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Church and Family Life Podcast

Church & Family Life

Church & Family Life is an equipping organization with a fourfold focus: to produce resources, furnish conferences, provide mentoring, and connect families to Christ-centered churches through our FIC network. The heart of our ministry has always been to build up God-centered churches and families and equip them to think biblically.
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show series
In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohn, joined by special guest Jeff Johnson, discuss Jeremiah’s charge to the captives in Babylon to build, dwell, and plant for the honor of God (Jer. 29:5-6), rather than fearfully bow to the evil culture that surrounded them. It’s this message of hope that will be the focus of Church & Family Life’s Build, D…
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The prevailing culture of our day encourages young people to kick against authority rather than honor their parents. Yet even without the “help” of outside influences, it’s in the heart of every child to desire their own way, and as they enter their teens years, to think they know better than their dad and mom. Such attitudes are in direct rebellio…
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Are you a church hopper? Sadly, many Christians in our day are quick to leave one church for another at the slightest upset. They take offence at a petty grievance. They grow tired of the people in the body, desiring more to be served than to selflessly serve others. Or they bolt when a weaker brother falls into sin, rather than seeking their resto…
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When it comes to education content and methodology, do we truly believe that Scripture is sufficient to make us “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:17)? Sadly, many professing Christians have bought the lie that Scripture is silent on key facets of learning, paving the way for false worldviews such as humanism, evolutionis…
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So, you’re married—now what are you supposed to do for your spouse? Thankfully, we’re not left to guess the answers, for God, as the author of marriage, gives clear directions in His Word. He defines the duties of marriage. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss nine such biblical duties, as outlined by Puritan Richard Steele: (1) Livi…
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Why are there relationship problems? Birth defects? Foreign wars? And constant disruptions in the natural world? The truth is, getting the answers wrong only leads to futility, for whenever you misdiagnose a problem, you design a cure that’s doomed to fail. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm explain that there’s one right answer to all the…
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There’s only one kind of parents any child will ever have—imperfect ones. Yet God’s command to “Honor your father and mother” is to be followed, regardless. The good news is: Though it’s hard to obey, at times, this command comes with a blessed “promise: ‘that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth’” (Eph. 6:2-3). In this podcas…
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Most children training books are bad—but a few are fantastic. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss their top three: (1) Training Tips by Reb Bradley; (2) Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp; and (3) Purposeful and Persistent Parenting by John and Cindy Raquet. How can parents proactively raise their kids, rather than have a “ch…
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It’s easy to complain that the culture’s crumbling all around us. But as homes go, so goes the nation. When fathers and mothers neglect reading the Bible daily to their family and directing their children in God’s ways, nations fall into decay. The remedy comes not in changing Washington, London, or Paris, but in transforming our homes by practicin…
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Jon English Lee’s new book, There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God answers the question: Are Christians are bound to keep the sabbath? Or is it simply a relic of Israel’s law system that was fulfilled in Christ? The answer comes in the Fourth Commandment. We’re to “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exod. 20:8) because God esta…
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Every year should be a year of consecration. So as we enter 2025, we should set our yearly goals apart to God for His glory. This requires looking to Him for wisdom and ordering our way rightly, as the Psalmist cries: “Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me” (Ps. 119:133). In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm…
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Leading one’s family in God’s ways requires focus and resolve. With the world arrayed against us, we must proclaim with Joshua, “as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Josh. 24:15). As parents, we must not only love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, and keep His commands (Deut. 6:4-5), but we must “teach them diligently to [our]…
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Delayed obedience. Partial obedience. Rolling of the eyes. “Selective” listening. A dishonorable tone. Such gestures are tell-tale signs of a child who doesn’t honor their parents from the heart. And whenever parents see such signs, they have a duty to promptly get on top of these problems and secure first-time obedience from their children—for it …
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One of the pivotal duties of a father is to lead his family daily in prayer. Whenever dads fail to do this, more often than not, the rest of their family’s prayer life will languish. A father’s prayers should be marked by praise to God for His many mercies. Dads should lead the way in acknowledging their own inability and weakness, even as they app…
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Corporate singing as a church is vital to the health and well-being of the body. Through it, we teach and admonish one another, even as we stir up good affections toward God and praise His glorious name. The songs we sing tell us what kind of God we worship and what kind of gospel we're proclaiming. Singing together brings joy to God’s people and i…
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How should Christians plan and celebrate their wedding and reception? What should the wedding say and emphasize? And how should we conduct ourselves? Here’s good news! God has not left us to flounder. His all-sufficient Word provides what we need to make wise choices in planning this special day. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined …
