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show episodes
Ein Podcast über kostümierte Prominente, die 2x jährlich, in 25 Extrakilos gepackt, versuchen, dem Klang einer Nachtigall zu gleichen? Welch idealer Stoff! Doch wir begutachten diese Bestrebungen nicht nur. Viel eher sehen wir unsere Aufgabe darin, jedes Detail zu durchleuchten! Wir nehmen auseinander und fügen wieder zusammen. Spüren nach und demaskieren. Zweifelsohne ist Maskenball besser als jeder Konverter! Denn wir sind vergnügt. Geradezu passioniert für die bizarrste Rateshow! Und wir ...
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Üdvözlünk az iTS (Intelligent Thinking System) Podcastek világában. Különböző eseteket elemzünk, és elmerülünk az elme természetében. Megkérdőjelezzük a pszichológia és spirituális világ állításait, miközben az elme sötét zugaiba is betekintünk. Hisz addig amíg önmagunkat megtévesztjük, mindenki mást is megtévesztünk. Csatlakozz, hogy együtt fedezhessük fel az emberi psziché új szintjét!
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This podcast is dedicated to the education, motivation, uplifting of the community. A positive source of light, love, healing, and abundance! You are perfectly divine and designed!!! It is my mission to encourage you on your spiritual journey. Knowing that as each one of us shines our light, darkness fades! Time to take of the mask, be real, and let’s heal!!!
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Maskell Podcasting Network is an uncensored podcast network produced by Jordan Maskell, a journalist, producer and podcast host from Vanessa, Ontario, Canada. Maskell holds an advanced diploma in Print and Broadcast Journalism from Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario and is passionate about media. Conceived in early 2012, the original idea of the podcast network was to have raw conversations with friends and interesting people about important issues, current events and themselves. Recurring ...
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Behind The Mask Podcast

Takeo Spikes & Tutan Reyes, Bleav

NFL Legend Takeo Spikes has expanded upon the success of his book "Takeo Spikes presents; Behind The Mask Book", in a podcast series with NFL Veteran Tutan Reyes. The show features many other pro-athletes and celebrities sharing untold personal stories on life in the league, fatherhood, relationships, business, social issues and more.
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Dialoge ohne Masken

Sharon Paschke, Nico Haffke, Christian Pander

Die acht außergewöhnlichsten Fragen gepaart mit einem Abschluss-Konter! Es geht um die Themen: Dankbarkeit, Superkraft, Die eine Sache, Peinlich, Schwere Zeit, Tränen, Ein Gegenstand und Noch 1 Jahr. Voraussetzungen für einen Dialog ohne Masken, ist das gegenseitige Vertrauen. Am Ende des Dialoges wird Sharon Paschke eine Konterfrage gestellt und der Gast des Podcasts darf eine weitere Persönlichkeit nominieren. Ihr dürft euch auf geniale Antworten freuen...
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GP - Three Mask Planning

Gestalheim Productions

It started with Gnolls, led to a tavern that heralded a vision, then snowballed from there. Now, with directives from various sources and more questions than answers, a group of adventures seek answers admit devine rumblings. All the while they try to keep one of the party alive and answer the most pressing question: what is the coin Delani holds? It's harder than it seems.
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Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem

Masks and Mayhem is an actual play show using the superhero RPG Mutants & Masterminds. In this custom setting Game Master R.C. challenges the heroes: Atlanean ambassador Yardak, filmmaker-illusionist Ruby Lawson (aka Vizual Aid), and aging vigilante Brock Bollea (aka Lazerhawk). Join this immersive story where we find out what it means to be a hero…. or at least not a villain, mostly.
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Welcome to the Legend of Zelda Audiobooks! This podcast includes a novelisation of Ocarina of Time by DragonRand100, Majora's Mask by FakeJake93, and a selection of short stories by Selphie Kinneas. Each season features new stories by different authors, so stay tuned while we celebrate some of the fanworks this amazing fandom has to offer. All the stories on this podcast are featured with the permission of the author. Let me know what does or doesn't work for you. I am always open to feedbac ...
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Masken und Narben ist ein einfühlsamer und informativer Podcast, der sich mit den Themen Autismus und Trauma auseinandersetzt. Geleitet von mir, Alexis Weavind, Heilpraktiker*in für Psychotherapie, Traumatherapeut*in und EMDR-Therapeut*in, bietet dieser Podcast persönliche Erfahrungen und professionelle Expertise. Als Autist*in und Elternteil autistischer Kinder teile ich meine einzigartigen Einblicke, um das Verständnis und die Akzeptanz von Autismus und Trauma zu fördern. In jeder Episode ...
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Wyatt Bloom & Jason Gross

