iPad活用のヒントになる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組 ■LISTENで文字起こしも見られます https://listen.style/p/ipadworkers ipadworkers.substack.com
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Learn how to get the most out of your iPad Pro by listening to the pros using the iPad. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Get the most from your Mac! The show features news, tips, tricks, techniques, tutorials and reviews geared toward the casual, home and business Apple user. Covers the Mac, iPad, iPhone and other Apple products.
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Welcome to my podcast. Were you can hear. Real shit. No games
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Welcome to the Ipadbeats podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Technologie im Bildungsbereich.
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Warden Park Academy Trust Digital Development
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Learn how businesses and enterprises around the globe are using iPad to improve the way employees work.
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iPadはもはや特別な存在ではなく、学校と家庭での日常の一部となり、教育現場と教育者に目覚ましい進化を起こしています。 このイベントでは、昨年度4月から新入生に1人1台ずつiPadを導入、現在は中高合わせて3,000台のiPadが稼働している近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校から、こどもたちのクリエイティビティを促進する生徒の学習成果物作成、教材プリントや解説動画の作成と配信、クラブ活動や文化祭での利用まで、21世紀の教育に欠かせないリアルなストーリーを多数紹介しています。 iPadとこれからのこどもたちのための学校教育をわかりやすく伝えています。
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筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の児童生徒たちは、身の回りの問題にiPadを取り入れ、筑波大学情報科学類の学生と協力しiOS アプリケーションを開発・解決しました。このイベントでは、学生、児童生徒と先生が共同開発をはじめた想いやあゆみと今後を、今の教育に不可欠なキーワードであるテクノロジーと人のつながり、アイデア、問題解決のストーリーと共にお話しています。
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Diese Beispiele zeigen, wie Großunternehmen durch den Einsatz des iPad ihre Arbeitsweise optimieren. Zusammengestellt wurden sie von dem für „iPad in Unternehmen“ zuständigen Apple Team.
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Scopri come le grandi aziende usano l’iPad per migliorare il proprio modo di lavorare. A cura del team “Lavorare con iPad” di Apple.
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iPad transforms the way you work. Learn how iPad features and applications can help businesses get the job done.
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Welcome to the iPad, iPhone Tips podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Découvrez de quelle façon de grandes entreprises utilisent l’iPad pour rationaliser leurs méthodes de travail. Mis à votre disposition par l’équipe Apple iPad en entreprise.
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Doing more with iPad. Check out ipadguild.com
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Descubre cómo grandes empresas están utilizando el iPad para mejorar su forma de trabajar. Ofrecido por el equipo del iPad en la empresa de Apple.
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Learn how business people from companies of all sizes are using iPad, apps from the App Store, as well as apps built for in-house use, to transform how they get their jobs done.
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Join executives of major corporations and find out how they are incorporating iPad into their business. You'll learn how they are using third-party applications as well as developing their own internal apps to streamline workflows that help their employees be more productive.
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All things Catholic and then some!
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Innovative teachers can inspire learning. See how smart teachers are thinking outside the book and using Mac and iPad in creative ways to keep students engaged and focused.
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Learn how to use your iOS device from Jess Hutchins Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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A conversation about iPhone, iPad and all things related to Apple brought to you by www.everythingicafe.com.
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著名钢琴家郎朗与 Tido 的首席执行官 Kathryn Knight 一起畅聊他们共同合作的 app 《跟郎朗学钢琴》。
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La Stanza Dei Fumetti è un Podcast interamente dedicato ai fumetti. Ogni settimana viene pubblicata una puntata in cui Matteo, alias IpadderHD, parla delle ultime notizie su comics, manga, graphic novels e di tutto ciò che ruota attorno al fantastico mondo della nona arte! Se ti piace il Podcast e vuoi rimanere ancora più aggiornato, IpadderHD ti aspetta su YouTube con le sue video recensioni e i suoi video acquisti!
