Bem-vindo ao Mamilos, um espaço pra gente conversar de peito aberto sobre tudo! Toda terça-feira é dia de mergulhar em polêmicas com o Mamilos Debate! Juntamos especialistas e perspectivas diferentes numa mesa redonda pra discutir temas que incomodam, provocam questionamentos e reflexões. Às quintas, vem tomar um café com a gente e conhecer pessoas incríveis em papos descontraídos. É a sua chance de passar um tempo gostoso, conhecendo melhor as pessoas que você admira e descobrindo os bastid ...
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Un Podcast cu, despre și pentru mame. Pentru că fiecare mamă merită să se simtă valoroasă, capabilă, fericită.
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Two lads, originally from Cork in Ireland, have a cuppa and catch up each week while exploring the collective life landmarks that accompany growing up gay in the world today. Join Kevin and PJ as they navigate their way through life whilst battling with the internal shared struggle that every Irish gay man deals - ‘what would mam think?’ Follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @imgrandmam Patreon: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Zetus Lepetus: A Mammoth Club Original Podcast is hosted by Molly, Alan, and Max. Each episode features a detailed breakdown and discussion of the wild world of Disney Channel Original Movies, or DCOMs, chronologically.
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Maminkář je pořad pro rodiče i pro všechny ostatní, které zajímají vhledy odborníků a inspirativních osobností na aktuální témata z oblasti rodičovství, výchovy a ženství. Moderují Michaela Tomešová a Veronika Rážová.
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Et annerledes mammaforum. Her deler vi tanker om familieliv, morsrollen, kjærestetid og mye mye mer. Vi byr på smil, latter, tårer og et brutalt ærlig perspektiv på livet som mamma. Du finner oss også på Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok og Facebook - som @mammashjerte. Nettsiden vår, er også verdt et besøk. Dette er en podcast i samarbeid med Tro & Medier.
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Dobro došli u podcast "Mame kod Lane". Moje ime je Lana, po profesiji sam glumica, a definitvno najveća, najzanimljivija i najluđa uloga koju igram je uloga mame pa se tako i rodila ideja za podcastom Mame kod Lane. Nadam se da ćete uzivati u iskrenim razgovorima bez filtera s mojim gostima, poznatima mamama i tatama, ali i stručnjacima iz raznih područja roditeljstva, koji su i sami roditelji te da ćemo zajedno dijeliti i izmjenjivati međusobna iskustva, izazove, uspone, padove, lijepe i ma ...
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Struggling plumbers don't worry. Our podcast will give you insights into the struggle of growing, maintaining and creating a company you can be proud of. Presented by Yeah, we're a marketing company but we also just love the space we serve. We want to help more companies grow and provide an awesome lifestyle for both their Owners and their employees. Find out more:
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Magazín o zvířatech, domácích mazlíčcích a zajímavostech z živočišné říše. Všechny díly podcastu Máme rádi zvířata můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Swobodny potok myśli z nadzieją na minimalizowanie dygresji i maksymalizowanie sensu. Z czasem.
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Melodic, Organic, Deep & Progressive House - House - Soul / Funk / Disco - Electronic Dance Music with Dj M.A.M If you like, say it on my Facebook page - Contact: -
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Thank you for checking out Mammas in Pajamas - a project of Aish Detroit. We are friends, colleagues and educators who are passionate about supporting one another to infuse Jewish values into our homes. We'll share relatable successes and failures, Torah wisdom, and practical tips for riding the highs and lows of parenting and coming out on top!
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Herzlich Willkommen zu dem Podcast: Mami goes Millionär - Der Aktien Podcast mit Dr. Carmen Mayer! 💕 Dieser Podcast nimmt dich mit auf die spannenden Reise zur finanziellen Freiheit! Dich erwartet ganz viel Know-How zu den Themen: Mindset, Erfolg, Vertrieb, Geldanlage, Motivation, Finanzen, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und natürlich Aktien! Du erlebst wöchentlich neuen Content rund um die Börse und bekommst Einblicke in das Leben spannender Gäste wie Hermann Scherer, Jeanine Hurte, Dirk Kreute ...
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Cerita itu diutarakan bukan diselatankan
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Jeg brenner for at du skal ha det best mulig når du er gravid eller mamma til et lite nytt menneske! I denne podcasten deler jeg kunnskap og verktøy slik at du kan forstå og støtte deg selv i en krevende tid. Jeg er trebarnsmamma og psykologspesialist. På finner du Mammahjerte medlemsportal for deg som har det tøft i spedbarnstida og Min fødsel – et helhetlig fødselsforberedende kurs for deg som har fødselsangst. Jeg og de andre psykologene i tilbyr samtaler for ...
