Gemeinsam die Welt besser verstehen - ein Podcast von Andreas Sator
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A wellness center some called Miracle Ranch, nestled in the scenic mountains of Southern California, promised a luxurious escape and a path to wellness through clean, alkaline living. Its leader, Dr. Robert O. Young, attracted wealthy clientele with his “groundbreaking” health protocols and friendly, family-man persona. But beneath the serene surface, Miracle Ranch harbored a dark secret. The people who stayed there didn’t get better; they got worse. Through legal documents and candid interv ...
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Prayer for all people
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Der Kinderpodcast zum Umgang mit Gefühlen und Co. für alle Kids von 4 bis 10 Jahren Mira erlebt Abenteuer und findet Antworten auf die wirklich wichtigen Fragen – gestellt von Kindern! Gemeinsam mit Kater Kopernikus und MC Pieps, der Rappermaus sendet sie direkt aus dem fliegenden Haus, dem coolsten Ort der Welt. Liebevoll, spannend und kindgerecht geht es um Gefühle, Selbstliebe, Achtsamkeit, globale Empathie und vieles mehr! „MiRA & das fliegende Haus“ widmet sich den wirklich wichtigen Th ...
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Hazırlayanlar: Derya Tolgay ve Nevin Sungur
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True miracle stories with the thrill you crave and the inspiration you need.
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New ideas and new technology are causing seismic shifts the media industry. Meet the innovators, the risk-takers and the disrupters on the front lines of change from Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and beyond. This is the “Up Next Podcast” with Gabriella Mirabelli.
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Subscribe for conversations that raise your consciousness. Previous guests include Gary Vaynerchuk, Alex Hormozi, Robert Greene, Seth Godin, Andy Frisella, Chris Williamson, Kamal Ravikant, Iman Gadzhi, Anthony Pompliano, George Heaton, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, Miss Excel Kat Norton, Ariel Helwani, James Altucher, Sam Parr, Shaan Puri, Colin and Samir, Gay Hendricks, and 350+ incredible humans.
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Finding intoxication through authentic creative expression
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Welcome to this weekly Miracle Channel podcast! In each episode, you’ll hear a hand-picked message from a world-renowned speaker that airs on our TV channel. Special guests include Leon Fontaine, Joseph Prince, Joyce Meyer, Dr. David Jeremiah and many, many more. Subscribe to this podcast so you don’t miss an episode!
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Utenriksmagasinet Mir er Studentradioen i Bergens politiske alibi. Hver uke kan du høre utenrikspolitiske analyser, kulturelle reportasjer og diskusjoner om ukjente eller kjente problemstillinger i verden.
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Bonsai Mirai is a company, a place, a practice, an ecosystem of creators. This is our outlet for discussion of all things bonsai and beyond.
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Dateline’s newest podcast takes Josh Mankiewicz to Silver Lakes, a lush manmade oasis in California’s Mojave Desert, where Rob and Sabrina Limon seem to have the perfect life: two young children, a beautiful home, and a tight-knit group of friends who call themselves the “Wolf Pack.” But when Rob is found murdered, investigators uncover deep secrets about sex, friendship, and religion that shatter carefully crafted illusions. Follow now to get the first two episodes on Tuesday, December 3 co ...
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Join Ladybug experts Dylan, Delaney, & April who’ve been podcasting on Miraculous Ladybug since Season 1 to talk about the latest Ladybug episodes and other fun topics! We actually like this show and think it’s really good, but also very intentionally absurd and fun :)
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Reflexões da Bíblia, da vida e da arte.
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Selecciones musicales para la Inteligencia emocional, meditación, new age, Mindfulness, Musicoterapia, Relajación, Estrés, Zen, Optimismo, Yoga.Emotional Intelligence music, Musictherapy, Healing, Peaceful, Wellness, Zen & Zazen, mindfulness, Biomusic, Conscience, awakeness, Balance, Harmony, Empathy, Relaxation, Meditation, 432 Hz Armonized frecuency, Optimism, Yoga. Música de las esferas, Impresiones positivas para Zentrarnos en Equilibrio Corazón-Cerebro. Autores que componen música tranq ...
