Ideal Life عمومي
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The Business of Life | Self Help | Spirituality | Wellness | Create Your Ideal Life

Keith Callahan teaches how to create your ideal life | Think a mix of Louis

Welcome to The Business of Life Podcast, created to help YOU live the life you love to live. A Monday, Wednesday, Friday show, each week Keith Callahan focuses on actionable teachings to help you in all realms of your life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial). Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, solopreneur, stay at home mom or busy father you’ll learn how to identify, create and eventually realize the life you were meant to live. Tune in weekly as Keith provides a var ...
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Ideal Money Life

Damon Yudichak

Owning a profitable business gives us the ability to design and create our Ideal Money Life. Ideal is not perfect. Perfect will never arise. Ideal is actually closer than you may realize. Ideal is a state where you live an abundant life. You have what you want and need. You don’t have to worry about money. Money is your servant. You have rich relationships. You are fulfilled in your work. You are healthy. You have time to enjoy the life of your dreams. The great poet Freddie Mercury said it ...
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show series
Visit: It's been a crazy past 2 years, but I'm back! I will be posting regularly in 2024 and boy do I have some dating knowledge for you guys! I will be talking about stuff NO ONE is talking about. No ONE! Cold hard truths about cold approach! Get ready! It's all coming in 2024! Support the show…
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Visit: I'm back! Thank you to all the guys that contacted me and told me how much they love this podcast. In today's podcast I'll catch you up on what I've been up to and gaming during the pandemic. I also have a product out now that I think you'll enjoy. You can check it out at the link above or below. For …
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Visit: You may think that seduction gurus want to help you get more women, but in reality a lot of them just want to empty your wallet. While I think some videos can help give you an idea of what to do, others just make your more insecure and nervous. For every video you watch online, you should be spending 4…
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Subscriber-only episode Visit: Some guys seem to think that girls that go out to clubs and bars are "easy" and "slutty." They want to find an "innocent girl" that they can make their girlfriend. In today's podcast, I dispel the idea that there are any "innocent girls." The truth of the matter is that every girl will be a …
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Subscriber-only episode Visit: Most men can not control their emotions when dealing with women. It is the lack of this skill that keeps them from getting and keeping the women they really want. If you learn how to control your emotions especially when a woman is angry, emotional, or irrational you can help her deal with h…
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Visit: Do you lose your thoughts when speaking to a beautiful women? Do you find yourself in a trance? In this episode I go over some ways you can get over a woman's beauty. For more great content, visit: Support the showبقلم Jack
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Visit: We all have our stories for why we can't do something. We keep telling ourselves these stories over and over. But repeating your story, for why you think you can't be good with women or get the women you want, does nothing to help you improve your dating life. In this podcast, I go over how you can stop sabotaging …
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Visit: I coach a lot of guys who limit themselves before they even make an approach. They are trapped in a mind prison of their own creation because they believe they lack certain things that society tells them they need in order to be confident. In this podcast, I will teach you about some of these limitation and how to …
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Visit: Today I'm going to go over flaking and how to handle women that flake. Should you NEXT them or give them another chance? If you are making regular approaches then flakes should not be too much of a problem for you. For more great content, visit: Support the show…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I'm going to teach you how to get a girl's phone number. Notice I said get, not ask. You NEVER want to ask for the phone number. Asking decreases your chances of getting it. For more great content, visit: Support the show…
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This is the speech I gave in front of 50-60 guys at the 21 Convention in 2007 (before the CEO got all political). In the first part of this speech, I gave advice on relationship maintenance and what you need to do in order to keep your relationship healthy. The second part of this speech discusses logistics and how you can pull a girl out of a nigh…
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This is the speech I gave in front of 50-60 guys at the 21 Convention in 2007 (before the CEO got all political). The speech is about YOUR identity and how it affects what you can and cannot do. It goes in-depth on how a guy that is good with women thinks and how he got there. It goes over what it takes to get good with women and how you can become…
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Subscriber-only episode Visit: In today's podcast, I go over 10 things that will help you right after you make the approach. These are the things you really need to focus on in order to be successful when picking-up women, especially during the daytime. If you can master these, you will become an unstoppable force and you…
