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King Equal


Bookings Details*** Email: rakahlaer@gmail.com Contacts: 0659270581 WhatsApp: 0659270581 Facebook Page: King Equal SA Twitter: @King_Equal_SA Instagram: @ King_Equal_A
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Im Equal Care Podcast teilt Hanna Drechsler - Kulturwissenschaftlerin, systemische Beraterin und selbst Mama von 3 Kindern im 50:50 Modell - Impulse für deine gleichberechtigte und feministische Elternschaft. Wenn du Vereinbarkeit gemeinsam mit deiner/m Partner*in gestalten möchtest, bekommst du hier ganz konkrete Tipps für mehr Equal Care sowie neue Perspektiven auf Mutterschaft und Elternsein.
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Join Stanford GSB finance professor Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen of The Wharton School in a conversation with prominent business leaders about common flaws in the decision making process and what to do about them. Learn more at AllElseEqualPodcast.com.All Else Equal: Making Better Decisions Podcast is a production of Stanford Graduate School of Business and is produced by University FM.
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equalate Podcast – Empowering Female Careers in Sports Business. Der equalate Podcast ist für all die Frauen im Sportbusiness, die mehr wollen – mehr Klarheit, mehr Resilienz, mehr Erfolg. Gemeinsam mit spannenden Gästinnen aus dem Sportbusiness und Fach-Expert:innen beleuchtet Coachin & equalate Gründerin Johanna Mühlbeyer monatlich, wie du deine beruflichen Ziele erreichen kannst und dabei authentisch Du selbst bleibst. Ob es um Selbstbewusstsein in Meetings, die Entwicklung in einer Führu ...
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Wir sind das Equal Pay Day Team und wollen in unserem Podcast darüber sprechen , was passieren muss, damit in Deutschland Frauen und Männer für gleiche und gleichwertige Arbeit endlich auch gleich bezahlt werden. Wie stellen wir die Weichen auf gerechte Bezahlung in der Arbeitswelt von morgen? Wie schaffen kürzere Arbeitstage gleiche Karrierechancen für Frauen und Männern? Was erfahren wir aus den Drehbüchern für Filme und Serien über unsere Vorstellungen von der Arbeit? Und wie wird IT inkl ...
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The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from business leaders and experts from around the world. Achieving gender balance at work isn’t about fixing the women, it’s about changing the system to enable the retention and progression of women in the workplace. So, if you’re looking for insights, guidance or advice on how to improve gend ...
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Equal Time with Martha Burk is a weekly 2 ½ minute podcast, with occasional 30 minute interviews on current affairs. She covers political issues, how decisions in Washington and around the world affect ordinary citizens, particularly women (with no shouting), historical anniversaries of note, what’s changed and what hasn’t. Lively, pithy commentary on a wide variety of important topics with a light (and sometimes irreverent) touch: past progress, needed future advances, and what’s at stake n ...
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Bernard Marx

EqualitySux is a discussion about what's wrong in today's culture and political realm. Join as we take advantage of the first amendment and ridicule everything and everyone we don't like.
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Equal Parts

Maria Passingham

True love stories told by the couples who lived them. From old school set-ups to chance encounters and online dating, each episode’s unique story is told by the couple themselves. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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EQUALS: Reimagining Our Economy

The Inequality Podcast

A podcast about inequality. We reimagine our economy one conversation at a time with activists, thinkers and politicians across the world. This podcast is hosted by Max Lawson, Grazielle Custódio, Annie Theriault and Nafkote Dabi and produced by Simon Maina. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Injury is NOT Equal

Centre for Injury Prevention

No one enjoys being injured, especially when it could be prevented! No, not the bump on the knee or the scratch on the elbow. Preventable traumatic injury impacts communities and individuals differently and is influenced by systemic racism, sexism and the social determinants of health. Join hosts from Sunnybrook's Centre for Injury Prevention, along with community experts, doctors, healthcare professionals, and follow stories from individuals living with injury. Injury is not equal is a podc ...
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An honest, unfiltered, unapologetic and (at times) irreverent parenting and lifestyle podcast about the realities of being a mom (or dad!) in the 2020s. Launched in 2018 by journalist Sam Herbst and marketing maven Charlene Armstrong, this podcast aims to debunk the myth of “perfect parenting” through personal (and balanced) accounts of our mothering highs and lows all while tackling a host of relatable lifestyle topics. And – because we can hardly pretend to have our own sh*t together – our ...
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Equality by Pijak Podcast

