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Calvary Lutheran Church Sermon Podcasts

Weekly Sermons from Calvary Lutheran Church Perham, Minnesota. Thank God, Share Jesus, and Help Others. Erin Bovendam Lead Pastor Eric Clapp Associate Pastor Facebook @calvaryperham Youtube Text: Text the amount you wish to gift to Calvary (i.e.$25) to our Give By Text number 218-316-6438. Vanco Mobile App on Phone/Tablet: Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement has replaced the Give+ App. Search “vanco mobile faith engagement” in the a ...
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Calvary Lutheran Church Podcast

Calvary Lutheran Church Wood Dale, IL

Calvary Lutheran Church located at 107 North Wood Dale Road in Wood Dale, IL is pleased to share God's Word through this podcast. If you would like to learn more about Jesus' love or have questions, please call Pastor Richard Heller at the church office at 630-766-2838. God's blessings to each of you!
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Facebook: / calvaryperham YouTube: / @calvaryperham Podcast on Spotify Podcast public site Lakes 99.5 Radio Sundays at Ten Thirty AM TUESDAY WORSHIP *9:00AM Arvig TV Channel 14 Egiving Website:…
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Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025 Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Gracious God, out of your love and mercy you breathed into dust the breath of life, creating us to serve you and our neighbors. Call forth our prayers and acts of kindness, and strengthen us to face our mortality with confidence in the mercy of your Son, Jesus …
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Order of Worship for March 2nd, 2025 Sermon: Pastor Erin Bovendam     Facebook: / calvaryperham YouTube: / @calvaryperham Lakes 99.5 Radio Sundays at 10:30 TUESDAY WORSHIP *9:00AM Arvig TV Channel 14 egiving
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Order of Worship for February 23, 2025 Year C, Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Eight Thirty Service Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day O Lord Jesus, make us instruments of your peace, that where there is hatred, we may sow love, where there is injury, pardon, and where th…
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Order of Worship for February 16, 2025 Year C, Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Prayer of the Day Living God, in Christ you make all things new. Transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your glory, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. Luke 6:17-26 40:31 Sermon: Pastor Erin Bo…
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Year C, Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham,mn Prayer of the Day Most holy God, the earth is filled with your glory, and before you angels and saints stand in awe. Enlarge our vision to see your power at work in the world, and by your grace make us heralds of your Son, 0:00Gospel: Luke 5:1-11 1:18 Sermon: Pas…
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Order of Worship for January 26, 2025 Year C, Third Sunday after Epiphany Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Lord God, you have given us the holy scriptures for the nourishment of your people. Grant that we may hear them, read, mark, and learn them, that comforted by yo…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Shine into our hearts the light of your wisdom, O God, and open our minds to the knowledge of your word, that in all things we may think and act according to your good will and may live continually in the light of your Son, Jesus Chris…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty God, you anointed Jesus at his baptism with the Holy Spirit and revealed him as your beloved Son. Keep all who are born of water and the Spirit faithful in your service, that we may rejoice to be called children of God, throug…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Loving God, we don’t always understand why things happen the way they do. Yet, like Joseph, we also believe that you are at work in our lives. Give us faith to trust you no matter what challenges we face. Help us to follow where you le…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Shine into our hearts the light of your wisdom, O God, and open our minds to the knowledge of your word, that in all things we may think and act according to your good will and may live continually in the light of your Son, Jesus Chris…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty God, you made this holy night shine with the brightness of the true Light. Grant that here on earth we may walk in the light of Jesus' presence and in the last day wake to the brightness of his glory; through your Son, Jesus C…
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waiting Scheduled for Dec 22, 2024 Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. With your abundant grace and might, free us from the sin that binds us, that we may receive you in joy and serve you always, for you live and reign with the …
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son. By his coming give to all the people of the world knowledge of your salvation; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spi…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son. By his coming give to all the people of the world knowledge of your salvation; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spi…
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Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. By your merciful protection alert us to the threatening dangers of our sins, and redeem us for your life of justice, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. First Reading: Philippians 1:3-11 Gospel: L…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty and ever-living God, you anointed your beloved Son to be priest and king over all creation forever. Grant that all the people of the earth, now divided by the power of sin, may be united by the glorious and gentle rule of Jesu…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty God, your sovereign purpose brings salvation, healing and new life to birth. Give us faith to be steadfast amid the tumults of this world, trusting that your kingdom comes and your will is done through your Son, Jesus Christ, …
