Podcast by College Avenue Club
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The Podcast for College Avenue Baptist Church in Levelland Texas
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Carlos catches up with student Kelly Bravo, who is now a college graduate from Florida State Universityبقلم College Avenue Club
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College Avenue At NAFSA Conference: Heidi Weiss-Krumm, Director of International Student Services
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College Avenue Club was at the NAFSA annual conference and expo in Washington D.C. and spoke with Heidi Weiss-Krumm, the Director of International Student Services at La Sierra University about her story and career into education and advice for college students and international students.بقلم College Avenue Club
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High School Graduate Maria Amortegui
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High School Graduate Maria Amortegui by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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College Avenue Club - A Conversation with University Student Yvana Medina
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College Avenue Club - A Conversation with University Student Yvana Medina by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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Carlos Alamilla provides some advice as students start a new school year in colleges and universities and College Avenue will be in Dubai and hosting a seminar. You can register for the event here:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/college-education-in-the-usa-tickets-398166535827Music:Creative Minds by Bensoundhttps://www.bensound.com/…
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A continuation of the adventures of College Avenue Club in Dubai and a conversation with Samaria Miranda.بقلم College Avenue Club
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College Avenue Club in Dubai with Mariam Lambert, a Design Student
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College Avenue Club in Dubai with Mariam Lambert, a Design Student by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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A Conversation with Ryan Campos by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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A Conversation with Yalen Velazquez by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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A Conversation with High School Student Vincent Henry
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Carlos Alamilla sits down and has a conversation with Vincent Henry, a native Canadian who moved to the United States. Vincent compares his Canadian school experience and his current school experience in the United States. He also talks about his aspirations and college application process.بقلم College Avenue Club
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On this podcast, we have guest Kelly Bravo. She speaks about her experience of finishing high school during the COVID-19 virus and also getting ready to begin college in the fall. Music: www.bensound.comبقلم College Avenue Club
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Education Revolutionized by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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FAFSA Scholarships - Carlos Alamilla
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FAFSA Scholarships - Carlos Alamilla by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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Ariana Arvelo, Gates Millennium Scholarship Winner
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Ariana Arvelo, Gates Millennium Scholarship Winner by College Avenue Clubبقلم College Avenue Club
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College Final Decision Letters & College Summer Programs for Juniors
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In this episode, Carlos talks about the final decision that high school seniors must make in regards to what college they will attend. He also talks about how high school juniors can research and prepare for the college application process and how to choose colleges.بقلم College Avenue Club
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Florida State University Acceptance with Antonela
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Carlos Alamilla has a conversation with Antonela Divo, a high school senior who was accepted into Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL and also received a scholarship.بقلم College Avenue Club
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College Acceptance Letters and Financial Aid Packages
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Carlos Alamilla and guests talk about receiving acceptance letters from universities and how to respond. He also speaks about financial aid packages from universities and what you can do about them.بقلم College Avenue Club
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A Conversation with High School Student Brianna
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This episode features a conversation with Brianna Portillo, a high school student, and she talks about her aspirations and her preparation for applying to colleges.بقلم College Avenue Club
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A detailed description of the college application with all the requirements, early admissions benefits, college application strategies to maximize your chances of getting admitted in your school of choice, international student requirements, social media postings that can affect your application and financial aid.…
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A podcast on guiding you to enter the best colleges and universities in the United States and receive scholarships and financial aid with guest Cassandra Alamilla, a student at the University of Florida.بقلم College Avenue Club
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon this week you can download the mp3 here, or subscribe to the podcast in itunes.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4And they were all filled with the Holy …
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Habakkuk 3 2O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy If you missed Bro. Mike's sermon on Habakkuk 3 you can down load the mp3, or subscribe to the pod cast in iTunes.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 18:21 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Judges 13:11 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Revelation 2:19 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on 1st John 4:19 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Revelation 1:1-3 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Exodus 32:26 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 26 and the Lords supper, you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Mark 7:36 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 26 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from it archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Isaiah 40:28-31 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from this page, or from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Matthew 16:13-17 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on 2nd Kings 6:1-7 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from this page, or from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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Bro. Mike was out sick this week, so gracefully John Rogers from lakeridge baptist in lubbock brought the message this week. If you missed John Rogers' sermon on 2nd Peter you can download the audio here or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its archive.org page.…
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If you missed John Rogers' sermon on -- you can download the audio here or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Ezekiel 8:5 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Ezekiel 8:5 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Croker's sermon on his mission work in Mongolia , you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Isaiah 43:18 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its archive.org page.بقلم Bro. Mike Honzell
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