MASKast features episode reviews from the 1985 M.A.S.K. animated series, chats about the overall franchise, and interviews within the voice actors and fan community. Your hosts are Jason & Wyatt, the lifelong fans behind the website.
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Dagbladet Information

Hvordan vil kunstig intelligens forandre vores verden? I podcasten ’Maskinstorm’ inviterer en række af Informations fagmedarbejdere eksperter i studiet for at forsøge at finde svar på netop det spørgsmål. Serien er støttet af Novo Nordisk Fonden.
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A podcast for the CRNA industry. Discussing the important issues that happen both in, and beyond, the operating room. With Sharon Pearce, DNP, CRNA, FAANA, FAAN and Jeremy Stanley, EA, CFP, AIF. Innovations & opportunities for CRNAs & APRNs. Visit our website for more great information and to learn how you can get CE Credit as a CRNA just by listening to the podcast. Don’t miss our special series on CRNA History, CRNA Personal Finance & Retirement, Political ...
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MASKulinity Podcast

Supported by Next Gen Men

Brooklyn- and Oakland-based duo Samantha Nzessi and Remoy Philip invite you into their sometimes loud but necessary banter on masculinity. Hear Samantha and Remoy discuss topics like what masculinity means to our society, whether masculinity has actually been good to men, or even how the latest movie, TV and sports trends are helping or hurting the gender, and everyone else by extension. Also listen as a variety of guests—experts in the fields of gender studies, activists, or even everyday g ...
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Maskeli Ebeveyn

Binnaz Sönmez Dursun

Bir saniyede ebeveyn olduk. Hooop! Başka bir evrene ışınlandık. Binnaz Sönmez Dursun, sizleri çocuğa ve ebeveyn olmaya dair ne varsa konuşmaya, paylaşmaya, evrenden evrene haberleşmeye davet ediyor. Maskeyi önce kendinize taktıysanız başlayalım.
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The Mask; Her Aid

Brittany Alexandria Willis

Welcome to The Mask; Her Aid, a podcast all about taking off the fake identity masks we all wear in this masquerade we call life. Support this podcast:
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Masklife Radio

Slice N Dice

Slice N Dice present; Masklife Radio Featuring Exclusive Music, Mashups, and private edits from Australia's beloved Mad Masked Men! Bringing their high intensity fuelled sets directly to your ears, anytime, anywhere! Welcome to the Masklife.
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Spillestedet Maskinhallen

Vi undersøger omgivelsernes indvirkning på musikken og den kreative proces. Vi snakker med fortrinsvis danske musikere og er nysgerrige på deres proces, når de især arbejder med musikalske udtryk gennem folke- og rootsmusikken.
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2010 óta intenzíven járom az önismereti utamat, amelybe betársult az utóbbi 6 évben az asztrológia módszere és mintegy 4 éve önismereti segítőként működök. Az epizódok során lesz szó az asztrológiáról és annak határairól, a mindennapi pszichológiáról, az önsegítő technikákról és a saját életemből vett tapasztalatokról. Mindezt a lehető legegyszerűbben, és misztifikációtól mentesen. További olvasnivaló: Kapcsolat:
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Élhetsz máskéPP

