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Välkommen till Bopolpodden där du får veckans aktuellt inom bostadspolitik och där vi ger fördjupning och analys av ett intressant ämne.
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Turn your trials into triumphs! Hear the stories of experts from around the world and get inspired by how they used failures, obstacles and ADVERSITY to their advantage. Each week you’ll get practical everyday tips to help you grow and become your best self in every theme of your life. Learn from guests such as Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Gabby Bernstein, Gabor Mate, Robert Greene, Laurie Santos, Rich Roll, Rachel Hollis and more. Doug Bopst used fitness to save his life from the depths of ...
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Live at the Bop Stop

GilAzar Media

It's the best in live jazz from Cleveland's premiere jazz venue. The Bop Stop at The Music Settlement is Cleveland's premier listening room: an intimate, acoustically pristine performance venue with sweeping views of Lake Erie. WINNER of All About Jazz's "Top Jazz Club In The United States" 2019 WINNER of Cleveland Hot List's "Best Jazz And Blues" 2017, 2018, 2020 WINNER of Scene Magazine's "Best of Cleveland: BEST JAZZ CLUB" 2015, 2016 WINNER of the FOX 8 BUZZ LIST "Nightlife Spots" categor ...
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Beeps Bops & Beats

Beeps Bops & Beats

Come join the BBB crew, three friends locked in a room together as we celebrate video game music by sharing selections from various games in a show-and-tell fashion. Often this leads to fun or ridiculous personal anecdotes as we discuss the games themselves along with the showcased music from them. Join our Discord: Contact:
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Bopst Show

Bopst Show

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst. New show posted every Monday “He’s probably the best in the city, just his knowledge of music,” said WCLM 1450 AM station owner Preston Brown in a 2007 article about the show in Style Weekly. “It’s on the Internet, so he gets over 50,000 hits, from London, Germany, Korea, all over...You gotta be good to be on a soul station in prime time.” Bopst Show Broa ...
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En BOPO hablamos, celebramos y discutimos la diversidad de cuerpos. Sí, este es un podcast body positive. Autoestima, autoaceptación, salud mental, relaciones humanas, lonjitas y otros temas para el alma.
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Martina Enghardt

En poddradio med fokus på bostadspolitik, men även inslag om verksamhet ute i bostadsområdena. Hemsida:
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Bi-Bop, c'est un podcast sur les années 90 et 2000. On parle de télé, de ciné, de musique et d'actu (plus trop d'actu) et de nos souvenirs, dans le respect de Christophe Rippert et des Vengaboys. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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KIDZ BOP Daily is entertainment news by kids for kids! Each update features the latest KIDZ BOP news and fun facts for kids about music, pop culture and more! Check back in every day to make sure you don’t miss an update! Every day of the week has a theme: Motivation Monday, Tune-In Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Friday Favorite, Sing-It Saturday and Sunday Shout-outs.
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BoPodden erbjuder det senaste inom området bostadsrätt. Den riktar sig till styrelsemedlemmar och boende i bostadsrättföreningar men även till den som är allmänt intresserad av ämnet. I Bostadsrättsnytt blandas färska nyheter från landets alla hörn med spännande läsning och inspirerande reportage. I konceptet ingår även mediekanalerna BoPodden och BoVloggen, där vi gör djupdykningar i aktuella ämnen. Besökarna får exempelvis ta del av bostadsmarknad, klimatsmarta val, finansiering, räntor, e ...
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Our podcasts are on pause at the moment, but you can listen to any of our episodes here. This isn't just another podcast, it's The KIDZ BOP Bopcast! Get ready for the most poptastic party on the planet as the KIDZ BOP Kids chat with a special new guest every episode and share their favorite music and stories, play games, and so much more! Follow the KIDZ BOP Daily Feed to get notified when new episodes drop!
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Bunch of Productions

Somos uma agência de comédia recém-criada por cinco jovens com experiência na área da comunicação e da gestão. Achamos que o talento abunda no humor nacional, e estamos aqui para o agarrar e capultá-lo para o sucesso. Queremos aumentar a visibilidade da comédia nacional e fazê-la chegar ao público da melhor forma. Trabalhamos de forma muito próxima com os comediantes, e queremos contribuir para que as boas piadas não se percam pelo caminho e cheguem onde têm de chegar — aos palcos, aos jorna ...
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Nods and Bops