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With iPhone, iPad, and iOS, progressive IT teams are leading innovation at their companies. Hear real-world examples and best practices from IT groups who embrace a new vision for technology to transform the way their employees work.
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Der Podcast rund um das Tablet. Hardware und Apps, sowie der Nutzer stehen im Mittelpunkt.
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MobileAppzTV videos show you true action gameplay demos of iPad apps so you can make an informed decision before you buy.
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MobileAppzTV videos show you true action gameplay demos of iPad apps so you can make an informed decision before you buy.
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MobileAppzTV videos show you true action gameplay demos of iPad apps so you can make an informed decision before you buy.
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Scopri come le grandi aziende usano l’iPhone per migliorare il proprio modo di lavorare. A cura del team “Lavorare con iPhone” di Apple.
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All things Catholic and then some!
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Podcast sobre el uso del iPad Pro como herramienta de trabajo y ocio, ¿Puede reemplazar y/o sustituir un portátil? Ven y lo averiguamos en esta aventura tecnológica.
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Learn how companies are using business and database solutions on the iPhone and iPad to improve productivity. Manage business contacts, track inventory, review import documents and more – all with the tap of a finger. All trademarks are the property of their respective trademark owners.
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Open University Educational Technology researcher, Eileen Scanlon looks at the benefits of 'inquiry learning' for young students, and how she is using the experiences to help design a customized tool kit to support evidence-based 'inquiry learning'.
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With ever-increasing divorce rates and relationship break-ups, how do some couples manage to stay together for years, sometimes forever? In this collection of audio and video podcasts, we reflect on the adult couple relationship in the UK, how couples perceive love and commitment, and the 'relationship work' that people do to sustain their enduring love.
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The iPhone Podcast is a weekly show hosted by Gary Ng and Justin Luey. Join us for Apple iOS ( iPhone iPad iPod ) News, Rumors, App Reviews, Discussion, Tips, and Interviews.
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Open University cognitive psychologist Graham Pike describes how his interest in facial compositing has led to a collaboration resulting in a computer based tool, called Efit V. This tool might transform the process of identifying police suspects. It is being developed to allow law enforcement agencies to produce images of criminal suspects at very short notice at crime scenes revolutionising the process of identification. To find out more, follow the research links.
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My awesome podcast!
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For musicians, producers, beat makers, sound engineers, & artists alike. We discuss DAW’s, apps, equipment, & tech centered around, you guessed it, your iOS! We also reference & provide tutorials, feedback, as well as tips & tricks to optimize the power you possess in your iPad! Whether you’re a beginner, novice, or pro, this ‘hear’ is for you! Wesampleeverything.com Wesampleeverything@gmail.com @cyphaomni @chickonthebeat @beatmakeristhesquad @j1starbeatz @dragonfly_bry Support this podcast: ...
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Why is a rollercoaster so exciting and terrifying, yet safe? Modern rollercoasters such as ‘Nemesis’ are engineered very precisely to create an exciting experience for thrill-seekers. This short album visits Alton Towers theme park in England, and explores the part that mathematicians play in rollercoaster design, using mathematical models to calculate the ride's accelerations and forces to obtain the desired experience. This material forms part of The Open University course MST121 Using mat ...