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Each episode of MIRANDA's podcast - Investing Beyond Borders will share business and legal and regulatory news from around the 16 Miranda Alliance jurisdictions and provide a listener experience with relevant information for their business.
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Fresh topics, hot takes! Your weekly go-to for spontaneous and lively discussion with hosts Raven-Symoné and Miranda Maday. Guests draw a random topic from a teapot, sparking fun and insightful conversations on everything from trending news to timeless curiosities.
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Türkiye’de kültürel mirasın algılanış biçimleri, koruma anlayışı ve korumaya ilişkin uygulamalar, politikalar. (Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Asu Aksoy, Burçin Altınsay)
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Spiritual Teacher, Master Coach & 2x Best-Selling Author, Nichole Sylvester brings you Miracle Minded podcast. Straight forward spiritual teachings, feminine wisdom and transformational principles to guide you home to your Divinity.
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Obrolan random bersama Mira
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Un repaso a noticias sobre la industria del videojuego desde mi punto de vista altamente mermado. Esto está en youtube también, bueno principalmente.
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Questo è Mirabilia, il Podcast delle Storie Straordinarie. Con ogni episodio, proveremo ad aprire uno spiraglio sulla Storia, alla ricerca dell’incredibile, del misterioso, dell’improbabile, del meraviglioso e dell’assurdo, per scoprire che la Storia dell’umanità è fatta anche e soprattutto di fatti irrazionali e al limite dell’impossibile, di cose che non potevano o non dovevano succedere ma sono successe davvero.
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Este es el podcast del programa Mirá Vos! que hacemos desde la FM Identia 103.3 de la Villa de Merlo y la Fm Rioseco 88.7 de la ciudad de San Luis, Argentina
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Miracle Voices - A Course In Miracles Podcast (ACIM)
Judy Skutch Whitson, Tam Morgan, and Matthew McCabe
Transformation and Healing Through Forgiveness - Inspired By A Course In Miracle (ACIM)
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Narrativas en la cultura: literatura, series, cine, videojuegos.
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Erfahre spannende Themen aus der SwingTanz Szene in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt. Interviews, Berichte und News. LindyHop, Shag, Balboa, Blues, Charleston oder Solo Jazz. Bleib schön. Viel Spaß!
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In welchem politischen Kontext ist ein Song entstanden? Warum hat der Gitarrist das Solo so und nicht anders gespielt? Was macht die Band heute? Prof. Udo Dahmen, künstlerischer Direktor a.D. der Popakademie Mannheim und Berater für Popländ Baden-Württemberg erklärt jede Woche die Hintergründe eines großen Songs der Popmusikgeschichte.
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We are hear to occupy until Jesus returns. This is the generation of saints that will show forth the power of God and bring in a mass harvest of souls as we engage the miraculous!
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Kick off your week every Monday morning by discovering new strategies to dominate your day before breakfast! . Join host Jeff Sanders on this practical self-improvement podcast that focuses on productivity, healthy habits, and personal development. This is your home to bounce out of bed with enthusiasm, create powerful lifelong habits, and tackle your grandest goals with extraordinary energy! . Become a VIP member of The 5 AM Miracle community by getting the premium ad-free version with excl ...
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Sermons from Grace EV Free La Mirada
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Persönlichkeiten ganz persönlich interviewt von Ö3-Moderatorin Claudia Stöckl. Für alle, die die Sendung am Sonntag versäumt haben, gibt es im "Frühstück bei mir"-Podcast das gesamte Gespräch zum Nachhören - oft sogar mit zusätzlichen Interviewteilen, von Claudia Stöckl extra für deinen Mp3-Player produziert. Um die Sendung ohne Download anzuhören, klick bitte auf den "Play"-Button unter dem Ö3-Logo. Alle Podcasts von Ö3 sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nur 30 Tage verfügbar.
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'Miracle Hunter' Michael O'Neill delves into the fascinating world of miracles and takes listeners on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvels of the Catholic Church. From visions of the Virgin Mary and inexplicable medical healings through the intercession of Saints to the miracles of the Eucharist and those who bear the wounds of Christ, listeners will journey through the wonders that have inspired the fascination and faith of believers for centuries.