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Welcome to Mami Collective — the podcast where ambitious and empowered moms unite. Hosted by media personality Paulina Roe, join us as we celebrate the incredible journeys of moms from all walks of life: sharing their stories, triumphs, and challenges. Whether you're chasing dreams, balancing motherhood, or redefining what it means to be a mom, this is your space to feel inspired, connected, and unstoppable. Let’s build the collective, one story at a time. Tune in, join the movement, and be ...
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Happy Kids Talk to podcast dla Mam, które chcą się nauczyć angielskiego bez wychodzenia z domu i w małych porcjach. Najłatwiej uczymy się o rzeczach, które naturalnie nas interesują i są częścią naszej codzienności. Dlatego w nagraniach poruszane są tematy bliskie Mamom: wychowanie dzieci, kreatywne spędzanie czasu z rodziną, tworzenie wymarzonego domu. Znajdziesz tam wiele porad i inspiracji z perspektywy mamy trójki dzieci. A wszystko to po angielsku, tak abyś osłuchała się z nim, poznała ...
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„Tak właśnie mam” to podcast o życiu. Życiu świadomym i wyciągniętym na światło dzienne. Takim, które robi miejsce na prawdę. Bez oceny. Bez porównań. Bez tworzenia scenariuszy o tym „jak by mogło być”. My w tym gdybaniu utykamy często. Te teoretyczne scenariusze zatrzymują nas na poziomie krzywdy i niesprawiedliwości. Rozwiązaniem jest rozpoznanie, przeżycie i przyjęcie. Prawdy, z której jesteś. Prawdy, która niesiesz. Wtedy pojawia się szacunek, do tego jak mieli - Ci, w rodzinie. I do teg ...
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Mentertawakan tragedi
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Can leaders learn how to harness the evolutionary foundations of human behavior to create better business outcomes? How much do evolutionary forces shape our own individual behaviors, decisions, and group dynamics? In each episode, multinational executive leader and author Nicolas Pokorny shares practical, research-based strategies, and stories about how to align humans around common goals and lead them effectively through ever-changing markets and times. The Mammoth in the Room is an engagi ...
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Josh, Bobby, and Joe are your average adolescent boys trapped in middle-aged bodies. They talk about whatever it is that middle-aged-men talk about, you know, things and stuff. Proclaimed number 1 in the world by some (maybe) they are probably the most entertaining team you’ll listen to all day.
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Podcast para mamás!
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Answer two questions.
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More Than Mamis es un podcast con dos amigas en la misma etapa de la maternidad Michelle Posada y Antonella Gonzalez buscan ese equilibrio de ser la mejor madre para sus hijos, sin dejar a un lado su vida como mujeres, esposas, amigas y profesionales. "More Than Mamis" es un podcast que va más allá de las narrativas tradicionales de la maternidad, ofreciendo una perspectiva fresca e inclusiva sobre las experiencias multifacéticas de mujeres y madres. La misión de nuestro podcast es celebrar ...
continue reading is about health and ways in which we can create and maintain a health life style
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Podcast yang membahas tentang cinta, pekerjaan, sahabat dan keluarga.
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Charles Foley and Jon Hall talk to mammalwatchers, biologists, conservationists and those with a passion for observing and protecting the world's wild mammals. For more information visit Dr Charles Foley is a mammalwatcher and biologist who, together with his wife Lara, spent 30 years studying elephants in Tanzania. They now run the Tanzania Conservation Research Program at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Jon Hall set up in 2005. Geneticall ...
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Teman ngobrol santai di akhir pekan. Find me on
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Lugar de encontro para mães e pais com filhos, com e sem deficiência, para falar de amor, compreensão, desenvolvimento, entre outros assuntos que norteiam as várias etapas da vida.
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A curiosity driven exploration of the minds of great people, champions, and business owners to see what makes them tick, and how they got where they are hosted by Nick Willey
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In 'Made By Mammas: The Podcast', TV Presenter & Radio Broadcaster Zoe Hardman combined with Georgia Dayton bring their mummy blog to life as they discuss the brands they love, the products they swear by, and the experiences they've been through during the first years of motherhood. Each episode sees Zoe and Georgia chat to a famous face or an expert in their field on a host of topics ranging from pregnancy to sleep to activities to do with little ones, and so much more! Your go-to for non-j ...