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3187. If you like looking at Wikipedia, here are some tips to help you find and read the articles there. You can change appearance settings, view article history and alternate versions, find and link to text inside an article, and much more.بقلم MacMost
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Chronicling with Rebecca Owen (iPad Pros - 0207)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Rebecca Owen is the developer of Chronicling. In this episode, we discuss how she uses the iPad and dive deep into her app. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! Show notes are available at www.iPadPros.net. Feedback is welcom…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「ChatGPTの活用事例紹介とプロンプトのコツ」です。 簡単なプロンプト(命令文)の工夫だけで、びっくりするほど便利に使えるので、その事例をいくつか紹介します。 🎫 iPadセミナー * 🆕iPadOS 18活用講座90分【スライド、アーカイブ視聴付き早割50%OFFチケット】:1,100円(9月28日12:00までの販売) * ※Paidメンバーはチケットなしでアーカイブ視聴、スライド資料などのダウンロードができます。 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 ✍️メモをきれいに整形するのは大得意 C…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3199. The Passwords app on your Mac allows you to create, store and recall strong unique passwords to make all of your online accounts more secure. In Safari the passwords are created and filled in later without even needing to launch the app. With the Passwords app you can view, search and edit your passwords.…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3193. In iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS Sequoia you can now schedule messages to be sent later. You can stack up more than one scheduled message and edit them or delete them before they are sent.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3185. Basic picture-in-picture overlays in iMovie need to stay the same width and height ratio as the project. But by cropping the clip in Project Media before you add it to the timeline, you can crop it as you wish.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3196. While a lot of attention goes to new iOS 18 features, here are 15 odd and interesting new features you may find useful. There are new Vocal Shortcuts, music haptics, Phone app searching, Calculator features and more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3194. In addition to the major new feature of macOS Sequoia, you can also now trigger the context menu with the keyboard, trigger Shortcuts with a voice command, hide what's behind you when recording video, and much more.بقلم MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「iPadOS 18で個人的に嬉しかった新機能」についてです。 🎫 iPadセミナー * 🆕iPadOS 18活用講座90分【スライド、アーカイブ視聴付き早割50%OFFチケット】:1,100円(9月28日12:00までの販売) * ※Paidメンバーはチケットなしでアーカイブ視聴、スライド資料などのダウンロードができます。 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 ✨ iPadOS 18がリリース! 9月17日、Appleから正式にリリースされた最新のiPadOS 18。新しい機能がたくさん詰まっていて…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3191. With macOS Sequoia you can now tile windows to quickly snap them to halves or quarters of the screen. See all of the ways you can do this including the Menu Bar, the green button, keyboard shortcuts, and dragging. You can also combine previous window resizing options for more arrangements.…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3192. iOS 18 for the iPhone has a lot of new features even before we get to Apple Intelligence. Try some new Home Screen looks, lock apps, schedule messages, do math in Notes and much more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3190. macOS Sequoia packs in a lot of new features even before Apple Intelligence is added. You have a ton of window tiling commands, a new Passwords app, Math Notes, audio transcriptions, iPhone Mirroring and more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3186. A quick way to get around in the Finder is to use the Go To Folder command, especially if you like using your keyboard more than a mouse or trackpad. Here are some advanced tips that you may not know about.بقلم MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「無料のMediBang Paintアプリでパターン模様を作る方法」です。 パターン模様を作れると、デジタルなら壁紙やデジタルプランナーの表紙に、アナログなら印刷して手帳用のオリジナルリフィルや小物製作に活用できます。 MediBang Paint 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 🌸 ワークショップでの発見 8月に福岡でワークショップを開催した際、参加者のフゆちゃん(@fuchsia_yu)からとても面白いTipsを教えてもらいました。 MediBang Paintという無料アプリを使って、パタ…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3188. It may seem like you need to subscribe to Apple Music to use the Music app on your Mac. But you can simply ignore Apple Music in the sidebar and search results and use it with your own purchased or ripped songs. You can also disable it so it doesn't appear at all. And yes, you can still rip songs from a CD …
