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show episodes
Hi, I'm Rick Glassman, and I'm a goofy guy and a cute boy. As a kid, I had debilitating OCD. I still have a lot of “things.” The title of my podcast “Take Your Shoes Off” is a microcosm of my need for control and order in a world that... keeps their shoes on. I created this podcast to showcase a more serious side, as I have conversations with some of the funniest and most interesting people in the world. I’ve learned the language of comedy in an attempt to survive this shoes-on world, so of ...
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Glasovi svetov


V slabi uri skušamo razgrniti najrazličnejša polja vednosti, da bi izrisali sicer fragmentarno in protislovno, pa vendar, kolikor je le mogoče, celovito podobo planeta, na katerem živimo. Povezujemo glas astronomije z glasom arheologije, glas naravoslovja z glasovi umetnosti, ekonomije, zgodovine, religije ali politike.
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The Glass Cannon Podcast

The Glass Cannon Network

In the spirit of old-school tabletop role-playing games, a collection of super-nerds engage in Actual Play podcasts of Paizo's Pathfinder Adventure Paths. Interweaving immersive storytelling with irreverent, improvised humor, the Glass Cannon Podcast delivers like no other the experience of what it's really like to sit around a table rolling dice and ball-busting with your best buds. In May of 2022, the original Pathfinder 1E Giantslayer adventure came to an end and the previously unreleased ...
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Expanding the conversation about art in Texas. Founded in 2001, Glasstire is the first Texas Art Digital Media Company. Find features on Texas Artists, News, and the Top 5 Art Exhibits to See Each Week. The full shebang is at
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Reading Glasses

Brea Grant and Mallory O'Meara

Want to learn how to make the most of your reading life? Join Brea Grant and Mallory O’Meara every week as they discuss tips and tricks for reading better! Listeners will learn how to vanquish their To-Be-Read piles, get pointers on organizing their bookshelves and hear reviews on the newest reading gadgets. Brea and Mallory also offer advice on bookish problems. How do you climb out of a reading slump? How do you support authors while still getting books on the cheap? Where do you hide the ...
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It's the Glasgow is Green Podcast aka GIGPOD, back and back with a bang! Stevie, Reidzo, 'Dan' and Daniel talk all things Celtic FC in as close to half an hour as possible. Plenty of patter, some analysis and zero chat about Rangers finances - what more could you ask for ?
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The Coach Glass Podcast will help you take your coaching skills, fitness, personal brand and life to the next level. Every week you will enjoy Jason Glass's unique brand of Edutainment (Education through Entertainment). Join the community and get inspired! Maximize your potential and those around you! Dream Big & Over Deliver!
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Cochrane proizvodi sustavne preglede koji su prepoznati kao najviši standard izvora informacija o zdravstvenog skrbi utemeljenoj na dokazima. Slušajte autore Cochraneovih sustavnih pregleda kako jednostavnim jezikom opisuju rezultate i dokaze iz svojih utjecajnih radova. U 5 minuta ili manje, svi, od zdravstvenih djelatnika do pacijenata i njihovih obitelji, moći će razumjeti najnovije, pouzdane dokaze koji će pomoći u donošenju boljih odluka.
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The Glass Bottom Podcast

Calamity Concoctions Studio

Shallow minds in deep water! That's what you'll find on this irrepressible podcast. Join Mike, Rob and Shards as they explore deep sea level thoughts with their shallow glass bottom boat brains. If you're looking for laughs, idiocracy, and an escape from reality, you've come to the right place... Welcome to The Glass Bottom Podcast!
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History by the Glass

Nathan P. Gale and Alfredo Moreno

Welcome everyone to the History by the Glass podcast. Your tour of Portland, Oregon's famously historic and infamously endangered bars, pubs and saloons. Inspired by Paul Pintarich's "History by the Glass" book series.
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The Glass Ceiling


A podcast where business leaders share their stories, struggles, and triumphs. We explore the highs and lows of innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership. From founders to CEOs, our guests will share their insights, experiences, and advice on how to succeed and make a lasting impact. Hosted by Marissa Hankinson from Apex Business Advisory.
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Explaining Humanist values, how we can live our values to support social justice issues, and responding to science denying Christian Nationalists bent on smashing the wall between church and state. Human problems require human solutions. There will be interviews, from time to time, with Humanists and other secular people in Northwest Ohio and beyond.
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Behind The Glass

Seen Through Glass

Behind The Glass is a weekly automotive podcast, hosted by automotive YouTuber, Sam (SeenThroughGlass) and used car dealer, Tony (Gravelwood Car Sales). Each week we get together to discuss everything going on in the car world. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Over The Glass Hockey

