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覆盖吃喝玩乐方方面面的灵感话题,比碎片化内容再多亿点深度。 这档播客通过 MOMO 和嘉宾一起畅聊吃喝玩乐背后的商业模式和经济学解读,来为充满好奇心的年轻城市听众提供丰富的商业信息和视角 。 本节目由声动活泼制作播出。
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Floating Island

Floating Island

Here at Floating Island podcast, Im proving that you can sit down with people of all different beliefs, walk of life, experiences and have a great time talking about whatever comes to mind!
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Alex Gay

Welcome to the Float podcast where we publish fortnightly episodes, debunking myths, sharing the latest research and answering common questions about the float industry. We interview experts and aficionados on water quality, best practice and float research to help guide you on your float journey. Whether your are a float centre owner, wannabe owner or float enthusiast we welcome you to share your earbuds with us.
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My journal & journey of life w/ #eyefloaters. Research & community for those experiencing the same. #FriendsWithFloaters welcome! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/worldoff/support
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Floating Roots

Floating Roots

floating roots is a music blog all about people being their authentic selves. we promote positive, underground content to help give it the recognition it deserves. much love for lending your ears, we hope you enjoy! 🤙❤️🙏
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Mary Sweeney and Jonas Kaplan

Acclaimed filmmaker Mary Sweeney and neuroscientist Jonas Kaplan explore the creative place where art and science meet. FLOAT is a series of conversations with filmmakers, fine artists, musicians, technologists, and neuroscientists, investigating their common inspirations, motivations, and processes. Hosted by two USC professors, FLOAT takes you on a journey to the nexus of art and science.
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Whatever Floats

Sam Lea

The podcast about real life topics, music, love and everything in between. It's REAL, RAW AND RELATABLE! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/samantha-brooks/support
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The only podcast dedicated to eye floaters. The number one priority: fighting to cure this condition once and for all. Listen for exclusive interviews with top researchers, ophthalmologists and other experts for updates on the latest research, how to get involved, improve doctor/patient communication and methods to cope with this challenging condition. No fake supplements or false hope. This will be home to the largest community of sufferers fighting to fully understand and cure eye floaters ...
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WHAT FLOATS YOUR BOAT? We dig deep into people’s dreams, passions and desires in an effort get to the bottom of that age old question; a question that has initiated a world-wide phenomenon known as the Self-help industry. On Float your Boat you will hear real people sharing their phenomenal stories of tragedy and success and back again. We interview the well known and the not so well known. Anyone with a great story really! Your hosts George Sabados and Brett Pattinson use their uniquely lai ...
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Thoughts of an infinite being. limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. "the infinite mercy of God" synonyms: boundless, unbounded, unlimited, limitless, without limit, without end, never-ending, interminable, cosmic; More measureless, immeasurable, fathomless, unfathomed, bottomless; extensive, vast "the universe is spatially infinite" countless, uncountable, inestimable, indeterminable, innumerable, numberless, immeasurable, incalculable, untold, ...
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Billy and Sierra here! We want to give you a real life look (and listen😉) into what living on a boat is really about. We plan to share our stories, things we have learned, and interviews from other people we think you can learn from! Whatever floats your boat we plan to have something for you. Thanks so much for listening 🤗
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Floating Axe Head

Loving Life Ministries

God will move on our behalf, we just have to believe him at his WORD. In this brief teaching, we discuss how God uses our natural hands to bring about the supernatural miracles. Your faith will be strengthened!
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Floating Away Podcast

PodPro Australia

Welcome to the Floating Away Podcast, your tranquil escape into the rejuvenating world of holistic wellness. This podcast series dives into the unique services offered by Floating Away, providing listeners with a deep understanding of each treatment's benefits and transformative potential. Across three detailed episodes, we'll explore the soothing experience of flotation therapy, the deep heat relaxation of the infrared sauna, and the ancient wisdom behind yoni steaming. Each episode is desi ...
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An honest, humorous, and often profanity-laced discussion of psychology, mental health and the human condition with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Robyn Watts. Here we discuss what psychology is, what to expect in session, how to find the right treatment style for you, and deep dives on a variety of mental health topics with special guests. Some episodes may contain topics of a graphic, sexual, or violent nature, and all come with a 100% money back guarantee to contain foul language (100% guarant ...
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Your Floating Bed mindful journeys

