Jog عمومي
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show episodes
A época de futebol está aberta e regressa o programa Visão de Jogo. Sofia Oliveira junta-se a Luís Freitas Lobo e Nuno Vieira, para discutir o modelo de jogo da jornada e dos grandes jogos europeus. Às segundas-feiras, depois das 19h00, em direto na rádio, em e em
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De Jogclub

De Jogclub

Wereldkampioen Seppe en ultraloper Bobby gaan op zoek naar de beste verhalen in de sportwereld. Van Olympische kampioenen tot coaches, diëtisten en lokale helden passeren allemaal de revue en elke maand sluiten ze af met een maandoverzicht met Strava exploten, kijktips, poëzie en zoveel meer.
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Anatomia Jogi

Małgorzata Kobus

„Anatomia Jogi” to przestrzeń spotkania ciała, umysłu i duszy. Znajdziesz tu rozmowy, refleksje i narzędzia, które łączą jogę, fizjoterapię, psychosomatykę i rozwój świadomości. Dla tych, którzy chcą praktykować głębiej, żyć świadomiej i wracać do siebie – krok po kroku. Gosia Kobus
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Jogos de Poder

SIC Notícias

Nuno Rogeiro traz-lhe as jogadas que moldam o futuro do mundo nos corredores do poder e os segredos mais bem guardados, na nova rubrica de comentário internacional e geopolítico. Jogos de Poder, Às terças-feiras na SIC Notícias e às quartas-feiras em podcast
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Uns Caras Que Jogam

Uns Caras Que Jogam

Bem vindo ao UCQJ CAST! Aqui você encontra muito entretenimento e informação relacionado ao mundo dos videogames. Os episódios são a versão em áudio de nossas lives no YouTube que acontecem todas as segundas às 20h.
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Comer, Dormir, Jogar

Orion Soldier

Somos o "Comer, Dormir, Jogar!" (@comerdormirjogar) e somos fãs de games e iremos bater papo sobre games e o estilo de vida. Matheus Barrachi (@matheus_barrachi), Tiago Bandeira (@tsbandeira) e Gustavo Domingos (@gusdomingosorion)
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The Adventure Jogger

Steven Kornhaus

Every runner has a unique story, and we're here to tell them all. From elite athletes leading the pack to everyday runners finding joy in the middle or back of the pack, we celebrate the heart, grit, and humor that make this community so special. Join us for laughs, insights, and the unexpected adventures of runners everywhere! Support the podcast on Patreon Watch episodes on YouTube
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English Worship Jogja Podcast

english worship jogja

Tune in to weekly sermons from English Worship Jogja, designed to encourage, equip, and strengthen your faith. Whether you're in Yogyakarta or listening from anywhere in the world, these messages will inspire you to live with hope, purpose, and a deeper connection with Jesus. 📖 Biblical teaching | Practical faith | Hope-filled messages Listen, grow, and walk in His truth. #EnglishWorshipJogja #Sermons #Faith #Hope #Jesus
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On this show, Yowana reviews the latest and greatest running shoes, talks marathon training and puts in the work—DAILY. This is your favorite running YouTube channel, now in podcast form. Brought to you by Supwell, the world's best community for hobby joggers.
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Ernani Fornari

Áudios de palestras e aulas de Ernani Fornari. Terapeuta e professor de Alinhamento Energético, Terapia da Respiração e Constelações Sistêmicas. Escritor, compositor e músico.
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Dinheiro em Jogo


O jornalista Rodrigo Capelo comanda debates sobre assuntos que vão além das quatro linhas. Negócios, economia, marketing esportivo, política e o que mais houver nos bastidores do futebol interessa a este programa, que vai ao ar toda sexta-feira, com a participação de dirigentes, executivos e especialistas.
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Slot Jogo