Nods and Bops

Nods and Bops is a podcast on music and film based in Atlanta, the home of trap rap and Black Hollywood! The show features co-hosts Chino and CasMarie, two millennial BOP lovers who sometimes invite co-hosts (no guests, we're all equal here) to join conversations on aged and new tunes, music-based visuals, indie and Hollywood films, award shows, festivals and events, educationals etc. New episodes can be streamed every Thursday.
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This is an exploration of people as I see it. This is an interesting look at people's experiences and behavior. I will discuss who, what, when, where, why and how people do things to and for each other. This will be engaging, interesting, educational and hopefully funny! If you would like to donate to the show to keep it afloat, send donations to
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The BOP is a podcast for photographers who believe deep down in their soul that your business is made for MORE. Each episode, photographer and educator Rob Greene sits down for candid conversations with business owners inside and outside the photography industry, with 3 main objectives:(1) To ANCHOR you in WHY you do what you do.(2) To INSPIRE you with a vision for what COULD BE in your business.(3) To ACTIVATE you INSIDE your business with tangible action steps you can implement TODAY.Known ...
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Bippity Boppity Magic Hour

Sarah Garner, Abby Freeman

The Bippity Boppity Magic Hour podcast is about all things Disney. We focus on the most recent headlines, throw in a Disney joke every episode, and discuss the details that surround Disney entertainment. We really want to reveal some of the action behind the scenes and even the special Disney attributes that you may not realize are right before your eyes! We want to keep our listeners informed and captivated to the changing and evolving Disney entertainment but we also hope to share the secr ...
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Hey there! Welcome to the GRRRL Music video podcast, where Ashley and Kelsey, your GRRRL Music duo, dive into the freshest tunes every week. We've been besties for over 25 years, and our chats? They're filled with laughs, some epic throwbacks, and of course, our take on what's shaking up the music world. And hey, we’re always on the lookout for stellar up-and-coming artists. Our motto? 'Leave the Music to Us.' 😉 So, mark your calendars – every Wednesday, we’ve got something new just for you!
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B.O.P I Decided