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Visit: Most guys think that women are these mysterious creatures that are so hard to understand. In today's podcast, I reveal that women are very easy to understand. They are male value detectors and constantly scan men on their value. The majority of women value the same things in a man. They want a man that is confident…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I'm going to share the SECRET of getting beautiful women. It's simple, but not easy. This one thing has been responsible for me getting over 90% of the beautiful women that I have been with. For more great content, visit: Support the show…
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Visit: Avoid take women on the boring dinner and a movie dates. Going on those dates is one of the quickest ways to kill a woman's attraction for you. Dates like that signal to her that you are just another boring nice guy with no imagination. You want to take her on exciting dates. Something that she is not used to. By d…
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Visit: If you can't be happy doing things by yourself, you will always give off a needy energy around women. In order to be really successful with women, you have to be happy being by yourself. You need to be able to enjoy activities alone. By cultivating this characteristic, you will develop your own standards of what yo…
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Subscriber-only episode Visit: Today I go over everything you need to know in order to approach women. 98% of guys can't cold approach a woman that they are attracted to. Believe it or not, a lot of it has to do with their own mental hang-ups and how they feel about themselves. I don't want you to be one of those guys. I …
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Visit: In today's podcast, I encourage you to unplug from what society thinks you need in order to talk to beautiful women. Society wants you to stay asleep so that you can benefit it. Instead of giving in to what you have been conditioned to believe since birth, you should listen to this podcast so that you can unplug fr…
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Visit: This is part 2 of last week's podcast. I decided to share some of the good and bad things that will happen to you along your journey. In today's podcast, I talk about one night where I took seven rejections in a row and how awful it felt. But I didn't give up and thanks to that, I had a really good experience towar…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I talk about how far I have come from the nervous wreck of a boy that was deathly afraid of approaching women. No matter how bad you think you have it, chances are that I had it worse than you. I recall being so nervous talking during my first cold approach that my forehead started sweating like…
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Visit: Do you have to be a good looking guy to get women? Well it certainly helps, but it is not necessary. Contrary to what you've been socially conditioned to believe, it is not actually your looks that wins over women. It's your behavior! Good looks only buy you an extra few seconds to talk to her. If you don't have at…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I talk about the proper mindset that you'll need in order to become successful with women. This is the information I wish I had when I first started learning how to pick-up women. If you listen to this podcast and implement the advice I give, you will drastically improve your dating life. For mo…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I go over the type of body language you need to succeed with women. I won't overburden your mind with dozens of things to remember. In order to have great body language you only need to focus on ONE thing. This one thing will fix any body language mistakes you are currently making. It's simple, …
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Visit: In today's podcast, I discuss why working out or combat sports are important for masculine growth. Working out with weights has a range of benefits like increased confidence, positive feelings, increase masculine energy, cognitive function, and a range of other benefits. For more great content, visit: http://dating…
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Visit: In today's podcast, I discuss how to dress in order to get attention from women. Wearing nice clothes is especially important for men just starting their journey. While being well dressed does not in itself cause women to be attracted to you, it does help them to notice you. Any time you can get a women to notice y…
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Visit: In today's episode I talk about forcing IOIs (Indicators of Interest) from women. What it basically means is that you do things before you approach that make women notice you. By doing this, you turn a cold approach into a somewhat warm approach because she notices you before you come up and talk to her. Forcing I…
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Visit: It should only take you 3 seconds from the time you notice an attractive woman up until you approach her. In this podcast, I will cover 4 reasons why the 3 second rule is so important to new guys who are just starting to approach beautiful women. Visit: Support the show…
  continue reading In today's episode, I go over the cold approach and the warm approach. Both have pros and cons to them and I wanted to make sure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of both. cold approach pick-up warm approach approaching women Support the showبقلم Jack
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Subscriber-only episode Visti: In today's video, I go over 3 of the biggest attraction killers you can have as a man. You want to avoid these at all costs because they will eventually lead to women dumping you. relationship killers attraction killers how to keep a girl happy how to keep a girl interested Visti: http://da…
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Visti: In today's podcast, I talk about why you do NOT need closure as a man. Do NOT ever try to find out why a woman doesn't want to see you or be with you anymore. Just move on. Trying to have long drawn out conversations where you logically attempt to convince her that you are a catch will only push her away further. …
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