wants to cry, part of you wants to fight. And you’re left with a decision. Do I get over it or get even? Do I release it or resent it? Resentment is when you allow what’s eating you to eat you up. Revenge is the raging fire that consumes the ar…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Our theme for today’s episode is faithfulness, and to help us understand the concept of faithfulness we’re looking at the life of Joseph. Joseph’s story reminds us that when we trust God and respond with faith, He can bring triumph from tragedy.…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. This week is Valentine’s Day, so it feels appropriate to bring you an episode about love. February 14th may prompt us to show extra affection to those dearest to us, but what do we do when people are hard to love? May these words from the apostle John serv…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Thank you for joining me this week on The Encouraging Word podcast. The last few episodes we’ve been talking about the fruits of the spirit, and our topic today is kindness. In this episode I share a story from the Bible about two figures you likely know a…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello friend. Thanks for joining me on the Encouraging Word Podcast. This week we're discussing the importance of patience. The reality is we are all "works in progress" until the return of Christ.بقلم Max Lucado
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. What do you do when an unexpected storm blows into your life and disrupts everything? Where do you find strength to battle anxiety and fear? The Bible offers an answer in Philippians chapter 4. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in ev…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello there my friend. Thank you so very much for joining me today. We're beginning the year with some episodes looking at the big ideas of the Bible. We started last week by talking about the purpose of the Bible, why it matters and why it's important to …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Happy New Year! Welcome back to the Encouraging Word podcast. It's resolution season. All over the world people are resolving to exercise more, spend less, try a new hobby. A common resolution for people of faith is to read the Bible more and if that reson…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. It’s that time of year when we're choosing gifts to give for Christmas. As the hero of the holidays, Jesus deserves our finest gift. But what could that be? We can look to the angels to know what Jesus really wants from us this Christmas. As a reminder, Th…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello friend. Thanks for joining me today. Can you believe we’re halfway through December? Christmas will be here in just a few days. As you’re no doubt busy preparing for the holidays, I pray today’s episode gives you a few moments to reflect on the Savio…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hi friend. I hope you’re doing well today. The past few episodes we’ve been talking about what it looks like to live in a way that reflects God’s glory to the world around us. We’ve considered different aspects of life where we can take the focus off ourse…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello my friend. I hope you’re having a good day. As we continue this series about living a life that reflects the glory of God, might I suggest that includes your struggles? We all have things in our lives we would change, things we wish we didn’t have to…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello friend. I hope you’re doing well today. This week on the podcast we’re looking at an issue that plagued the Philippian church—legalism. They trusted the work of Jesus but were trying to add a little something on their own. If you ever find yourself l…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello friend. Thanks for joining me on the Encouraging Word Podcast. We’re tackling a new topic today. For the next few weeks we’ll be talking about living a God-centered life. Now that might sound simple, but living a God-centered life means not living a …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. I hope you’re having a good day. 1 Corinthians 13:7 says, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things." God calls us to walk out sacrificial love. I pray this message encourages you.…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. Thanks for joining me this week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. We really live in contentious times. This episode is releasing the day before a Presidential Election here in the United States. Regardless of the outcome, some p…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. I hope you’re having a good day. This week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast we conclude our study of heaven’s timeline and what happens next. As I’ve studied and taught on this topic, I’ve been asked many times, “So, Max, are we…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, friend. Welcome to the Encouraging Word Podcast. For the past several weeks we’ve been studying heaven’s timeline and God’s plan for the ages. Today’s episode brings us to a challenging topic. What happens to those who reject Jesus? There will be a …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. Thanks for joining me this week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast. This world is not paradise. It doesn’t look like the perfect Garden of Eden in Genesis chapter one. Devastating weather events, ongoing war, famine and illness – …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. This week on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast, as we continue our study of heaven’s timeline, we’re looking at the second coming of Christ. It won’t be like the first. Baby Jesus, sleeping in the manger – this is a familiar image. But it’s not the i…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the Encouraging Word Podcast. We’re working our way down heaven’s timeline and God’s plan for the ages. Today we come to the period of tribulation. Scripture tells us this will be a dark, chaotic time, in part because the …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. In last week’s episode of The Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we talked about the rapture, and today we’re talking about what happens to the church after the rapture. I know these can be unsettling topics, but take heart, my friend – great celebration…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast we're continuing our study on the end times. What purpose does the rapture serve? How can I believe that it will take place? Those are the questions we're beginning to answer today...…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. What do you know about the millennium? The 1,000 year reign of Christ as described in revelation. Maybe you've never heard of it, maybe you're confused by the thought of it, maybe you don't understand the purpose of it, or maybe you’re fascinated by it. Re…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. We're continuing our study on the end times, and on today's episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we're going to look at passage in the book of Daniel. Now bare with me, it is a bit challenging, but it is an important prophecy that warrants o…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Did you know that God has great plans for you? We get a glimpse of His plans for you in the Garden of Eden. A perfect garden where God's children, made in His image, live in perfect relationship with Him, with each other and perfected bodies in paradise. T…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello friend. As I mentioned last week this Fall on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast we'll be in a series called "What Happens Next.” Over the next several episodes we're going to look back at major events in the bible and we'll look forward to what…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. In this special episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we're sharing an exclusive preview of Chapter 6 of Max's new book, What Happens Next. Learn more about The Solomon Foundation here. You can find the What Happens Next book and Bible study …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. In this special episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word Podcast, we're sharing an exclusive preview of Chapter 1 of Max's new book, What Happens Next. Learn more about The Solomon Foundation here. You can find the What Happens Next book and Bible study …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. This summer on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast we’ve been talking about what we can do to give every day a chance. That can feel especially challenging on a day when things don’t go according to plan, when you’re bumped off track. Just ask the apos…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Thanks for joining us today on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast. On this episode we’re looking at a story in the New Testament about a daughter and the faith of her father. When the situation seemed hopeless, the father went to Jesus. And because he…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Do you ever feel anxious? I know there’s plenty to worry about – between wars and extreme weather and the economy, not to mention the more personal concerns of health struggles or strained relationships. But I also know what God says about worry. If you wa…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. In today’s episode of the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast, we’re looking back at the most important days in the history of our faith – the first Easter weekend. If you’re struggling in the pain of Friday or the silence of Saturday, may you remember tha…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Thanks for joining us on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast this week. As we continue our series “Every Day Deserves a Chance,” let’s consider something that has derailed many a day – unforgiveness. Forgiving an offense doesn’t come easily, but doing …
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. In Luke chapter 17 we read the story of Jesus healing ten men with leprosy. This story tells us two important truths: one, it demonstrates the mercy of Christ. And two, it reminds us that God noticed a grateful heart. Learn more about The Solomon Foundatio…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. John the Baptist called Jesus “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” Isn’t that something? He doesn’t just delay your sin or shove it way down in a drawer. He takes it away. May you rest today in that security.…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Imagine, on the most difficult day of your life, you encounter Jesus. That’s what happened to the thief on the cross. At his lowest moment, he was met with kindness and grace. And on your worst day, that kindness and grace will meet you too.…
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Join the mission! Visit to help fund more episodes and shows like this. Hello, friend. I hope you’re having a good day. But if you’re not, perhaps today’s message will help turn that around. Here on the Max Lucado Encouraging Word podcast, we’re beginning our summer series today called “Every Day Deserves A Chance.” You’re lik…
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