Varinia Bernau (Ressortleiterin Management & Karriere) und Konrad Fischer (Ressortleiter Unternehmen & Technologie) diskutieren im Wechsel mit den wichtigsten Familienunternehmern, Top-Managerinnen und CEOs Deutschlands, wie es in der aktuellen Situation gelingt, erfolgreich ein Unternehmen zu führen – und wie sie selbst erfolgreich wurden. Dabei geben die Gäste faszinierende und unterhaltsame Einblicke in ihr Leben – als Inspiration für Ihren Karriereweg. Logodesign: Patrick Zeh
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Comedians and cooking show superfans Mike Cabellon, Sierra Katow, and Ify Nwadiwe use fantasy sports rules to argue about America's favorite reality cooking competition shows. We pick chefs, we earn points based on how those chefs perform, and at the end of the season, we crown a winner!
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The ChefBoyRDN Podcast: Nutrition for the everyday person who just wants to make better health choices - without the gimmicks. Hosted by ChefBoyRDN, the realest dietitian that you will ever meet! This show breaks down nutrition in a way that's fun, practical, and easy to understand. Expect honest reviews of trending products and realistic, implementable information that helps you become the best version of yourself!
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Chefspodden tar upp aktuella chefs- och ledarskapsfrågor ur ett professionsperspektiv. I podden medverkar forskare, debattörer, chefer och specialister inom olika områden. Chefspodden produceras av Svensk Chefsförening, Akademikerförbundet SSRs chefsverksamhet. Programledare är Hanna Broberg, chefsstrateg.
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The Chefpreneur movement is all about Chefs who have taken a risk to put their future into their own hands. Join Chef Andres as he wants to educate, motivate, and inspire Chefs to start their own Personal Chef Business and put the Restaurant and Hotel industry on its back. Tune in and Join the Movement!
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Im K5 Podcast CHEFTREFF spricht E-Commerce Unternehmer, Investor & K5 Chef Sven Rittau mit den erfolgreichen Machern und Entscheidern aus Commerce und Handel über Geschäftsmodelle, Lebenswege und ehrliche Erkenntnisse. Der CHEFTREFF Podcast ist der Gegenentwurf zur Sprach- und Ideenlosigkeit der tradierten (Handels-) Welt. Gemeinsam mit seinen Gästen ist Sven auf der Suche nach neuen Antworten für eine neue, digitale Retail Welt. Es geht um Gestaltungsoptionen, echte unternehmerische Erfahru ...
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Conversas sobre pratos, comidas, ingredientes, curiosidades e histórias, com o chef Tiago Emanuel Santos. Em cada semana, um novo tema, sempre em tom descontraído.
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Business Chef Podcast explores the lessons, experiences, and values that have shaped my life and career as a chef. From business and creativity to personal growth and resilience, I’ll share unfiltered thoughts on what truly matters.
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The Smooth Jazz Kitchen, a mix of Contemporary Jazz & R'N'B/Neo Soul, are shows released here on Wednesdays. It can be heard on several internet stations including Radio Indie International Network, Pulse International, Radio, Diamond Radio UK, SOJazzy Radio, Obsession Digital Radio, The Yosemite Breeze & Radio RapTz.
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Hör auf dein Herz!
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Join Chef Sahera as she shares essential tips and insights for baking enthusiasts, guiding you to bake like a professional pastry chef. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned baker, this podcast covers everything you need to know to perfect your craft and create delectable desserts.
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Frengels und Chef sind die bekannten Gesichter des Instagram-Accounts der Krefelder Dionysius-Kirche. Mit viel Charme, Witz und Herzlichkeit nehmen sie Euch mit in ihren Alltag. Ein bisschen churchy, aber vor allem sehr menschlich und einfach witzig. Bei Instagram begeistern die Beiden schon tausende Fans, jetzt gibt es sie auch als Podcast.
