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The Heart of a Singer - Opera Singer, Christian Musician, Make Music, Spiritual Growth, Prophetic Song

Sarah Toth - Opera Singer, Voice Teacher, Mentor to Christian Women, Classical Musician

Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus. This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God. But through the hurt of your circumstances, you might be feeling an invitation from the Lord - to learn to hear his voice more clearly and to ope ...
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show series
47. Singing the Psalms to Reignite Your Heart and Voice Have you ever felt like your singing has lost its spark? In this episode, we explore a powerful way to reconnect with your voice and your heart—singing the Psalms. This ancient yet deeply personal practice can help you experience greater vocal freedom, spontaneous expression, and a renewed sen…
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Are you a singer who is craving more vocal freedom and spontaneity? To be able to imagine something and be able to sing it? The key for finding this for me didn’t involved complicated exercises or more warmups. I found breakthrough when I started singing in the spirit. Stay tuned and I’ll tell you how. " filled continually with the Holy Spirit…
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I want to share with you some vision for the opera space, and what God might be inviting you into as a Christian who is a classically trained opera singer. Blessings, Sarah 🌟 // RELATED EPISODES: 9. A Vision for the Performing Arts When Partnered with God 35. It’s Time to Activate Your Creative God Dream Within the Performing Arts 36. Singers Are C…
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Why would I ever want to improvise as a Classical Singer? Does that sound scary and like a crazy thing to learn to do? I see three amazing reasons that Improvisation is Important for Opera Singers: 1. Improvising helps us better understand composed material 2. Improvisation helps us listen and connect with other musicians 3. Improvisation is a Hear…
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Have you ever wanted to create an original piece? Here are the only 3 Elements you need to create your very own classical piece of music! And the twist? You can steal atleast 2 of them!!! I’ll show you how. Here are the Three Elements: 1. Text/Story 2. Music 3. Audience Blessings, Sarah 🌟 // Contact:…
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Are you ready to get started creating original material to perform? Creating a Song Mashup is a great place to start! This is perfect for Opera Singers who don’t have experience composing or arranging, and you don’t even need piano skills! In this episode, I give you the step-by-step process to creating a Song Mashup in less than an hour. Seriously…
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Do you feel like you want to create an original piece of music, but find that something keeps holding you back? In this podcast episode, we briefly look at four objections that I've seen trained opera singers have to creating their own new music. And we'll look at a "remedy" for each of these! Hint: You have PERMISSION to break all of the rules!! G…
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Do you feel like God is placing something on your heart to share musically? Do you have a creative idea as an opera singer, but you’re not quite sure where to start? Why not creative an original piece! Here is 3 reasons why I think ALL Christian Opera Singers should create original pieces: 1. It's Therapeutic 2. It's Vocally Freeing 3. It Can be Gl…
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What could the Performing Arts look like when partnered with God? What if people could get healed while seeing an opera? What if God’s presence was tangibly felt in theaters? What if new works were written, inspired by Holy Spirit? Could God be calling you to listen in to what is on His heart for the Arts? As we enter a new year, lets unpack togeth…
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You’re in for a treat today, because I felt an urging to revisit today one of my favorite episodes from this year. Do you have something burning inside of you that you feel like the Lord has given you to do? Does it feel completely terrifying, yet also like something you can’t ignore? You’re in good company with Mary, who carried in her God’s promi…
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Do you struggle sometimes with a sense of loneliness or not quite fitting in? Perhaps you're a Christian in a secular art form and you feel like you might be a bit of the odd one out at times or you might be living in a different country and culture. Maybe you have longings from God about something that he wants to birth in you and through you. And…
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I want to highlight something that I believe is naturally in us from birth that we may have forgotten as musicians. And that is: SINGERS ARE CREATORS We are born with ideas, curiosity, and the ability to think of a melody and speak it forth - to sing it forth. I believe we were created, yes, for singing beautiful music composed by others, but even …
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In today's episode, I want to share with you more about the vision that I feel like the Lord has given me over many years for the performing arts when partnered with Him. Especially for opera and for singing. Vision for opera companies and singers when surrendered and led by Holy Spirit Vision for a coming Renaissance on the earth - a renewal of th…
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How do you know if God has given you a creative dream for within the Performing Arts? 1. It feels impossible - bigger than you! 2. You feel overwhelmed, but you can’t stop thinking about it and writing about. 3. You start to feel pregnant with a promise and you need to get it out! SCRIPTURES QUOTED Luke 1:30 “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found …
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Are you a busy mom who has no time to sing, and you feel like you struggle to find time to connect with God? But maybe you feel a tug deep down inside of you to start singing again and to worship the Lord with your voice. I invite you on a journey of saying YES to the Lord, even if it feels scary and inconvenient! He is waiting to spark something a…