Over The Glass Hockey

Two Sharks and a weekly podcast about hockey, fan culture, and good vibes! Hosted by Jey & Ness New episodes every week! 🏳️‍🌈 Follow us on Twitter and Instagram -- Over The Glass: @over_theglass Track: Make It Happen Music by
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Glass and Out

The Coaches Site

The Coaches Site Founder Aaron Wilbur sits down with some of hockey’s top coaches and leaders to learn about their journey and dissect the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Each episodes features key take aways for coaches of all levels. The Glass & Out podcast is required listening for coaches looking to gain key insights from hockey’s most influential leaders.
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Bereit für spannende Talks aus der Welt der Klassik? Im Wiener Musikverein, einem der berühmtesten Orte der klassischen Musik, geben sich die Stars aus aller Welt nicht nur die Klinke in die Hand, sondern auch das Mikrofon. Denn nach vielen Konzerten finden anregende Gespräche mit den Künstler:innen statt. So erzählen beispielsweise Christian Thielemann, Klaus Mäkelä, Jewgenij Kissin, Karina Canellakis und Beatrice Rana über Musik, ihre Leidenschaft und darüber, was sie wirklich bewegt. Los ...
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Nächste Live-Aufzeichnung in Weinfelden: 10. Dezember 2024, 20.00 Uhr Es Glas Wy und tolle, ganz persönliche Gespräche. Das ist der Podcast der Thurgauerin Sabrina Lehmann. Das Beste: Ihre Gäste bringen den eigenen Lieblingswein mit - alles andere wäre ja nicht spannend! Alle Episoden werden live im Kaffee famos in Weinfelden aufgezeichnet. Du kannst natürlich dabei sein und selber «es Glas Wy» geniessen. Das hübsche Kaffee befindet sich im Zentrum von Weinfelden und ist mit dem ÖV sowie dem ...
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Trailer for the new Glastonbury Calling Podcast launching on Thursday 5th August from the ex GFM presenter Ian Liversidge. A showcase for the great local music scene in the West Country. To get your music played or to arrange an interview please contact Ian at podcast weblog
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Glass Balloons

Nejc Kosir, Zala Gajser

Glass Balloons je podcast, kjer Zala Gajser in Nejc Košir v sproščenih pogovorih odkrivata svet mladih ustvarjalcev in proaktivnih posameznikov, ki jih imenujeta "konglomerati." Vsaka epizoda je priložnost za kvaliteten čas, ki ga lahko preživite sami s sabo, morda ob kavi, medtem ko prisluškujete zanimivim pogovorom. Počutili se boste, kot da sedite v kavarni zraven in poslušate navdihujoče zgodbe, ki vas bodo spodbudile k lastnemu ustvarjanju.
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Glastotrip, le blog francophone exclusivement dédié au festival de Glastonbury dispose désormais de son podcast. Toutes les informations récentes, importantes, pratiques, tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le festival de Glastonbury est abordé ici.
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Behind the Glass Gallery Podcast

Richard Colon x Quajay Donnell

Behind the Glass Gallery podcast is a monthly talk with the current month's BTG Roster. Artists are interviewed about their submissions and we dive deep into their process, inspiration and thought process centralized around their artwork in the Behind the Glass Gallery located in the heart of Downtown Rochester NY. Hosted by Richard B Colón and Quajay Donnell
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Looking-glass Forum

S. David Carson - E. David Sonennthal

Looking-glass Forum introduces an instructive debriefing of the heavy content of today's cutting edge high-velocity news cycle. We are committed to confronting the most difficult political debates and convoluted cultural dilemmas facing modern society. We welcome you to Join the Book Club and the American revolt against the move toward the arbitrary authoritarianism of the burgeoning technetronic global government.
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Glass in Session® Winecast

Val Caruso, DWS, CWE, FWS

Glass in Session® is a wine education podcast hosted by Val Caruso, DWS, CWE, FWS. She's a certified wine educator, lifelong learner, & shameless corkdork. Every 2nd and 4th Friday there will be a new Glass in Session® focusing on a new topic. Val's mission is to educate, entertain, and empower the wine learner, wine lover, or wine curious by seeking out the fun - and sometimes funny - side of wine education.
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Letters from a Glass House is a podcast designed to feed your mind. We'll be bringing you weekly talks about the topics that matter: examining life, living your values, caring about the world and the people in it. We're making a difference, one life at a time. Letters from a Glass House is a not-for-profit ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice, Florida.
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The Middle Glass

