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Raio Laser

Quadrinhos Além! - Este é o lema do podcast da Raio Laser, site que procura pensar as HQs em diferentes perspectivas críticas, historiográficas e comunicacionais. Mas isso sem perder o humor e a língua afiada!
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Nerdy Laser

Nerdy Laser

Nerdy Laser is a pop culture discussion show that talks about a variety of subjects and entertainment! But don't worry, the last Wednesday of the month the Night of the Nerdy Laser will make an appearance to discuss a bit of horror!
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Strong female characters deserve more than a sidekick role. Join us as we dive into the stories of women who battle dragons, outwit space pirates, and romance their way through every galaxy. Bold, nerdy, and a little sassy ( just like our heroines) Lasers and Lockets celebrates these fierce and complex characters!
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RSI - Radiotelevisione svizzera

Laser è un magazine di approfondimento dell’attualità politica, culturale, sociale. Interviene sulla stretta attualità di giornata, solo in casi particolari, di grande rilevanza. Dà spazio anche a tematiche di interesse pubblico o a quante vengono trascurate dai grandi media. Il taglio è storico–sociologico. I registri comprendono interviste, reportage, documentari, incontri biografici. Spazia dal locale all’internazionale, da tematiche accademiche a questioni di vita quotidiana. Presta part ...
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The Sword and Laser

Tom Merritt and Veronica Belmont

Read along with the Sword and Laser book club! From classic science fiction to the latest gritty fantasy, we cover it. Subscribe for book discussions, author interviews, hot releases, and news from the genre fiction world!
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Laser247 is your trusted online platform for seamless gaming and entertainment. With a user-friendly interface, secure transactions, and 24/7 support, Laser247 ensures a top-notch experience for all users. Explore diverse games and enjoy fast payouts anytime, anywhere. Visit Laser247 today!
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Laser Source

Alexander Sellite

Welcome to the Laser Source Podcast! In each episode, Alex and the gang from Laser Everything host the best podcast for growing and scaling your laser engraving business. This show is dedicated to helping you learn how to perfect your craft and take advantage of all the latest technology and techniques. So whether you want to grow your laser business or just getting into lasers for the first time this show is for you.
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Det började som ett internt skämt, sedan blev det en utmaning och nu är den här. "Henry läser wikipedia" är precis det titeln antyder, varken mer eller mindre. Du kanske lär dig något, du kanske rasar över felaktig information eller så njuter du av att somna till den. Du får ta det för vad det är. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Just Laser It!....and all things Cosmetic

Dr. Raminder "Minni" Saluja

The world of lasers for the skin can be confusing and overwhelming with new treatments popping up daily. What works? What doesn't? And a little clarity, please, on what these "energy based devices" can and cannot do. This podcast helps both patients and practitioners navigate through the different energy based devices (Laser, IPL and RF) as well as decoding the numerous injectables such as Botox, Fillers and PDO threads, to help gain a better understanding and to evaluate if these types of p ...
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laserbook247 com

Laserbook.Ind.In is an online casino and sports betting platform that offers a diverse range of gaming options, including slots, table games, and sports betting, all within a safe and secure environment regulated by the Government of Curacao. The platform stands out with its attractive promotional offers, such as free spins, bonuses, and cashback, making it a top choice for both new and experienced players. If you're seeking an exhilarating and rewarding online gaming experience, sign up wit ...
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Yu Laser


Yu Laser bersama Yuyu Aziz mengupas kisah individu dan isu semasa yang menjadi kontroversi dan viral. Soalan-soalan laser dan panas mungkin buat tetamu berpeluh untuk menjawabnya.
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Botox and lip fillers have arrived at Flawless Faces Med Spa in Chandler, where they are offering a variety of cosmetic procedures to help you achieve the look you've always wanted. The skilled and experienced staff at Flawless Faces Med Spa can help you choose the right treatment for your individual needs, as well as help you understand all the options that are available to you. Any number of factors can cause wrinkles to form on your face, including genetics, sun exposure, smoking, and eve ...
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Lattes and Lasers

Amy Kant + Holly McCaig

Join us on a journey fueled by lattes and powered by lasers as we delve into the fascinating world of making. Get ready to be immersed in the world where lattes fuel ideas, lasers bring them to life, and two friends share their passion for making on Lattes and Lasers.
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Lookoutladies Productions