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Podcast sobre doctrinas básicas enseñadas por el pastor Pablo Miranda de la Iglesia Cristiana Antofagasta
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Celebrity, political, social commentary on the latest in news and pop culture!
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Exploring A Course in Miracles offers in-depth conversations on Course-related topics from Robert and Emily Perry. To learn more about Circle of Atonement offerings for your A Course in Miracles journey, including our Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) of A Course in Miracles and our Course Companions online learning community, please visit
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Miracles? In the 21st Century? Yes, listen to people share real life miracle stories, not only from recent times but also amazing stories from their past. These miracles from heaven are truly inspirational! The Youtube video is at this link:
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A Course in Miracles: Walking the Talk Living the Love Weekly Podcast provides profound support for those who struggle to express their beliefs from moment to moment in their everyday lives. A Course in Miracles shows us the way out of suffering and into that true place of peace and joy. In each week’s episode, Jennifer shares her personal experience of transformation and invites her guests to do the same. To learn more about A Course in Miracles please visit Our holiness ...
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Southern inspirational dada.
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Dr. Carolyne "Isis" Fuqua reveals Egyptian Mysticism through A Course in Miracles Podcast. Our 365 day journey through A Course in Miracles begins on January 1st. Begin the journey with the dawning of the light and end the journey with the ascension of your soul. Copyright
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As Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders we possess a unique set of strengths that are coded for you to experience a higher level of success and prosperity. Join Highly Sensitive Leadership Mentor, Heather Dominick, as she teaches you how to work less while making more – of an impact and income – by being willing to see and do things differently; a Business Miracle.
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Into Healing offers you the tools, insights, and inspiration to heal. Each episode, Mira Kaddoura, an award-winning creative leader, change-maker, and storyteller, sits down with a diverse range of guests who share their unique healing stories. From experienced practitioners to individuals navigating their own healing journeys, Into Healing brings you inspiring narratives, valuable insights, and practical tools you need to take your first step toward healing.
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#341 Erklär mir Journalismus, Armin Wolf
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51:32Was unterscheidet echten Journalismus von bloßem Content? Armin Wolf hat mir die Grundlagen des Nachrichtenjournalismus erklärt. Warum redaktionelle Routinen unerlässlich sind und welche goldene Regel unbedingt zu beachten ist. 🙆 Armin Wolf ist Journalist und Moderator der ZiB2. Er ist außerdem Stellvertretender Chefredakteur der ORF-Fernsehinforma…
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Ihre Ehe hat nur 72 Tage gedauert - was in jedem Fall blieb, ist der prominente Name. Jetzt steht Simone Lugner auch im Ballroom von "Dancing Stars". In Ö3-"Frühstück bei mir" erzählt die wohl prominenteste Witwe Österreichs über Trauer und und warum im Streit mit dem Lugner-Clan noch immer kein Ende in Sicht ist. Jetzt geht es um neue Bedingungen …
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„Runaway“ von der norwegischen Singer-Songwriterin Aurora
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8:13Die Endzwanzigerin (*1996) schrieb den Song nach eigener Aussage bereits als Teenager. Erstmals richtig aufmerksam wurde man auf die Norwegerin mit der zauberhaften zarten Stimme im Werbespot eines Mobilfunkanbieters, in dem sie von einem Rennen mit Wölfen singt. Und das passt zu der besonderen Aura der naturverbundenen Musikerin, die sich selbst a…
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Det er Persisk nyttår, Umir ble ghosta av Støre, opprør i Tyrkia og nydelige bilder av JD Vance I studio Thea Mostraum Anna Fransson Leiksett Tobias Steinsvik Telstø
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BMBDS-Podcast 116 - LH BASICS - Grundschritte im Swing
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41:58Erfahre, warum sich welche Grundschritte und SwingTänze entwickelt haben. Spannende und seltene Videos findest Du im Video👇 🔈 🎥 Finde Deine Lieblingsplattform, höre, abonniere, like, teile Value 4 Value: Höre mit und sende Sats +++++++…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 85
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"Wie können wir die Welt verbessern?" MiRA SHOW
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21:05Fragekind Asil, 8 Jahre alt, will wissen, wie wir mit den Herausforderungen unserer Zeit, wie Umweltverschmutzung oder Konflikten umgehen können: Wir sind doch so klein und können alleine gar nix ändern!Kopernikus der Kater sieht das anders. Er ist sich sicher: Wenn wir die Welt verändern wollen, müssen wir bei uns SELBST anfangen.Wie er das genau …