Szanti Dominika

Élet a Pozitív Pszichológia szemüvegén keresztül. Miről szól a Pozitív Pszichológia? Hogyan lehet a PP tudományos felfedezéseit a gyakorlatban alkalmazni? Mi a titka a sikeres, küzdőképes, tartósan egészséges embereknek? Szeretném a kezedbe adni a PP gyakorlatban alkalmazható eszköztárát, hogy te is képes legyél megteremteni saját magad számára a legteljesebb életet. Tarts velem és vendégeimmel kéthetente kedden! Élj máskéPP!
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Masked Gorilla is an underground rap blog, concert series, and record label that has been introducing you to your favorite emerging artists since 2009, now in podcast form. You can also watch these interviews on Masked Gorilla's YouTube channel.
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Motivator, a Hype man and a person who just wants the best for everyone, "Remove your mask, write your story", a concept of a safe space to find your self and your purpose in life. This is the journey that Jay took in 2019. An awakening that was the greatest wake up in his life. The times of anxiety, stress, depression and a pseudo stroke, Jay didn't know what was going on, except there is a gift around the corner. We admit we aren't perfect, but it's what you do with those lessons and now J ...
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Mask Off

Katrina Benson

The Mask Off Podcast will assist Listeners with Motivational and Therapeutic Tools to help Listeners self reflect, heal, and conquer emotional pain, trauma, and self defeating behaviors that resulted from Life Experiences.
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Das Schlaglicht der Öffentlichkeit fällt nur selten auf die Dörfer und Kleinstädte unseres Landes. Zugezogen Maskulin gehen deshalb der Frage nach: „Wie ist es eigentlich, wenn man hier groß wird?“ Alle zwei Wochen treffen sich Grim104 und Testo mit besonderen Gästen im Podcast „Zum Dorfkrug“. Themen wie Herkunft, Heimat und Dorf stehen in den Gesprächen ebenso auf der Tagesordnung wie Rechtsruck, Landflucht und Identität. "Zum Dorfkrug" ist ein Podcast von DIFFUS.
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show series
Madison King, running as an independent in the state of WA, a first nation lady with her family from the Kimberley and raised on the cattle farms of WA, speaks clearly about here thoughts about Australia day and why she celebrates it. Join Madison and her journey to the big house in Canberra Go to and register as a member #ma…
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We cover the truly bizarre and twist-filled story of a young woman, who—after escaping from a dangerous and abusive relationship—is understandably surprised when her spouse’s sudden death leaves her with a wealth of inheritance. And while police begin to garner suspicion as to this surviving victim and her own mental state, this survivor would begi…
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We’re excited to sit down with a distinguished CRNA and a leader in our profession for our first interview. Jackie Rowles, DNP, CRNA, NSPM-C, FAANA has devoted much of her life to pain management and it’s taken her to the height of the profession. She’s currently the president of the International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists and formerly serve…
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After making their plans, the party starts to make their way to the Gnoll Camp with a pocket full of luck and grit on their side as they attempt to save Delani's sister from the sinister Gnoll Gang. Special thanks to Crest for editing this episode! Other Gestalheim Productions Capers and Cataclysms Fictional Heroism Adventurers With Attitude Welcom…
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Here is Chapter 62 of Majora's Mask by FakeJake93- Broken Promise. Sorry for the very long wait, everyone. I know it's been quite a while since the last upload, but things have been a bit chaotic behind the scenes between the Christmas/New Year holidays and other things. That said, I'm hoping we'll be back up and running now, and if all goes well, …
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LA Rams Super Bowl Champ Andrew Whitworth talks about winning a championship against the team that drafted him, longevity in the NFL, & his role as an NFL Analyst on Amazon Prime! Subscribe To Our Podcast: Get Your BTM Merch: FOLLOW US: INSTAGRAM: / thebtmpodcast TWITTER: /…
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It was going so well.. until it wasn't The guards are alerted & the Investigators will have to move fast, to escape from no35 Tottenham Court Road. A TTRPG actual play podcast | Steady Rolling Men presents... Masks of Nyarlathotep see for more includes Royalty Free Music from Track: From The Abyss To The Sky by…
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The Hive is caught up in the changes between Chenpar Atlan and Riverside City. Ruby returns to her roots as she prepares for the future. Yardak looks on his role in a new way.Check out our Discord hereCheck out On The Edge of the Depths on YouTubeMasks and Mayhem uses Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition by Green Ronin Publishing. Get 5% off with code…
