Young Americas Foundation (YAF) is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. We accomplish our mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers ...
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Senator Ted Cruz spoke to students and supporters at the 2012 Reagan Ranch High School Conference to discuss the state of our economy.بقلم Senator Ted Cruz
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Actor and Author Joseph Phillips speaks to students at Young America's Foundation's Reagan Ranch High School Conference in Santa Barbara, CA. For more information about YAF conferences, please visitبقلم Joseph Phillips
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President Reagan speaks to students at Young America's Foundation's 15th Annual National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Ronald Reagan
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America: Remember Who You Areبقلم Congressman Tom Tancredo
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Senator Ron Johnson speaks to students at Young America's Foundation's "Mastering Conservative Rhetoric in the Battle of Ideas" seminar. Please visit for more information.بقلم Senator Ron Johnson
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Marc Thiessen was the chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush. He is author of Disaster: How the CIA Kept America Safe and how Barack Obama is Inviting the Next Attack Topic: Oval Office Speechwriting Techniques and Tactics This speech was part of the Rhetoric Seminar held in Washington, D.C.…
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Filmwriter Andrew Klaven spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, about the distortion of the American imagination. His movies include Don't Say a Word, True Crime, and One Missed Call.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Alex is managing editor at He spoke to young emerging activists at a Young America's Foundation Great Beginnings seminar in Santa Barbara, California, at the Reagan Ranch Center.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Ann talks about "FrackNation" at the Young America's Foundation "Great Beginnings" seminar for emerging activists at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Liz Cheney vs. Howard Dean at Marquette University
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85:38:14The Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate SeriesTopic: "The Proper Role of Government in a Free Society" Through the generosity of the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, in the fall of 2012, Young America's Foundation worked closely with key campuses to host a high-profile debate on issues pertinent to public policy and America's founding principles.…
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Liz Cheney vs. Robert Gibbs at Ball State University
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82:02:36The Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate Series Topic: "The Proper Role of Government in a Free Society" Through the generosity of the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, in the fall of 2012, Young America's Foundation worked closely with key campuses to host a high-profile debate on issues pertinent to public policy and America's founding principles.…
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Senator Rick Santorum vs. Governor Howard Dean @ Cornell Unversity
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75:35:57The Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate Series Topic: "The Proper Role of Government in a Free Society" Through the generosity of the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, in the fall of 2012, Young America's Foundation worked closely with key campuses to host a high-profile debate on issues pertinent to public policy and America's founding principles.…
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Jonah Goldberg vs. Peter Beinart @ UVA
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93:27:03The Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate SeriesThrough the generosity of the Arthur N. Rupe Foundation, in the fall of 2012, Young America's Foundation worked closely with key campuses to host a high-profile debate on issues pertinent to public policy and America's founding principles.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Cure President Star Parker spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's 2012 National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Senator Rick Santorum spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's 2012 National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Young America's Foundation President Ron Robinson, speaks to students at the Foundation's 2012 National High School Leadership Conference about how the media treats conservatives.بقلم Young America's Foundation
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Dr. Burt Folsom: New Deal or Raw Deal: Assessing Big Government
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39:04Dr. Burt Folom discusses his latest book, New Deal or Raw Deal, with students at Young America's Foundation's 2009 National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Burton Folsom
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Joseph Phillips is an actor, accomplished author, and a riveting speaker who discusses race with students at the 2011 Reagan Ranch High School Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Professor Kengor spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's Northeast Conservative High School Conference at Grove City College in Pennsylvania where hes a professor in Economics.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Young America's Foundation's VP Kate Obenshain is a guest on NPRs "To the Point" to discuss whether morality plays a role in whether our elected officials should stay in office?بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal discusses his newest book, Leadership and Crisis, to students and supporters at a Reagan Ranch Center Roundtable. Visit to learn more about Foundation monthly Roundtables.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Newt Gingrich spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's West Coast Leadership Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Speechwriter for George W. Bush, best-selling author, and Foundation alum Marc Thiessen talks to students at Young America's Foundation's 2010 West Coast Leadership Conference about terrorism in America.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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David French, chief counsel for Alliance Defense Fund talks about the ADF defending student rights across Americas campuses.