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I love the moment when God speaks to us, and deposits a promise into our lives. This might be a promise directly from the Bible, or through a prophetic word spoken from another believer who is listening in to the heart of God. Do we have any responsibility to help see this promise come to fruition? Mary’s response in Luke, Chapter 1 teaches us abou…
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Do you feel like there’s something in your life that feels out of your hands? Do you feel like your circumstances are not what you would wish, but you know you can’t do anything to change it? I have felt that way too recently, in several areas of my life. And the Lord has showed me time and again the road to His peace. In today’s episode, we will u…
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Are you feeling stuck, and can’t see clarity because of feeling overwhelmed? Being in this position can often leave a mark on the body, affect our relationships, and our productivity. Where to start? Dance it out! I’ll show you how dancing helps you mentally let go, physically release the tension you were holding, and spiritually hand it over to Go…
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Celebrate with me! We’ve just passed 1000 downloads, and at the same time, The Heart of a Singer turned 6 months old! Thank you for engaging as a listener of the podcast. Here are 3 Celebration situations where you can choose to sing or not to sing. I encourage you to sing out! 1. Happy Birthday - 3 ways you could join in Happy Birthday as a traine…
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Do you find that you are accidentally holding your breath throughout the day? Do you find yourself loosing your singing or speaking voice sometimes, or have less power than you used to? Your unintentional shallow breathing might be causing the diaphragm’s path to be shortened, and your pressure system and support system not working as it should. I …
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Do you have a problem or circumstance that seems like its at an impasse? Solve your problem by changing the question! I call this "Victory Through Redefinition." I'll teach you how to examine both the question and the potential answer to challenge the "should be's" or the way things usually are. As an example, let's take a look at the challenge you…
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Are you wishing that you had more time to sing, but can’t find any time for it in your schedule? Here’s some quick ideas you can use to bring singing into some of the things you’re already doing! Plus, you’ll find yourself connecting with others at the same time, and start to singing as less of a chore, and more of a joy!! // Contact: hello@sarahto…
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Do you have a desire to see God's direction in your life? To start to see clear solutions for problems you're facing in your life? Maybe you wish you could spend time with God, without feeling like you're just going through the motions. Do you wish you could see more fruit of his presence in your life? If you're looking for a change, you might be r…
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Are you longing to see the circumstances of your life change? Maybe you're afraid to move out of your current state, because atleast its something that's familiar. Perhaps you feel that you deserve the pain you feel, or that you're being punished. You might even feel nothing in your life will ever change! I invite you to listen to these two truths …
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Are you finding yourself in a place of fear? Listen in to allow the words of Psalm 91 wash over you. Replace your fear with the peace and presence of God! Place yourself under God’s shadow and protection! How? Give him your fear. Look to him instead of looking at your problem or your fear. Put your thoughts on him, instead of your fear. Trust that …
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Are you looking for a way to be more present, cultivate joy, disarm disappointments that come your way, and laugh at life's surprises? Implementing this simple, accessible tool into your life will help you do all of this, as well as connect deeper to people around you. And the beauty is that it only takes one minute to start to see the benefits! Li…
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Are you looking for a way to let stress melt away? Learn to improvise with your voice in order to engage your creativity in a different way and give your perfectionist streak a break! With improvised singing, you don't need to worry about "messing up"or getting it wrong. Listen in for my top tips to getting started in this freeing practice. Even if…
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Do you see others hurting around you? Do you wish you could help and encourage a friend? Learn to tune in to the Father's heart for your friend, by cultivating the gift of Prophesy! At its core, prophesy is encouraging someone by hearing the heart of God for them. When you share an encouraging word from the Lord, you can will see their mindset and …
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Processing in order to move forward into what God is calling you into. 1. Brain Dump * Invite Holy Spirit * Identify what to process 2. Lamenting Prayer * Start to give voice to the disappointment * Be verbal: allow yourself to cry, sing, moan over it * you could also write, paint, dance, etc. 3. Heart Healing * Ask God to speak into your disappoin…
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Increase joy and ease in your singing! Five Things I Learned About Singing From My 4-Year Old: 5. Change song lyrics to fit your needs 4. Sing like you speak 3. Move while you sing 2. Sing high with abandon (sometimes it takes a few times) 1. Sing all the time RELATED EPISODES: 7. Are You a Singer Who’s Not Singing? 5 Quick Ways to Step Out of Your…
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Ten Habits to Integrate Into Your Day as a Singer to Eliminate Anxiety: 1. Breathe 2. Plan and systemise your day 3. Sing in the car 4. Get off your phone 5. Journal / Morning Pages 6. Help someone 7. Pick up the floor and make your bed 8. Declarations / Scriptures / Prophetic Words 9. Speaking in Tongues 10. Create (paint, improvise singing / play…
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16. Two Extremes of What it’s Like to Hear from God for Performing Artists Are you seeking to understand if you're really hearing from God? Are you confused about different ways he may be speaking to you? Join me as I unpack hearing from God in a bold, clear way, and also hearing from him in a quiet, intimate way. Examples from the Bible and also f…
