Contas-Poupança é um podcast de Pedro Andersson, jornalista especializado em Finanças Pessoais, que aproveita as suas viagens de carro para falar sobre dinheiro. Todas as segundas-feiras às 7h, uma nova boleia para começar bem a sua semana financeira. Disponível em todas as aplicações de podcast e nos sites da SIC Notícias e Expresso.
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Espaço de opinião sobre a atualidade económica. As Contas do Dia são assinadas por Helena Garrido e Pedro Sousa Carvalho. De segunda a sexta, às 8h50.
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continue reading Podcast / multimedia project--interviews and deep research episodes, original music, videos, and more Music from the show up on SoundCloud. Founded in 2019 by Barrett Avner and Alex Talan CDs/Books/Shirts: WWW.CONTAINCONTAIN.COM.
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El programa semanal de television de Ministerios En Contacto con el Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Atlanta
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A monthly review of the best, worst and most absurd of online celebrity journalism in the UK. Hosted by Chris Beckett and Matt Withers.
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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This is the public square for all things contact center. This is where the world’s best Call & Contact center professionals come to get better at delivering a great experience for customers. Your contact center mentors - Amas Tenumah & Bob Furniss
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Air Traffic Management podcast by Global Airspace Radar - One new episode every second Tuesday.
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Focusing on the Relational Arts, including Circling, Nonviolent Communication, and Authentic Relating.
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Stéphan Bureau mène de longs entretiens avec des invités qui pensent, créent ou façonnent notre monde. Dans l’air du temps sans être dans l’actualité brûlante, Contact se veut une tribune plurielle pour sortir des sentiers battus du prêt-à-penser.
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Podcast em português da Tax Justice Network sobre justiça fiscal, corrupção e globalização financeira.
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Rosário Moreira guia-nos num podcast dedicado às finanças pessoais. Boas contas não têm de ser um quebra-cabeças. Conselhos úteis para ajudar para ajudar a poupar e a melhorar o orçamento familiar.
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Podcast conducido por Roberto Carlo, que cada semana busca profundizar en temas de vida, relaciones, y las historias por contar que nos hacen humanos.
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Welcome to Contact Lost podcast, where we talk about competitive Warhammer 40,000, focusing on the Polish and international tournament scene. The show is brought to you by: Tomek "Tweak" & Michal "Joker" Watch out for new episodes every week! Logo: Blaze Music:
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The podcast presents valuable insights from contact center leaders, tailor-made for their industry peers. We cover a diverse array of topics, such as AI integration, agent turnover management, revenue impact assessment, and transitioning perceptions from cost to value centers for starters.
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Contact Chai is Mishkan Chicago’s podcast feed, where you can hear our Shabbat sermons, Morning Minyans, interviews with Jewish thought leaders, and more.
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The May Contain Action podcast ventures to answer the age old question... Is that movie actually good or was I just in a good mood? Trevor, a 10 year Major League baseball player turned aspiring filmmaker, and Paul, the veteran content creator and film buff, seek to dive in deep on movies and determine why they loved (or didn't!) it the first time. They even bring friends along from time to time.
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Hi I’m Captain Ron, please join me each week on “Beyond Contact” for my thought-provoking podcast that features in-depth interviews with the world's leading researchers and Ufologists. “Beyond Contact” goes well beyond other podcasts as we ask the hard questions that push for a deeper, science-based understanding of the UFO phenomenon. New episodes come out on Fridays so join me, Captain Ron, for Beyond Contact.
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Covering the movements, the issues, and the people fighting for some of the most important social justice issues of our time. Hosted by Amy Gastelum, Salima Hamirani, Anita Jonhson, and Lucy Kang.
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Weekly episodes hosted by @kiaorion. Hear stories from musicians, actors, photographers, and entrepreneurs who share strategies on how to stay inspired and live life on your own terms. A podcast about life, love, art, and everything in between. Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Because no one pictures themselves working at a call center, First Contact: Stories of the Call Center is a monthly podcast about how tech leaders and entrepreneurs found their way into the contact center industry.