Laserstyle is the 16th leading community podcast for the official Lasertime community. We discuss many topics and nothing is off limits, we just want to get to know you! Hosted by Kody Smith and featuring you! The community: Find Kody here: twitter, instagram and facebook as @notkodysmith
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Laser Time


Laser Time is a show featuring folks in the video games industry, although not necessarily about video games. It’s a hyper-silly, multimedia-infused look at film, TV, comics, music, pop culture, and nostalgia from the perspective of people who game for a living. Obviously, their opinions are their own and do not reflect that of their employers.
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Voll Laser

Knut Partes, Sven Gorny

Ein Podcast über Lasermaterialbearbeitung und Laser im Allgemeinen. Für Studierende in der Vorlesung „Lasermaterialbearbeitung“ und einfach alle die das Thema interessiert.
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Laser Book 247

Laser Book 247

Get Cricket ID Online is one of the Top Cricket ID Providers in India and provide Online Cricket ID immediately. You can invest money in this, win big, and profit many times over. As long as you follow our advice, you have no chance of losing in this scenario. Call now to speak with our online betting ID provider and enjoy the game.
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show series
Hur länge har vi haft badrum i våra hem? Varför ville inte de svenska myndigheterna i början koppla samman toaletter till avloppssystemet? Hur kom det sig att HSBs egna medlemmar inte ville ha badrum i sina lägenheter när det begav sig? Och vilken plan hade HSB för att försöka få fler boende att bada? Wikipedia säger sitt om badrum. Hosted on Acast…
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Domani sabato 22 marzo 2025, dalle 9:30, l’accademia Dimitri apre le porte con corsi per il pubblico, in una giornata interamente dedicata all’arte e al teatro. Un compleanno importante, dalla sua fondazione nel 1975, la scuola voluta da Dimitri e sua moglie Gunda è diventata un’accademia reputata in tutta Europa, integrata nellla Supsi, una scuola…
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Novant’anni fa ad Ascona, in Vicolo Ghiriglione, di fronte al teatro di marionette che più tardi ospiterà la sua prima produzione, nasceva Dimitri Jakob Müller. Il padre Werner Jakob è scultore e architetto e sua madre Maja, una tessitrice e un’artigiana. Quando Dimitri ha cinque anni, il padre eredita una piccola somma e acquista la casa costruita…
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Tom forgot to write the intro to the show this week, so you’re stuck with the Veronica Edition. March is still full of madness, which makes sense because it’s a full moon eclipse coming up and Venus is in retrograde. Or something! We check in on The City and The City by China Miéville, and we see and unsee your perspectives on the book thus far.…
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🌟 Reveal Your Radiance with a Chemical Peel at Flawless Faces MedSpa! 🌟 Looking for a brighter, smoother complexion? A chemical peel at Flawless Faces MedSpa in Chandler, AZ can help! Our expert treatments exfoliate the skin, reducing fine lines, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven skin tone, leaving you with a fresh, youthful glow. ✅ Improves skin …
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Welcome to today's episode where we dive into Prism Plasma which is a fractional plasma treatment that is transforming how we approach skin tightening. Unlike traditional methods, Prism Plasma harnesses the power of controlled thermal energy to stimulate collagen production and cellular renewal at the deepest layers of your skin. This innovative tr…
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Thinking about leveling up your shop with a big-ticket item like a UV printer? In this episode, I break down how I decided to pull the trigger on a major equipment upgrade—and what you need to consider before you do the same. From crunching the numbers to sizing up demand, we’ll explore the must-knows for making smart, regret-free investments in yo…
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Den gula treskillingen var länge världens dyraste och mest berömda frimärke. Det är poststämplat i Nya Kopparberget i Sverige den 13 juli 1857. Varje gång som frimärket har sålts sedan 1984 har det sålts till det högsta pris som någonsin betalats för ett frimärke. Vad är det som har gjort det så eftertraktat? Vad har betalats för det? Och vem var d…