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Welcome to the Orxan Mammad podcast, where amazing things happen.
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MAMEN.ID is a media platform to get more information about idolling, lifestyle, and positive attitude in creative way. Mostly talking about JKT48 & Fandom inside of it.
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Mammafjas er en podcast hvor vi gir dere et skråblikk på våre roller som mammaer. Den usminkede versjonen skal frem!
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Entrevistas, depoimentos sobre concepção consciente, gestação, parto, meditações para gestação e pós parto, maternidade natural. Com Kalu Gonçalves
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Podcast de opinion sobre cine, musica, cultura, politica.
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Mamia&Me, hosted by Jen Hogan, is a place for parents to talk about the big crazy adventure that is parenthood. Jen chats to mums and dads and special guests about everything from lockdown parenting to baby brain and surrogacy to home births. The whole parenting kit and kaboodle.
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Just like you know different kinds of stuff, like movies or shows or you know whatev’s
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Le barzellette dei vostri figli in onda a Tutti Pazzi per RDS. Ogni giorno grazie alla nostra APP, potete far registrare ai vostri bambini la barzelletta perfetta: e quelle più esilaranti andranno in onda il giorno dopo durante il programma!
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Two Mammas Keeping It Simple
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Livres & MAM est un cycle d’entretiens organisé par l’IREMAM (Institut de recherches et d'études sur les mondes arabes musulmans), un laboratoire du CNRS établi à Aix-en-Provence, et la médiathèque de la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'Homme avec les auteur.e.s d’ouvrages académiques récents sur les mondes arabes et musulmans.
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Welcome to the Mami Cohen podcast, where amazing things happen.
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just talking about sexual connections & whatever else is on my brain
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Un podcast para todos: personas, mujeres, hombres, víboras y coyotes. Conducido por Paula "Poly" Díaz y Grecia Castillo.
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Welcome to Zulu-Viking Mamma, where amazing things happen.
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In this episode the lads discuss how back in the day a cleared internet search history used to be a solid indicator that you just wanked yourself silly and criticise Nintendo Wii Fit for calling them fat more often than any bully ever did. For the theme Kevin and PJ talk about consumerism and have a pop at the influencers who are trying to sell you…
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Czy małe nawyki mogą prowadzić do wielkich efektów? W 70. odcinku podcastu Happy Kids Talk pokazuję, jak codzienne nawyki mogą przynieść spektakularne rezultaty. Dowiesz się, jak oszczędzanie, czytanie, aktywność fizyczna, zdrowe jedzenie i organizacja czasu mogą zmienić Twoje życie – krok po kroku! Oto, czego dowiesz się w tym odcinku: (00:01:32) …
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zostrihová relácia z roku 2024
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Przedszkole w tempie dziecka. Rozmowa z Magdaleną Boćko - Mysiorską
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Moim dzisiejszym gościem jest pedagożka i promotorka komunikacji bez przemocy, Magdalena Boćko - Mysiorska. Siadamy razem, aby zgłębić istotne tematy związane z adaptacją dzieci w przedszkolu. Czym ona właściwie jest? Jakie sygnały od dziecka powinny nas zaniepokoić? Czy każde dziecko musi iść do przedszkola, aby być szczęśliwe? Co zrobić, gdy adap…
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MAM TĘ MOC - sposoby walki z niską emisją
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01 Human After All (Original Mix) Crazy P 02 Ricochet (Dr Packer & Michael Gray Remix) B. B. & Q. Band 03 Try Again (John Morales M+M Alt Mix) JKriv ft. The Phenomenal Handclap Band & Nic Hanson 04 Love Hangover (Chicago Mix) MonsieurWilly & The Funky French Orchestra 05 In The Back Of My Cadillac (Eric Kipper Extended Mix) KC & The Sunshine Band, …
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The boys explore some of the lore around the origins of the Christmas holiday and why this may be the time of year to share scary ghost stories.بقلم Josh, Bobby, and Joe
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Amazing Stories: Kirsty Doig on Founding The Darcey Sunshine Foundation
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Trigger Warning: This episode discuss the loss of a child due to drowning. Zoe & Georgia are joined by the incredible Kirsty Doig to hear about her journey to launching The Darcey Sunshine Foundation: an organisation born through tragedy that is committed to saving lives. In this episode, Zoe & Georgia also learn the valuable skills to water safety…
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Molly, Alan, and Max watch as Rhea, a talented teen with a lot on her plate, struggles to balance work, school, romance, and her new passion: spinning sick beats.