DJ, Jake and Nate

Where we sip whiskey and dive into the lives of the middle class, those who make up half of society, from white-collar professionals to skilled tradespeople and small business owners. Each episode offers a thoughtful and spirited discussion on what it means to navigate and thrive in the heart of the working world.
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show series
Hoch über Weinfelden thront die Wirtschaft Stelzenhof. Seit über 100 Jahren ist der Betrieb im Besitz der Familie Kamm, mit dem Maitanz hat sich der Stelzenhof einen Namen weit über die Kantonsgrenzen hinaus gemacht und der Mann, der seit über 30 Jahren die Geschicke des Stelzenhof leitet, ist Peter Kamm. Ein bekannter Name in Weinfelden: So führte…
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Glass Marcano, die charismatische venezolanische Dirigentin, begeisterte im Wiener Musikverein mit einem triumphalen Abend. Gemeinsam mit dem Wiener Concert-Verein und dem französischen Akkordeonisten Richard Galliano präsentierte sie ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Werken von Mozart, Galliano und Piazzolla. Im Anschluss war Marcano in einem i…
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U rubrici Pogon slusamo razgovor sa Patrikom Fupsom, predsednikom sindikata u Hjundaiju u Nošovicama u Češkoj, sa kojim smo razgovarali na marginama međunarodnog sastanka sindikata Kie i Hjundaija održanog u Beogradu. U rubrici Radionica govorimo o tome šta sindikalni organizatori mogu da nauče ako privrženost poslodavcu posmatraju kao kult.…
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Die südburgenländische Ortschaft Rechnitz wurde zu einem Symbol für Endphaseverbrechen. Vom 24. auf den 25. März 1945 – also kurz vor Kriegsende – wurden dort etwa 200 jüdische Zwangarbeiter:innen von lokalen Nazigrößen umgebracht. Der Ort des Massengrabes, in dem die Leichen verscharrt wurden, ist bis heute nicht gefunden. Rechnitz bleibt nicht be…
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Join us for a insightful conversation with Samantha Boardman, a renowned spending expert who's helped countless individuals and families manage their finances effectively. Samantha shares her unique approach to money management, emphasising that it's not about how much you earn, but how you manage it. In this episode, Samantha dives into: Her perso…
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Ob delu kanadskega filozofa Josepha Heatha Razsvetljenstvo 2.0; kako povrniti razum v politiko, gospodarstvo in naša življenja se pogovarjamo s sociologinjo dr. Ksenijo Vidmar Horvat Večkrat lahko slišimo, da je družba, v kateri živimo, dediščina tistega intelektualnega projekta, ki so ga v 18. stoletju zagnali francoski in škotski razsvetljenci. I…
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Troy and Joe get together for their last episode of this most recent evolution of Fodder and give it a send off worthy of its two-year run. The guys share news of exciting new streams, breakdown the most recent GCP, review Professor Eric's most recent insights in We Are Stupid, and open some Listener Mail that leads into a deep discussion of when a…
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Troy and Joe get together for their last episode of this most recent evolution of Fodder and give it a send off worthy of its two-year run. The guys share news of exciting new streams, breakdown the most recent GCP, review Professor Eric's most recent insights in We Are Stupid, and open some Listener Mail that leads into a deep discussion of when a…
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Ashley McFarland (Modern Day Eratosthenes) is a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) content creator that Rick discovered a couple years ago. Her content is so interesting, Rick invited her to take her shoes off to talk all things science, space, and nerd. Follow her here: https://ww…
  continue reading If you read this, any chance of a rating or a review? Still getting it for free so cmon to fu We discuss Celtic 3-0 Hibs and look ahead to matchday 6 against the old "Croatia Zagreb" Learn more about your ad choices. Visitبقلم GIGPOD
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Welcome to the Saints Church Glastonbury podcast! We are a local church network based in Alberta, Canada. We go to places no one wants to go and do things no one thought possible so that anyone and everyone can discover hope and life in Jesus. This week, as we continue our series on Advent, Pastor Brett reminds us to find joy in knowing Jesus amids…
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Vad köket har att erbjuda ∙ Klassförälder på Tyrolen ∙ Blåvita semesterplaner ∙ Samba-Sam dementerar ∙ Jordbävningen på Ullevi ∙ Tobbes avslöjande ∙ Wrapped ∙ Pest eller kolera Tack till våra sponsorer Clarion Hotel Draken, Wasa Optik, Förenade Bil KIA, ARR, Tången, Länsförsäkringar, Newbody Family, Trine. Missa inte vår sprillans nya hemsida där d…
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It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass! In celebration of Cabernet Franc Day, I had the pleasure of sitting down with four incredible winemakers who share a deep passion for this remarkable grape. In this special episode, we dive into…