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Chi si fida oggi della fiducia? La società iperconsumista e individualista in cui viviamo – e che soddisfa i nostri desideri – ci porta a non tenere conto dei quotidiani atti di fiducia che attraversano la nostra giornata. Siamo convinti che “non fidarsi è meglio” ma ogni singolo gesto che facciamo ha bisogno di un atto di fiducia: nei confronti de…
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In Georgia da oltre cento giorni i manifestanti sono in piazza per contestare l’illegittimità delle scorse elezioni di novembre che hanno visto nuovamente vincere il partito “Sogno Georgiano”. Una resistenza civile che continua nonostante repressioni e arresti. Uno stallo politico che sta bloccando il paese e il suo governo, sempre più lontano dall…
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Är verkligen symtomen för Tourettes syndrom som de porträtteras i filmer eller hur fungerar det egentligen? Vad definieras som Tourettes? Varför får man det? Vilka får det? Och hur vet man att man att har det? Wikipedia säger sitt om Tourettes syndrom. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Stanley Milgrams lydnadsexperiment är ett av historiens mest kända experiment inom psykologins historia. Varför lyder en person? Till vilken grad kan en person följa en order som går emot personens moral? Hur gick testet till? Och vad var försökspersonerna redo att göra? Wikipedia säger sitt om Milgrams lydnadsexperiment. Hosted on Acast. See acast…
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Den ensamma och udda tandläkaren Robert Aspelin hade inte hörts av sedan april 1962. Vad hade egentligen hänt? Hade han blivit mördad? Hade de fått tag på den skyldige? Och litade polisen på hans historia? Wikipedia säger sitt om kakelugnsmordet. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Quella in Sudan è una guerra di cui si parla troppo poco e che sta segnando profondamente l’Africa nord-orientale. Fin dal suo inizio nell’aprile del 2023, centinaia di migliaia di cittadini sudanesi si sono riversati nei paesi confinanti, scappando da un conflitto che ha sconvolto il paese per la sua particolare violenza, causando gravi carestie e…
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En ung kvinna hittas kallblodigt mördad i sin lägenhet vid S:t Eriksplan i Stockholm. Ett brott som aldrig klarades upp och som decennier senare sticker ut bland andra ouppklarade brott. Inte minst på grund av en mytbildning med blodtörstiga inslag. Vad var det som hände egentligen? Och vad säger Leif GW Person om mordet? Wikipedia säger sitt om Va…
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Join Lee as she dives into the Reverse universe with Reverse 4 You and Reverse With Me, two Thai science fiction/romance series. We'll explore Jattawa, Vivi, Four, Kliao, and Karan. Get your nerd on! Join our Community! Let’s Get Social! Theme and Bumpers composed by Lee Little in Gar…
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Lo stato di salute del pontefice è in graduale miglioramento e da quasi un mese oramai, da quando è stato ricoverato al Policlinico Gemelli di Roma, non appare in pubblico né comunica con i fedeli se non con messaggi scritti. Eppure il modello comunicativo di Francesco è sempre stato molto efficace e diretto. Una forma di dialogo e confronto con i …
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® Autore e attore, ma anche artista: anzi “artrista”, come si definisce lui. Alessandro Bergonzoni, nato a Bologna nel 1958, laureato in legge, ha al suo attivo 15 spettacoli teatrali e sei libri. Ma dal 2005 ha iniziato anche un percorso artistico, esponendo i suoi lavori in gallerie e musei: nel 2011 mostra personale alla Cittadellarte – Fondazio…
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Dando pontapé inicial à QUINTA temporada do querido Lasercast, Diego Gerlach, o quadrinista que o Brasil precisa, abre seu coração macabro para falar sobre sua carreira, influências, bandas de rock, super-heróis e mais um monte de coisas. Revelações sensacionais! Participam do programa: Márcio Jr., Ciro I. Marcondes, Pedro Brandt e Marcos Maciel de…
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® Il corpo umano è al centro del dibattito pubblico, eppure continua a essere bisognoso di un genere di attenzione che spesso non arriva. Dare vita al corpo, rifiutando di cancellare la sua complessità, soprattutto in un momento in cui il corpo sparisce dietro gli schermi. Nella sua pratica clinica, Vittorio Lingiardi, psicologo, psicoterapeuta e p…
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