Global News عمومي
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The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global development and key trends driving world affairs. Named by The Guardian as "a podcast to make you smarter," Global Dispatches is a podcast for people who crave a deeper understanding of international news.
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The best stories, interviews and on the spot reporting from around the world including highlights from News hour, The World Today and World Briefing. Up to 30 minutes compiled twice a day from the 24 hour News coverage from the BBC World Service.
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Pointless Global News

Philzer Productions

Anchor Tad Flakey brings you the most pointlessly weird and funny news from around the world, just to put a smile on your face. No fact checking, some is fiction, but most stories are the cold, hard and hilarious (sometimes gross) truth.
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Welcome to NewzKidz! A new weekly podcast covering global news stories and current affairs, presented by Rose, Zara, Aiza and Laurie - kids aged 8-11 years. Tune in to hear us talk about what's important in our world today, what's making the news headlines, and why kids should care. You can discuss our stories with your friends, parents and teachers, and let us know what you think.
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一天1Hashtag,聊天不Lag! 寰宇#關鍵字新聞,帶你關注亞洲放眼全球 國際政經一聽就懂x關鍵字聊天不卡卡X 180秒快速好吸收 🐧週一~五:7-9am更新 🐧週六~日:驚喜更新 🔎寰宇新聞YT: 🔎寰宇新聞網: 🔎寰宇全視界: 🔎寰宇看東亞: 🔎看見新東協: 抖內我們這裡請: 商業合作信箱 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story beyond the headlines, strap yourself in for 60 minutes of informative and provocative radio.
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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PRGN Presents is the essential podcast for international business leaders, non-profit executives, and those who hire public relations, marketing, and communications firms. It provides an exclusive look into the ever-evolving world of PR and communications, featuring experts from the Public Relations Global Network, “the world’s local public relations agency.” Is your message winning hearts and minds? No matter where you do business, there is a PRGN member agency in your region with the deep ...
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NewFinxo Capital Daily Financial News 18 04 2024 Dollar Strength Amidst Global Tensions Set Your Course to Trading: Finxo Capital Will Be Your Trusted Navigator in Your Journey Look no further, you have landed in the right place for Your trading future. GET STARTED Convenience and Accessibility Online brokers offer the convenience of trading from the comfort of your home or on the go through mobile apps. Lower Costs Cost- effectiveness can help you reduce the impact of ...
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show series
【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 美國總統川普已經多次放話,要盡快結束俄烏衝突。然而,近日俄軍持續推進烏東,取得相當進展,連頓內茨克州的重鎮『紅軍城』,都岌岌可危。俄軍31日還對烏克蘭港都敖德薩,發動飛彈攻擊,擊中一座世界文化遺產飯店。俄國總統普丁,真的會願意在此刻收手和談嗎? 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: …
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Diretores regionais da OMS e Unicef falam de esforços estagnados para frear mortalidade infantil; um em cada quatro menores lida com questões de saúde mental; déficit nas vacinações contra o sarampo deve levar milhões a ter dificuldades de desenvolvimentoبقلم United Nations
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story …
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Nick Leighton, CEO of NettResults Middle East, shares insights on the evolving landscape of public relations in the region, emphasizing the significance of long-term strategic planning driven by regional visions like UAE Vision 2021 and Saudi Vision 2030. He highlights how these frameworks focus on sustainability and technological advancement, part…
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This week on the Global Research News Hour we are exploring unusual events in January that were explained in the mainstream media but behind which more questions lie. In our first half hour, we talk to a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism about lingering questions he has about the attacks in New Orleans and in…
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On Day One, Donald Trump froze nearly all U.S. foreign aid. On Day Eight, the State Department issued a stop-work order for USAID. This is causing massive ripple effects around the world. USAID staff and contractors are being laid off in droves. HIV patients in several African countries are being turned away from clinics where they had long receive…
