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They’re some of the most hotly debated topics this election cycle—immigration and the border. What does the Bible say about these issues? Does God even mention the concept of borders and migrants? Listen in as we learn the special command God has for how His people treat “sojourners.”
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One of the most famous Ten Commandments is, “You shall not murder.” For thousands of years in hundreds of civilizations, this law has stood in place as a vital part of a functioning society. If murder is such an egregious sin to God, what does He think about capital punishment and self-defense? Is it wrong for Christians to own deadly weapons? List…
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When God made humans, He made them perfectly. In His flawless design, God designated specific roles to men and specific roles to women. What are these roles? Should we still follow them even though our world is no longer perfect? Listen and learn more about the perfect plan God has for men and women, and how our society has distorted it completely.…
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Words are powerful. It has been said the pen is mightier than the sword. Evil words have the power to bring countless troubles on our lives but the reverse is also true. Godly words have the power to bring life to us and those around us. Listen in to find out how to get rid of the evil speech from your life and replace it with godly speech.…
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We often hear the terms “God’s will” and “God’s plan” but what do they actually mean? How can we be sure that we’re walking in God’s will correctly? Listen in as we dive into the book of Proverbs and reveal the misconceptions surrounding the will of God.
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It may surprise you, but God invented work. In fact, the first time we see an instance of work is back in Genesis when He created the heavens and the earth. Just a few verses later, God gives Adam work to do in the Garden of Eden. Why is work so important to God? Why does He care what we do at our desks from 9 to 5? Listen in as we find out from th…
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“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” How true would you consider that famous phrase? What does God say about the kind of friends His children should have? Listen in as we continue our study through the book of Proverbs and learn how to choose our circle wisely.
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What does a “humble person” look like to you? Do they dress a certain way? Drive a certain car? Work a certain job? Some say that humility is exemplified in one’s lifestyle, while others say that it’s all about the heart. Listen in as we learn what the Bible defines as true humility and how pride is its number one enemy.…
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The book of Proverbs gives us advice about a variety of different topics. From how to manage your finances to disciplining your children, this book is filled with wisdom, but did you know it also gives us marriage advice? Listen in as we learn more about what this book says to husbands and wives—specifically about staying faithful in marriage.…
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Discipline isn’t fun. Whether you’re a parent, a boss or a teacher, giving out punishment can seem too harsh at times. When we’re on the receiving end of discipline, we may not always take it well. What’s the right response to discipline? Is discipline always necessary? Listen in as we continue our study through the book of Proverbs and discover ho…
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Who is the master of your soul? Jesus said that none of us can serve two masters, and when He said that, he was thinking specifically about money and Himself. We invite you to listen in as we learn from the book of Proverbs how to become masterful with money so that it does not master us.
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What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? One of the most famous verses in the book of Proverbs says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” If God is good and merciful, why should we be afraid of Him? We invite you to listen in as we dive into this verse and learn what it truly means to fear God.…
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Joshua 24:15 says, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” You may be familiar with this popular home decor saying, but what does it actually mean? What’s the real story behind this famous verse? We invite you to listen in as we finish our study through the book of Joshua and learn how to truly apply this verse to our lives.…
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Galatians 5:24 says, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” What does it mean to “crucify your flesh” or “die” to your sin? Is this talking about physical death or about something even more frightening? We invite you to listen in as we continue our study through the book of Joshua and learn wh…
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Imagine if God told you to conquer a city by simply walking around its walls and blowing a trumpet. It sounds impossible, but that's exactly what occurred when Joshua and his men overtook a powerful city. What does this odd story teach us about God's character today? Listen in as we learn how to emulate the radical obedience that Joshua displayed i…
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Think of someone in your life that you’ve been praying would come to Christ. Does it discourage you knowing that person has not yet put his/her faith in Jesus? We all want our loved ones to be saved, but as the weeks, months and even years go by, it’s easy to give up hope. Regain that hope and listen in as we dive into a famous story where God show…
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Whether you're a new mom, a seasoned mom, a grandmother or a mother figure, we invite you to experience Mother’s Day at Christ Fellowship. Join us on May 12th at one of our campuses for a time of worship, a powerful message on godly motherhood and a special gift for all the moms!
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Have you ever felt like your hard work has gone unnoticed? Even when it feels like no one is watching, God is right there. In fact, there’s a work that God commands all of His children to be a part of—a type of service that He never overlooks. Join us as we learn what this type of service is and why it’s so crucial to our relationships with God.…
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When you die, do you know where you’re headed? For a Christian, the answer is simple, but not always easy to believe. How should we respond when we feel doubt creep in? Listen in as we learn how God’s righteousness—not our own—gives us assurance that He will be faithful to keep His promises.