Ian Edwards

Planalife you want to live in through a Business on Purpose. My name is Ian Edwards and I am a professional business and executive coach and a certified behaviour analyst. In 2021, I have been in business for 37 years and coaching now for over 5 years. I love learning what makes people tick and helping them find the inspiration they need to love living life. To encourage means to promote courage and I really enjoy doing that. The purpose of this ”I Decided” series is to inspire people, young ...
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show series
Washington DC Native Alex Hamburger is an outstanding flutist and vocalist who makes a return appearance here in support of her 2023 release What If? Featuring Alex on Flute and Vocals, Jose Luiz Martins on Piano, Kip Reed on Bass, Gabe Jones on Drums and Patrick Duke Graney on Percussion, and from a March 10th, 2024 performance, it’s Alex Hamburge…
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Michael Chernow is a restauranteur, entrepreneur and content creator. He’s also the founder of the highly popular wellness brand Kreatures of Habit. Today on the show we discuss: how to get sober and radically transform your life in just 30 days, the napkin blueprint that saved Michael's life from heroin addiction, why being an addict is the bigges…
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Regeringens satsningar i vårändringsbudgeten är bra, men löser inte de stora problemen. Byggmomsfrågan är sannolikt väldigt svår att få igenom i EU – ska det gå måste man koppla ihop momsen med social bostadspolitik, menar vår expertkommentator Kent Persson, som även kommenterar de något kortare köerna på Stockholms hyresmarknad, tomträttsproblemat…
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John Vervaeke, Ph.D. is an award-winning professor at the University of Toronto in the departments of psychology, cognitive science, and Buddhist psychology. Today on the show we discuss: why people are feeling so lost right now, how to find meaning during adversity, why instant gratification is keeping you trapped, how to transform pain into futur…
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Dr. Allan Bacon holds a Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the University of Maryland. He is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, a certified physique & bodybuilding coach, a certified nutritionist (x2), a certified coach for USA Powerlifting, and has formulated professionally for industry-leading dietary supp…
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Det föds färre barn. Andelen riktigt gamla blir allt större. Arbetskraften finns inte där arbetena finns. Kommunsverige har stora utmaningar. Möt Annika Wallenskog, som efter 15 år som chefsekonom har pensionerat sig från tjänsten som chefsekonom på Sveriges kommuner och regioner. Men hon har fortfarande en stark glöd för att lära sig mer – och för…
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Marion Jones was once celebrated for her athletic achievements and known as the ‘fastest woman on the planet’, and quickly became a household name in the early 2000s, appearing on the covers of Time Magazine, Vogue–as the first black female athlete to ever grace the cover, and Sports Illustrated and securing millions in endorsement deals from major…
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Den här veckan kommenterar vår expert Viktor Mandel flera globala trender och landar i att det av många olika anledningar inte är bra att det markanvisas mindre än på länge i Sverige. Han är inte överraskad över svenska EU-parlamentarikers ointresse för bostadsfrågan – men tycker att det hade varit bra om de tog till sig av europeisk kritik. Han ko…
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In today's episode Joshua brings us music from the much beloved farming simulator game Stardew Valley. Developed and composed by ConcernedApe, this 2016 cozy game is a love letter to a bygone era of SNES' Harvest Moon and was released initially on PC, eventually finding its way all modern platforms. Join the BBB Discord @…
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New Jersey Native John Petrucelli Leverages His Diverse Background To Provide A Hard Charging, Heavily Improvisational Based Performance On This Week’s Program. From His Beginnings On The Trenton And Newark Jazz Scenes, To His Work With The Uptown Jazz Orchestra In New Orleans, John Mixes These Influences Into A Powerful Sound. John Spent Two Years…
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Jefferson Fisher is a board-certified Texas trial lawyer and founder of Fisher Firm. With his extensive experience as a trial lawyer, Jefferson understands the art of persuading and communicating effectively in high-conflict situations, and is one of the most sought after names in functional thinking for modern day communication. Known for his prac…
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Ali Gilbert, is a leading expert in fitness, nutrition, and known as the “Queen Of Men’s Health.” She’s also the the creator of Silverback Coaching and the Silverback Summit, she helps high-level performers maximize strength, health, and longevity. Today on the show we discuss: the real impact of testosterone on men’s health, what lifestyle factors…
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Efter 3,5 år har Delegationen mot arbetslivskriminalitet lämnat över sitt slutbetänkande till arbetsmarknadsminister Paulina Brandberg. Ordförande Ola Pettersson berättar här om åtgärderna de föreslår – i stora drag att ge arbetstagarna större rättigheter och att oseriösa företag ska kunna straffas på ett betydligt hårdare sätt. Lennart Weiss komme…
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Diego Perez (Yung Pueblo) is a meditator and New York Times bestselling author who is widely known on Instagram and various social media networks through his pen name Yung Pueblo. Today on the show we discuss: what an unhealthy relationship actually looks like, how to navigate conflict without it destroying your relationship, why relationships will…
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Regarded as one of the most renowned leaders and percussionists of our time, Sammy Deleon has transcended genre, style and class into a 40+ year musical career which revels in rich influences from the 70s to the present. Deleon has fronted his own band for 27+ years becoming a staple of the Latin music scene gaining popularity for his irresistible,…
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Ethan Kross is a Professor in the University of Michigan’s Psychology Department and Ross School of Business. He is the director of the Emotion & Self-Control Lab. His research examines how people can control their thoughts, feelings and behaviors to improve their lives. Today on the show we discuss: how to effectively manage negative self talk and…
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Ben Carpenter is a personal trainer, researcher and nutrition expert. Today on the show we discuss: whether or not a “best diet” for fat loss actually exists, the top mistakes people make when trying to lose body fat, how to make sure you stick to your plan long term, whether or not counting calories actually matter, the most important things you s…
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Det är företaget Northvolt som gått i konkurs – fabriken står kvar, påminner vår expert Lennart Weiss som uppmanar staten att ta en aktiv roll framöver: Det handlar om för stora värden för att staten ska stå bredvid. Han kommenterar också den rekordtidiga starten av hyresförhandlingarna, hovrättens utslag om delningsboende, det vattennära byggandet…
