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KTs FamilyRadio

KTs FamilyRadio

Welcome to KTs FamilyRadio, where amazing things happen and this is my personal radio :) Free style talking show~~~ "Family Radio秉持著隨性主持風格,所以每集的節目內容也不會相同",且不定期更新。"!! 歡迎大家留言和我分享,你對本集內容的感想,謝謝。" Official website: https://ktsfamilyradio.co.uk Especially thanks: Free Play music https://freeplaymusic.com
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Tears, Tropes, and Tea! Why cry over real life when you can cry over Kdramas? Join us weekly as we thirst over our fave actors, dissect epic love stories and roast ridiculous tropes. Sassy commentary, unfiltered opinions, and endless drama await.
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NewsRadio 740 KTRH is an AM News/Talk radio station owned by iHeartMedia, Inc.. Houston's Morning News broadcasts with 50,000 watts 24-hours a day, serves the Houston metropolitan area , and streams worldwide. KTRH debuted in April, 1922 and is the South Texas Primary entry point station for the Emergency Alert System. Be sure to listen to Houston's Morning News from 5-8a.m. for the latest news weather and traffic information.
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Podcast dla kobiet, które chcą więcej, dla kobiet, które chcą żyć życiem lepszym od ich marzeń! Życie, które jest lepsze od tego, które możesz sobie wymarzyć, to życie, w którym czerpiesz ze swoich zasobów. Jesteś. Jesteś sobą!
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KTBS Podcasting and the Committee of 100 present Good to Know Shreveport-Bossier, a podcast series showcasing the good things happening in our area. We’ll go in-depth about economic development, community growth and other topics about initiatives that are having a positive impact in our community. We’ll have new episodes every other Wednesday. You can find the KTBS Good to Know podcast wherever you listen to podcasting. Or go to KTBS.com or KTBS Now on your streaming device to see the full i ...
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V Dobrém tátovi pomáhám všem tátům, kteří chtějí více a lépe pečovat o své děti. Stejně tak pomáhám všem firmám nacházet řešení, jak podporovat rodiče a nepřijít o perspektivní zaměstnance. Poslechněte si, jak přemýšlím o tématech, která sami řešíte. Zjistíte, jaké mám zkušenosti a jak doporučuji řešit různé situace. Je to nejlepší cesta, jak mě můžete blíže poznat.
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KTSW 89.9

KTSW 89.9

KTSW 89.9 is the official radio station of Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Here you can find a collection of various podcasts, live band performances, interviews and more!
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Ktown Connects

Ktown Connects

Celebrating KENOSHA, WISCONSIN – OUR TOWN! Your hosts Jason & Donny talk to someone from our hometown of Kenosha and find out what makes them such a great Kenoshan! Each episode will feature an exclusive Q&A with a local business owner, local historian, community activist or just a local celebrity. Thanks for listening!
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Podcast o tym, jak wykorzystać odkrycia psychologii w swoim codziennym życiu, zarówno osobistym jak i zawodowym. Będziemy koncentrowali się przede wszystkim na praktycznych aspektach psychologii, ale nie zabraknie też ciekawostek oraz odpowiedzi na wasze pytania.
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Nejzajímavější a nejneuvěřitelnější příběhy jsou ty, které se opravdu staly. Realita je totiž vždycky zábavnější než fikce. Audio referáty o tom, co jste ani netušili, že vás bude bavit. A taky spousta věcí, co vás v dějáku nenaučili. Vyprávím to já, Markéta Lukášková aka @pandikralovna, spisovatelka a Karel Čáslavský chudých. Bonusové epizody: Herohero.co/podcastpribehy Pickey.cz/pandikralovna Podcast na sítích: Facebook.com/pribehkteryseopravdustal Instagram.com/podcastpribehy Tiktok.com/p ...
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Le Jour du Seigneur, KTO et La Procure s’associent pour proposer le premier magazine mensuel entièrement consacré au livre religieux. Tournée dans la célèbre librairie du 6e arrondissement à Paris, cette émission donne la parole à trois auteurs. Leurs échanges sont ponctués de chroniques des libraires de La Procure qui nous font part de leurs coups de cœur, des meilleures ventes du mois, ou encore d'un portrait d'auteur. La présentation de ce rendez-vous unique a été confiée à son lancement ...
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Opowiedz.to | Podcast dla tych, którzy mówią do ludzi. Praktyczne porady, jak słowem zapalać do działania lub gasić pożary. Garść przydatnych informacji i inspiracji dla liderów, trenerów, menadżerów. Dla wszystkich tych, którzy w różnych sytuacjach mówią do ludzi, występują publicznie i chcą to robić lepiej, ciekawiej i efektywniej. Co gwarantujemy? Proste rozwiązania do zastosowania już od zaraz. Małe rzeczy, które robią dużą różnicę. Mix wiedzy psychologicznej i biznesowej. Damski i męski ...
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Nechte se inspirovat příběhy obyčejných lidí, kteří se rozhodli žít tak trochu neobyčejný život. Cestují po světě, pracují v zahraničí nebo vydělávají online. Zajímá mě srovnání života v Česku a za hranicemi, motivace lidí vycestovat, i zajímavé historky z cest. Žít se dá i jinak, než nás učili a život může být i víc, než jen práce od devíti do pěti. Pokud žiješ neobyčejným životem a chceš se o to podělit, neváhej mě kontaktovat a další díl může být třeba o tobě :) Všechny epizody na svetjec ...
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KTBS 3 Sports and Jeff Harper present the #3Fever Point-After Podcast, a local show highlighting high school football in the ArkLaTex. Alex Anderson and Red River Head Coach Jeff Harper give you a weekly look at teams to watch, interviews with some of our area's top recruits, and all the information you need to be prepared for the Friday night lights . Join us every Thursday morning wherever you get podcasts for the KTBS #3Fever Point After Podcast.
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KTUH Online