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Le podcast du magazine Le Chef
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Der wöchentliche Podcast "Cybersecurity ist Chefsache" ist eine Plattform, auf der verschiedene Experten aus der Welt der Digitalisierung & Cybersecurity zusammenkommen, um über aktuelle Themen, Trends und praktische Anwendungen zu sprechen. Der Gastgeber Nico Werner lädt dazu Freunde, Kollegen oder gleichgesinnte aus allen Branche ein, um Ihre Erfahrungen und Meinungen zu teilen und um aktuelle Themen rund um Digitalisierung, Cybersecurity, OT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Informationssicherh ...
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James Knight-Paccheco celebrates the inspirational stories of people within hospitality, their ups, their downs and everything in between. What does it take to keep up in one of the most competitive, mentally and physically stressful industries in the world? Giving incredible insights and advice to the listeners. For more information go to
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Chefakademin Talks är en podd om de mest brännande frågorna för ledare just nu. Ett fördjupande samtal som leds av Cissi Elwin, vd för Chefakademin.
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CHEF[FE] est le podcast qui met en lumière les hommes et de femmes qui font bouger des lignes, chaque jour, à leur échelle... souvent avec douceur, toujours avec profondeur. Bref, les CHEF[FE]S qui rendent le monde meilleur. Sans tabou, ils et elles livrent leurs projets, leurs rêves, leurs doutes aussi bien sûr et de la manière de les dépasser. Tel un mantra, chaque épisode démarre avec la même question : “Ça veut dire quoi pour toi avoir un impact positif sur le monde ?” - Logo et charte g ...
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Join 'The Disruptive Chef Entrepreneur Podcast,' the essential resource for hospitality professionals seeking inspiration and growth. Host Christian J. Fischer welcomes trailblazing culinary entrepreneurs weekly to share their journeys of transforming passion into a profitable venture. This podcast is a treasure trove of insights for those eager to innovate in the hospitality sector, offering practical advice, industry secrets, and personal success stories. Follow us @christianjfischer for a ...
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Welcome to How The Sausage Is Made, where Chef Chris Cosentino talks with chefs, restaurateurs, athletes, philanthropists, and others who inspire him. Each episode looks beneath the surface, behind the curtain, and digs deep to learn how people and things got to where they are now.
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Welcome to the Personal Chef Business Startup Guide, the podcast that helps culinary professionals build successful, independent careers on their own terms. Hosted by Chris Spear, a personal chef with over a decade of experience and the founder of Chefs Without Restaurants, this show dives into the business side of being a personal chef—from pricing strategies and marketing to client acquisition and scaling your services. Each episode features practical advice, real-world strategies, and exp ...
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#Chefssnack - podden som snackar med Sveriges vassaste chefer. Syftet är att inspirera samt ge verktyg och konkreta tips till hur du blir en bättre chef och ledare.
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This is all of the podcasts from Chefwonder!
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„ChefTalk“ ist der Podcast der Inspirations- und Business Plattform ChefTreff. Mit Jan Henri Kalinowski als Host, spricht er mit führenden Köpfen über die ersten Versuche in der Arbeitswelt, was sie auf diesem Weg erlebt haben und was sie ihrem 20-jährigen Ich mitgeben würden. Dabei immer im Blick: Lernen aus Erfahrung! Denn die Gründer:innen, Top-Manager:innen und Investor:innen geben jede Menge Tipps für deinen Karriereeinstieg, Business-Hacks und geben spannende Insights mit kleinen Anekd ...
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Conversations with interesting people in the food industry (chefs, farmers, managers, owners, innovators). We talk about their journeys, roles they play, and lessons they've learned.
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New music from the culture of new creative sound in Philadelphia own chefkarllo from and instagram upcoming celeb 🔍chefkarllo all music platform's
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Our top chefs, as you’ve never heard them before. Author Andrew Friedman, one of the nation's chief chroniclers of professional kitchen life, interviews a diverse cross-section of the best and biggest names in the business, bringing his personal relationships and industry knowledge to bear in coaxing personal and professional revelations from his guests.