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The Prayer for a Caravan Site - Dr John Ashton - MTC2422
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6:45Miracles? In the 21st Century? Yes, listen to people share real life miracle stories, not only from recent times but also amazing stories from their past. These miracles from heaven are truly inspirational! Watch all the episodes on our Youtube channel at this link:…euL-Ewag2dXWlz-A8 Music Credits: Clouds by Ethere…
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19 Mart 2025 Çarşamba günü İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi yönetimine yapılan benzeri görülmemiş antidemokratik müdahale üzerine, demokratik hakları savunan, baskılara direnen binlerce insan günlerdir burada toplandığı Saraçhane “meydanı” İstanbul'daki protestoların odağı oldu. Konuğumuz Pelin Pınar Giritlioğlu ile tarihi içinde önemli kırılma nokta…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 84
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Chameleon Recommends: Agent Pale Horse
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31:32Sharing an episode of Agent Pale Horse. It tells the story of FBI undercover agent Scott Payne, whose job it was to infiltrate the most dangerous gangs of our times: outlaw bikers, drug cartels and the international neo-Nazi networks hellbent on inciting a race war. He was taking down these groups from within. And Scott was good at it — people conf…
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Storm-Tossed, Shipwrecked, And Snakebitten (Jason Oakes)
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44:54Series: With All Boldness And Without Hindrance Passage: Acts 27-28:10
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Special Episode: Science, Faith, and Overlooked Miracles (with Pastor Mark Batterson)
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23:31Join us as we sit down with Pastor Mark Batterson, the author of A Million Little Miracles and lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC.. In this heartfelt and thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of miracles—both the awe-inspiring and the everyday. Did you know that 84% of Americans believe in mir…
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The Greatest Enemy of Faith | Jeremy Prest
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22:49In this episode, Jeremy Prest shares how your confidence in God can only go as far as your understanding of who He truly is. Sign up for the Miracle Channel eNewsletter for a new ebook and Scripture declarations each month, plus updates on the ministry! Visit our website to discover new resources that will help you grow closer to Jesus every day. C…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 83
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The Best Productivity Strategies in a Moment of Crisis with Tessa Sanders
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48:46Episode Summary I chat with my wife Tessa about the best productivity strategies to leverage in a moment of crisis. Chaos is coming. Are you ready? . Show Notes Page . Go Premium! Exclusive bonus episodes, 100% ad-free, full back catalog, and more! Free 7-Day Trial of 5 AM Miracle Premium . Perks from Our Sponsors Listen Later →…
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Unlimited Self vs. Analytical Mind: How to Journal, Pray, Speak & Think for Immediate Miracles (Quick Shift)
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11:04Inspired by a phone call with a friend, I knew this message I shared with her, was also for you. Let this quick shift alter your speaking, journaling and prayers for radical manifestations. NEW 5 Day Transcendental Experience, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES, April 1-5 Miracle Minded Woman 2.0 is open for enr…
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God has called us to nothing less than the very Glory of God!بقلم Chad and Lauren Seymour
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A daily dose of 2 minutes for Lent!بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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2 mInutos diários de reflexão para a estação da QUARESMA.بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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2 mInutos diários de reflexão para a estação da QUARESMA.بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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A daily dose of 2 minutes for Lent!بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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A daily dose of 2 minutes for Lent!بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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A daily dose of 2 minutes for Lent!بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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2 mInutos diários de reflexão para a estação da QUARESMA.بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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A daily dose of 2 minutes for Lent!بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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2 mInutos diários de reflexão para a estação da QUARESMA.بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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2 mInutos diários de reflexão para a estação da QUARESMA.بقلم Revd. Andre Mira