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day O God, you show forth your almighty power chiefly by reaching out to us in our need. Grant us the fullness of your grace, strengthen our trust in your promises, and bring all the world, especially those on the margins, to share in the …
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Jesus promises that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Here, Jesus speaks of the power of Christian community. Of God’s people gathered together in Jesus’ name. Tonight we get to celebrate our All Saints Remembrance and Celebration, where we each will have a chance to remember and give thanks for someone who has en…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Gracious God, you have knit your people together into one communion. Grant us grace to follow the people of faith who have gone before us in living lives of faith and commitment, and to experience the joy you have prepared for those wh…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Gracious God, you are the source, the guide, and the goal of our lives. Teach us to love what is worth loving, to reject what is offensive to you, and to treasure what is precious in your sight, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lor…
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Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Holy God, you turn your greatness into goodness for all the peoples on earth. Shape us into willing servants of your kingdom, and make us desire always and only your will, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. Gospel Reading: Mark 10:17-31 egiving…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us coworkers in your creation. Give us wisdom and reverence to use the resources of nature and the resources you place in our care so that no one may suffer from our mi…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Generous God, your Son gave his life that we might come to peace with you. Give us a share of your Spirit, and in all we do empower us to bear the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen Scripture Reading: James 5:13-20 Sermon:…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer Holy God, you call us out of our dark places, offering us the gift of new life. When everything seems hopeless, you surprise us with your Holy Spirit. Call us out of our routines and set us free from everything that keeps us from you. Fill us wit…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day O God, our teacher and guide, you draw us to yourself and welcome us as beloved children. Help us to lay aside all envy and selfish ambition, that we may walk in your ways of wisdom and understanding as servants of your Son, Jesus Chri…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Gracious God, you give us the power of speech. At times we misuse this gift and use our words to cause harm. Shape us instead by your word. By your word, your creation sprang forth, and we were given the breath of life. By your word, d…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Gracious God, throughout the ages you fill the hungry with good things and transform death into life. Open us to the power of your presence and make us a people ready to proclaim your promises in word and deed to all the world, through…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Lord God, when we are assaulted by the troubles of life, and the deep waters of anger and resentment threaten to overwhelm us, do not let us sink. In your great compassion, hear us, help us and heal us. Move us to not only be hearers o…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Loving God, we know that it is your will to help those who are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans and those in distress. Use our hands to be of service to those in need, and use our voices to speak wo…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day O most loving God, you want us to seek you in all circumstances, to find joy and to lay all our cares on you, knowing that you care for us. Grant that fears and anxieties in this life may not prevent us from trusting in your unending l…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day O God, we thank you for times of refreshment and peace in the course of this busy life. Grant that we may so use our leisure for the renewal of our bodies and minds that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; throu…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Holy God, your word feeds your people with life that is eternal. Direct our choices and preserve us in your truth, that, renouncing what is false and evil, we may live in you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. …
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day God of justice and peace, be near us this morning. Wake us up. Open our eyes. Unplug our ears; that we might hear, that we might see, that we might grieve, that we might dream, that we might follow you as children of light. Amen Gospel…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Loving God, we have taken different roads to this place, but share one baptism; we arrive from different backgrounds and traditions, yet share one faith; each of us are unique, yet members of one Body; we have different dreams and doub…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Loving God, you are faithful in your promises and tender in your compassion. Without you, our lives go astray. Show your mighty presence among us revealed in love, that we may joyfully live out of your love through Christ Jesus our Lor…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day Almighty God, you have built your Church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ himself as the chief cornerstone. Join us together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may become a holy temple, accept…
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Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church ELCA. Perham, Minnesota. Thank God. Share Jesus. Help Others. Prayer of the Day God of all creation, open our hearts that Christ, the King of glory, may enter and rule our lives. Wash us in your forgiveness each day, that we may stand renewed in your presence and be aware of your blessings through Jesus Christ, ou…
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