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Der Interview-Podcast von CHEFS CULINAR setzt auf Begegnungen mit wirklich außergewöhnlichen Menschen aus der Welt der Betten, Teller und Töpfe. Dafür treffen Andreas Möcker und Ulf Tietge an ihrem Tisch für Drei auf smarte, clevere und mitreißende Typen und sprechen über so ziemlich alles, was die Branche bewegt: neue Ideen, unmögliche Gäste, kleine Fehler und tolle Erfahrungen. Tisch für Drei – immer #lemodemo auf Sendung, am letzten Montag des Monats!
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Welcome to Chef Life Radio, where we equip culinary leaders with the skills to create thriving, sustainable kitchens. I’m your host, Chef Adam Lamb, a culinary leadership coach and industry veteran, here to help you reclaim your passion, purpose, and process. The kitchen is evolving—and so must we. This isn’t just about cooking. It’s about leading with confidence, building resilient teams, and creating a kitchen culture where chefs and staff don’t just survive—they thrive. 🚀 Each episode del ...
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Just cooking up real information, real talk.
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Want to learn more about trending restaurant and hospitality technology? The “Tech Chef”, Skip Kimpel, will create your weekly menu and take you down the path of solutions out there to help you and your team members become more efficient and your company more profitable. Add in a healthy portion of interviews from industry leaders as well as vendor chats and you have a recipe for success. This fun, weekly show is not just for the tech professionals as there are plenty of valuable take-aways ...
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Ogni diversi Chef preparano delle nuove ricette. Ogni giorno in diretta su TelespazioTV. Conduce Simona Palaia.
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Welcome to "Chefs on the Pass - The Craft Guild of Chefs Official Podcast," where culinary excellence collides with laid-back conversation and a side order of humour. Join us as we take you into the heart of the Guild, offering an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the world of professional cooking and everything around it. Each episode, our host—an industry veteran with a knack for keeping things fun—chats with renowned chefs, rising culinary stars, and experts from the Craft Guild of Che ...
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Amateur? Sí. Bueno? Capaz. Nos importa? Para nada. Basically, cultura, cine, o lo que pinte, pero siempre en un marco dank (ergo, también zurdo). Y argento. Bastante. Sigan a este podcast to instantly die. @gardfield_cosmicalaids.exe.jpg
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This podcast is to encourage other chefs not to give up . Work hard make great food
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Food, Money, Laughs, and a ton of Southern sarcasm!
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Bei der „Chefvisite“diskutieren wir alle zwei Wochen die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der Pharmabranche. Fachleute reden über große Chancen, die neue Technologien bieten - aber auch die Herausforderungen des stellenweise dysfunktionalen Systems. Jetzt informieren und einschalten, unter:
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Salt enhances everything. Food, the ocean, your ears. Listen to Salty pour salt tastefully.
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Chef Marisol, international destination chef, teaches recipes for cooking world cuisine in your home.
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Wie sage ich meiner Vorgesetzten, wenn ich nicht mehr kann? Was ist noch fairer Wettbewerb und ab wann wird Konkurrenz toxisch? Darf ich meinen Chef offen kritisieren? Leonie Seifert, stellvertretende Chefredakteurin von ZEIT ONLINE, und Moritz Müller-Wirth, stellvertretender Chefredakteur der ZEIT, sprechen in dem neuen Podcast “Was Chefinnen wirklich denken” mit Führungskräften über Themen, die sie ansonsten nur ihrem Coach anvertrauen. Falls Sie uns nicht nur hören, sondern auch lesen möc ...
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Qualities and Skills You Need to be a Successful Chef
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Detrás de la Gastronomía existe un mundo donde las cosas no son siempre lo que aparentan, aquí no somos de dar recetas, somos quienes quieren indagar por que surgen las estrategias y donde tu puedes aplicarlas a tu negocio, ya seas chef o no, algo siempre se nos pega. Obvio amamos la comida.
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Food, culture, nutrition, mindfulness, urban gardening, holistic healing
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Talking food.