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 82
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 81
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Lives and Legace of Holy Irish Men and Women + Those Who Bore the Signs of Christ's Passion
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1:00:00Guests:Fr. John Hogan, author, "The Rock from Which You Were Hewn: Lives and Legacy of Holy Irish Men and Women"+John F Clark, author, "God's Wounds - The Remarkable Truth of Those Who Bore the Signs of Christ's Passionبقلم Miracle Hunter
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God's Precious Promises/Intimacy with God | Dr. Charles Stanley
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21:46In this episode, Dr. Charles Stanley helps you discover the riches you have in Christ and how putting Him first leads to true intimacy with God. Sign up for the Miracle Channel eNewsletter for a new ebook and Scripture declarations each month, plus updates on the ministry! Visit our website to discover new resources that will help you grow closer t…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 80 Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
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Hearty White [0:00:00]بقلم Hearty White and WFMU
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Identifying People Pleasing Patterns & How Having Your Own Back is for the Highest Good of All (Relationships & Business)
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30:14Today I sat in the sun here in Sicily to share a personal lesson and powerful revelation life revealed to me (again and again) last month. It's been such a powerful one! Let's talk abut it ~ People pleasing, unbalanced giving/sharing/pouring is not of our highest good. Listen in as I breakdown this lesson... The Miracle Minded Woman 2.0 Early Enrol…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 79 Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.
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This interview provides insights into the tween consumer market from YPulse's MaryLeigh Bliss. Learn about their tech habits, social media use (YouTube, TikTok, Fortnite), parental influence, and key trends shaping this generation. Discover how to effectively reach 8- to 12-year-olds with digital products, gaming, and diverse content.…
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Comfortable with Discomfort: Discover How to Lean In and Love It [BEST OF]
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38:49Episode Summary I discuss how you can become comfortable with discomfort and how exponential growth can be achieved when you leverage your own willingness to step just outside your bubble. . Show Notes Page . Go Premium! Exclusive bonus episodes, 100% ad-free, full back catalog, and more! Free 7-Day Trial of 5 AM Miracle Premiu…
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Child stars unite! Josh Peck talks about growing as an actor after childhood fame. Check out our video episodes: Catch-up with our best moments on TikTok: Follow us on Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Cultivating Trust & Faith: Embracing Divine Guidance & Letting Go of Fear
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53:30🎙️Life offers both low and high vibrational choices; we’ll only be able to recognize the ones that are a vibrational match for us in the moment. In this episode, Jennifer shares how to bring higher and better choices into our awareness so that we can actively choose a more loving and joyful life. When we have a strong practice of trust, it builds f…
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In this episode, hear Part 1 of Leon Fontaine's series, "Mind Games," where he reveals how the enemy uses your thought life against you—and what you can do to fight back. Listen to this whole series by watching season 4, episodes 2 to 6 of "Leon Fontaine - The Spirit Contemporary Life" on our streaming service. Sign up for a free account in three e…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 78 Let miracles replace all grievances.
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Ove, 7 Jahre, möchte wissen: „Wie werden Träume wahr?“ Er träumt nämlich davon, eines Tages Meeresbiologe zu werden. Doch kann er das überhaupt schaffen? Pieps, der nun offiziell als Experte für wahr-werdende-Träume gilt, schnappt sich kurzerhand ein altes klappriges Gepäckstück und erklärt es zum „Traumkoffer“. Was wird Pieps alles in den Koffer p…
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A Course in Miracles Lesson 77 I am entitled to miracles.
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#340 deep dive: ChatGPT, was sollen wir noch lernen? Mit Elke Höfler
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1:24:31Wenn ChatGPT und die KI bald alles besser kann als wir, was sollen wir dann noch lernen? Das habe ich Elke Höfler von der Uni Graz gefragt. Über KI, Kreativität, Menschsein. Und Lernen, Schule und Weiterbildung. Ein deep dive. 🙆 Elke Höfler ist Assistenzprofessorin für Mediendidaktik und Sprachendidaktik (Schwerpunkt Romanistik) am Institut für Rom…
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