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Dé podcast voor dokters gemaakt door de redactie van Medisch Contact. Met elke week gasten die we aan de tand voelen over actuele medische onderwerpen, een tuchtcasus die de nodige stof doet opwaaien, een medische boek- of filmtip en een prikkelend praktijkperikel. Tips of vragen?
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“Making Contact” digs into the story beneath the story—contextualizing the narratives that shape our culture. Produced by Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media), the award-winning radio show and podcast examines the most urgent issues of our time and the people on the ground, building a more just world through narrative storytelling and thought-provoking interviews. We cover the environment, labor, economics, health, governance, and arts and culture.
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There are 6,000 contact centres in the UK - this is the 1st podcast dedicated to the world of the contact centre. Perhaps still an industry with a negative perception externally, the reality is very different & very positive. This is a podcast all about best practice in Contact Centres &what vibrant, vital, diverse, exciting engagement places they really are. I’ll be chatting to people who know their stuff and are doing great things. This podcast is independent and a proud supporter of Naomi ...
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Open Container is a unique outdoor podcast that strives to go deeper than the headlines. We’ll uncover stories and ideas about creativity, adventure, conservation, politics, and the people who make the outdoor space so vibrant. Hosted by renowned outdoor journalist Doug Schnitzspahn, Open Container is a conversation with the people who look to nature to find inspiration and solutions. How the outdoors teach us, change us, heal us, and how we might build a better world from simply going outsi ...
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The Voices of Contact is all about full disclosure of extraterrestrial encounters. Tune in as the panel explores regressions of e.t. experiencers to get to the truth behind contact with what's out there beyond the stars. Disclosure brings truth and with truth we find answers. Journey as Mary regresses her clients and with their permission shares clips of the regression with the panel of life long e.t. experiencers to discover just what really is happening out there. Just what is really happe ...
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Succinct summaries of articles relevant to field epidemiologists, communicable disease control officers, and public health specialists. Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, Eurosurveillance, MMWR, JID, Lancet, Nature and other great journals.
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Dr. Charles Stanley y el programa diario de radio In Touch Ministries.
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Podcast by Victor Stival & Nicholas Prado
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“Can’t be Contained”, hosted by Samantha Skelly, will bring you captivating conversations with humans who’ve cultivated a path of passion by following their bliss and intuitive hits; those who’ve released ordinary and opted for extraordinary. From spirituality to science, comedy to culture, and everything in between, Sam will share the untold stories of her guests who push boundaries, defy conventional thinking, and have the courage to seek the freedom their souls are desiring. If you're a r ...
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Mitologia gregas e romanas. Contos de heróis, deuses, monstros e magia.
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Podcast de narrativas curtas.
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: APOIE O PODCAST:
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"For contact jugglers, by contact jugglers"
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Container, kubernetes e tecnologias que gravitam neste ecossistema.
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Welcome back to Call me Contact
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Podcast by MyNews
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Podcast by MyNews
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La Salle rosario
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Audios de la Emisora Nuevo Continente (Radio Cristiana - Colombia)
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Dia 20 de Março é o Dia Internacional do Contador de História, por isso, nada melhor do que uma historinha em homenagem a esta data que eu, obviamente, tanto gosto! Ficou curioso? Então, dê o play agora mesmo!
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Conciliação na Ucrânia ou vitória certa de Putin?
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17:40Orlando Samões destaca a faceta "conciliadora" de Rubio numa altura em que não existe solução militar para a paz na Ucrânia. Ainda, porque pode ser a Rússia culpada e vencedora ao mesmo tempo? See for privacy information.بقلم Observador
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#70 BRICS: descolonizará para enfrentar crise climática?