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Glowtime with Matt Birchler (iPad Pros - 0206)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Matt and Tim discuss Apple’s September 2024 event. A live to YouTube version of the podcast is also available! Check the links below to watch. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! Show notes are available at www.iPadPros.net.…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3184. After a macOS or app update it can be difficult to figure out what has changed. Here's how to see what's new in macOS update and also some techniques for finding out what's new in Apple and third-party apps.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3183. You don't to print and scan a PDF document to sign it. You can use markup tools on your Mac to apply your own signature to a document. You can even do it quickly in Mail without needing to save the file. You can do it on the iPhone or iPad too.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3182. Learn some advanced techniques for browsing the Web with Safari on your Mac. Use tabs more efficiently, add a Favorites bar, view two Web pages at the same time, autofill forms, log into multiple accounts at the same time, search engine tips and much more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3181. You can permanently and securely remove text and images from PDF documents with the Preview app on your Mac. This can be used to hide information from the next person to view the PDF, or to simply reduce the size of the file.بقلم MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今回のポッドキャストは、Apple製品が大好きな公立高校の数学教師えむおーさんへの、インタビュー回です。 ニュースレターでは「Goodnotesのレーザーポインターの意外な使い方とプリントの管理方法」について紹介します。 えむおーiPad買ったら連絡ください(@Mo24555713)さん / X 学校の先生のiPad活用事例が知りたい方や、iPadの相談などがありましたら、ぜひえむおーさんにご相談ください! 参考リンク🔗 * えむおー(Notion) 🎫 ChatGPT活用講座 * 📅 8月31日(土)10:00〜🎥 ChatGPT活用講座(当日視聴無料) * 🎫スライド、アーカイブ視聴付き前売りチケット:2,200円(8月31日12:00までの販売)* ※開…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3180. You can copy and paste text and objects in a variety of ways on your iPhone in iOS 17 and 18. You can use this to move content from one app to another.بقلم MacMost
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Moleskine Studio with Adam Shaw (iPad Pros - 0205)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
Adam Shaw is a developer creating iPadOS, iOS, macOS, and visionOS apps. Making awesome apps at Bonobo Labs and Moleskine Studio. These apps include GlanceBar, Spotless, Dressed on the side, Flow, TimePage, and Actions. In this episode, we dive deep into the Moleskine Studio of apps and touch on how Adam uses the iPad. Early episodes with chapter m…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3179. While many apps have the option to export as a PDF file, you can actually do it with any app at all as long as there is an option to Print. Even screenshots can be turned into PDFs. You can do this on the iPhone and iPad too.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3178. Tired of videos with mild productivity tips that are just minor tweaks to how you already work? Here are some extreme productivity ideas for Mac users that can really shake things up.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3177. You can use tables in Pages for a lot more than just data. You can create simple layouts, alphabetize lists, make calendars, game boards, graph paper, timelines and more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3176. While it seems like the Menu Bar is built to be controlled with your mouse or trackpad, you can actually get to everything in the Menu Bar using only your keyboard. In fact, there are several ways to do control the Menu Bar with your keyboard.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3174. Don't let yourself get frustrated by changes to your devices or apps. Learn to embrace change and look at it as an opportunity to learn new things and explore.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3173. Reader View is a great way to read large amounts of text on a web page. Get rid of distractions like ads, navigation and sidebars, and read with larger text on a plain background. You can also use Reader View for nicer printouts, PDFs and text features.بقلم MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「福岡にあるステキな文房具屋アイデアスイッチさんとの出会い」です。 * 📅8月24日博多iPad勉強会(14:00) * 📅8月25日福岡スタンプをつくろうワークショップ(10:00/13:00) 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 💡福岡に行ったら訪れたい文房具屋さん「アイデアスイッチ」 昨年から旅行の際、文房具(主に万年筆インク)を扱うお店を探して訪れています。 昨年、福岡を訪れたときは、文房具朝食会@名古屋で大変お世話になっている文房具系ブロガーのフミヒロさんに教えてもらったお店「アイデアスイ…
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Teaching English in Taiwan with Rishi Ó (iPad Pros - 0204)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Rishi Ó is back on the podcast to discuss his experiences using the iPad as a teacher in Taiwan. We also touch a bit on using the iPad for live harmonica performances and creating videos. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! …
