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show episodes

Chess Piece: The Elián González Story

My Cultura and iHeartPodcasts

At the turn of the millennium, a five-year-old boy from Cuba found off the Florida coast on Thanksgiving became the most talked about child in America. Elián González had left Cuba with his mom and a dozen other migrants, trying to make it to the U.S. but on the way, the boat capsized. Elián’s mother drowned. Before she did, she tied her child to an inner tube, saving his life. Relatives in Miami — Cuban exiles — took the boy in. His father in Cuba wanted him back. The ensuing international ...
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Ouça os comentários diários da colunista do Estadão para o Jornal Eldorado, da Rádio Eldorado (SP). Eliane ainda responde a perguntas dos ouvintes. Quer mandar a sua? Escreva para o número de WhatsApp: (11) 99481-1777.
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ELIA ist eine neue, eigenständige Gemeinde in der Evang.-Luth. Kirche. Die vier Buchstaben stehen für unser Anliegen, engagiert, lebensnah, innovativ und ansteckend zu leben und darin Jesus gemeinsam nachzufolgen. Ein dauerhaft unfertiges "Projekt", aber ein spannendes.
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Eliances Heroes

Producer Glue

Unmask secrets of amazing inventors, investors, politicians, startups, athletes and celebrities. Eliances is the destination "Where Entrepreneurs Align," and the Heroes Show reveals the keys. Treasured discussions , superpowers and opportunities of Eliances Heroes in business are yours as interviewed by celebrity host David Cogan, the founder of Eliances, a serial entrepreneur, community trailblazer, master of ceremonies for events, tv and radio.
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En este foro encontrarás herramientas y educacionales para impulsar tu vida, tu equipo, tus finanzas y mucho mas rumbo a una vida mejorada hasta posicionarte en tu próximo nivel óptimo. Si tienes razones suficientemente fuertes, podrás crear las circunstancias para lograr tus metas. Ofrecemos soluciones reales para lograr salud, prosperidad, y felicidad. El coach de vida Elias Hernández es tu mejor aliado. Su experiencia ayudando a personas en situaciones similares a la tuya, y más de una dé ...
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Elias Coiffeur

Elias Coiffeur

Este é o podcast do Elias Coiffeur. Nele, compartilhamos dicas, orientações, tendências, novidades, promoções, tudo o que acharmos que possa interessar a você sobre cabelos, unhas e pele, além de, claro, a respeito do nosso salão.
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Radio Elias

Elias Loibl

In der neuen Version von Radio Elias treffe ich Menschen aus allen Bereichen – um zu lernen, die Welt besser zu verstehen und meine Perspektiven zu erweitern. Dabei geht es um ehrliche, spannende Gespräche, die uns aus unserer eigenen Bubble herausholen. Es wird zugehört, hinterfragt und Witze gemacht! Headphones on, Volume loud!
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Valeria Eliaser

Valeria Eliaser

Motivation. I really enjoy and love motivating people and I just feel that if I can keep on motivating everyone who needs it the world will be a better planet. Enjoy good vibes with Lera!
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1 on 1 with Elianne

Elianne Ramos

A podcast featuring the activists, artists, and politicians working to make the world a better place, with host Elianne Ramos. If you’re looking for encouragement, information, and inspiration to pour into the causes you care about, listen up.
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Eliana Witchell RD

Eliana Witchell RD

I’m Eliana. I’m a Registered Dietitian. A passionate one. A knowledgeable one. The knowledge comes from years of training with years of unlearning, linked with the understanding that eating the right foods can help you improve your health and possibly reverse your chronic disease.
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Megan Elias

