Humans Under Grace Bible Study is an in-depth bible study that covers our Father’s word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. We utilize the original Hebrew, Chaldea, and Greek to provide a clearer understanding of the Bible. We also incorporate listener questions into the podcast as they get sent in. If you have a biblical question and would like to hear it answered e-mail us at [email protected]. God Bless you and have a great day.
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In this study we will finish the book of Hosea. The last chapter of this prophetic book shows what God wants of all of his call upon Him. If you have questions to be answered on the podcast submit them to [email protected]. God bless you.
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In this study we continue learning of the backsliding and disobedience of Israel. We also find that through all their idolatry and perversion, God still wants to show mercy if they reach out to Him.
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In this study we continue the book of Hosea with God still laying out the fact that Israel is chasing idols. We will also reference Leviticus 26, Ezekiel 13, Judges 19, and Numbers 25. If you have any biblical questions, you can submit them to [email protected] to be answered on the podcast.…
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In this study we continue the book of Hosea. We will learn what it is that pleases God and those things that displease Him. If you have any biblical questions, you can submit them to [email protected] to be answered on the podcast.
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In this study we continue on in the book of Hosea. God teaches us exactly how he feels about idolatry and the betrayal that is felt when His children play the harlot with other gods.
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In this study we begin the book of Hosea. In the beginning we do a little groundwork to set the foundation of Hosea's prophecy and then dive right into this fascinating book.
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In this study we will dive into what God says about the gift of speaking in tongues, and what that phrase really means according to the Word.
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In this study we will complete the Book of Revelation with the description of the new heaven and new earth that comes to be after the great white throne judgment, and Satan's attempt to overthrow God and his people again.
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In this study we continue studying about the fall of Babylon the great, that spiritual harlot, and the merchants that prospered throughout its one-hour reign. Then we get into the millennial kingdom and those who live and reign with Christ during that time and what it is that they will be doing. If you enjoy the study and would like to help us reac…
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Episode 59: Revelation 16:17 - 18:11
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التشغيل لاحقا
In this study we will complete the seven vials in chapter 16. Then we cover chapter 17 which is a vision that is then described and explained by God. And finally, we get started in chapter 18 with that time that the wrath of God will be poured out upon that great city Babylon. If you enjoy the study and would like to help us reach more people pleas…
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In this study we will read about more events that will happen at the seventh trump. We will also get into the pouring out of the seven vials and see the correlation between the vials in Revelation and the plagues in Egypt.
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In this study we cover all three world ages in just one chapter, and then we dive right into the beast system which Satan will use to deceive the whole world.
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In this study we will see the seventh trump come to pass and also learn of the two witnesses and what it is that they will be doing while on earth.
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In this study we will finish chapter 7, and then get into the trumps in chapter 8. The study will end on the sixth trump at the end of chapter 9 were we see the appearance of the anit-Christ.
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In this study we will cover the seals of God as written by John in the book of Revelations. We will supplement John's vision with the teaching of Christ in Mark chapter 13 for a clearer perspective on what each seal means.
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In this study we will finish talking about the 7 churches and continue on into John's first vision in heaven.
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Today we will begin to study the book of Revelation. In chapter 1 John gives us an introduction and a time stamp concerning when this takes place. Then Christ begins sending advice to the seven churches which is crucial for us to understand.
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In this episode we will study the Song of Moses that the overcomes of the tribulation will be singing in heaven. We will begin the study in Revelation 15:1-4, then Deuteronomy 31:24-32:47.
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In this study we complete the book of Matthew with the death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb.
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In this study we cover the false trail of Christ at the hands of the chief priest and elders, and the scene at the cross including the prophecy that told of the crucifixion down to the very words the chief priest would say.
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In this study we cover a lot, starting with the parable of the servants and talents, then the last supper, and the betrayal.
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In this study we continue Christ's teaching of the end times with the parable of the fig tree generation, and crucial warnings not to be deceived.
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In this study we dig deep and cover a lot of information about the end times as Christ taught the disciples. This chapter is full of knowledge that we need to know to be prepared for the times to come.
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In this study we cover Christ being tested by the Pharisees and Sadducees. We also cover Christ giving the woes to the scribes and Pharisees for their false doctrine and hypocrisy.
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In this study we start off with a parable explaining more about the first will be last and the last first. Also, Christ confronts the high priest, scribes, and moneychangers in the temple.
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In this study we cover Christ's teaching on being as little children, and the compassion that we should have while in the flesh.
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In this study we cover the Mount of Transfiguration and a detailed study of the two witnesses and their purpose during the end times.
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In this study we take a deeper look at the tradition of the elders that Jesus warns of and is laid out by God in Ezekiel chapter 8.
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In todays study we finish the parables that Christ was telling about the Kingdom of Heaven and the wicked seed, along with a few more miracles and Christ speaking against traditions on man. If you enjoy this podcast please leave a rating and review or share. Thank you.
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Who are God's elect and what is their purpose? How did they get chosen as the elect? We will dive in and find the answers to these questions in this study. If you enjoy this podcast please leave a rating and review or share. Thank you.
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In this study we cover the proper way of cleansing someone of evil spirits and what to do afterwards. We also get into the parables of chapter 13 including the parable of the sower and the parable of the wheat and the tares. Also as mentioned at the end of the study please leave a rating and review or share if you enjoy this podcast.…
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In this study we will continue to cover the teachings of Christ through Matthew. Christ lets us know that no matter what you do some will never be please so stay steadfast and follow Him.
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In this study Christ gives us an overview of the hour of temptation, along with how to subtly spread the word.
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We hit the ground running in this study. Christ's ministry is gaining popularity and followers as we work through these chapters.
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Episode 35: Question and Answer Time
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التشغيل لاحقا
In this episode we answer listener questions that we have received.
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In todays study Christ finishes his teaching on the mount and begins his ministry of healing and cleansing.
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In this study Christ continues to teach his disciples how to go and minister to the people. What a great study to show us how to interact in the world today.
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In this study we will cover the temptation of Christ, and Christ choosing His first disciples. We will also discuss pre-destination, or the elect.
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We begin the Book of Matthew today. We will study the genealogy of Christ, the coming of the wise men, and John the Baptist ministry including Christ baptism.
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In this study we will complete the book of Genesis.
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Have you ever wondered what the truth about Christmas is according to the Bible? In this study we will dive deep into the Word to find out what Christmas truly means to Christians.
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In this episode we will cover Jacob getting into Egypt with his family, and start to get into the prophetic blessing that he gives his sons.
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In this study we cover a lot of ground. Joseph puts his brothers through several tests and Jacob finally learns of Joseph’s role in Egypt
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Today we study the rise of Joseph in Egypt through God's blessings.
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What does the Bible say about the rapture? That is what we will be studying on as we read through the verses used to support this doctrine.
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In this study we go through the prophies concerning Joseph and his being a type of savior for Israel, as well as the story of Judah and Tamar.
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We continue following Jacob's travels, and at the end of the study cover Isaac's death along with Esau's geneology.
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In this study we cover a good bit of ground. Jacob and his family return to Seir and Jacob's name is changed to Israel.
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What is the Lord's Day and how is it important to us. In this study we will dive deep into what our Father's word says on the subject of the Lords Day.
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In this study we will discuss Jacob finding Rachel and Leah, their children, and their dealings with Laban.
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