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This week on the podcast, we talk about: 00:00 The Rangers trade Jacob Trouba to the Anaheim Ducks 33:15 San Jose Sharks win in DC, but face adversity against Bolts, Panthers 51:05 Golden State Valkyries Expansion Draft and secondary logo reveal Partnership with The Hockey Podcast Network Sponsored by Gametime and DraftKings Follow/subscribe to us …
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Slappin' Glass sits down in this episode with the legendary, Rick Pitino! In this "December Rewind" episode with the current St. John's Head Coach the trio dive into Coach Pitino's thoughts on 8 different practice segments, the evolution of the PNR, and discuss the benefits of pressure defense and helping assistants be prepared for becoming a Head …
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Following leads from the Smiling Wolves about the whereabouts of Sakuachi's companions, the heroes attempt to navigate the strange Skywatch streets in search of them. Watch the video here: This episode was sponsored by Foundry VTT and Norse Foundry. See why tabletop gamers everywhere have made the switch to Foundry Virt…
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Following leads from the Smiling Wolves about the whereabouts of Sakuachi's companions, the heroes attempt to navigate the strange Skywatch streets in search of them. Watch the video here: This episode was sponsored by Foundry VTT and Norse Foundry. See why tabletop gamers everywhere have made the switch to Foundry Virt…
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Nikki, doing what she does best, has gathered the ultimate squad at her podcast table. She’s got Brian Frange and Sean O’Connor, her friends and writers for the Golden Globes, plus Chris Convy, her partner and EP for both the Globes and life. In anticipation of hosting the Golden Globes, As she preps for hosting the Golden Globes, Nikki brings up o…
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A brave defensive display was undone by Reo Hatate to consign the Dons to their first home defeat in 9 months. 4 games now without a win, but despite the result there was maybe a few positives to take from the game? St Johnstone are the visitors to Pittodrie at the weekend - we take a look at the game. Support our chosen charities at the below link…
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Weston Lambert transforms semi-precious stones and found rocks into profoundly beautiful, time-defying glass sculptures. By incorporating an original process for laminating the two materials and by cold-working the surfaces of the glass and rock, the artist is able to bring his skill to bear on these objects that seamlessly transform from stone to …
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Brea and Mallory tick off the last box on the 2024 Reading Glasses Challenge - read a cozy book! Plus, they test out a romance challenge and solve a problem about how to talk to authors about their sad memoirs! Email us at readingglassespodcast at gmail dot com. Reading Glasses Merch Recommendations Store Sponsors - GreenChef…
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Ian and Jem chat The Glastonbury Calling King Arthur Line Up, Local music news [Motion, Godney Gathering, Pilton Working Man's Club] plus this weeks gigs and last weeks round up. Music from: Headphones- Idestroy Beautiful Song- Eddie Mole Go Get It- Shoot the Moon The Ghost of Baddon Hill- Sergeant Thunderhoof Ember Mile- Krooked Tongue Always the …
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¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Esperamos que bien.Si, es el onceavo episodio de la quinta temporada y viene con un montón de cosas.Hay noticias:- Tema nuevo de Ringo- El final de la gira por LATAM de Paul- Las nominaciones el Grammy de Now And Then- La Edición 50 aniversario de Living In The Material World - El lanzamiento de la caja de discos de CapitolPero …
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In episode #278, Kim Weiss, Video Coach of the Colorado Eagles, stops by to chat. She is a trail blazer who has relied on one tried and true method to advancing in her coaching career: learning how to make the players better. Previously, she would become the first female to earn a win as a Head Coach in North American junior hockey with the Marylan…
  continue reading Any chance of a follow/rate/review? League over ? Probably is eh. Reaction to Aberdeen 0-1 Celtic. Technical nonsense prevented an upload to the Brugge/Ross County reviews too. Sorry about that, but it's free as always, so you can't really moan and groan about it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podca…
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This week we discuss: 0:00 - Intro 0:22 - It's the Final Show of the Year! 2:24 - Porsche's Response to Sam 9:20 - Jaguar Reveals Its First Concept Car 22:50 - AD | How Are Sam's Investments Doing? 45:48 - Tony's Favorite Moments of the Year 55:01 - Sam's Favorite Moments of the Year 1:04:24 - What Cars Do We Want to Drive Next Year? 1:08:32 - Outr…
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Hey besties, quick heads up — this episode has some Wicked spoilers, so don’t say we didn’t warn you. Nikki’s back in LA, gearing up to host the Golden Globes, and she’s using the pod to try out her makeup look. She’s joined by Brian, Sean O’Connor, and Gen Z Em. Before heading out of St. Louis, Nikki had the best time with her fam and even pulled …