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God calls us to be a thankful people (1 Thess. 5:18), and such thanks was powerfully modeled to us by the Pilgrims in Plymouth in 1621. Following a harsh start where half their number died due to sickness and starvation, they gathered the next Fall to celebrate God’s goodness. Joined by local Indians such as Chief Massasoit and Squanto, they feaste…
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What drives churches into irrelevancy? What harms the coming generation that’s grown up in the church? What nullifies preaching and doctrine? What compromises the family’s integrity at its core? What damages our witness in the world? It’s syncretism—mixing the things of God with the things of the world. Besides rejecting the true Gospel, syncretism…
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Manhood today is in crisis, as men across the globe have become increasingly passive, effeminate, depressed, medicated, and, in some cases, suicidal. Yet there is hope! God calls men to be men, and His Word shows us what manhood looks like. Rather than kowtow to feminism’s lies or gave way to their sinful flesh, men are to be strong and courageous …
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There’s a baby on the way! When a dad and mom learn they’re expecting, joy fills the air as they discuss baby names, redecorating the nursery, and what life will be like in welcoming a new child into their home. Then the mother begins to bleed. And worry. And, before long, she has a confirmed miscarriage. As she and her husband begin to grieve, how…
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Sermons should play a heightened role in our child training, for God has ordained the preaching of His Word as an integral part of the disciple-making process. They’re not only a key instrument He uses to convert the lost, but they’re a vehicle through which families are strengthened and children are trained up “in the way [they] should go” (Prov. …
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Apart from how you walk with God, marriage is the most important life decision you’ll ever make. While “falling in love” may come easy, marrying well in the Lord requires careful prayer and counsel, as well as the resolve to keep personal passions and hormones in their rightful place. It should be pursued for the right reasons with a clear mind and…
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When civil rulers spurn God’s law, Christians have a duty to speak. That’s the clear testimony of Scripture. Throughout history, faithful heralds of righteousness have called out civil magistrates for committing evil deeds and enacting laws repugnant to God’s moral order. Think of Elijah before King Ahab and John the Baptist before Herod. The need …
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Who should be baptized—the children of believers or only those who repent and believe on Christ? The debate between paedo- and credo-baptists has waged for centuries, and the answer hinges on how we interpret Covenant Theology. What is without question is that all of God’s dealings with man are covenantal. And Scripture further makes plain that tho…
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What is the role of a grandparent? While the world says it’s time to retire and relax, Scripture paints a much different picture. Grandparents have an opportunity to help disciple their grandchildren in God’s ways and leave a lasting heritage for their families that will bless generations to come. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined…
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Before they reach 18, 37% of the children in America will receive a visit from Child Protective Services. While some visits are warranted, 83% of the cases CPS investigates are unfounded. Sadly, doctors and nurses, driven by “mandatory reporting” laws, along with unwise neighbors, regularly tip CPS off to concerns that open up innocent families to …
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It’s the world turned upside down! The July 13th assassination attempt of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania showcased an image Americans had never seen before—a female Secret Service agent coming to the defense of a man. While woman warriors populate the Marvel universe, they don’t play this role in God’s world whenever Christian culture prevail…
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The gospel of Jesus Christ is not an aside to our faith. It “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16). Without its wonder-working power, there is no hope for family, church, or cultural reformation. We must therefore keep the Gospel at the center, for from it flows salvation and hope for the nations. In this podcast, …
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Faithful church deacons provide a ministry of mercy that the state can never match—reaching those in need not just with physical and financial aid, but with spiritual help to the heart and soul. Their care for the sick, the disabled, along with widows and orphans, is Christianity in action. But what makes a young man qualified to fill this role? Wh…
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While the world trumpets an anti-child bias, God proclaims large families to be a blessing, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward” (Ps. 127:3). Yet a large family is a big responsibility. It requires a lot of discipline and resources. If you’re going to have a productive womb, you need to have a well-mana…
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How does God desire to be worshipped? The right answer doesn’t come from the latest whiz-bang idea from today’s creative coolness technicians, but from God’s Word itself. Sadly, many in the church believe that anything that’s not forbidden in Scripture is fair game to use in the worship of God—from entertaining skits to musical light shows. But suc…
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The Proverbs declare that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 9:10; 1:7). Yet, for more than 50 years, America’s public schools have abandoned this truth, resulting in the death of Christian faith among the majority of our youth. But the problem doesn’t stop there. Even some creators of Christian curriculum have too…
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What’s a young man to do with his time and talents? Being self-focused is not the answer, for wise men build margin in their life so that can serve others in need. Young men who cultivate such character are often primed to serve as deacons, filling a vital role in the local church in meeting the practical needs of the body. In this podcast, Scott B…