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In dieser Folge von Masken und Narben tauchen wir in die Verbindung zwischen Trauma und dem Bedürfnis nach Kontrolle ein. Warum fällt es uns so schwer, loszulassen, und welche Rolle spielt unsere Vergangenheit dabei? Wir sprechen über die Mechanismen, die uns in einem Kreislauf der Selbstkontrolle gefangen halten, und wie diese oft als Schutzreakti…
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With the growing demand for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in healthcare, developing and preparing future nurse anesthetists is more important than ever. As training needs and educational requirements continue to evolve, anesthesia programs have to adapt as well to maintain the high standards needed to provide the right care. Today…
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The artist Shipley begins a new life away from 'mother' & the worlds least experienced cat burglars look for clues, inside the Penhew Foundation.. A TTRPG actual play podcast | Steady Rolling Men presents... Masks of Nyarlathotep see for more includes Royalty Free Music from Track: From The Abyss To The Sky by …
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From Joker to Woker … what does this mean to you, This is my opinjon, this is my view, this is my voice, This is the Robin Hood Effect, A chat with Jay My name is Jay from Journey of a Whitefeather, 27 years plus experience in the health and well being industry but I went through those dark times 5 years ago and I want to assist you with those stru…
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In this episode of life theories, we talk about the year 2025 and look at synchroneities in life which leads into what your purpose is. There are messages and reactions in your life that send you down your path of discovery. The universe or whatever you believe is telling you what and where you need to focus, you just have to be aware and be open t…
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With so many issues and information coming out that you need to know So Jay will be hosting a weekly wrap with some of his friends giving out the best of their content so you can make informed decisions for you and your family going forward Find the creators mentioned on this video at @WWHJourney…
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Sziasztok! Kezdjük az Újévet – Az Elengedés és Teremtés Jegyében! Ahhoz, hogy valami új dolog kezdődhessen az életünkben, először el kell engednünk a régit. De vajon képesek vagyunk-e valóban befejezni valamit? Vagy csak átalakítunk egy mintát, és egy másik formában folytatjuk ugyanazt? Legyen az bármi: egy rossz szokás, egy bántó kapcsolat, vagy a…
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We cover arguably our most shocking case study yet, following the story of a newly widowed woman—who, after narrowly surviving an alleged attack at her family home—finds herself as the prime suspect in a series of violent murders. And while she somehow has first-hand knowledge of the crimes in question, this suspect denies any and all involvement, …
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The transition to a new place is hard on its own but add in the stress of CRNA school and it can quickly feel like you aren’t prepared. Moving for school is not just about packing boxes and finding a new place to live. It involves a complete lifestyle shift, requiring careful planning and emotional resilience. Join us for a candid conversation abou…
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Diese Folge dient dazu, euch unser Projekt "Hidden Voices" näher zu bringen! Neben bereits bekannten Infos erfahr t ihr, wie viele Masken dabei sein werden, ob es Mottoshows gibt und erfahrt exklusiv die zwei neuen Masken! Das alles und noch viel mehr hört ihr in der neuesten Folge "Maskenball"! Genießt die Folge und viel Spaß beim Hören!…
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My name is Jay from Journey of a Whitefeather, 27 years plus experience in the health and well being industry but I went through those dark times 5 years ago and I want to assist you with those struggles with the tools and knowledge that I gained going through those times of not knowing and hardship. Today I have a chat with my great friend Mandy f…
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So episode 2 is here, bigger achievement believe me, and I am grateful to actually finally speak. :a fires, lots of stories coming out of it. Why wasn't there water in the hydrants Why was the mayor in Ghana Did the Governor restrict the water because of a fish P Diddy, well what do you think? My name is Jay from Journey of a Whitefeather, 27 years…
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We’re at the start of award season, so it’s a perfect time to continue exploring MASKulinity on TV. This week, Samantha and Remoy walk each other through popular shows they’ve watched and ask, How are men and masculinity represented in these shows? Are they challenging the norm of MASKulinity or reinforcing it? Samantha starts off with a nod to Gol…