GingerGoat Productions

A collection of mindful sleep journeys for Kids to calm fizzy minds, & promote positive wellbeing. Simply choose a destination, get comfy, & let’s float away... I created these sleep journeys during lockdown to introduce my children to simple mindful techniques to support their wellbeing. Together we created playful yet peaceful stories during which we imagine their bed floating away to a special destination. When I heard how many young people worldwide were struggling during this challengin ...
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show series
哈喽哈喽大家好,我是 Momo。 不管是之前的《泡腾VC》,还是现在的《吃喝玩乐了不起》,我们总是习惯在一些大的消费/电商节点跟大家说些什么。但是 2024 很不一样,不管是 618,还是双十一,似乎很多话到了嘴边,却又说不出来。 这一两年,很多以往耳熟却陌生的词汇突然有了具象化的画面,比如「大浪淘沙」,比如「波浪式前进,螺旋式上升」,比如「选择比努力更重要」。在这个内外环境都面临巨大变化的时点,我们好像更加有必要和义务跟大家分享作为投资圈一线从业人员的真实观察和体感,传递我们切肤的市场温度。作为还依旧坚守的(也许是悲观的)乐观主义者,我们也愿意带来一些期待 2025 的理由。 朋友们,不论我们各自的 2024 过得如何,一年一度的复盘总是要有的!而且这一次,两个人太少,十个人都不多!但是第…
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威尔仕、一兆韦德、超级猩猩、乐刻...... 虽然开始健身的年份不长,但健身房却已经更迭了好几个版本。那么,传统健身房和新型健身房,差别究竟是什么? 在这期节目里,两位健身爱好者坐在一起,围绕着可能要上市的乐刻,重新回顾了国内健身房的升级之路。没有团课、不跑私教、门店偏小的新型健身房,是否有可能复制瑞幸在咖啡市场的经验? 本期节目也是我们年末系列节目的第四期。在这个系列里,我们会关注一些已经在今年上市或者快要上市的品牌和公司。希望能在一年的结尾,带来一些令人振奋的消息。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 佳璐 lulu ,创业者鼓励师,健康生活方式探索者,威尔仕健身房流浪儿 主要话题 01:26 我们都去过哪些健身房? 06:16 从一兆韦德到乐刻,传统、…
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1995 年,刘晓庆在电视剧《武则天》里从 15 岁演到 80 多岁,她的化妆师毛戈平也随之走红。近 30 年后,毛戈平本人一手打造的同名公司,终于在 12 月成功登陆港交所。漫长的 IPO 过程里,无数国货品牌崛起又衰落,毛戈平为何能够屹立不倒? 想做一个自己的品牌,能学毛戈平吗?除了「复制」成功案例,国货还有哪些能走的路?掌中花园创始人决定来分享她的创业经,一起聊聊毛戈平都给了她哪些启发。 本期节目也是我们年末系列节目的第三期。在这个系列里,我们会关注一些已经在今年上市或者快要上市的品牌和公司。希望能在一年的结尾,带来一些令人振奋的消息。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 梦佳 Chris,掌中花园老板娘鼻子小姐、韧意文化生长传媒创始人 主要话题 02…
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做钓鱼装备的乐欣户外递交了港股招股书。不过,最近染上了钓鱼爱好的嘉宾小艾却告诉我们,乐欣户外主要销售的是钓鱼椅等辅助装备,没有钓竿、鱼线这些钓鱼佬们更经常购买的钓具渔具。并且,他仍然期待着有更多「酷」的国产品牌出现。 那么,钓鱼背后到底是一条怎样的行业链?为什么「中年人的尽头」是钓鱼?有着超 1 亿钓鱼佬的中国市场,还可能跑出怎么样的品牌? 本期节目也是我们年末系列节目的第二期。在这个系列里,我们会关注一些已经在今年上市或者快要上市的品牌和公司。希望能在一年的结尾,带来一些令人振奋的消息。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 宋一格(小艾),大望资本投资人,最近染上钓鱼爱好的一个钓鱼佬 主要话题 02:56 为了钓鱼,都花钱买了哪些装备? 08:45 钓鱼佬…
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国内最大的香水品牌管理公司颖通 Eternal,在今年 7 月向港交所提交了上市申请。如果成功上市,颖通就将成为「中国香水第一股」。不过,尽管颖通手握爱马仕等众多大牌香水的独家授权,国产香水香氛品牌却似乎不见踪迹。 作为香氛品牌创始人的 yiping,她认为国内的香水香氛市场正处于哪个阶段?国际大牌主导的行业里,属于中国公司的机会都在哪里?颖通的故事,又能给国产品牌们带来哪些启发? 本期节目也是我们年末系列节目的第一期。在这个系列里,我们会关注一些已经在今年上市或者快要上市的品牌和公司。希望能在一年的结尾,带来一些令人振奋的消息。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 yiping,一个曾炼铁的工业设计师转向小而美的香氛美妆家居从业者 主要话题 01:58 这…
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As the US Federal Chief Information Officer, Suzette Kent spearheaded initiatives to modernize IT, launch the Federal Data Strategy, and advance the Cloud Smart policy. Now the CEO of Kent Advisory Services, Suzette continues to lead transformations that reshape industries. But what happens when the government steps up and redefines what “responsib…