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Från att välja och vraka – till noggranna prioriteringar.De senaste åren har verkligheten förändrats för alla som arbetar med bostadsbyggande.Möt Stockholms byggeneral Oscar Lavelid i ett samtal om markpriser, markanvisningar och nya arbetssätt. ”Byggaktörerna måste bli smartare och vi som kommun måste bli smartare”. Viktor Mandel kommenterar och h…
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JB Copeland is a social media personality and content creator. Today on the show we discuss: why desperation can be a great catalyst for change, how JB overcame inadequacy and self-worth issues to transform his life, his battle with addiction and the role his childhood played in that, how to jumpstart momentum with small wins and rebuild your life,…
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Förslagen från Delegationen mot arbetslivskriminalitet är bra men knappast tillräckliga. Tanken att fastighetsägaren ensidigt ska stå för ränterisken är orimlig – och ingen tänkte så när räntorna var låga, menar vår expertkommentator Kent Persson som också kommenterar ett ”oppositionssurt” inlägg om de nya bygglovsreglerna, EU:s omsvängning om håll…
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In today's episode Chris takes us on a journey through a slice of history for the Shmups genre of video games. A wide range of games and composers in this one as we listen to shoot 'em up spaceship games (ala Galaga) across four decades of arcades, PC, and console releases. Strap in and get ready to blast off (and trance a bit) as these songs find …
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Cincinnati native and New York based Andrew Haug has a compositional style best described by fellow musicians as “honest and thoughtful, beautiful yet energetic, with a hint of mysteriousness and darkness.” Bassist Ben Tiberio has spent his twenties lending a crucial voice to the upper echelons of New York City’s vibrant jazz scene. Ben’s bass play…
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Rich Diviney is a retired Navy SEAL commander. In a career spanning more than twenty years, he completed more than thirteen overseas deployments—eleven of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. As the officer in charge of training for a specialized command, Diviney spearheaded the creation of a directorate that fused physical, mental, and emotional di…
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Dr. Anthony Youn is a nationally recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon. He is known as America’s holistic plastic surgeon and he’s one of the nation's best-known experts in looking younger with or without surgery. Dr. Youn is also the author of the best-selling books “The Age Fix” and “Playing God”. His latest book, “Younger for Life,” is a c…
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Episode 203 Between Me & You we gotta talk about Gibbs coming at Cole. We need to know is 50 trolling Joe Budden? did he really leave. Also Dr disrespect I need to know did you reach out to yoyr streamer friends? That would answer some queastion. We also got beef with the TV SHOW Paradise! That's BS! HUNTING PARTY YALL COPY CAT! Also Yellowjackets …
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TX2 (Evan Thomas) is a recording artist known for his powerful raw lyrics and explosive performances. After struggling for so many years as an artist, he used his pain as fuel and finally found his sound. As a result, his music went viral on Tik Tok and he now has 500K+ followers on the platform. TX2 has since begun a movement known among his fans …
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Hon menar att regeringens lättnader i bygglovsreglerna inte betyder speciellt mycket för den stora bilden och att idén om gemensamma nordiska byggregler är kittlande – men svårgenomförbar. I dag hör vi en ny expertröst i Veckans Aktuellt: Eva Nordström, vd för HSB Stockholm, som också kommenterar Stockholms stads nya parkeringspolicy, tingsrättsdom…
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Sveafastigheter fick sin nuvarande form först i somras och när bolaget knoppades av från SBB i höstas blev Sveafastigheter landets största noterade renodlade bostadsbolag. Möt vd Erik Hävermark i ett samtal om de första hektiska månaderna som börs-vd, det faktum att bostadsbolag generellt handlas till stor substansrabatt och potentialen i bostadsut…
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Cory Allen is a podcaster, author and content creator. Today on the show we discuss: how to stop living on autopilot and take back control of your life, what you can to develop self awareness without hitting rock bottom, how to defeat negative thoughts and escape the victim mindset, why focusing on manifesting can be problematic, what Cory would do…
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Music variety show hosted, mixed and recorded by Chris Bopst featuring words and music by Tabansi Studio Band, The Go! Team, Holy Rollers, Anni Rossi, Señor Coconut, The Bambi Molesters, Chinese American Bear, Johnny Burnette Trio, PJ Harvey, The Maytals, and the Pretenders. BROADCAST SCHEDULE: The Bopst Show airs Fridays 4 & 10 PM, Saturdays 4 & 1…
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Stan Efferding is an IFBB pro bodybuilder and has his bachelor of science in psychology and exercise science from the University of Oregon. Stan is a multiple all -time world record holding powerlifter and has been training high school, Collegiate, and Professional athletes for over 25 years. He has conducted over 200 seminars in 14 countries and i…
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Bopolpodden startar nu ett nytt format – i Bopolspanarna samlar vi med ojämna mellanrum tre företrädare från våra ägarbolag som diskuterar olika aktuella frågor på bostadsmarknaden. I premiäravsnittet diskuteras:# Säkerhet: ”Det finns en grupp som vi har misslyckats totalt med – de med skolplikt som inte är i skolan.”# Bostäder till de mest utsatta…
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Cory Richards is a professional athlete, former National Geographic photographer and most notably known for his legendary avalanche selfie which made the magazine’s cover. Today on the show we discuss: how he survived an avalanche while climbing the 13th highest mountain in the world, how Cory’s childhood went from marvelous to traumatic, what it’s…
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Arkitekterna borde vara mer proaktiva och komma med egna idéer kring de nya byggreglerna och de lättade reglerna för studentbostäder. Att 150 stugor ska rivas i Landskrona på grund av översvämningsrisker till följd av klimatförändringarna är bara början, menar vår expertkommentator Lennart Weiss, som också ger sin syn på den fortsatta konkursvågen …
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In today's episode Chris, Laura, and Joshua bring us vocal track selections across nine different games. Going from Big Band Jazz to Jpop, Jrock to Classic Rock... Heck, let's even throw in ballad and grunge tracks while we're at it. There's plenty here for everyone and hopefully it's something new for your ears this week. Join the BBB Discord @ ht…
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Equally at home and adept at both straight ahead and free jazz, Cleveland based drummer Jeremy McCabe has served as an up and coming sideman in Northeast Ohio for the past five years. For this performance he steps into the limelight as bandleader for two sets that feature everything from Herbie Hancock to Radiohead to Frank Zappa. Performing as a s…
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