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Maintaining a culture of respect is crucial, and without it you can shake the foundation of any profession. Yet, incivility remains a significant challenge in nurse anesthesia educational programs, affecting both students and faculty. Today we’re discussing strategies or creating the right culture and professionalism with Nancy A. Moriber, PhD, APR…
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Are our outlandish theories correct? Or is there a more mundane reason behind the strangeness? No time to waste. The team head straight back to Shipley's house to find out... A TTRPG actual play podcast | Steady Rolling Men presents... Masks of Nyarlathotep see for more includes Royalty Free Music from Track: F…
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We cover the legendary case of a group of university students, who—during a busy Spring semester at school—find themselves entangled in an elaborate series of murders, where one by one they fall victim to the killer in mysterious and over-the-top ways. These murders are seemingly meticulously planned and staged, and as investigators would soon find…
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My name is Jay from Journey of a Whitefeather, 27 years plus experience in the health and well being industry but I went through those dark times 5 years ago and I want to assist you with those struggles with the tools and knowledge that I gained going through those times of not knowing and hardship. Today I have a chat with my great friend Mandy f…
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Welcome to the inaugural episode of Grade 1 View! Before we jump into the topics and discussions impacting future CRNAs, we want to introduce you to our hosts: Kevin Chem, BSN, RN, Olivia Conn, MSN, RN, Charity Garno, BSN, RN, and Larry Sears, BSN, RN. In future episodes, Grade 1 View aims to cover various topics, including navigating the CRNA appl…
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Journey of a Whitefeather My story of Passion, Hurt, The Dark Night of the Soul, Love, Spirituality and Trauma in finding my myself and my purpose in life which has allowed me to assist and inspire people to find their purpose and themselves. This has inspired me to be a motivational speaker, healer, author and mentor using my bat belt of gifts, my…
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Journey of a Whitefeather My story of Passion, Hurt, The Dark Night of the Soul, Love, Spirituality and Trauma in finding my myself and my purpose in life which has allowed me to assist and inspire people to find their purpose and themselves. This has inspired me to be a motivational speaker, healer, author and mentor using my bat belt of gifts, my…
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A Chat with Jay featuring Australia's own Jody Lowe direct from Queensland. Underground coal miner using risk management to integrate critical thinking, truth, accountability and mental health into the country's response to the growing rise of tyranny. Find Jody on…
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On the first day of 2025, Michelle and I record a show discussing New Years Eve, the lengths people go to be in Times Square for NYE, New Years resolutions, wasting food, Family Feud, OnlyFans models earning millions of dollars, bops, using platforms like TikTok and Instagram to make money, dating apps, what people share on dating profiles, Colombi…
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Marcone is back on the show, as we discuss topics including the Bible, questionable sections of the first half of Genesis, Donald Trump becoming the 47th president of the United States, The View’s Joy Behar stating Joe Rogan believes in dragons, where in America each candidate received the most votes, Trump’s team, the proposed Department of Govern…
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Today we speak to A Nigerian native who ,add the big decision to migrate to another country. Mamuzo is a Nigerian native who is a life coach specialist and a mentor to all who want to change their live and live their purpose, but also helping others who decide to migrate to other countries. We know this can stressful but she has done and she wants …
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University of Georgia G.O.A.T. WR Terrence Edwards talks about setting records at UGA, the Terrence Edwards Wide Receiver Academy, & success after not being drafted to the NFL. Subscribe To Our Podcast: Get Your BTM Merch: FOLLOW US: INSTAGRAM: / thebtmpodcast TWITTER: / th…
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Warning: today’s topic is sensitive but urgent. We’ll be discussing suicide in general and shining a light on the rising rates among nurses and student nurse anesthetists. Mental health struggles are very prevalent in the profession but you often don’t ever see it because it’s hidden behind the mask of professionalism. So what can we do to help dri…