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Jen Felch took on the roles of Chief Digital Officer and CIO at Dell Technologies in 2019. Before this, she held various leadership positions at Dell, including roles in IT Order Management, Finance, and IT Enterprise Services. A strong proponent of technology, during her time at Dell, she focused on leveraging generative AI to enhance the develope…
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9 月底,毛绒玩具品牌 Jellycat 在上海静安嘉里中心开设了一家限时体验店。店里不仅售卖添加了玉兰花元素的限定款,还有一些平时很难买到的热门产品。店员甚至会在打包过程中,呈现一段像烹饪一样的「无实物表演」。而想要进店,则需要提前通过小程序预约。 虽然本期节目的主播和嘉宾都是 Jellycat 的老粉丝,但他们至今都还没能约上这家快闪店。Jellycat 究竟为何如此火爆?售价高昂的产品背后,消费者们是在为什么买单?新品牌还有可能模仿 Jellycat 的成功之路吗?一起来听听毛绒玩具爱好者们的解答。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 丁丁,AI 娱乐投资人,可能有 200+ 个毛绒玩具 主要话题 02:35 我们如何拥有自己的第一只 Jellycat…
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What data nuances does an aerospace and defense giant like Northrop Grumman need to tackle? For starters, there are national security concerns and sensitive data from the financial and healthcare sectors. Additionally, there are classified complexities from the defense and aerospace industries. There’s so much to unpack… And who better to ask than …
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Hello! I'm back with a collection of shorter journeys for you to use as you return to school, or prepping for exams, struggling to sleep... whenever you need them! Journey begins at approximately 1 minute 30 seconds SUBSCRIBE & never miss a journey RATE & REVIEW to help other Listeners find us & join us on 'Your Floating Bed' journeys SAY HELLO you…
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In this episode of the Floating Away Podcast, we introduce Greg Watters, a distinguished health and sports scientist who recently joined the Floating Away Wellness Center. Greg brings a powerful blend of mindset coaching, yoga, and therapeutic practices to the center, enhancing its holistic wellness offerings. Discover how Greg’s unique approach in…
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Can AI bring humanity back to humans? Our guest on the show, Cloudflare CIO, Mike Hamilton, believes so. The recent advances in generative AI have changed how CIOs approach the trillion-dollar IT services industry. We’ve quickly entered a world where bots are replacing 24/7 IT helpdesks. Is this a boon or a bane? More importantly, how is Cloudflare…
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Hello! I'm back with a collection of shorter journeys for you to use as you return to school, or prepping for exams, whenever you need them! Journey begins at approximately 1 minute 30 seconds This journey is inspired by the brilliant Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. SUBSCRIBE & never miss a journey RATE & REVI…
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Over 56% of US enterprises have cited inaccuracies around AI-based identity verification as a massive risk. What’s scarier? Only 32% of companies have systems in place to mitigate these discrepancies. On this episode of Floating Points, we’re joined by Bhawna Singh, the CTO of Okta Customer Identity, who has scaled systems from 0 to 100M MAUs, and …