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Join us for a lively discussion as we wrap up the year with our last episode of 2024, featuring a unique group of artists showcasing their work at the Mercantile on Main. Joe Dellaria shares his journey into oil pastels, highlighting the therapeutic nature of his art and the joy of creating for oneself. Carmen Lewis discusses her passion for photog…
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We dive deep into the ongoing legislative efforts surrounding LifeWise Academy, a Christian nationalist organization seeking to establish Bible classes in public schools during school hours. As the Ohio State Legislature enters its lame duck session, critical issues have arisen concerning the implications of integrating religious instruction into t…
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Ob stoletnici Puccinijeve smrti na mariborskem odru njegova zadnja opera Turandot. V središču bodo trije dogodki, povezani s sodobno glasbo – prvi koncert iz cikla Sodobne orkestrske skladbe Slovenske filharmonije, drugi koncert iz cikla Carpe artem in festival Forum nove glasbe 2024. Vokal bo v ospredju v drugem sklopu oddaje. V Mariboru so prejšn…
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Join us for an inspiring conversation with James Begley, founder of PickStar and former AFL player. James shares his raw and relatable journey of struggling to find his purpose after retiring from professional sports. He opens up about the challenges he faced, from feeling lost to finding his niche and building a successful business. In this episod…
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Med kolaterlanimi žrtvami terorističnega napada 11. septembra in ameriškega odgovora nanj sta tudi mednarodni pravni red ter deklaracija o temeljnih človekovih pravicah 11. september 2001 je za vselej spremenil svet, so menda že dan pozneje čivkali vsevedni vrabci tega sveta. Drugi pa smo potrebovali malo več časa, da smo doumeli, kako natanko je t…
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Nach zwei eindrucksvollen Konzerten im Musikverein mit den Wiener Symphonikern und der Ausnahmegeigerin María Dueñas war Marie Jacquot, die Erste Gastdirigentin des Orchesters, zu Gast in unserer Reihe „Wie wollen wir zusammenleben?“. Im Gespräch mit Walter Weidringer beleuchtet sie die besondere Beziehung zwischen Dirigent:in und Orchester, die Be…
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Troy and Joe get caught up on their Thanksgiving break before digging into some big news about an upcoming State of the Naish, the future of Cannon Fodder, and a special AMA event to celebrate the finale of Impossible Landscapes. In We Are Stupid, an examination of the intra-party conflict and theft, plus some broad strokes rules to look out for wi…
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Troy and Joe get caught up on their Thanksgiving break before digging into some big news about an upcoming State of the Naish, the future of Cannon Fodder, and a special AMA event to celebrate the finale of Impossible Landscapes. In We Are Stupid, an examination of the intra-party conflict and theft, plus some broad strokes rules to look out for wi…
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The third disc of Billy Joel's My Lives Box Set reveals an aspect of his performances that the previous tracks only hinted at: His ability to channel other artists. The first two discs of the four-CD/one-DVD set focuses on unreleased songs, alternate versions of well-known tracks, and compositions that evolved into songs that Billy eventually relea…
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Werners topplock! ∙ De bästa är borta ∙ Överraskande bra under Billborn ∙ Håkan Mjild ∙ Scouta som Sevilla ∙ Ledningsgruppen… ∙ Mental träning, bra eller dåligt? ∙ Ge bröderna Berg akademin Tack till våra sponsorer Clarion Hotel Draken, Wasa Optik, Förenade Bil KIA, ARR, Tången, Länsförsäkringar, Newbody Family, Trine. Missa inte vår sprillans nya …
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Aberdeen FC third straight away game ended in a 1-1 draw at Tynecastle, as the winless run in the league stretches to 3 games. Is this seen as a good point or another two dropped? Glen and Phil look over the draw, and discuss why despite a "weird week" on the pitch there is still reason to be positive ahead of Wednesday nights huge clash with Celti…
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The Best Friend's Club is back! Brent Morin and Adam Ray come over and get silly with Rick Glassman. Don't believe me?! Give it a listen. RICK'S ON THE LOOSE TOUR! My new US stand up tour! Dates & Tickets here: January 8th • San Diego, CA January 9th • Phoenix, AZ January 15th • Eugene, OR January 16th • Portla…
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Filled with immense thanks for all YOU who have traveled with the two of US for the past six years, we celebrated Thanksgiving weekend with our second annual HBTG Audience Choice Episode. The ridiculously over-complicated Thunderdome selection process saw 12 audience-nominated old bars enter, one bar leave as chic NW Portland's beloved Rasputinesqu…
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