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Er det i dagens samfunn status forbundet med det å vise at man har det travelt? Og hva er egentlig travelhet? Hvordan ser det ut i hverdagen, og hvordan ta verdibaserte valg, men samtidig balansere på riktig side av det å ha det travelt? Bli med i første del av en serie med flere episoder der Cathrine tar seg en prat med Heidi Gellein,.…
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#155 - Deine Reise zum Bewusstsein - Interview mit Leonie Malinowski
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Heute habe ich ein ganz tolles Interview für dich! ❤️ Darf ich vorstellen? Leonie! Leonie ist eine unglaublich inspirierende Frau! Hör unbedingt rein! Festival für Unternehmerinnen 2025: Folge Leonie auf Instagram: Mentoring:…
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Le barzellette dei bambini di 10 gennaio 2025!
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بقلم RDS 100% Grandi Successi
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Join us for this candid talk about why honesty is the best policy, how we need to value being honest with our kids, and teach them to be honest with us.بقلم Miriam Miller and Ayala Kohn
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Friday Q&A on What Every Dad Needs To Know with Gordon Dowall-Potter (Founder of MANtenatal)
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Consider this a radical relook at antenatal classes for Dads, and we can't imagine a better guest to join us to cover it! Zo & G are joined by the incredible founder of MANtenatal Gordon Dowall-Potter to answer all your questions on how to prepare the men in our life for fatherhood. From being a birth partner, to the conversations to have before ev…
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Eliane Dias sobre Mano Brown: "Ele não é vida louca coisa nenhuma"
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Mamileiros e mamiletes, bem-vindos ao Mamilos de férias! Você tem um ritual para começar o ano? Aqui no Mamilos a gente desacelera, respira, olha para trás para ganhar perspectiva e impulso para recomeçar. Nesse ano, a gente escolheu as cinco conversas preferidas da audiência do Mamilos Café para refazer o convite. Puxe um banquinho, senta com a ge…
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How to Foster Growth and Create High-Performing Teams
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التشغيل لاحقا
What if the key to unlocking your team’s full potential isn’t driving results but investing in their growth? Today, I dive deep into what it truly means to be a leader who inspires individual and team growth from day one. Together, we’ll explore how investing in individual development creates a ripple effect of motivation, engagement, and innovatio…
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Na dotazy posluchačů odpovídá Lucie Míková z Veterinární kliniky Vltava v Českých Budějovicích. Moderuje Jitka Cibulová Vokatá. Všechny díly podcastu Máme rádi zvířata můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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If your Local Service Ads have been slowing down and you're not getting the leads that you used to get, we might have some explanations and potential fixes in this weeks episode! Get a consult with our team to talk about your plumbing business. Find me on Youtube: Find more marke…
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U novu, 43. epizodu podcasta stigla nam je Petra Kurtela, glumica, influencerica i mama sedmogodišnjeg Relje. Petra je tu da s nama podijeli sve, od iskustva majčinstva i roditeljskih avantura do urnebesnih anegdota iz svakodnevnog života. Zašto se odlučila za pratnju doule na porodu, kako je njezin sin slomio nogu sa deset mjeseci, zašto ne korist…
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One Lit Mama: Balancing Career, Motherhood, and Content Creation with Lia Higgins
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In this episode of The Mami Collective, Paulina Roe sits down with Lia Higgins, better known as One Lit Mama on TikTok and Instagram, to talk about the many hats she wears as a career-driven mom, content creator, and advocate for doing what works best for your family. Lia opens up about the joys and challenges of sharing her life online, creating c…
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Zoe & Georgia on Kickstarting 2025: What To Take & What To Leave
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Well hello 2025! Another year around the parenting sun, and it's reflection time. Join Zo & G for a conversation on what they're leaving in 2024 and what they're introducing for 2025. Listen by clicking ‘Play’, subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Acast, and please do rate and review to help others find the podcast. Find a new episode…
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Cómo fortalecer la autoestima de nuestros hijos | More Than Mamis E111
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En este episodio de More than Mamis, Yuvanna Montalvo nos comparte su experiencia con el proceso de fertilidad junto a su esposo, Juan Carlos García, y la dura decisión que ella, como mamá de una princesa, tuvo que tomar. Además, nos relata cómo descubrió que su hija de 7 años fue víctima de bullying en el colegio, las acciones que tomó para proteg…
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Molly, Alan, and Max watch as two friends, Nory and Reina, go to Sage Academy for Super Niche Magic only to face mildly abusive teachers and face shadow demons fueled by self-doubt. Oh, and cats.