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“Obeying God is just following a bunch of outdated rules.” Have you ever felt this way before? It’s a misconception that God’s commandments are meant to steal your joy. It’s out of your love for God that obedience to Him should follow. Listen in as we discover the honor of obedience and what it reveals about God’s heart.…
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This might sound familiar… “God doesn’t want religion from you, He wants a relationship.” What kind of relationship does God want? What does this reveal about our Heavenly Father’s heart? Listen in as we continue our study through the Old Testament and learn the most important thing about our relationship with God.…
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Prince of Peace, Savior King, Son of God—Jesus is called many names. There's one role, however, that we often don't recognize; the judge of all humanity. How can Jesus be our Savior and yet our judge? Are we safe from this coming judgment? Hear the good news and discover the true meaning of eternal salvation.…
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None of us are strangers to an exchange. From trading snacks at school lunch to exchanging clothes for a different size, we’ve all given one thing to get another. One such exchange happened on the first Good Friday 2000 years ago. What was exchanged that day? And what does it have to do with our lives now? Listen to find out as we learn about the g…
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Is there someone you’re holding a grudge over right now? Is that person your spouse? When we feel hurt and wronged, the people we’re closest to can be the hardest to forgive. How can spouses heal the pain and rebuild their marriage? Listen in as we learn how to strengthen our marriages and forgive each other in the finale of For God’s Sake, Fight!…
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Have you ever said something that you immediately regretted afterward? Sometimes, the arguments with people we love the most can bring out words that hurt the most. Is fighting a normal part of marriage? How much fighting is too much? How should we approach arguments as Christian couples? Listen in as we learn the value of fighting and how to do it…
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When a man and a woman are united in marriage, they become one flesh under God. But this one union can easily become divided. Why is it so easy to fight your other half? Is divorce an acceptable option when arguments are never-ending? Despite what you may feel, your spouse is not your enemy. Learn who the true enemy of your marriage is in part one …
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Promises are important to God, and His desire is for us to trust that His promises are true. But when we face various problems in life, we often respond by doubting God and questioning His Word. Listen in as we learn how we can fully trust God’s promises even in the midst of fear and strife.
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There’s only one sin that you can commit against your own body: Sexual immorality. No matter what the world may say, this sin is a huge deal to God. But why? And what does God think of us if we’ve already sinned in this way? How can we resolve to stop engaging in sexual immorality? Listen in as we learn how such a beautiful design from God can be d…
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It’s been said that “patience is a virtue,” but sometimes it seems like an impossible virtue to attain. How should we respond to seasons of waiting? How can we battle the feelings of impatience and frustration that come our way? Listen in as we learn from the book of Numbers how to fend off the dangerous thought patterns that can cause us to test G…
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Have you ever put off an important task because you didn’t feel like doing it? Whether the task was big or small, we’ve all been there. In this life, God calls us to do many things for our own good, some of them uncomfortable, inconvenient and just plain difficult. Rather than complaining about them, God calls us to a higher standard. Listen in as …
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What’s your purpose in life? Do you know what God has called you to, or are you still figuring it out? While we all have individual callings that God reveals in His time, there is a command over all our lives that He has already placed on us. Join us as we learn what exactly this command is and how we should walk in it.…
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When you picture God in your mind, what do you see? What does He look like? What does He sound like? In the book of Exodus, Moses yearned to know the true glory of God, and who He really is. Listen in as we explore this story and hear about the interesting way God decided to reveal Himself.
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What’s an idol? Oftentimes, we can fall into the trap of thinking that idolatry is when you worship statues, false gods and occult practices. Idolatry is much more than that—and it’s way more common than you may think. Listen in as we dive into the famous story of when the Israelites worshipped a golden calf, and how we can learn from it today.…
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What’s your New Year’s resolution? Is it to be healthier? To grow in your faith? To be a better person? Real change can often feel out of reach, even when we try our hardest. How should we respond when we feel like giving up? Listen to discover how we can resolve to be doers where it really counts—in our relationship with God.…
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A brand new year comes with brand new challenges. Is your spiritual health one of them? Spiritual growth is a personal decision that requires effort, intentionality and environments that stimulate our maturity in Christ. Listen in as we learn how to reach the level of maturity that God wants for us.
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What would you say is your greatest need? Is it something physical, like food, water or shelter? Is it a particular mental or emotional state? What is it about that specific thing that makes it your greatest necessity? Listen in we reflect on the Christmas story and learn about what humanity’s deepest need really is.…
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How does the Bible define joy? How can we experience sustaining joy not for just a moment but for every day of our lives, even when the circumstances around us can be discouraging?. Listen to part 3 of Christmas at Christ Fellowship to discover the true definition of joy and how we can find it in our hearts.…
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We all know the Christmas story. A journey to Bethlehem, a baby in a manger and angels appearing in the sky. Although we remember the story, it can be easy to gloss over the details. What was it like when the angels appeared? What was so special about this scene? Does the “peace” the angels spoke of matter at all today? It’s not just a story. Liste…
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On the seventh day, God rested…but why? Did God need to rest after creating the Heavens and the Earth? Why did He institute the Sabbath thousands of years ago, and what does it mean for us today? Listen in as we explore this commandment from God and why it’s absolutely necessary that we follow it.
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Have you ever felt like you’re missing out on God’s blessings? Sometimes when we see other believers receive blessings from the Lord, we can feel contempt and think, “Why hasn’t God blessed me like that?” Listen in as we continue our study in the book of Exodus and learn how our obedience to God can have a major impact on His decision to bless us.…
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Imagine if God told you that every day, He would be providing all the bread and meat that you needed for each day, and that you couldn’t save any leftovers or look for any other food. Would you trust Him? This is the exact situation the Israelites found themselves in for forty years after leaving Egypt. If you’re familiar with the story, you know t…
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Imagine witnessing an enormous ocean split in two, and getting to walk through its walls of water. This is exactly what the Israelites experienced as they marched out of Egypt into the Promised Land. But Pharaoh’s army was right behind them. As their hearts filled with fear, how did the people of God respond? What does it mean for us today when we …
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In their exodus from Egypt, the Israelites leave their lives of slavery behind and follow God into the Promised Land—but not without trouble along the way. How did the Israelites respond to their newfound freedom? Why didn’t they obey God’s commands? Listen in as we continue our study of the book of Exodus and learn five key promises that God still…
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