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Blank Page to Bestseller

The Author’s Voice

The Author’s Voice, Candy, Colleen, and Peter, talk with each other and guests about how writers can take their book from Blank Page to Bestseller. From published authors to industry professionals and everyone in between, Blank Page to Bestseller sheds light on the many facets of the publishing industry.
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Beyond the Bestseller

Kelly Schuknecht

Beyond the Bestseller is a podcast for professional women, authors, and entrepreneurs who are ready to amplify their influence and impact. Join host Kelly Schuknecht as she dives into conversations with inspiring women who’ve written books to further their careers, build their brands, and share powerful messages. Each episode dives into real conversations, offering insights on writing, marketing, and using a book to open doors and spark new opportunities. Tune in for inspiring stories, exper ...
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Du bist privat krankenversichert oder spielst mit dem Gedanken, dich privat zu versichern? Du stellst dir zurecht die Frage: Wie ist das denn mit den Beiträgen im Alltag? Was ist erst, wenn ich 60, 70 oder 80 bin, die Beiträge permanent steigen? Kann ich mir dann eine gute Krankenversicherung überhaupt leisten? Und wenn ja, wie mache ich es richtig und wie sorge ich dafür, dass die Beiträge bezahlbar bleiben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Hier bekommst du alle Informationen, die normaler ...
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AMZ BestSeller