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Journey of a Whitefeather.. Remove the mask and write your's time to live now Today I speak with my friend and co host of life theories Sarah from big soul healing (@big soul healing on social media platforms) about when messages and synchronicities that happen in life and you can’t explain it, but do you have to? My Journey has inspir…
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We cover the case of a group of university students, who—a year after a hazing prank goes terribly wrong—find themselves picked off one by one by a many-masked killer during a New Years Eve costume party. But to keep things interesting, this end-of-year outing is taking place on a moving train...meaning the occupants have nowhere to run and no mean…
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In this episode, we’re going to explore the transformative role of Thromboelastography (TEG) in blood coagulation and transfusion therapy. This groundbreaking technology has revolutionized how we understand and manage blood coagulation. Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode: TEG provides a detailed picture of what the patient's coagulation…
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Heute begrüßt das DoM-Team die Musikerin und Songwriterin Vanessa NESSI Ulmer zu einer Spezialfolge! Es geht um ihren Weg aus der Histaminintoleranz und wie sie wieder alles essen kann. Falls ihr selbst unter Allergien diverser Art leidet, dann seit ihr bei Sharon Paschke und seinem Team (inklusive Heilpraktiker und Ärzte) sicherlich an der richtig…
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I had the honor of being a guest on the Podcast presented by Ally Travland, "Level Headed Wild Child" Ally is bridging the gap between the logical mind and the intuitive soul, the seen and the unseen, the material and the mystical, but also is giving people a voice to speak upon the world's issues and what people need Providing a space for those se…
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Going off an earlier episode where Samantha tested Remoy’s musical knowledge, this week Samantha checks in on what Remoy knows about TV. Through round after round, our two co hosts explore how TV dads and masculinity have evolved over the decades. Samantha kicks things off with a clip of Al Bundy and his daughter Kelly. Does Remoy remember anything…
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Today in a chat with Jay we talk to a lovely lady from Perth Western Australia. Alexis is an energy healer & reader and reader who has had a life of experiences including troubled childhood and traumatic experiences in adulthood that has helped her develop her abilities … and connect with you in an energetic level An amazing interview and this is o…
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For the third straight year, we’re bringing on NorthStar Anesthesia CEO Adam Spiegel and Chief Anesthetist Officer Randy Moore, DNP, MBA, CRNA to update the state of the anesthesia profession and speculate on what’s coming in the future. Just like past year-end shows, we’ll offer up a comprehensive overview of the current state of anesthesiology, h…
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Finale von Staffel 11 TMS! Wir sprechen in der letzten Folge 2024 noch einmal über das Finale und besprechen dabei auch über die Sachen, die uns gut und weniger gut an der Staffel gefallen haben! Zudem wird das Geheimnis gelüftet: Die ersten zwei Masken von "Hidden Voices" werden enthüllt! Genießt den Tag und lasst gerne viel Liebe und Kommentare u…
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Ole Miss Rebel & Kansas City Chiefs all everything back Dexter McCluster talks overcoming odds making it to the NFL, life after football, & why Andy Reid has so much success in the NFL. Subscribe To Our Podcast: Get Your BTM Merch: Exclusive Questions Powered by Essentially…
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We cover the infamous holiday story of a group of sorority sisters, who—while weathering the snowy holiday season at their university fraternity house—find themselves at the mercy of a maniacal stalker. And while a string of increasingly vulgar and aggressive phone calls to the sorority residence are indeed reported to police, things seem to take a…
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Today we talk to One Nation political Commentator Joseph Biagi from Queensland Australia Joe is a normal everyday Australia who has a passion for his country and what happens in it … He is very strong on what’s happens downunder and how the governments are taking from the poor over and over and people not respecting the land they live on Follow Joe…
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Today on a chat with Jay we speak to Harper Black Part 2 … an author, artist and digital creator His life has been one for the ages but the lessons he has learnt and the experiences that he has been through can teach so many and make things that you may seem unbearable but give you a little light About Harper … he says I am the sum of my experience…
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