Megan Elias

Megan Elias's podcast: exploring the relationship between illustration intricacy, detail and color in relation to sophistication and popularity of political comics.
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show series
Tune in as David Cogan sits down with Max James, Best Selling Author, Air Force Academy graduate, pilot, shot down twice in Vietnam to become the original founder and CEO of American Kiosk Management, a billion-dollar global presence in North America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand with 5 million repeat customers, 600 staffed locations, 1000 au…
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As duas maiores lideranças políticas do País começam 2025 sob o peso de grandes desafios. O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) inicia o terceiro ano de seu mandato sob a desconfiança do mercado, alimentada pela alta do dólar, juros elevados e inflação persistente. Paralelamente, no campo político, cresce a pressão por uma reforma ministerial…
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O prefeito Ricardo Nunes (MDB) e o vice Ricardo Augusto de Mello Araújo (PL) foram empossados na tarde desta quarta-feira, 1º, para o mandato à frente da Prefeitura de São Paulo. Durante o discurso, Nunes apresentou os números de sua primeira gestão e reafirmou seu compromisso em “cuidar das pessoas,” destacando prioridades como educação, saúde e h…
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Featuring Stephen Riggio, Former CEO of Barnes & Noble, translated 2 Historical Books from Italian to English, served as the Chairman of the Dia Art Foundation for 8 years, where he led and funded the effort to build Dia:Beacon, one of the world’s most revered contemporary art museums, at the Eliances Heroes Show Flash Segment with David Cogan. sic…
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O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal Flávio Dino rejeitou o pedido do Senado Federal para que fossem liberadas as emendas de comissão destinadas à Casa, que somam R$ 2,5 bilhões reais. Porém, o magistrado abriu uma exceção e manteve a validade dos valores empenhados até o dia 23 de dezembro deste ano, desde que não constassem no ofício original e…
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We’re back and we’re polishing our magnifying glasses. Being a detective requires a keen eye for detail, an analytical mind, and a thorough knowledge of genre. But that happens when you find yourself in a... The post Call of Cthulhu and Detective Fiction appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.بقلم Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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O Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso mandou servidores e magistrados devolveram o auxílio-alimentação de R$ 10 mil - o penduricalho “vale-peru” - pago em dezembro. A desembargadora Clarice Claudino da Silva, presidente do tribunal, que havia autorizado o aumento de 500% no benefício, recuou depois que o Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), órgão que…
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In this episode of Pop Culture Unplugged, Sarah Jeffery joins Elias to discuss her role as Dolores Washington in Tyler Perry's Netflix film, Six Triple Eight. The movie tells the incredible true story of the only all-Black, all-female battalion in WWII. Sarah dives into the historical significance of the 6888th Postal Directory Battalion, the chall…
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Jewelianna Ramos-Ortiz joins Pop Culture Unplugged to discuss her dual role as a stunt performer and actress in Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2! Known for portraying Maria Alvarez, co-captain of the Furia De Pantera dojo, Jewelianna dives into her character’s journey in the Sekai Taikai tournament, Maria’s relationships with other characters, and the emo…
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Richard Goodall, America's Got Talent Season 19 winner, joins Pop Culture Unplugged w/ Elias to share his inspiring journey and life-changing experience on AGT. In this episode, Richard talks about his viral audition, the moment he was crowned champion, and what’s next in his music career. Interview Highlights: Richard’s thoughts on his viral AGT a…
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Robert Pasin CEO Radio Flyer is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes show amfm, iHeart radio. Pasin is the Chief Wagon Officer who promotes a fun work environment and brings pre-launch ride on toys home regularly to see how kids interact with them. Innovation is key to staying current as the oldest wagon manufacturer in America and most lo…
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Our 2024 Christmas ghost story double-bill concludes with the second part of William Hope Hodgson’s “The Horse of the Invisible”, from the casebooks of Carnacki, the Ghost Finder. This is our second Carnacki tale this... The post The Horse of the Invisible, by William Hope Hodgson – part 2 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.…
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Charlie Davis co-founder Davis Miles McGuire Gardner is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes show amfm, iHeart radio. Davis tells Cogan how he realized the true value of what he does for a living, and shares the knowledge of beginning with what you know and building on it for having passion in career. Davis also helped his wife launch scra…
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Patrick Kennedy former Congressman is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes radio show. Kennedy is the son of Senator Ted Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy. He and David discuss the epidemic of Opioid addiction and the campaign to decriminalize those recovering from the addiction. Kennedy also talks about his own struggles wit…
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Our 2024 Christmas ghost story double-bill continues with William Hope Hodgson’s “The Horse of the Invisible”, from the casebooks of Carnacki, the Ghost Finder. This is our second Carnacki tale this year, and you can... The post The Horse of the Invisible, by William Hope Hodgson – part 1 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.…