Slot Jogo

slotjogo é totalmente certificado pelo governo brasileiro, garantindo uma experiência de jogo confiável e segura. Seus fundos estão sempre protegidos, permitindo que você jogue com total tranquilidade! Visite nosso site oficial:
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Cathartic brain emptying for me. Potentially humorous and thought provoking for you. At least that's the optomistic version of how this could all go. I once wrote a blog of the same name, and am trading the pen for the mic. Gen X wisdom dispensed via fun stories, odd opinions, and absurd rants. I use bad language sometimes. Dropping new episodes on the 1st and 15th (I hope.... oh god, I've said it now, I better do it). Canadian made :)
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It is a program for Bengali people who are interested in Bengali Sahitya and Stories. We are making basically horror stories. But in some cases, we create other different types of stories in Bengali. We have a youtube channel You can follow and subscribe our channel.
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show series
👕 The JOG ON running kit: 📝 JOG ON Training Plans, the perfect tool to get you to your next running goal: Having recently hit a huge milestone of 10 years since escaping his addiction to drugs and alcohol, Alan told me that he was finally ready, to sit down and tell his stor…
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W tym odcinku zapraszam Cię do wspólnej podróży – przez moje doświadczenia, wybory, momenty zwrotne i zwątpienia. Opowiadam o drodze, która rozpoczęła się w świecie fizjoterapii, a poprowadziła mnie znacznie dalej – do jogi, psychosomatyki, pracy z podświadomością, dźwiękiem i wreszcie... do spotkania z własną duszą.Podzielę się z Tobą momentami za…
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In John 8:12, Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world.” When Jesus is our light, he leads us out of darkness, guides our steps, and transforms our lives. 1. Understanding Context Jesus made this statement during the Feast of Tabernacles, a celebration where large candles were lit to remember how God lead His people with a pillar of fire in the…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on running shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) Here are the 5 best speed training shoes in March 2025. Follow …
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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Fala aí galera! Nesse novo episódio de Comer Dormir Jogar, Matheus Barrachi e Gus Domingos o Orion falam do que esperam para 2025 das estratégias das empresas Sony e Microsoft. #comerdormirjogar #cdj #matheusbarrachi#tiagobandeira#gusdomingosorion#Nintendo#Sony #Playstation #xbox #Microsoft #xboxcloud #gamepass #playstationnetwork…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on race shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) The Asics S4+ Yogiri is a marathon shoe designed for 4 hour races.…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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No episódio, Rodrigo Capelo conversa com Clara Serva, sócia do escritório Tozzini Freire Advogados e especialista na área de direitos humanos, e Wellington Silva, ex-vice-presidente de comunicação do Flamengo. A partir da repercussão dos fatos recentes — o episódio de racismo contra Luighi, do Palmeiras, e as cobranças feitas por clubes à Conmebol …
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In this episode of The Adventure Jogger Podcast, Steven Kornhaus chats with professional trail runner James Lauriello about his journey from team sports in Florida to elite trail racing in Colorado. They discuss his training on the Manitou Incline, the power of networking in the running world, and his sponsorships with La Sportiva and Ultimate Dire…
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Embarcamos em uma viagem ao Japão para explorar suas florestas, templos e figuras históricas (e escalar muitas torres) em Assassin's Creed Shadows, nas notícias discutimos as novas investidas da Sony e da Microsoft na integração de IA generativa nos jogos, as novidades sobre Silent Hill f, o futuro incerto do Zeenix e mais! 00:07:32: Silent Hill f …
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on running shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) The Nike Alphafly 3 is a top-tier marathon racing shoe designed…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on running shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) Here are the top 5 (6?) soft and bouncy daily trainers right no…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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Muito esteve em jogo na conversa no circuito telefónico seguro do Air Force One, entre Donald Trump e Vladimir Putin, que domina a Rússia há um quarto de século. Guerra e paz estão sobre a mesa. Ou melhor, guerra quente e um cessar-fogo temporário. Mas é um encontro sério, ou uma mera reunião de ocasião? Ouça a análise de Nuno Rogeiro na versão pod…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on running shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) The Asics Superblast 2 and Novablast 5 are the two of the brand…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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Subscreve o canal para não perderes um episódio todas as terças. Vasco Elvas - Tomás da Cunha - Tiago Almeida - Produção - Setlist: Nuno Pires Vasco Assis Teixeira Realização: Pedro Bessa Rúben Salsa Pós-Produção: Who Cried Wolf Música: Luís C…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best shoe deals and running community: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) Here are 5 changes you can make to run better speed w…
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É o homem certo para resolver os casos mais difíceis. Jorge Jardim formou-se como engenheiro agrónomo e chegou ao governo com apenas 29 anos, mas em 1952 um convite vai mudar-lhe a vida. Muda-se com a família para África para trabalhar como administrador de uma fábrica. Mas a capa de um homem de negócios e de um pai de uma família numerosa escondia…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on race shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) I'm back in the swing of marathon training, and the first session …
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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This week, we are exploring the idea that people are spiritually hungry but often seek fulfillment in the wrong places. Using the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 (John 6), we learn several key lessons: Where vs How: While we often ask, “How will this happen?” Jesus asks, “Where is your trust placed?” Give Jesus Something to Work With: God can multi…
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The spring 2025 merch drop is live at Black hats are back, white hats are here, plus a whole lot of MILEAGE Sign up for the Supwell app for 10% off on fuel and the best deals on race shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger c…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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The spring 2025 merch drop is live at Black hats are back, white hats are here, plus a whole lot of MILEAGE Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on race shoes: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and …
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No episódio, Rodrigo Capelo entrevista Gustavo Aranha, CEO e cofundador do Sfera, clube de futebol do interior de São Paulo que optou por um modelo de negócios diferente do convencional. Em vez de partir para o futebol profissional e buscar as grandes receitas das Séries A e B, os investidores focam no desenvolvimento dos jogadores desde os 11 anos…
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Join us for 30 days of prayer as we seek God through His Word. Each day, we’ll pray Scripture together, lifting our hearts in worship and intercession. This is a dedicated time to draw closer to God, reflect on His promises, and pray for our lives, communities, and the world. Let’s unite in prayer with the English Worship Joga and experience the po…
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In this episode of The Adventure Jogger Podcast, host Steven Kornhaus dives into endurance nutrition with registered dietitian Alex Larson. They explore the essentials of proper fueling for endurance athletes, common nutrition mistakes, and why breakfast is crucial for performance. Alex shares her personal journey into endurance sports and how it l…
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Sign up for the Supwell app for the best deals on daily trainers: (along with DAILY motivation, the most supportive hobby jogger community, best buy, sell and trade shoe marketplace and exclusive Hobby Jogger gear discounts) The Salomon Aeroglide 3 is a new max cushioned daily trainer d…
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Pedro Xavier é castiço, do mais castiço que há. Irmão gémeo de Carlos Xavier, é o último internacional português pela Académica, o primeiro pelo Estrela e aquele que vê o cartão amarelo mais rápido, ao terceiro minuto da estreia, depois de substituir Futre, com a Checoslováquia. "Se a malta de hoje lambesse os pelados, ninguém se atiraria para o ch…
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