KTUH University of Hawaii Radio

#KTUH is a student-run noncommercial radio station broadcasting from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. #ktuhonline #collegeradio #uhm
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KTPRcast is a narrative show that tells a wide array of fun and informative stories from an international perspective. The episodes are often inspired by current events. It's also less absurd than it sounds.
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KTop10 is a show where we discuss the trending K-Pop hits according to official South Korean music charts! The show provides personal opinions and up to date news on the songs and artists featured in each episode. See our website for the schedule of our episode release dates. Visit us online at: ktop10.mymti.org. Questions, requests, and feedback on our show can always be sent to our email at elizabeth@ktop10.mymti.org. Find us on Facebook at: facebook.com/ktop10pod. Our X page is at: twitte ...
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KTIC Solutions

KTIC Solutions

KTIC strongly believe that TM44 inspections are an important part of energy efficiency and compliance in the UK. An air conditioning inspection forms part of a comprehensive assessment of the energy performance of buildings, which, when carried out by a competent and qualified energy assessor, can identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved.
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Back to the F**kture

The Future Laboratory

In our Back to the F**kture podcast, hosted by The Future Laboratory co-founder Martin Raymond, we ask a future-thinker to put foresight predictions under the hindsight spotlight and explore how trends were disrupted and what this has meant for the future.
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Welcome to KTSE Ave We’re a double gated community talking life, culture music, racism, sports..amongst other things, but as always thx for the support. Rate, Comment, and, Subscribe on Apple Podcast!
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KTRU Rice Radio