Equality (Pijak Podcast)

Podcast yang visi utamanya ingin mengajak para perempuan untuk berani menyuarakan pendapat sekaligus jadi ruang diskusi tentang isu perempuan. Bagian dari Pijak Media Network dan dimoderatori oleh Dinda Shafira (@flonoviadinda).
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Equal Play

Chicago Sun-Times

Join Sun-Times multimedia journalist Annie Costabile in 'Equal Play,' where we aim to highlight the brightest women in sports from the field to the front office.
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The Equalizer Podcast

The Equalizer

We are The Equalizer, the leading women's soccer news and analysis outlet in the United States since 2009. This is our podcast, where top journalists and personalities from throughout the women's game gather for critical, thoughtful and fun discussion.
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GOD said "Equality" at my Spiritual "Rebirth", Jesus said we each needed to understand Spiritual matters. Let us share our learnings or I will show you how if you need spiritual help to be reborn! Cover art photo provided by Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@honeyyanibel
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show series
SENESCENCE AND SENIORHOOD Sooner or later all of us will deal with the people we love growing old. And if we live long enough, we eventually will have to deal with our own aging as well. Despite the ubiquity of old age, the way American society cares for its seniors is uniquely inadequate with as many as half of elder Americans lacking sufficient i…
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Politisches Engagement und Mutterschaft – wie passt das zusammen? Mütter stehen oft vor Hürden wie zeitliche Einschränkungen, strukturelle Barrieren und traditionelle Rollenbilder, wenn sie sich politisch engagieren wollen. Doch ihre wertvollen Perspektiven und Erfahrungen werden in politischen Entscheidungsprozessen dringend gebraucht. In dieser F…
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All Else Equal is taking a little spring break, so on this episode we’re revisiting a fascinating conversation on what happens when universities step off the sidelines and take a stance on contentious issues. Are they boarding a roller coaster that they can’t ever get off? Hosts and finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen chat wit…
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Der Podcast zu equal pay Folge 23 Entgelttransparenz - hört sich nach einem schwierigen Konzept an, das in der Realität noch schwieriger umzusetzen ist. Und bei Banken und Banking-Anbietern ja wohl gleich gar nicht.ABER: Katrin Schwerdtner von Tomorrow lebt und erarbeitet diese Transparenz täglich in ihrem Arbeitsleben.Warum setzt ein Banking-Anbie…
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Send us a text Throughout this season of Injury is NOT Equal, we’ve heard from professionals about the systemic factors driving injury recidivism. But what about those who live this reality every day? In this episode we hear from Sarah Ginn—a longtime injury survivor and advocate. From a catastrophic injury over two decades ago to the many challeng…
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On this episode of The Great Equalizer we're spilling all the tea on Aunt Flo with a full episode on first periods, menstrual health, and talking to our kids about Shark Week (starting with anatomically correct terminology, of course 😉) We're finally pulling the plaster on a topic that we've always wanted to cover, and one that we feel especially p…
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🔎 Heute im Fokus:Erfolgsfaktor Persönlichkeit – Warum sie in jeder Karrierephase entscheidend ist und wie du sie gezielt einsetzt. 🎙️ Worum geht’s in dieser Folge?Unsere Persönlichkeit prägt, wie wir im Job wahrgenommen werden, welche Chancen sich uns bieten und wie wir sie nutzen. Mit Britta Backhaus spricht Johanna Mühlbeyer darüber, warum Persön…
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The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work and is dedicated to the retention and progression of female talent in organisations. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from experts, leaders and senior business women from around the w…
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Betrayal There are a lot of ways we can feel betrayed. Having our trust violated, or our expectations breached can be deeply emotionally painful. And during this turbulent time of political unrest our communication with family and friends can be fraught with frustration and disappointment. One way to react is to put up a protective wall, but doing …
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Did you know that some of Germany's wealthiest families, who control major brands like BMW and Volkswagen, had deep ties to the Nazi regime? In this eye-opening episode, journalist David de Jong reveals how these powerful dynasties amassed their fortunes through close collaboration with the Nazi party (National Socialist German Workers' Party), for…
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Call Out Culture Virtue Signaling and Shaming Pt. 2 Hatred and fear of others is a virus which takes control of the minds it infects. But is calling out and shaming people who engage in hateful speech or behavior a helpful response? Is there a more effective way to liberate our brothers and sisters and lead them toward being kinder, more inclusive,…