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Although Top Chef is over (for now), the Top Chef Judges Table is still cooking up podcasts for your food-craving needs. The all-star line up of Haley Strong (The Bachelor RHAPups Podcast), Josh Wigler (The Hollywood Reporter), Emily Fox (Post Show Recaps), Curt Clark (The Tabulator) and Mike Bloom (Parade Magazine) are going beyond Top Chef with a series of food-focused podcasts.
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David Ordono a imaginé ce face à face avec les grandes figures de la gastronomie française. A son micro, les plus grands chefs se racontent et reviennent sans détour sur leur parcours et leur vie personnelle. Au départ, Nathan Cohen a composé les musiques et recrée toutes les ambiances pour une immersion totale dans chaque histoire et met en musique chacun de ces récits hors-norme. Bâtir une image, un style, c'est débuter, rencontrer des obstacles, connaître des moments de grâce, chuter, avo ...
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Food education •Meal prep •mental health •quick recipes •food therapy •cooking with diabetes •eating to live • eating habits •eating disorders
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2MinuteChef.TV is a show for busy folk who need to cook a good meal fast. Impressive food in less than expansive time.
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228 | Creando una Cultura de Cocina Próspera: El Arte del Liderazgo Culinario
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18:52¿Estás atrapado en la rutina diaria de gestionar tu cocina, apagando incendios constantemente y preguntándote si realmente estás marcando la diferencia? Es hora de cambiar de enfoque y abrazar el poder del liderazgo. "Las cocinas funcionan con sistemas, pero prosperan con liderazgo." - Adam Lamb De Gerente a Líder: Transformando la Cultura de tu Co…
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Alex Kemp (My Loup, Philly) on Figuring Out What Kind of Chef You Are, the Lures of Philadelphia, and Being Persistent
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1:03:54At last year's Hot Luck festival in Austin, Andrew sat down with chef Alex Kemp, co-owner and chef of Philadelphia’s acclaimed restaurant My Loup for an honest and entertaining conversation. Alex shares his journey from his French-Canadian roots in Montreal to the vibrant culinary scene of Philadelphia. He discusses his diverse culinary experiences…
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How Innovation is Transforming the Personal Chef Business | Chefpreneur Podcast w/ Larry Ferguson
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1:00:31In this episode of the Chefpreneur Podcast, Chef Andres sits down with Chef Larry Ferguson, a professional personal chef from Springfield, MO, who has built a thriving full-time business. Need Help Or Don’t Know Where To Start? Book A FREE Mentorship Call: Join Our FREE Facebook Group:/ thechefpreneurmovement Check…
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Intemporal, a nova casa de Miguel Laffan
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10:40Numa antiga ruína a pedir vida, em Oeiras, nasceu o Intemporal, o restaurante onde até os acabamentos e a decoração tiveram dedo do chef Miguel Laffan. Os menus renovam-se com as estações do ano.
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TCP092: Making Data An Experience, Spreadsheets Are Dead!