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Det trengs flere fosterhjem i Norge, og Mariann og familien er noen som har tatt dette på alvor. Bli med Cathrine på en prat med Mariann Gabrielsen om hvordan livet som fosterfamilie kan se ut. Har du spørsmål knyttet til temaet kan du ta kontakt med Mariann på e-postadressen:…
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Before the lads tell you their ins and outs for the year ahead they detail a recent chaotic night out in the George over Christmas where Kevin was kissing all the boys and PJ was ordering single drinks and not getting a divorce. They then discuss what they want to see more of in 2025 and things they can’t wait to see the back of that should be left…
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Hosť: Adrián Kokoš
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Det er intenst, slitsomt og fortvilende når babyen strever med å finne ro og søvn! Det finnes utallige råd der ute og de regner jeg med du har vært gjennom. Så denne episoden er viet til det følelsesmessige i det å være mamma eller pappa til en urolig baby. Ei som vet masse om dette er Maria Bakkeid. Hun er helsesykepleier og driver Lillemini. Jeg …
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Frica de vorbit in public #shorts #podcast #publicspeaking
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#podcast #viatademama #comunitate Comunitatea de Facebook Mame Fără Filtre - În acest episod, o avem alături pe Adina Giurgea, Coach de parenting și creatoarea platformei Părinți pe sârmă, care ne împărtășește inspirația din spatele creării acestei comunități alături de Livia Șerban și Ina Lupu. Discu…
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Rita Von Hunty: “o amor é uma construção”
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التشغيل لاحقا
Mamileiros e mamiletes, bem-vindos ao Mamilos de férias! Você tem um ritual para começar o ano? Aqui no Mamilos a gente desacelera, respira, olha para trás para ganhar perspectiva e impulso para recomeçar. Nesse ano, a gente escolheu as cinco conversas preferidas da audiência do Mamilos Café para refazer o convite. Puxe um banquinho, senta com a ge…
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Wyobraź sobie taki dzień, kiedy wszystko idzie nie tak: dzieci nie chcą wstać, szukasz skarpetek, które zniknęły, a lista rzeczy do zrobienia wydaje się nie mieć końca. Znasz to uczucie, kiedy czujesz się przytłoczona? Takie dni mogą sprawić, że wszystko wydaje się być na krawędzi. Ale spokój nie pojawia się tylko wtedy, gdy wszystko idzie zgodnie …
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Know Your People: The Secret to Leadership Success
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التشغيل لاحقا
Do you really “know” your team? Effective leadership isn’t about issuing directives or setting goals—it’s about understanding the unique individuals who make up your team. In this episode, I reveal why knowing your people on a deeper level is the key to unlocking loyalty, creativity, and high performance. Drawing from real-world examples, I share h…
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Magazín o zvířatech, domácích mazlíčcích a zajímavostech z živočišné říše připravuje Jitka Cibulová Vokatá. V prvním letošním díle se ohlédne za právě uplynulým rokem. Všechny díly podcastu Máme rádi zvířata můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu…
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Depois de 84 programas e mais de 5.040 minutos de conversas de peito aberto, chegamos ao nosso último programa do ano, justamente no último dia de 2024. Logo de cara, a você que veio com a gente até aqui, nosso muito obrigada, a caminhada é muito melhor com vocês do lado daí. E como já virou tradição nos últimos anos, o programa de hoje é a nossa r…
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Grow Your Plumbing Company With Reviews
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Reviews are vital for growing your business. So this week, lets talk about the power of reviews and how to get them! Get a consult with our team to talk about your plumbing business. Find me on Youtube: Find more marketing resources for plumbing companies of all sizes. https://ma…
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Vise menn, en ekstra arm og nytt år, med Mammashjerte-squaden
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Året oppsummeres og det ses frem mot et nytt år når Mammashjerte-gjengen samles for siste episode i 2024. Her blir det både alvor og moro.
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Kevin's up in a heap because once again it looks like the cats have been fisting the microphones because they're covered in hair. The lads then discuss some of their most iconic moments of 2024 and decide that it's been a year of peaks which has them a small bit traumatised because they feel like they're due their share of troughs. NEW 2025 IRISH D…
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Hosť: Milan Sládek
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