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15. Feeling Stuck? Two Ways to Let Go of the Past for Performing Artists Journey Mapping: Looking Backward Where are you coming from? Describe what brought you to this place in time Brainstorm major things or markers that led up to where you are right now. Narrow it down to 5 and give them a title Plot them on your timeline Activation: 1. Ask God t…
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14. Permission to Pivot - A Call for Singers to Recalibrate in these Four Areas A CALL TO PIVOT 1. Permission to adjust your HEART posture Allowing God to change the desires of your heart 2. Permission to Adjust How you Use Your Gifts Yielding your gifts - You Faith and Your Training Can Work Together 3. Permission to adjust your GOALS and DREAMS G…
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13. How to Create a Prayer Journal Elements to Include: Guide for Communion Monthly Prayer Lists with Answers to Prayer Lists: Declarations, Promises from the Lord Sarah's Favorite Pens: America: Click Here Australia: Click Here // Contact: hello@sarahtoth.comبقلم Sarah Toth - Kingdom Heart Coach, Christian Mentor, Trained Opera Singer
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12. Do The Thing! Your Voice Is Important! Your voice is important. And your voice is under attack. What would you do if you had no fear? The devil doesn’t want you to use your voice or for you to step out. Do the thing. The first time you won’t feel prepared. Jesus - the Light of the World is inside you! Bible References: John 8:12, Matthew 5:14, …
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11. Feeling Burnt Out? I Dare You To Dream! Ideas to Capture Your Dreams / Hopes / Desires: 1. Master Brain Dump 2. Brainstorm in Categories 3. Notes your phone 4. Dream Folder 5. Sit and Encounter God: Ask Him Questions! Addressing Obstacles to Dreaming: * Fear of Disappointment and Cycles of Disappointment * Controlling Tendencies: i.e. Perfectio…
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10. Release What’s Inside of You by Bringing Your Singing Voice into Your Prayer Time Join me as I unpack 5 ideas for bringing singing into your prayer time. Have the courage to go "off script" in order to unpack what's going on inside of you. You can grow closer to God as you release your inner life and prayers in new, creative ways. // Contact: h…
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9. A Vision for the Performing Arts When Partnered With God What if we partnered with God to see his presence filling our performing spaces? What if we saw more artists led by Holy Spirit in these spaces? I have a vision to see revival and healing breakout in the performing arts! Let's pursue this together. // Contact:…
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8. Beat Anxiety by Embracing and Naming Your “Pivot Season” as a Singer in the Performing Arts Some Signs you may be starting to Pivot: * Not drawn to the same things anymore * You might start to feel things are “expiring,” loosing favor, or changing * Unfulfilled with where you are at * Possibly a sense of shame and anxiety - You don't feel aligne…
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7. Are You a Singer Who’s Not Singing? 5 Quick Ways to Step Out of Your Silence and into Your Voice Again! I was in a place of not wanting to sing - anywhere. Not in the car, not in the shower, not at church. I share how I got to that point, and what brought me out of it. Here are 5 things you can do today to help you enjoying singing again: 1. Sin…
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6. We Can Do What Jesus Did - 6 Ways This Changed My Life Everything that Jesus did on earth, he did to model what WE would do too, as his followers, as Children of God. We are called to life WITH God, not just FOR God. We are invited into a partnership to see God's realm here on earth. We are called to life like Jesus did: Union with God Be filled…
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5. 10-Minute Heart Scan with God for Singers Goal: Wholehearted Living! Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:6 “You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden parts You will make me to know wisdom.” What's Required? Honesty about where you’re at Curiosity Openness to hear from God **…
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4. Singing is Your Superpower: Using Your Voice as a Tool to Do Hard Things You can use your singing voice as a processing tool - to help you move from one thing to another! Examples from my recent birth story. "HARD" is not the same thing as "BAD." Recorded: April 12, 2024 Released: April 19, 2024 Contact:…
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3. Dry season with God? Five Unique Ways to Hear From God Again as a Singer in the Performing Arts 1. Variations on Journaling: * Voice Journaling * Asking God Specific Questions * DM-ing with God! 2. During Worship 3. The Bible * Reading Scripture Outloud * Singing Scripture 4. Ministry - Drawing on Giftings * Praying for people * Encouraging Othe…
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2. Start Here - Escape Your Desert Season by Plotting Your Journey as a Singer Ask Yourself and Give a Title for Each Season: 1. Where are you now? 2. Where have you been? 3. Where are you going? / What are your Hopes and Dreams? Then plot these on a map! Contact: hello@sarahtoth.comبقلم Sarah Toth - Kingdom Heart Coach, Christian Mentor, Trained Opera Singer
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The Elusive Heart: Unpacking Your Heart with God as a Singer in the Performing Arts Learn about: * My Journey * Why I Started this Podcast * The Importance of the State of your Heart * A Vision for the Arts Partnered with God * My 4 Goals for this Podcast Contact: hello@sarahtoth.comبقلم Sarah Toth - Kingdom Heart Coach, Christian Mentor, Trained Opera Singer
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Welcome to The Heart of a Singer Podcast. I’m Sarah Toth, Heart Coach, mom of 2, trained opera singer, and passionate lover of Jesus. This podcast is a home for Christian women who have trained and worked in singing, opera, and musical theater; but maybe you’ve found yourself in a place of unrest, bottled-up emotions, and even feeling far from God.…
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