This Podcast provide you exposure in business, lifestyle, science which I learn in my daily life
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Welcome to the Learn Something New Podcast where we focus on providing you insights into things you may have never known!
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This is all about learning something new.In this particular podcast,Mangalaprathaban talks about the nuances of self-motivation and overcoming self doubt to actualize your mission in life,art and career.
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We are capable of doing the best when we concentrate on nano tasks and fine-tune our actual skills in coordination with others
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You can create a Positive Self-image with clarity and retrospective analysis.Change your attitude and strategic planning with succinct precision.
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Nourish Thy Persipicacity. Create a roadmap for your patterns of thinking and review why you think the way you think all along your life. Channelise your patterns of thinking and at the same time,try to explore the alternate ways of thinking too.
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Globalization demands us to understand the nuances of social transition,professional transition and personal transformation.
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You need to do talent acceleration and micro-skill building processes done meticulously in order to revivify your organisational goals and embark upon new journey of accomplishing the finest outputs with extraordinary enthusiasm of solution seekers and the managerial determination.
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Developing a vision with commitment is extremely important to each of us.Our extraordinary enthusiasm and determination are quite important to accomplish the finest realms of success in life and career.
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You need to persist in your profession or business with extraordinary enthusiasm and determination in order to accomplish the finest realms of success.You have to accelerate the process of learning the nuances and streamline your thinking about whatever you are doing at the moment, with more clarity and confidence.Enjoy the mindfulness and meditati…
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You may look at the sky during the night and start counting stars.Enjoy the beauty of the moon lit sky and enhance your mindfulness. Be conscious of what you do. Listen to some soothing music and enjoy the feeling of oneness with it.
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Success begins with systematic review of microskills and microskills.Streamline your thoughts and ideas to accomplish the finest realms of success.
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It is extremely important to unravel the mysteries of the universe by looking inward and through introspection.
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You are unique on this earth and be ready to discover your passions.Celebrate yourself and your passions!
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Develop intuitive intimacy with the universal soul!
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Universe is a cornucopia of our life energy and boundless love.We are being guided by the Supreme Power of the universe whatever we do in our life.Enjoy being one with the universe .
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Do precision-planning while embarking on a new journey of aesthetic innovation or scientific invention. Imagination energises your mind with clarity and strength to accomplish your noble mission in career or life.
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Your success is determined by your desires,intensity of focus and precision.
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Explore the new dimensions of life with courage and conviction!Seek the support of the Divine Guidance and above all ,be meticulous in planning and implementation.Love yourself and be happy with yourself to solve your challenges.
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Be aware of the Magnetic Forces of the Divinity
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التشغيل لاحقا
Be boundless to strive beyond the known boundaries of life.
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Enjoy the realm of total immersion in the world of complete calmness.
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Own your intentions,desires and goals in accomplishing the finest ideals of life.Design your tendencies by looking at the greatest benefits of the humanity.
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Self-assessment helps you to overcome challenges and adversities.How do you change your tendencies and patterns of thinking?Be specific about what you want.Have clarity.
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Dynamics of change occur in the heart of your consciousness with the kind of self-image you have created over the years.
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Our mind operates at the conscious, subconscious and superconscious levels.Wings of the Superconscious Mind tend to be the guiding light of the subconscious mind and transforms the conscious realm of life.
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You are capable of doing the best only when you strive to accomplish success with determination and perseverance.Calmness conquers the self.Focus on your task at hand and reflect on what you do. Your success is very much within your reach.
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Universal Intelligence responds to you!
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Universal Intelligence captures your thoughts and corraborates with your realm of consciousness.
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Achieve your goals with alacrity and perseverance.Create noble goals and visualize them.
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The concept of creative excellence relies on dicovering new spheres of self.You can explore new dimensions through meticulous introspection and microplanning.
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Life is caught up with petty conflicts with a few who may trouble us all the time. We can think beyond them and fly above them like an eagle...
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Enrich your excellence by doing talent acquisition, mapping and analysis through reflection.
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Enjoy every moment of life with a noble mission to empower the future generations.
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Enjoy life as it unfolds with absolute love to be one with your thoughts,passions and goals.
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Let us respect your emotions and thereby learn to understand the emotions of others.
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Excellence in your career is a great mission only when you become an iconoclast.
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Crisis Management through Social Harmony
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Calmness is essential to face any crisis.It can be achieved through conscious observation of the mind and the breath.Buddha happened to advocate for a communion of all with the boundless cosmic energy of eternity.
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Let us celebrate love and compassion to create peace beyond the limits of brutish selfishness.May the Almighty bless those suffering from the Ukraine-Russian conflict.
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Stoke the fire of subconscious mind to explore the possibility of unraveling your mission to empower the humanity with boundless energy of blissful communion.
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You immerse yourself in the world of blissful communion with your passion and streamline your conscious patterns of thinking with clarity.
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Energize yourself to set new goals.Reach out to the best possible ways of divergent thinking and logical reasoning while making things work for yourself.Universe records all that you are.Your existence is an odyssey of the Universal energy and hence use it for the benefit of the humanity at large.
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Understand the nuances of the infinite intelligence flowing through the universe with boundless energy and grace.You can find it in almost all the spiritual scriptures talking about the boundless love for all.
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Calmness inks a new path towards accomplishing calmness
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Explore new ways of being and becoming with everlasting horizons of compassion and love.
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Ideas emerge from crisis and adversity.Be open minded and look forward to actualise the innovative ideas and suggestions with enthusiasm.Never worry about setbacks.
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Genuine passion is always associated with the intensity of focus. Be sure of doing the best with utmost mental agility and grace with boundless love.
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You can explore new avenues of life by doing the best.
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You need to work on your microskills and harness your learning potential by bridging the gap between the professional competencies and social relevance or empowerment.
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Love all.Experience love beyond the citadels of reason and logic.Be in communion with the Universal love,as said in the Buddhist philosophy of 'bodhi sathwa'.
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Love is the eternal source of joy for all.Let us radiate love for all.
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Create a new bliss for yourself and harness energies beyond the scope of physicality.
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Surrender to the Supreme Consciousness!
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التشغيل لاحقا
Radiate the positive energy by becoming one with everything you do.Explore life beyond the citadels of rationality and sensuality.
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Chisel your vision with clarity.Be passionate about your dreams.Reach the peak of your exemplary domains of knowledge and skills.
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Flow with life is the quintessential philosophy of life.Be a source of abundant love.
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Mindfulness and Meticulous observation are the tools to go beyond the norms of duality in our consciousness.
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