AMZ BestSeller

AMZ Bestseller kann einen Unterschied in Ihrem Amazon-Geschäft machen. Wir sind eine Internet-Marketing-Agentur, die versteht, wie man Ihr Produkt im beliebten Marktplatz einordnet. Wir sind Experten, wenn es um SEO geht. Vom Verständnis des Amazon A10-Algorithmus bis hin zur Optimierung der relevanten Keywords ist unser Team bereit, Ihnen beim Verkauf auf Amazon zu helfen.
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Der Podcast für dein Buch mit Tom Oberbichler Als Bestsellerautor und Buchmentor zeige ich dir in meinem Podcast wie du dein Buch schreibst, als eBook, Taschenbuch und Hörbuch im Self-Publishing veröffentlichst und erfolgreich vermarktest. Du bekommst hier Tipps, Anleitungen, Erfahrungsberichte und Strategien für dich und deinen Erfolg als Autor oder Autorin. Meinen Schwerpunkt richte ich im Buch-Podcast auf Sachbücher, Ratgeber und persönliche Erfolgsgeschichten. Neben rein buchspezifischen ...
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Der erste Teil der Neapolitanischen Saga als Hörspiel. Ein Leben im Armeleuteviertel Neapels Ende der 1950er Jahre. Der Beginn einer lebenslangen Freundschaft zwischen Lila Cerullo und Elena Greco, genannt Lila und Lenù. Eine packende Coming-of-Age Geschichte in einer von Gewalt und Camorra-Strukturen geprägten Kindheit. Making-Of, mehr zum Ferrante-Fever und eine Figurenübersicht unter
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Schönste Frau Europas, Kaiserin von Österreich, Königin von Ungarn und außerdem die beste Jagdreiterin ihrer Zeit: Sisi. Eine faszinierende ambivalente Persönlichkeit, die für eine Parforcejagd auch mal Queen Victoria versetzt. Erzählt von ihren Zeitgenoss*innen, die sie am Hof umgeben. Ein vielstimmiges und musikalisches Hörspiel zwischen Regenbogenpresse und großem Drama.
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Est-ce que vous vous sentez bloqué dans votre vie ? Comme si vous aviez envie de vivre pleinement, mais que les conditions qui vous entourent actuellement ne vous le permettent pas ? J’aimerais vous faire vivre une expérience dans ce podcast si vous le voulez bien. Mon intention est de transformer votre spleen, votre état d’inconfort ou de tristesse en une étincelle de possibilités. Prêtes ? On y va.
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Valerie Morris shares tried-and-true methods for launching and marketing a successful book. She shares practical information for new and aspiring authors who want to be educated and make the right steps at the right time. She brings in her digital marketing expertise, along with knowledge from launching her own bestseller as well as numerous other authors' bestsellers. Each episode give practical knowledge you can apply to build out your book marketing strategy and have a successful book lau ...
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show series
Biz Buzz Segment What It Takes To Be A Bestseller Do you know what it means to be a bestseller? Did you know there are a variety of bestseller lists? Is the author a bestseller or the book? We dive into the many facets of bestseller lists in this week's Biz Buzz segment. Whether you are a writer or a reader, it's important to understand what the te…
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How do you create lasting change for your mind and body without making it overwhelming? In this inspiring episode, I sit down with Sandy Joy Weston, health and wellness expert, speaker, and author of Train Your Head and Your Body Will Follow. Sandy shares her practical approach to building positive routines that fit into even the busiest of lives, …
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Selbstständige und Besserverdiener stehen vor der wichtigen Frage: gesetzliche oder private Krankenversicherung? Die Entscheidung hat langfristige finanzielle und gesundheitliche Auswirkungen. Deshalb solltest du die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile genau kennen. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, welche Faktoren entscheidend sind, um die richtige W…
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Today, we're joined by Eric Jorgensen, a writer, entrepreneur, and the author of The Almanack of Naval Ravikant. Eric has a unique ability to take complex ideas and turn them into practical insights on business, personal development, and the power of curating valuable knowledge. In this conversation, we explore Eric’s journey—from the ideas that fi…
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Did you ever read Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel Little Women and think to yourself, “This Jo/Amy/Laurie love triangle is so played out. Why aren’t any of the March sisters horny for Laurie’s grandfather?” If so, you might be Porter Grand, the co-author of Little Women and Werewolves. We were thrilled to be joined by Kathleen Gros (@kagcomix), c…
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Philip and Belle count down the UK's top 20 bestselling books in the month of February (04.03), reveal their "Beyond the Bestsellers" picks (13.18), and discuss World Book Day in "Under the Spotlight" (23.34). Along the way they discuss the huge popularity of Bluey, World Book Day costumes, the enduring success of Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Cater…
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Did Amazon remove their downloads? Amazon recently made a change to how readers can download books but it's not as bad as some might think. Biz Buzz Segment Catching Up On Amazon So what the heck is going on with Amazon? This week we take a closer look at some big news which may not really be big news coming from Amazon - They are no longer allowin…
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What happens when you realize the life you’ve been living isn’t truly your own? In this episode of Beyond the Bestseller, I sit down with Marcia Heath, author of Little Giant: The Story of Aruba’s Surf Shop and the Rebels Who Built It. Marcia shares her inspiring journey from corporate success to creative fulfillment after a life-altering experienc…
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Frauen sind im Sozialversicherungssystem oft benachteiligt – sei es bei der Altersvorsorge oder der Gesundheitsversorgung. Doch mit der richtigen Strategie kannst du dich optimal absichern und langfristig von einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung profitieren. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum Frauen sich gezielt mit ihrer Krankenversiche…
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In this episode, we’re catching up with Garrett Gunderson as he shares his journey to becoming a successful author, having sold over half a million copies of his books like Killing Sacred Cows, What Would the Rockefellers Do?, and Money Unmasked. He opens up about what helped him get there, including the importance of building solid relationships w…
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What does it take to publish your book? We have a great episode for authors this week! Our Biz Buzz breaks the myth behind going wide in distribution and Tara Hayes joins Colleen for a special guest interview. Biz Buzz Segment Going Wide Vs. Stay Exclusive What does it mean to go wide in publishing? What does being exclusive mean? When talking abou…
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To conclude Nora Roberts Month, we read Birthright, a novel that is not about Israel. It’s about the Cullen Family and their long lost Baby Jessica! Heidi and Emily of the Romancing the Shelf podcast joined us to dig deep into the archaeological mysteries of this novel. Listen to this episode while driving around in your car that someone graffiti’d…
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How can the principles of therapy help heal a nation? In this powerful episode, I sit down with Phyllis Leavitt, psychotherapist and author of America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis. Phyllis brings her decades of experience in family systems therapy to explore how collective mental health is the missing piece …
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Eine private Krankenversicherung bietet viele Vorteile – von schnelleren Arztterminen bis hin zu einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung. Doch viele Menschen warten zu lange mit der Entscheidung und übersehen, dass ihr Gesundheitszustand den Versicherungsabschluss erschweren kann. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum es so wichtig ist, sich f…
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In this episode, we sit down with Garrett Gunderson to explore the myths and misconceptions that often hold people back when it comes to money and financial freedom. Garrett, a financial expert and entrepreneur who became a multimillionaire by the age of twenty-six, is the author of Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths That Are Destr…