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30:15The Tech Chef Podcast takes listeners deep into the world of hospitality technology with episode 92 featuring Jason Marsh of Flow Immersive. The episode kicks off with an introduction to the latest trends in restaurant and hospitality tech. Skip Kimpel, the host, sets the stage for a discussion about immersive data visualization, a groundbreaking a…
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Transforming Your Culinary Skills into Business Success
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11:24Christian breaks down the essential steps for turning your passion for food into a profitable business. Whether you’re a chef, restaurateur, or food entrepreneur, mastering the business side of your craft is the key to long-term success. Christian explores how culinary professionals already possess the discipline, creativity, and resilience needed …
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Q.Ant-Chef Förtsch: „Ich hatte eine Phase, wo ich dachte, der Computer kann mir nichts mehr beibringen“
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48:06Podcast Chefgespräch Bei künstlicher Intelligenz und der damit verbundenen Chipherstellung ist es inzwischen ähnlich wie beim Fußball: Fast jeder im Land glaubt, mitreden zu können.Michael Förtsch kann das wirklich. Er ist Gründer und Chef von Q.Ant, einem deutschen Hersteller von Computerchips und Tochter des Laserkonzerns Trumpf. Welche Mythen üb…
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Chef Minajahrae Whynter Shares Her Journey in the Kitchen, Business, and Podcasting
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1:25:09Send us a text In this episode of Knead to Know Pod, I’m joined by Chef Minajahrae Whynter, a talented young chef making waves in the culinary world. A recent culinary school graduate, she now studies and works at The Victoria, the fine dining restaurant inside the Renaissance Hotel in Harlem. But that’s not all—Chef Minajahrae is also the co-host …
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The Smooth Jazz Kitchen with Chef Bruce Buege - Out In The Cold
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2:00:2600:00 Julian Vaughn feat Oli Silk - Gratified 00:05 Greg Chambers - LA Sunset 00:09 Paula Atherton - Time Out 00:14 Jayson Tipp - Memory Lane 00:18 Philippe Saisse - Monday Afternoon 00:24 David P Stevens - Let's Fly Away 00:28 Brian Simpson - D'Groove 00:32 Cat Levan - My Secret 00:36 Bob James & Dave Koz - New Hope 00:40 Dan Siegel - Defining Mom…
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#70 - Avoir un impact positif sur le monde : mes apprentissages par Sophie Plumer
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24:47On y est : la fin de la saison 3 de CHEF[FE] qui avait pour thème : comment avoir un impact positif sur le monde ? 2 ans d'échange, d'exploration, de rencontres : ça méritait bien un épisode de synthèse. Dans cet épisode je vous dévoile : mon cheminement personnel mes apprentissages en 4 points la méthode que suivent tous les CHEF[FES] que j'ai int…
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The Chef JKP Podcast Season 9 - Wellness !
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19:08Season 9 is here! 🎉 And this time, we’re diving deep into wellbeing in the hospitality industry, as we all know it can be a tough place to be. James Knight-Paccheco returns with a season dedicated to the real struggles and challenges faced by chefs, restaurateurs, and hospitality professionals, featuring raw, honest conversations with inspiring gue…
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How to Start a Personal Chef Business - Welcome to the Podcast
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2:48Want the INSIDE SCOOP on building and growing a food business? Subscribe to our newsletter. Welcome to the very first episode of Personal Chef Business Startup Guide. If you’re a chef looking to start or grow your personal chef business, you’re in the right place. I’m Chris Spear, a personal chef with over a decade of experience and the founder of …
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Week 6 (Worst Cooks In America: Celebrity Heroes & Villains)
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58:51On this episode, we uncover the secrets of the alien empire lying dormant at the bottom of the ocean. Also, cook squid. Support the show by heading to, and by following us on Instagram!بقلم Ify Nwadiwe, Sierra Katow, Mike Cabellon,, TV Chef Fantasy League
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As a chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author, Marco Canora promotes delicious, simple, and healthful food. In 2003, he opened Hearth in Manhattan's East Village, earning a strong local following and critical acclaim for his seasonal, Italian-inflected cooking. Hearth has a positive two-star review from The New York Times and a prestigious “Outstand…
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I’m closing my agency business to start my own E-commerce brand
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16:50بقلم Junsung Hyun
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Anticonformiste mais ambitieux, Danny Khezzar a longtemps hésité entre musique et cuisine…pour finalement décider de ne pas choisir ! Il a, au fil des ans, réussi à se faire un nom dans les deux disciplines, étoilé à Genève au sein du restaurant Bayview by Michel Roth, et star des réseaux avec son groupe de rap les Frères Bizzy. Il réunit désormais…
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Helau und Alaaf: Kirche und Karneval
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33:59Helau und Alaaf. Wie sieht denn eigentlich Karneval in der Kirche aus? Was hat die Kirche überhaupt mit Karneval zu tun? Darüber sprechen Frengels und Chef in der neuen Folge. Dabei erfahrt ihr auch noch ein paar Geheimnisse. Was liebt Frengels an Karneval? Und was ist ihr Lieblings-Karnevals-Song? Das erfahrt ihr alles in der neuen Folge. Ihr woll…
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