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التشغيل لاحقا
37:36Em 2025, o Brasil está na presidência do BRICS e tem como um de seus pontos principais da agenda o aprimoramento das estruturas para o financiamento da crise climática. O BRICS e a sua relação com crise climática e tributação, mas também propostas de alternativas para o Sul Global via descolonização e reparação são os temas do episódio #70 do É da …
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« Les grandes saloperies dans l’histoire humaine se font presque toujours au nom du bien. » Entretien avec l’écrivain Alexandre Jardin
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1:12:29Alexandre Jardin a d’abord bâti sa réputation avec des romans qui ont rapidement conquis un vaste public. De Bille en tête, en passant par Le Zèbre, Le Zubial ou encore L’Île des gauchers, le prodige des lettres françaises accumule les succès. Le jeune premier de la littérature a cependant fait place, depuis 2015, au citoyen engagé. Une sortie côté…
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Ongelijkheid in de medische wetenschap
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:33Met onze gast Mieneke te Hennepe - docent medische geschiedenis en conservator in het Museum Boerhaave - bespreken we de tentoonstelling Ongezien, die het Leidse museum presenteert. De tentoonstelling laat zien hoe de medische wetenschap eeuwenlang het mannelijke lichaam als norm stelde, waardoor vrouwen en genderdiverse personen vaak over het hoof…
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Análise de Helena Garrido
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El Dr. Stanley nos insta a atesorar el don de la amistad con Dios y comparte lo que significa ser salvo por gracia.
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Priscila Arias "La Fatshionista" | ¿Por qué seguimos odiando nuestros cuerpos? HISTORIAS POR CONTAR T1-E6
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:11:07En este episodio imperdible con Priscila Arias, mejor conocida como La Fatshionista y también integrante de Seis de Copas, hablamos sobre “¿Por qué seguimos odiando nuestros cuerpos?”, explorando también lo difícil que es ser una voz revolucionaria en un mundo que impone estándares inalcanzables. Ponemos sobre la mesa esas conversaciones incómodas …
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Today’s episode is a Shabbat Replay of our service on March 15th. Rabbi Steven delivered a stirring drash. In this moment of rising antisemitism and encroaching tyranny when free speech and is being suppressed in the name of our safety, how do we respond? **** For upcoming Shabbat services and programs, check our event calendar, and see our Accessi…
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O parlamento alemão aprovou ontem os limites ao endividamento. Análise de Helena Garrido
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During his first term, Trump stacked the Supreme Court with hard right judges creating a 6-3 split that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a stunning ruling in which a human right which was previously granted by law was taken away from the public. This time Trump faces even less resistance and could remake the Supreme Court once again. Ellie My…
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IRS: Porque não aparecem os juros da casa, a ADSE e os cabeleireiros?
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التشغيل لاحقا
17:36Comecei a receber imensas dúvidas e perguntas depois de, no episódio anterior, ter alertado para a urgência de ir ver se a sua página das deduções à coleta tem os valores corretos. Foram identificadas várias falhas, mas estas 3 questões que menciono neste episódio são muito comuns e repetem-se todos os anos: Onde estão os juros do crédito à habitaç…
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Experimente la plenitud de la gracia de Dios y viva en abundancia espiritual cada día.
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Menos crescimento e mais inflação. Análise de Helena Garrido
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Today Doug opens the container with author and outdoor journalist Katie Arnold. This episode of Open Container looks at the connection between Zen philosophy and heading outside. Doug opens the show recounting the lessons he learned while backpacking 30 miles from the Pacific Ocean to the oldest Japanese monastery in the US. The lessons he learned …
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Ya que el Señor Jesucristo jamás pecó, pudo ser el sacrificio perfecto por nuestros pecados
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Follow along with the panel and special guest Michael Carter from Ancient Aliens as they explore the regression that started with a memory of being a young boy and seeing a ufo in the street while he was walking home one night. Theres a reason why the streets were empty. LISTEN LIVE FRIDAY NIGHTS ON THE MYSTICAL AWAKENING VODCAST YOU TUBE CHANNEL 8…
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Choose wisely
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Crises Politicas e consequências. Análise de Helena Garrido
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Veja com URGÊNCIA a sua página das deduções para o IRS [2025]
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التشغيل لاحقا
24:47Quer aumentar o seu reembolso do IRS por verificar a página das deduções no Portal das Finanças? Acaba de ser publicada a página da Despesas para as Deduções à coleta, no seu Portal das Finanças. Deve ver esta página com urgência entre os dias 15 e 31 de Março. Neste episódio ajudo-o a aprender a ler esta página e ensino-lhe o que tem de fazer para…
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La muerte de Jesucristo en la cruz hizo posible que recibiéramos la gracia de Dios.