KTRU Rice Radio

We are KTRU Rice Radio 96.1 FM in Houston, TX! Sticking it to the man since 1967. This account has interviews galore! For our music, check out https://soundcloud.com/ktru-live . And if social media is your thing, FB/Twitter/Instagram. Also accept smoke signals.
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Terri Simmons and KTBS Podcasting present DocTalk, a podcast discussion series about mental health and overall wellness, visiting top medical providers and caregivers in the Ark-La-Tex. We’ll have new episodes every other Wednesday. You can download and subscribe to KTBS DocTalk wherever you listen to podcasts. Go to KTBS.com/podcasts or KTBS Now on your streaming device to see the full interview.
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show series
#AI #AI來襲 眾所矚目的AI主題節目又來了唷:) 你是否曾想過,只要用滑鼠拖動圖片的一小部分,就能讓照片中的人物改變表情,甚至轉動頭部?這種聽起來像魔法的技術,正是基於 StyleGAN 發展出來的 DragGAN。在這集節目,我們將深入淺出地解釋這兩者的原理唷~~~Have you ever wished you could reshape an AI-generated image just by dragging parts of it? StyleGAN revolutionized image synthesis, but DragGAN takes it further by enabling intuitive, real-time manipulation. In th…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250131-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: Portugal. the Man, Ya Tseen and Samantha Crain are performing in Southeast Alaska this weekend to fundraise for the Point House Revitalization Project, Alaska Folk Festival leadership announced that the guest artists for the 50th festival will be Rhiannon G…
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Chantal Delsol, dans « Insurrection des particularités » (Cerf) raconte la mutation des sociétés occidentales : l’universel supplanté par les particularités, les grands principes par les revendications communautaires, la raison par la dictature des sentiments et des passions. La pensée commune ne promeut plus que l’essor de l’ego, de la subjectivit…
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新的一年來談談同理同情不要混用,在新的時代來臨,各世代的職場生存術有何不同? 優先座位的那些變老的壞人們為何會變成這樣?他們真的是壞人嗎? 主播絕對沒有偏題~~這是一個很值得深思的主題 歡迎大家留言告訴我們您的想法:) Let’s Talk About Empathy vs. Sympathy in the New Year – Don’t Mix Them Up! Surviving the Workplace in a New Era: Strategies Across Generations
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250130-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: Alaska students posted some of the lowest scores in the country in national reading and math test results that were released yesterday, State regulators have fined proponents of the 2024 ranked choice repeal ballot measure nearly $157,000 for what officials…
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Jací jsou dnešní mladí tátové? Tráví svůj čas se svými dětmi? Jakým vzorem jim byli jejich tátové? Jak dokážou skloubit vedení progresivní mladé firmy s otcovstvím? A jak se jejich hodnoty prolínají do firmy? O tom všem a mnohém dalším jsme si povídali ve skvělém podcastu s dvěmi mladými táty z Letohradu - Michalem Uhlířem a Filipem Červinkou z Coa…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250129-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: Rumors have been circulating on social media that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have detained tribal citizens in Juneau, but local officials say that is not true, Gov. Mike Dunleavy touted his administration’s accomplishments and outlined …
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Kochanie! Wierzę, że ten odcinek doda ci mocy! Przecież już ją w sobie masz, to tylko (i aż) kwestia aktywowania jej! A jesteśmy w tym RAZEM. Każda z nas ma swoją drogę i jesteśmy dla siebie po to, aby w niej się wspierać. Dziękuję, że mogę być wsparciem dla ciebie i dziękuję, że jesteś! 💋 Zostawiam Ci tutaj link do -25% zniżki na moje największe i…
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Dołącz do Newslettera dla tych, którzy mówią do ludzi: ► https://opowiedz.to/newsletter Dzisiaj rozmawiamy o regule 70-20-10 w rozwoju pracowników – czy rzeczywiście jest ona skuteczna, czy to mit? Z tego odcinka dowiesz się: ✅ Skąd tak naprawdę pochodzi reguła 70-20-10 ✅ Czy rzeczywiście tylko 10% nauki pochodzi ze szkoleń, a 70% to samodzielna pr…
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Nikola Jandová je moje dobrá kamarádka, která se před několika měsíci přestěhovala do Thajska. Tam se učí thajsky a vypadá to, že se začíná usazovat na delší pobyt, než původně plánovala. Proto jsem si nemohla nechat ujít příležitost a ohledně této velké životní změny jsem ji vyzpovídala v dalším díle podcastu Svět je CooL. Niki navíc více než 6 le…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250128-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: A magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck about 60 miles southwest of Unalaska Sunday afternoon, On April 1, Anchorage will hold its municipal election, and half of the seats on the Assembly are on the ballot along with two school board seats, As Eaglecrest Ski Are…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250127-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: The Alaska House of Representatives offered a rebuke to President Donald Trump’s move to rename North America’s highest peak as Mount McKinley, The Alaska Legislature is getting to work on a bill that would boost state funding for public schools by more tha…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250124-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: Over $130 million in grants for clean energy projects in rural Alaska are now frozen, after President Donald Trump signed an executive order freezing funding from the federal Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, At least three district…
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https://media.ktoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/20250123-News-Update.mp3 In this newscast: Juneau residents had a chance to ask questions and offer comments on a proposed fifth cruise ship dock at two public meetings this week, A key public-sector union and some Democratic state lawmakers are calling on Gov. Mike Dunleavy to release the results o…
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