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli speaks to students at Young America's Foundation's 32nd annual National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Michelle Easton, president of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute discusses, "Who Really Represents Women?"بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Talk radio host and business leader, Herman Cain, discusses countering racial preferences with principles of freedom.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Steve Moore is on the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal. He speaks to student at Young America's Foundaton's 13th National High School Leadership Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Rabbi Lapin is a best-selling author and entertaining Biblical Scholar. He spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's 2011 Reagan Ranch High School Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Development Director Mark Clarke of the Young Britons Foundation spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's Northeast Conservative High School Conference held at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. He is introduced by Chief Executive Donal Blaney of the Young Britons Foundation.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Nonie Darwish, Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I Renounced Jihad for America, Israel, and The War on TerrorNonie Darwish grew up in Cairo, Egypt in the Gaza Strip as a Muslim. She lived in the heart of the Arab/Israeli conflict. Her father was head of the Egyptian military intelligence to destroy Israel. Her father was considered a "shahid," a martyr…
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Ben Stein speaks to students at the 2010 Spring Cultural Forum at the College of the Ozarks.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Human Events editor and former Young America's Foundation spokesman Jason Mattera is out with a brand-new book, Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation. Obama Zombies uncovers the true, behind-the-scenes story of the methods and tactics the Obama campaign unleashed on youth culture. Through personal interviews and meticulou…
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Princeton University Professor Robert George talks to students at Young America's Foundation's National Conservative Student Conference about founding principles.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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This lecture took place at Young America's Foundation's 2009 National Conservative Student Conference for college students in Washington, D.C. Heritage Foundation Fellow and Authr, Dr. Lee Edwards moderated the panel. Heres a list of panelists:Harry Crocker, Editor, Regnery PublishingDr. Benjamin Wiker, Author, 10 Books that Screwed Up the WorldEli…
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David Deene, Chairman of the American Conservative Union, speaks to high school students at Young America's Foundation's National High School Leadership Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Newt Gingrich, speaker of the house from 1995-1999, talks to students at Young America's Foundation's National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Economist Walter Williams speaks to studenst at the 12th National Conservative High School Conference in D.C.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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President Reagans Secret Service Agent John Barletta shares his personal stories with students at the Reagan Ranch High School Conference.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, and New York Times bestselling author, speaks to students about the stealth jihad and radical Islam.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Congressman Dana Rohrabacher talks to students at Young America's Foundation's 2010 Reagan Ranch Conference in Santa Barbara, California.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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Dinesh DSouza speaks at Brown University about faith in society today.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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This socialism panel was presented at Young America's Foundation's 31st annual National Conservative Student Conference. The panel included:Patrick X. Coyle, Vice President, Young Americas Foundation; Paulette Miniter, Vietnam; Matthew Richardson, United Kingdom; Konstantin Drabkin, Russia; Giselle Recarey, Cuba.…
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Mr. Tripp discusses theory and the first principles that guide us on which our country was founded.بقلم Tom Tripp
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South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson spoke to students and supporters at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California. This speech was part of the 2009 West Coast Leadership Conference held at the Reagan Ranch Center.بقلم Congressman Joe Wilson
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Lynn Vincent: Humbled Hearts and Civil Tongues: Grassroots Coalition Conservatism
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39:45Bestselling author, Lynn Vincent, speaks to students at Young America's Foundation's 2009 West Coast Leadership Conference about her book, Humbled Hearts and Civil Tonuges: Grassroots Coalition Conservatism.بقلم Lynn Vincent
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Bestselling author Ann Coulter spoke to students at Young Americas Foundation 2009 National Conservative Student Conference.بقلم Ann Coulter
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Dr. Victor Davis Hanson is a Hoover Fellow at Stanford University. Dr. Hanson spoke to students at Young America's Foundation's 2009 West Coast Leadership Conference. This conference was held at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California.بقلم Dr. Victor Davis Hanson
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Epic FAIL: Obama’s Policies Disastrous for Young People
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40:56Leading conservative youth vspeak out on how Obama’s policies are harming and will continue to harm young people. The “youth vote” was Obama’s largest base of support throughout the 2008 presidential cycle. He won that demographic by a margin of two-to-one. But now, after he has been in office for one year, many young people are experiencing buyer’…
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Bay Buchanan: Develop Your Leadership Skills
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24:42Bay Buchanan encourages high school students to become leaders for their generation. This lecture was held at Young Americas Foundations Reagan Ranch High School Conference in Santa Barbara, California.بقلم Young Americas Foundation
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