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Integral Circling School with Jason Digges
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1:13:48Jason Digges is an absolute legend in the world of circling and authentic relating. So we were happy to have him back to discuss his journey opening up a new circling school. What makes his school different? Jason is resurrecting the Integral Circling movement. It’s also offering an affordable way to practice with plans starting at just $40 a month…
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HP adds 15 minute mandatory hold time
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التشغيل لاحقا
17:22Summary In this engaging conversation, Amas Tenumah and Bob Furniss discuss the challenges and implications of automation in customer service, particularly focusing on HP's controversial decision to implement a 15-minute wait time for customers to encourage self-service. They explore customer preferences, the impact of wait times on experience, and…
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You're not going to want to miss this episode. This regression is one that Mary has done with one of our very own panelists. It's too amazing to miss especially with Michael Carter on as our special guest co-host! Discover what happens when a man regresses to a memory of being a young boy walking home down his street and all of a sudden he sees a U…
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Listen live Friday nights at 8 p.m. on the Mystical Awakenings Vodcast You Tube Channel. Listen in as a panel of lifelong experiencers of Extraterrestrial contact explore hypnosis regressions of people who have experienced contact through alien abduction and other forms of contact. The Voices of Contact is all about disclosure and getting to the bi…
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En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley habla de la determinación necesaria para buscar y exhibir un espíritu humilde, en especial en momentos de oposición.
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Episode 43: Arizona's UFOs with Stacey Wright
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40:32Join Captain Ron and Arizona MUFON State Director Stacey Wright for a discussion about some of the state’s most famous UFO cases including the legendary 1997 Phoenix Lights, the Travis Walton Incident, and other lesser-known sightings from Arizona’s rich UFO history. See for privacy information.…
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Flemmie Kittrell and the Preschool Experiment, from Lost Women of Science
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التشغيل لاحقا
29:59Dr. Flemmie Kittrell was a Black home economist whose research in the field of early childhood education shaped the way we think about child development today. She became the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in nutrition and contributed immensely to programs like Head Start — even though her name is often left out of the history. We hear more abou…
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Ameaça de Donald Trump para alguns produtos que vêm da Europa para os EUA de 200% e a resposta dada pela União Europeia para os produtos americanos. Análise de Pedro Sousa Carvalho
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Porque deve acabar com os créditos o mais depressa possível? Um caso prático [Repetição 29/5/23]
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التشغيل لاحقا
22:49Uma vez que esta semana não tenho nenhum entrevista, quero aproveitar para recuperar alguns dos episódios mais antigos que muito provavelmente nunca ouviram. São uma seleção feita por mim de informações intemporais que continuam a fazer todo o sentido. Aproveitem. Este episódio foi emitido em 29/5/2023. Se já o ouviu, ignore e avance :). O facto de…
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Para tener una relación sana con el Padre celestial, es crucial aceptar su liderazgo y dirección.
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#220 - Iryna Velychko & Bogdan Koshevoy on life in Ukrainian Contact Centres
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33:16The resilience of Ukraine's contact centre industry is nothing short of extraordinary. In the latest episode of Get Out of Wrap, I had the privilege of speaking with Iryna Velychko and Bogdan Koshevoy, who shared the realities of running contact centres in a war zone. Despite missile attacks, power outages, and unimaginable challenges, these profes…
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