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Wie bleiben wir als Paar im Gespräch, wenn die Zeit knapp ist, die Konflikte zunehmen und Vorwürfe die Beziehung belasten? Gerade unter den Umständen von Elternschaft sind Paardynamiken oft herausfordernd, weil die Gesamtbelastung für beide hoch ist. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Beziehungscoach Vera Fuest darüber, wie Vorwürfe entstehen, warum s…
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Call Out Culture Virtue Signaling and Shaming Hatred and fear of others is a virus which takes control of the minds it infects. But is calling out and shaming people who engage in hateful speech or behavior a helpful response? Is there a more effective way to liberate our brothers and sisters and lead them toward being kinder, more inclusive, and m…
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One key to effective negotiation is to keep your opponent guessing by randomizing your strategy. And right now, there might not be a more prolific example of this kind of strategy than President Donald Trump’s communication style. In this episode, hosts and finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen are joined by Peter Robinson, a re…
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How to Avoid Hopelessness! Join host Arnell Dowret as he explores a completely naturalistic approach to spirituality. And as usual, we’ll be taking your calls to hear how a naturalistic approach to spirituality sounds to you. Naturalistic Support is a peer-support program based on evidence and reason, exploring human behavior through the lens of ca…
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Mutterschaft, Elternschaft und Partnerschaft stehen in unserer Gesellschaft unter dem Einfluss patriarchaler Strukturen. Doch was passiert, wenn wir diese bewusst hinterfragen und unsere Beziehungen auf Augenhöhe gestalten? In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Nils Pickert – Autor, Journalist und überzeugter Feminist – über die Frage, warum Gleichbere…
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In this episode, Max and Nafkote interview Grace Blakeley, an economist and author, about the rise of oligarchy and the relationship between billionaires, corporations, and the state. Grace discusses the close relationship between the American political establishment and the billionaire class, highlighting how modern capitalist economies are charac…
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Roses are red, violets are blue, it's 14th Feb and I've a new podcast for you! I've been quiet here for a couple of years, but I've been making loads of noise (read: podcast episodes) for my day job over at editaudio, and so I want to share with you all a recent episode of Well...Adjusting. It's a comedic advice show that is so much fun to work on,…
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Is it acceptable for doctors to lie to their patients, or withhold some of the truth, if it’s in the patient’s best interest? In this episode, hosts and finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen welcome back John Ioannidis, professor of medicine at Stanford University, to discuss the ethical implications of concealing the truth in t…
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The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work and is dedicated to the retention and progression of female talent in organisations. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from experts, leaders and senior business women from around the w…
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Willkommen zur ersten Folge nach der Winterpause! In dieser Episode geht es um ein Thema, das viele Elternpaare bewegt: Wie können wir als Eltern weniger im Konkurrenzmodus agieren und stattdessen mehr Verbindung schaffen? Ich teile wertvolle Einblicke aus meiner Coaching-Praxis mit dir und zeige auf, welche strukturellen Prägungen und kollektiven …
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It’s a brand new Administration, and your new Prez is going to fight for the underdog by eliminating income taxes on tips. At a rally in Vegas he promised “If you’re a restaurant worker, a server, valet, bell hop, bartender, one of my caddies, your tips will be 100 percent yours.” Great news? Not exactly.…
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As more and more universities move away from full-time MBA programs, what does the future of business education look like? How should it look? In this episode, hear perspectives from three of the top business schools in the U.S.: Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Booth School of Busi…
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To coincide with the launch of Oxfam’s Davos 2025 report, Takers, not Makers, Naf and Max interview acclaimed author, academic and activist Jason Hickel. Find out how our world is still organised primarily to benefit a small group of white men in rich countries and what we can do to stop this. If you enjoy the episode, please like, share, comment, …
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History shows that as societies rise to greatness, the scales eventually tip back and those societies fall. But what leads to that fall and are we heading toward one? In this episode, hosts and finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen speak with historian Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution who specialize…