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上个月,lululemon 公布了最新一个季度的财报。尽管 lululemon 在中国市场的表现仍然出色,但在发家地北美的业绩增速却逐步放缓。lululemon 的创始人更是直接表示,向男士衬衫等品类拓展违背了公司生产高质量运动服装的初衷。那么,为什么这种扩张还在继续? 在这期节目里,Momo 和播客「品牌快与慢」的主播 Eva 一起,从 lululemon 的成长史出发,谈谈国内外的新老运动品牌们该如何在细分场景和广泛人群之间做出选择。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 Eva 刘媛,播客「品牌快与慢」主播,消费领域深度观察者,品牌咨询顾问 主要话题 02:14 lululemon 是如何成功崛起的? 10:13 从细分品类向全场景拓展,这是运动品牌的成…
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你听说过冰杯吗?如果你看过日剧或韩剧,那便利店里售卖的那些装好食用冰块的塑封杯就可能会给你留下印象。电视剧里的主人公撕开冰杯的塑封膜,倒入各种饮料,就能够做出一杯自己的专属特调。而今年夏天,冰杯这个本来只在各个连锁便利店里存在的小众生意,更是吸引了盒马、蜜雪冰城、农夫山泉等众多国内知名企业入局。 冰杯为何在今年突然爆火?都是哪些人在掏钱买冰杯?冰杯的定价究竟贵不贵?在本期节目中,Momo 和 3 位来自盒马的「冰杯专家」一起聊聊,在这门看似只是「把水冻成冰」的简单生意背后,都隐藏着哪些黑科技和新趋势。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 汤辰婧,盒马冷藏冰品饮品采购,掌管盒马夏天的神 孙栋,盒马冷藏饮品研发,实现大家冰品愿望的魔法师 橙子,盒马啵啵啵主播,同…
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你知道投资人都是学什么专业出身的吗?你会好奇怎样才能进入投资行业吗?现在做投资人还是一个好工作吗? 今年的高考放榜季,消费投资人 Momo 和科技投资人小雾一起,聊聊自己进入投资行业的契机。小时候的理想职业清单里有投资人这个选项吗?大学时读的专业对投资工作产生了什么影响?对久经职场风浪的成熟投资人来说,如果有台能够回到过去的时光机,又会在选专业的时候考虑哪些因素、给年轻人什么建议呢? 本期高考特辑,就送给所有正在面临选择和改变的听友。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 小雾,科技投资人,公众号「小雾渐明」 主要话题 04:10 投资人们在大学里都是学什么专业的? 16:39 选专业要思考自己未来的工作会不会被 AI 干掉吗? 23:19 兴趣对于选专业来说…
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你上次买面包是什么时候?是选择了随处可见的线下面包店,还是线上下单的私房手作品牌?琳琅满目的烘焙产品里,还有哪些消费者需求还没有被满足? 在第一季节目中,我们和不同的主理人一起,讨论过面包品牌都是怎么「卷」出来的。而今天的串台节目,我们找到了专注烘焙技术的「吃包编辑部」,一起聊聊在消费投资人和面包专家们看来,如今的烘焙业在产品上还有什么新机会。 「吃包编辑部」是 CIB 烘焙技术研究所推出的一档播客节目,不定期分享对烘焙行业的观察、聊聊烘焙市场与产品,也会邀请行业内外的朋友们来分享他们的看法与故事。 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好 Tuzi,播客「吃包编辑部」主播,CIB市场&运营负责人 蘑菇,吃菌子和面包很凶的编辑,播客「吃包编辑部」主播 水水,爱吃面包所以给…
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Join Matteo, Tris and Myself as we drive into our minds and ask ourselves what we are all thinking. Such as What is the purpose of life(still working on that), would you survive the Roman Colosseum at 80 years old? Is Social Media having a negative effected on today's youth? Believe me we are no experts just Human begins trying to figure it all out…
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你上次买玩具是什么时候?六一儿童节明天就来,泡泡玛特的全新积木业务 POP BLOCKS 则在今天惊喜登场。我们发现,在成年以后谈起积木,似乎总是离不开童年时候的回忆,而拥有创造力和想象力,大人就可以永远保留内心的那个小孩。 在这期节目里,LABUBU 的超级大粉丝 Momo 邀请了 2 位来自泡泡玛特积木团队的核心成员。从他们入行做积木的曲折经历开始,聊一聊他们为什么会爱上积木,以及他们都在泡泡玛特的积木产品 POP BLOCKS 上寄托了什么样的期望。也祝所有听友六一儿童节快乐,总是能够在生活里找到属于自己的美好时刻。 互动有礼 快来评论区与我们分享你听完节目的感受、回答本期的互动问题,我们准备了小宇宙听众专享福利,向 5 位幸运听友送出一套泡泡玛特积木或盲盒,活动时间截止 6 月 7 …
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你最近都去听过谁的演唱会?去年,泰勒·斯威夫特开启了她的时代巡回演唱会,也创造了「霉霉经济学」这个新名词。根据 Billboard 的估计,霉霉去年的收入高达 18.2 亿美元,演唱会就贡献了 9 亿的门票销售额,演唱会当地的酒店、餐馆和商店也都能从中分走一杯羹。 可以说,时代巡回演唱会就像一面棱镜,折射出音乐版权、演出市场、线下消费等各种和吃喝玩乐有关的新趋势。那么,为什么就泰勒·斯威夫特拥有这样独一无二的影响力?越来越多元的线下消费体验里,我们为什么愿意为演唱会支付更高昂的价格?当技术越来越发达,演唱会在未来可能发生哪些变化?第一季的爆款嘉宾陈腿毛 惊喜返场,从「霉霉经济学」开始,聊聊和演唱会有关的消费市场。 本期互动问题 你有哪些非去不可的线下体验型消费? 你在社交媒体上发现过哪些新歌…