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What is “Christian Nationalism,” and should believers support it or not? These questions have caused a firestorm in recent years, erupting in Twitter wars and bombs being lobbed on podcasts from competing camps. To add fuel to the fire, the mainstream media has advanced skewed definitions of what the term means, demonizing anyone who dares to sugge…
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Cultural trends are insufficient, but God’s Word’s is sufficient to build His church. No other foundation will do. Yet for the last century, “do-what-works” pragmatism has been a driving force in how many churches have pursued evangelism, worship, and church life. Rather than believing God’s Word is enough, results-oriented ministry has dominated, …
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To flourish, a church not only needs a strong elder team, but a strong deacon team as well. That’s the message of Acts 6 when the apostles chose seven deacons to minister to widows who had been neglected. This division of labor is vital to the health of the local church. Even as elders are to focus on preaching and shepherding, the deacons are to m…
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In today’s world, we’ve been flooded by a sea of lies on what manhood and womanhood really is. These weapons of mass confusion have led to tragic outcomes for boys, girls, marriage, as well as the local church. This distortion of gender roles has come about because we’ve rejected the plain teaching of Scripture—that “God created man in His own imag…
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In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Joel Beeke, discuss how God’s law is not only a tool of conviction to bring us to Christ, but it is a positive rule of life for the believer. The Ten Commandments, they explain, gives a map for how to live the Christian life by earnestly loving God and loving our neighbor as ourse…
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In modern times, the church has dismissed the importance of keeping the Sabbath, viewing it as an abrogated part of the Mosaic Law. Yet this flies in the face of the entire witness of Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, we find an unbroken theme for man to set aside one day in seven to rest from his labors and worship God. This began following C…
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Preparing one’s children’s heart for weekly worship starts with the parents preparing their own. Dad and mom must set the tone, first, to please God, but second, because kids normally have an accurate radar that can detect if their parents are focused, or not, in worshipping Him. Going through the motions at church is a real danger we must guard ag…
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The Bible’s witness is clear: When the people of God gather for corporate worship, their children are to be with them in the service. That’s the unmistakable record found throughout Scripture. Yet in the 20th century, many congregations abandoned this established biblical norm, starting Children’s Churches and other youth-centered ministries that s…
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As the cost of living skyrockets, what are young men desiring to establish themselves financially to do? Rather than shrink in fear, they should make the most of whatever tools God has put in their hands—in hopeful pursuit of the Dominion Mandate, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over …
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Contrary to what some allege, Scripture’s clear witness is that children are to be present when God’s people gather for worship. Yet how do you train your kids to sit quietly at church as God’s Word is preached and to actively sing songs of praise during the service? What practical steps can you take during the week to prepare them for Sunday? And …
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Does the younger generation know why you do what you do? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss (8) distinctives that have got Christians “in trouble” as they’ve embraced God’s Word rather than worldly trends: (1) the sufficiency of Scripture, not the sufficiency of culture; (2) the regulative principle as opposed to the normative prin…
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Why do we wear what we wear? The truth is, the clothes we put on communicate who we are and where our heart is. So here’s the question we must answer: Do we seek to flaunt ourselves, or do we portray humble modesty before God and our fellow man? Putting the matter simply—do we love God and our neighbor as ourselves in how we dress, or are we consum…
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In preparing one’s children to be married, the most important inheritance parents can give them is not money, but the example of a faithful marriage, based on God’s Word, lived out before them. While didactic training is necessary, the age-old adage is true—there’s more “caught than taught.” In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss seven…
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God commands His people to be “given to hospitality” (Rom. 12:13). This is one way we show Christian love, as we fellowship and break bread with one another. We must view our homes, then, not just as a place for personal retreat, but as a hub for evangelism, discipleship, and personal ministry. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by…
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Membership in a local church involves more than just signing a card and occasionally showing up for a Sunday service. God’s Word gives particular duties that church members are to uphold toward their church leadership, fellow members, as well to their own respective families. But just what are these responsibilities? In this podcast, Scott Brown an…
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Robert grew up as an only child in the small town of Beckley, West Virginia. Though his father never had much money, he had a tremendous work ethic and taught Robert the value of hard work. This said, his dad had no interest in the things of God, while his mom possessed a simple faith in Christ and took her son to a local country church. Entering h…
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When it comes to having tough conversations with a spouse, friend, fellow believer, or co-worker, some are willing to sail right into the storm and throw everything on the table. Others, by contrast, are terrified in approaching any discussion that’s remotely uncomfortable. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, God’s Word gives clear princi…
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