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Biz Buzz Segment What's On Your Back Cover? How do you sell your book, especially your physical book? YOUR COVER! This week's Biz Buzz segment is a from an older episode where we talk about what goes on the back of your book. Colleen takes the non-fiction perspective and CaZ shares the fiction perspective. There are a few common areas readers look …
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Today we're doing something a bit different from our usual episodes. Throughout the week, I have conversations with many authors, and I thought it would be valuable to share some of those discussions with you. You might hear something that sparks a new idea or something that resonates with your own journey. This way, you'll get a glimpse into the r…
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What if finding your authentic voice could transform the way you lead, communicate, and connect? In this powerful episode, I sit down with Lauri Smith, public speaking and leadership coach, and author of Your Voice Matters. Lauri shares her unique framework for soulful speaking, helping individuals overcome their fear of public speaking and step in…
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Die Beiträge zur gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung steigen 2025 so stark wie nie zuvor. Die Beitragsbemessungsgrenze wird auf 5.512,50 € angehoben und auch Zusatzbeiträge sowie die Pflegeversicherung werden teurer. Doch warum steigen die Beiträge so drastisch? Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum das deutsche Krankenversicherungssystem zunehme…
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In der heutigen Folge spreche ich mit meinem Gast Johannes darüber, wie er die optimale private Krankenversicherung für sich gefunden hat. Der Weg zur bestmöglichen Absicherung seiner Gesundheit war auch bei ihm von einigen Herausforderungen und Stolpersteinen geprägt. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge aus erster Hand, auf welche Faktoren du bei …
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What is going on with the writing and publishing industry? Change and innovation are always happening. Biz Buzz Segment We talk about what we're most looking forward to in the upcoming year in the industry as a whole and within The Author's Voice specifically. From the change in book blurbs (from last week's episode) to the return of the library, a…
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What does it take to lead teams and organizations into the future? In this insightful conversation, I speak with Zoë Routh, leadership futurist, award-winning author, and podcaster, about her book People Stuff: Beyond Personality Problems and her unique approach to building collaborative, future-focused leadership. Zoë shares how understanding team…
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Dragon Fever has been sweeping the nation, and Our Lady Nora Roberts has been infected. Our reigning Nora Roberts expert Christine Ricketts, author of The Ship, has returned to discuss The Awakening (Book #1 of the Dragon Heart Legacy) with us. Listen to this on your next dragon ride! Readers advisory: Here. Footnotes: Guide to Irish Names and Term…
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Eine Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung kann im Ernstfall deine finanzielle Existenz sichern. Doch viele unterschätzen die Risiken oder schließen unzureichende Verträge ab. Dabei gibt es einige entscheidende Punkte, die du beachten solltest, um wirklich abgesichert zu sein. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, worauf es bei einer guten Berufsunfähigkei…
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In this episode, we dive into the world of book marketing with Brad Stulberg, bestselling author of Master of Change and The Practice of Groundedness. Brad takes us through his journey from a management consultant to a successful writer, sharing the game-changing marketing strategies that helped him sell over 100,000 copies of his books. Whether yo…
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David Koepp is one of the most successful screenwriters in Hollywood history. With a collective box office somewhere in the region of $250b he’s written Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Death Becomes Her and many, many more. We were delighted to talk to David about his fantastic new novel COLD STORAGE and to get an insight into […] The post Ep540 – David…
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Philip and Belle count down the UK's top 20 bestselling books in the month of January (02.21), reveal their "Beyond the Bestsellers" picks (11.24), and discuss New Year, New You season in "Under the Spotlight" (24.39). Along the way they discuss the record-breaking sales of a new fantasy novel, the dramatic rise in sales of personal development tit…
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What are book blurbs and why do so many authors fret over them? We talk about that in our Biz Buzz segment this week. But this all comes about after the shock news that Simon & Schuster is ditching their book blurb requirements. Peter read a great article from Literary Hub (linked down below) about this news and is why we're re-running this segment…
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In dieser Folge spreche ich mit meiner Kollegin, der Bestsellerautorin Elke Bergsma über die Herausforderungen und Erfolgsstrategien beim Buch-Launch im Selfpublishing. Elke teilt ihre langjährige Erfahrung und gibt Einblicke in wichtige Themen rund um die Vorbereitung, Veröffentlichung und Vermarktung von Büchern. Die Episode bietet dir wertvolle …
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What if unlocking your creativity could bring you peace, clarity, and joy? In this episode, I sit down with Susan Hensley, author of Art for Your Sanity, to explore how art journaling can help you process emotions, manage chaos, and rediscover your inner wisdom. Susan shares her journey from journalist and HR professional to first-time author and e…
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In der heutigen Folge sprechen wir über die häufigsten Fehler beim Wechsel des PKV-Tarifs innerhalb der eigenen Versicherung. Viele Versicherte wechseln ihren Tarif, um Beiträge zu sparen oder bessere Leistungen zu erhalten. Doch dabei gibt es einige Stolperfallen, die langfristig teuer werden können. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, worauf du …
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We’re kicking off 2025 by diving deep into powerful lessons on personal growth, embracing change, and building resilience, all inspired by Brad Stulberg’s book Master of Change. Brad is a professor at the University of Michigan, co-founder of The Growth Equation (a platform helping high performers achieve sustainable excellence and success), and th…
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Join us once again for as new episode of Blank Page to Bestseller! This week we are back again with our regularly scheduled show and we're bring a few great segments to you this year! Listen in to our first new segment, Conversations with Colleen where she will talk about a variety of things writers and authors should know. Each month will be focus…
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What’s holding you back from creating the life and career you truly want? In this candid and thought-provoking episode, I sit down with Amber Fuhriman, recovering attorney, success strategist, and author of Break Your Bullshit Box. Amber shares how she overcame self-doubt, grief, and societal expectations to embrace her true passions and rewrite he…
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Do you have a favourite teacher? One who encouraged you to write, maybe? This special episode is for all the teachers and students out there who have inspired one another over the years, and we have two of them on the show. Sarah Moorhead is the author of Witness X and started out as a […] The post Ep539 – Sarah Moorhead and Stuart Turton — Teacher…
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How do we take control of our finances, break generational patterns, and empower ourselves through financial knowledge? In today’s episode of Beyond the Bestseller, I sit down with Amanda Cassar, author of Financial Secrets Revealed. Amanda shares how her book uncovers the hidden money stories from real people—stories that not only reveal financial…
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