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19 Kislêv é o dia no qual Rabi Shneur Zalman de Liadi, o Alter Rebe, foi libertado de seu rígido cárcere em Petersburgo, no ano de 1798. Sua detenção colocou em perigo não apenas sua vida, mas também o futuro do movimento chassídico. Conseqüentemente, o dia de sua libertação foi declarado como um dia de celebração, observado até os dias de hoje com…
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Our 2024 Christmas ghost story reading reaches the bizarre conclusion of “The Searcher of the End House”. You can find part one of this tale on your podcast feed of choice or on this very... The post The Searcher of the End House, by William Hope Hodgson – part 2 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.بقلم Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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We have a special treat for our 2024 Christmas ghost story reading, with not one but two tales of Carnacki, the Ghost Finder by William Hope Hodgson. Our first is “The Searcher of the End... The post The Searcher of the End House, by William Hope Hodgson – part 1 appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.بقلم Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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HISTÓRIAS da PRISÃO E LIBERTAÇÃO DO ALTER REBE - 19 de KISLEVROSH HASHANÁ DA CHASSIDUT19 Kislêv é o dia no qual Rabi Shneur Zalman de Liadi, o Alter Rebe, foi libertado de seu rígido cárcere em Petersburgo, no ano de 1798. Sua detenção colocou em perigo não apenas sua vida, mas também o futuro do movimento chassídico. Conseqüentemente, o dia de sua…
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Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai, autor do Zohar aprendeu com o anjo (provavelmente na caverna) que quando o poder da Síria cair, Mashiach chegará!O Talmud descreve que Damasco é um dos campos de Jerusalém, e quando for a Redenção os portões de Jerusalém chegarão até Damasco....Curtiu a aula?Faça um pix RABINOELIPIX@GMAIL.COM e nos ajude a darmos sequência n…
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Daniel J. Kim joins Pop Culture Unplugged to discuss his role as Yoon in Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2! In this spoiler-filled conversation, Daniel dives into Yoon’s journey as part of the Cobra Kai dojo, his intense moments in the Sekai Taikai tournament, and his involvement in the explosive all-dojo brawl. He also shares insights on the emotional imp…
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Astrid es una mujer muy valiente y talentosa ademas de exitosa en redes de mercadeo especializados en la salud. Roberto es un amigo que también ha sobresalido en su carrera como emprendedor desde que llegó a los Estados Unidos y nos comparte de su experiencia en redes, formando equipos, y fomentando liderazgo en cada paso. Todo esto es parte del ci…
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We’re back and we’re enjoying the salt air. Or should that be the Saltair? Either way, it would be even jollier if there weren’t all these ghouls around. We have nothing against ghouls, and they... The post Carnival of Souls appeared first on Blasphemous Tomes.بقلم Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward
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In this episode of Pop Culture Unplugged w/ Elias, we’re joined by Lilah Richcreek Estrada to discuss her role as Julie in Netflix’s new series, A Man on the Inside. Lilah dives into her character’s journey as a private investigator who enlists a retired professor (played by Ted Danson) to go undercover in a retirement home for a high-stakes myster…
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Chris Dull CEO Global Franchise Group is interviewed by David Cogan of Eliances Heroes radio show. They talk about the GFG craveable indulgence brands the company has, and its standards of impeccable customer service. Dull also discusses how the company supports its franchisors and his favorite indulgence brand.…
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O Senado aprovou por 49 votos a 19, o primeiro projeto de lei complementar com as regras para o funcionamento da reforma tributária. Como foram feitas modificações pelos senadores, o texto retornará à Câmara para nova apreciação dos deputados – o que deve ocorrer na próxima semana. Durante a tramitação no Senado, as bebidas açucaradas saíram da lis…
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Pesquisa Genial/Quaest divulgada nesta quinta-feira, 12, mostra que presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) e o ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Haddad (PT), venceriam todos os potenciais candidatos da direita à Presidência em 2026 se as eleições fossem hoje. Em cenários hipotéticos de segundo turno, os dois bateriam o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (…
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In this episode of Pop Culture Unplugged w/ Elias, we sit down with the incredible Hannah Love Lanier, the 16-year-old rising star making waves in Hollywood! Best known for her role as Kate in Lioness Season 2 on Paramount+, Hannah shares her journey into acting, what it’s like working with icons like Zoe Saldana and Dave Annable, and the emotional…
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O ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública, Ricardo Lewandowski, afirmou, durante Fórum dos Governadores, em Brasília, que existe um consenso sobre a necessidade de uma proposta de emenda à Constituição para “revisitar” o tema da segurança pública na Carta Magna de 1988. Após a reunião, o ministro assegurou que a PEC vai garantir a autonomia dos gov…
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A equipe médica que operou o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva disse nesta terça-feira (10), em uma entrevista à imprensa, que ele está bem, conversa e se alimenta normalmente e não ficará com nenhuma sequela. Segundo os médicos, as funções neurológicas dele estão preservadas. Ele fez um procedimento cirúrgico de emergência para drenar um hemato…
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O Senado e a Câmara dos Deputados trabalham na construção de um consenso para o principal texto da regulamentação da reforma tributária. A ideia é que o projeto de lei complementar (PLP) 68/2024 seja aprovado pelos senadores e volte para a Câmara em uma aprovação final sem mudanças de mérito, que obrigariam a proposta a retornar ao Senado. O acordo…
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