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3172. You can add page numbers to the top or bottom of all of your pages in a Pages document. Learn how to add and modify them, skip pages, style the text and more.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3171. You can extract pages and parts of pages from a PDF using a variety of different techniques on your Mac in Preview. One is so easy it almost isn't worth mentioning the others.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3170. Learn some basic Numbers spreadsheet skills by building a document that tracks a stock portfolio. Learn to use functions, perform math operations, get column sums, format cells in various ways, use conditional highlighting, use multiple tables, build charts and more.…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3169. Before sending photos, consider the size of the attachments and what the recipient really needs. If it makes sense, use one of these techniques to shrink the photo file size down to something more appropriate.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3175. The latest version of the free clipboard manager from MacMost includes a search function, the ability to snooze clip capture, and lots of new powerful Smart Clips functions.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3168. When switching from Windows to Mac you'll see lots of specific tips for using and altering your Mac to make it more like Windows. But if you really want to switch, learn to do things the Mac way.بقلم MacMost
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How Attorneys Use the iPad with Jeff Richardson (iPad Pros - 0203)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Jeff Richardson is an attorney practicing law in New Orleans at the office of Adams and Reese LLP. His practice areas include appellate litigation and representing defendants in class actions and complex litigation. He is an Appellate Practice Specialist, certified by the Louisiana Board of Legal Specialization, and is currently one of only 13 atto…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3167. If you need to take and markup screenshots often, you don't need a third-party app. The built-in screenshot utility on your Mac will allow you to do this quickly and easily once you learn some tricks.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3166. Before you sell, give away, or recycle your Mac, you should erase it first. You should also erase any used Mac you buy before you do anything else with it.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3165. If a photo is part of your Photo's App library, how do you get it out and use it as a regular file? There are three proper ways you can export a photo, none of which involve messing around inside the library file.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3164. When looking for files, folders, apps, web pages, templates or many other things, macOS provides you with quick-access lists of recent items to make it easier to find what you want.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3163. If you use the Notes app to take notes while doing research or attending meetings, you should know about the Keep On Top feature that allows you to keep a Notes window floating above other windows at all times.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3162. Ever want an extra set of buttons to control your Mac? Add single-press buttons to launch apps or do whatever you want. You don't need to get an expensive peripheral. A cheap extra keyboard or keypad will work if you also use a third-party keyboard tool to configure it.…
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Graphic Design and Calligraphy with Will Paterson (iPad Pros - 0202)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Will Paterson is a Graphic Designer and Content Creator who specializes in Logo Design, Hand Lettering and Brand Identity. He has worked with well-known brands such as Adobe, Instagram and Skillshare and shares what he has learned on his YouTube channel that you can find at YouTube.com/@WillPatersonDesign. In this episode, we dive into how the iPad…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3161. If you need to rotate, trim, extract a frame or text from a video or audio file on a Mac, you don't need to even open an app. You can do all of these things and more just using the Finder and macOS.بقلم MacMost
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「iPad miniの手書きメモで旅行計画を考えたらめちゃくちゃ良かった」です。 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けてツイートお願いします。 🌟旅行や出張にはiPad miniだけ! 最近、旅行や出張に持って行くデバイスとして、私はiPad miniを選んでいます。 その理由はシンプルです。12.9インチのiPad Proは、カバンから取り出すことが面倒に感じることが多いからです。また、新幹線のテーブルに置くと、サイズが大きすぎて安定しません。その点、iPad miniは手帳感覚でサッとカバンから取り出せるので、とても便利…
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3160. If you need to rotate, trim, convert or just view some images on a Mac, you don't need to use any app at all. You can do these and more using just the tools in the Finder and macOS.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3158. If you have a lot of notes in the Notes app you may want to try one or more of these techniques to organize them. You can use sorting, folders, tags, smart folders, links and other techniques.بقلم MacMost
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View in HD at https://macmost.com/e-3157. Learn some Numbers spreadsheet skills by building a simple retirement planning table and chart. Learn how to use basic formulas to calculate how savings will grow with contributions and interest each year.بقلم MacMost
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