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一个好的产品设计能够在长期交互的过程中改变用户的习惯,当我们观察身边的产品时,有哪些设计让我们会心一笑?又有哪些设计形同鸡肋,被我们果断划入黑名单? 在这期 Bonus 节目里,Momo 和 Tezo 耳机主理人任宁展开对谈,除了分享那些让我们又爱又恨的产品设计,也一起聊聊,在品牌主理人看来,营销和产品究竟谁更重要。在经过市场的大浪淘沙后,那些淘汰的和留下的产品,又能给消费者带来什么好处。 互动有礼 快来评论区与我们分享你听完节目的感受、回答本期的互动问题,我们准备了小宇宙听众专享福利,抽 10 位听友送出 「Tezo雀」x 「吃喝玩乐了不起」 专属耳羽一副,活动时间截止 5 月 27 日。 本期互动问题 你有什么想吐槽的产品设计吗? 有哪些产品的实际使用感受远超你对它的预期呢? 主播 Mo…
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Description: Welcome to "Floating Away," the podcast brought to you by the Floating Away Wellness Center, located on Level One of the Oasis Centre in Broadbeach on the Gold Coast. Our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and wellness by exploring transformative experiences that calm the mind, heal the body, and uplift the spirit. Join us a…
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Join Angie Meagher and Adam on the Floating Away Podcast as they explore the ancient practice of Yoni Steaming at the Floating Away Wellness Center. In this episode, we shed light on the beautiful and very feminine experience of Yoni Steaming, a practice that nurtures the body and spirit. Discover the history, benefits, and personal experiences sha…
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Embark on a journey into the serene world of float therapy with Renee Rowland in this episode of the Floating Away podcast. Discover how floating in a float tank, immersed in pure Epsom salts and sensory deprivation, can induce deep relaxation, alleviate stress, and unlock a myriad of health benefits. From muscle relief to mental rejuvenation, expl…
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你最近注意到了哪些正在大批开店的品牌?你之前都听过这些店的名字吗?还是感觉一夜间它们就突然红遍了大江南北? 这两年投资人们都不约而同地感觉「消费融资变少了」,但是生活里的线下消费却仍然蓬勃热闹,几个新餐饮品牌迅速冒头扩张,开店速度不降反增。 这些品牌究竟从哪里「融」到了开店的钱?以「滴灌通」为代表的 RBF 新模式为什么变得常见?新旧融资模式之间,创业者又该怎么做出选择? 三位专业投资人在节目里给你答案。 本期互动问题 你有做个副业开家店的想法吗? 假设你有一百万,你会用它来做什么投资? 主播 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 嘉宾 宋一格(小艾),大望资本投资人 Charles(小洋哥),福布斯 U30 优秀投资人,前股权投资人,现 RBF 投资人 主要话题 01:…
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第二季「吃喝玩乐了不起」上线啦! 在马上到来的五一假期里,你有出游计划吗?当旅行模式、旅行攻略、旅行软件都越来越多,你会如何来安排行程呢?随着旅行的经验增加,你对旅途的关注点又发生了哪些变化? 在这期节目里,我们与播客[壮游者](www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com)的主播 Yang 一起,回溯了各自的旅行记忆,谈了谈这些年的旅游业都发生了哪些变化。关于青旅、目的地参团等等的各种旅行小技巧毫无保留地分享给你! 本期互动问题 这个五一假期你有出游计划吗?目的地是哪里? 你在旅行时有哪些独有的习惯? **主播** Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 **嘉宾** Yang,播客[壮游者](www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com)主播 **主要话题** 03:56 这两…
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第一季完结撒花啦! 今天是一期特别节目,不是 Momo 向嘉宾发起问题,而是接受提问。如果你对节目的制作、节目未来的计划、主播本人的工作和经历等话题感兴趣的话,欢迎带着轻松的心态收听,以及在评论区跟我们积极互动哦! 本期互动问题 大家有在第一季节目中被种草什么东西吗? 对节目制作还有没有好奇的地方? 想听听大家对节目的建议! 出场人物 Momo 陈默默,消费投资人,生活观察家,吃喝玩乐爱好者 幸倍,「吃喝玩乐了不起」节目监制、后期 主要话题 02:20 做完第一季,最大的感受是什么? 03:55 比起两个人做主播,一个人做主播会更难吗? 05:40 这一集你最喜欢的单集,和有遗憾的单集是? 10:27 每期节目为什么会设置固定环节「隐藏菜单」? 13:13 你会特别去关注收听量、完播率和听众…
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