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The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work and is dedicated to the retention and progression of female talent in organisations. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from experts, leaders and senior business women from around the w…
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Join Roseann Polishan, Lead Advocate at The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania, as she explores the vital role of The Arc and their contributions to the Family Advocacy and Resource Portal. In partnership with the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council and other organizations, this portal—available on the Vision for Equality website—provides…
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Mark and Matt sit down with new Minnesota Aurora FC Head Coach Jen Larrick to talk what it means to lead the squad, her recruiting style, appreciating the coaches who have come before her, her community-first focus, her playing days, the joy of celebrations, and more! Presented by Pentz Homes (PentzHomes.com). Support our work: Patreon.com/EqualTim…
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In January we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest icons of the 20th century, known by all as the strongest advocate for equal rights for African Americans using non-violence. King was a great man indeed, but we should also be celebrating the January birthday of a female civil rights hero who pioneered non-violence,…
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As we ring in the new year, we’re bringing back one of our favorite episodes! Handpicked by Jules and Jonathan, this previous conversation is perfect for starting your year with thought-provoking insights. Are CEOs overpaid? It’s easy to see million-dollar (or even billion-dollar) salaries and jump to conclusions. But those figures might not captur…
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This week rings in a brand new year. Will you whoop it up with a wee bit too much champagne, or be a good kid and celebrate at church? Chances are you won’t stray far from U.S. tradition – fireworks, the countdown, popping bubbly, or lighting a candle for good luck. Take a tour around the globe to see how other countries mark the changing of the ca…
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December is a time for celebrations, including the eight days of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, and Kwanzaa. While Americans usually shop till they drop and exchange gifts , traditions around the world, old and new, bring a different twist to the season.
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Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu – eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, innezuhalten und zurückzuschauen. In dieser Episode lade ich euch ein, als Elternteam bewusst zu reflektieren: Was lief gut, was war herausfordernd, und welche Veränderungen wünscht ihr euch für das neue Jahr? Gerade im oft hektischen Alltag bleibt wenig Zeit für Reflexion – diese Folge…
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During the 2024 U.S. presidential election, inflation was one of the most talked about issues, and there was one policy idea to get inflation under control that kept coming up: price caps. But history has shown time and time again that price caps do anything but reduce inflation. So why do policymakers still want to try it? In this episode, hosts a…
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The Equality Conversation podcast with bestselling author Joy Burnford explores what we can all do to champion gender equality at work. Each episode offers inspiration, stories and practical solutions from business leaders and experts from around the world. Achieving gender balance at work isn’t about fixing the women, it’s about changing the syste…
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Send us a text Violent injury is a pressing global public health issue, with survivors at a much higher risk of experiencing repeated injuries. At Sunnybrook, violent injuries make up approximately 19% of all trauma activations—a figure that has risen significantly over time. To combat this, the BRAVE Program (Breaking the Cycle of Violence with Em…
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Der Podcast zu equal pay Folge 22 Timm Kroeger ist Feminist und hat sich dafür entschlossen, in Teilzeit zu arbeiten, um sich die Sorgearbeit für seinen Sohn 50:50 mit seiner Frau aufteilen zu können. Timm arbeitet bereits seit 15 Jahren im Bereich Gleichstellung und Gewaltprävention: In Lateinamerika war Timm in einem Projekt zu feministischer Arb…
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Should legacy admissions at colleges and universities be banned? What are the benefits and tradeoffs of admitting students based on their legacy status? In this episode, hosts and finance professors Jonathan Berk and Jules van Binsbergen speak with guest Patrick Awuah, president of Ashesi University, about the Ghanaian university’s unique economic …
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From Nara Smith to Ballerina Farm, social media goers worldwide have been captivated by #TradWives. This is a growing trend of women choosing homemaking and traditional gender roles rather than having a career or earning an income independent of their partners. But what does that economic dependence on men cost women? On this episode of The Great E…
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