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New Orleans has seen more snow than Alaska's biggest city so far this winter" (FOX Weather). The FOX report continues with this, "The Big Easy has also received more snowfall since the start of meteorological winter than many cold weather cities across the country, including Philadelphia and New York." But even more alarming than that, while there …
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The country hit its 5% growth target for 2024, buoyed by a burst of extra momentum in the fourth quarter. Yet, the growth was uneven Note: The conversation segment of this episode was generated using AI and has been edited for accuracy. It is based on this Caixin story: Last-Quarter Bounce Helps China Hit GDP Target but Challenges Remain Subscribe …
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上任以來不斷將『加徵高關稅』掛在嘴邊的美國總統川普,終於開出第一槍,對鄰國加拿大與墨西哥,提出課徵25%的關稅,並且對中國商品,再加徵10%的關稅,開始實施的日期就是2月1日。加拿大總理杜魯道不滿表示,加國也要對美國商品課稅作為回應,而墨西哥總統則是呼籲民眾,冷靜面對。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉…
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【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 美國總統川普31日,與輝達執行長黃仁勳會面了。川普會後表示,兩人的談話進行的『很順利』。根據外媒報導,這次雙方會面,是早先已經安排好的,但剛好碰上中國的DeepSeek崛起,因此兩人討論的重點,自然轉向了美國的AI政策,和晶片出口管制。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: http…
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美國國務卿「盧比歐」,即將前往中美洲,展開訪問之旅。而他在接受媒體訪問時指出,在美中衝突的情境下,中國可能會選擇,關閉巴拿馬運河,這將對美國,構成極大的國家安全威脅。同時,他也暗示美方,將會採取相應措施。與此同時,巴拿馬總統「穆里諾」,公開回應,先前川普的質疑,並對前總統「瓦雷拉」提出指責,強調正是因為瓦雷拉在任內,與中國建交,導致了當前的爭議。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】 ✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動 ✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程 ✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元 結帳輸入「F200」再享 $200 折扣! 👉 詳情: #打破閾值 #湧現增長 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 南韓出生率,9年來首度呈現成長趨勢。當局育兒補貼政策多樣,除了上調育嬰假薪資,釜山還推出住房政策,只要生兩個孩子,就能終身住在公共租賃住宅。不過,再多的政策,似乎還是過不了,傳統觀念那關。在南韓,多數民眾仍將女性生養孩子,視為理所當然。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: http…
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電動車巨頭特斯拉,29日公布2024年第四季財報,獲利和營收都不如預期。特別是電動車收入,比去年同期下跌了8%。不過,執行長馬斯克很機靈,他避開財報結果,大談Model Y的高銷量,和接下來公司要推出的自駕計程車服務,成功以願景轉移投資人目光,讓特斯拉下跌的股價,盤後大漲4%。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉…
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過完農曆年,2月14日西洋情人節就不遠了。日本女生在西洋情人節這一天,通常會購買或自製巧克力,送給心儀的對象或男朋友,禮數周到的人,還會準備給男性友人或同事。這樣的商機想也知道非常龐大,各大百貨公司,都已經開始備戰,推出各式巧克力,要來搶攻女士們的荷包。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 Powere…
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目前全球各地,有上百家實驗室,正在研發『最符合成本』的實驗室生成食物,包括市面上已經可以見到的『實驗室生長肉』。不過,一間總部位在英國倫敦的新創公司,卻在開發一種,完全由實驗室出生產的『非動物起司』。他們透過精密發酵技術生產,希望未來能和各大乳製品企業合作,盡量避免為了飼養動物來製造起司,而對臭氧層造成傷害。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 ht…
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菲律賓和中國,在南海衝突不斷,而美國於菲國部署泰風中程飛彈發射系統後,菲中關係堪稱跌到冰點。中國呼籲菲律賓撤彈,而菲國總統小馬可仕的回應則是,如果中國停止在南海海域的騷擾和脅迫行為,菲律賓可以撤除泰風系統的部署。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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本季最強「立春寒流」,下個星期要席捲日本了,預計會影響4到5天,恐怕會導致多地出現「十年一遇大雪」。不過日本北部,入冬以來已經降下多場大雪,包括被列為,世界遺產的白川鄉「合掌村」。當地29日測得140公分的積雪,然而日本國內外的遊客,並沒有被惡劣的天候嚇跑,反而不斷湧入當地,想要欣賞合掌村的雪景。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 https://…
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Confrontos entre forças de segurança e grupos criminosos esta semana criaram nova onda de deslocamentos; mais de 500 mil menores foram forçados a sair de suas casas e muitos estão sendo recrutados por gangues, onde já representam cerca de 50% dos membros.بقلم United Nations
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Em nota, secretário-geral da ONU condena toda violência e pede respeito dos direitos humanos; mais de um terço dos birmaneses precisam de ajuda humanitária; Nações Unidas reafirmam apoio à população do país do sudeste asiático.بقلم United Nations
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Agência da ONU continua com algum pessoal internacional e fornece caminhões com suprimentos básicos; autoridades de Tel Aviv adotaram lei demandando a descontinuidade da ajuda humanitária em Jerusalém Oriental até esta quinta-feira.بقلم United Nations
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País assolado por conflitos no leste envolvendo Exército nacional e grupo armado M23 registra casos de execução sumária, estupro coletivo e recrutamento forçado; alto comissário da ONU de Direitos Humanos pede investigação dos responsáveis.بقلم United Nations
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