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ઇન્ટરનેટના દરિયામાં ડૂબકી. A plunge in the sea of internet, hosted by Nizil Shah. આપના પ્રતિભાવ વોઇસ મેસેજ સ્વરૂપે મોકલો:
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In 1954, the United States government ordered the construction of the world’s largest particle accelerator. The facility was complete in 1969, located deep below the pastoral countryside of Garrett, Maryland. The local population called this marvel of technology The Loop. The year is now 1987, and we have lived alongside The Loop for almost 20 years, but not all is as it seems in Garrett, Maryland. Strange things are happening in the Atari Twilight of the 80's that never was... Become a supp ...
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William Pepper

Remember those classic Atari 2600 games? They were sure fun to play, but didn't you ever wonder why they sent a plumber to take out Donkey Kong? What Yar was seeking revenge against? What made those robots go berserk? Me too? ATARI BYTES is more than a game review podcast. It's an exploration of the games to divine what exactly the story within the game is. And if we can't find those answers, we'll make 'em up.
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show series
About two years ago, a small indie team released Bread & Fred on the unassuming masses. Starring two adorable penguins, the game became a viral sensation with its hilariously challenging gameplay that's been streamed to millions of viewers. On the heels of its success, Sand Castles Studio got to work on a free add-on for those looking for an even g…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Un commando composto dall'Omone e Gianluca Santilio va a cercare un tesoro. Ah, signora mia, una volta qui era tutto Sierra Online! #sierra #sierraonline #retrogaming #videogiochi #avventure #pcgaming Se desiderate supportarmi: L'ARCHIVIO DEL SIGNOR SANTILIO Il gruppo T…
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Following the release on Switch in 2020, which followed the original release back in 2004, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 is now coming to PlayStation and Xbox for the first time via our friends at Muteki. Due to some untimely illnesses, only one of the three planned guests, Andrew Hynek (Lead Programmer on the RCT3 port), was able to join me for this one,…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Nello spazio-tempo nessuno può sentirti urlare mentre smanetti col Dual Shock e insegui scimmie giocando ad APE ESCAPE #playstation #apeescape #retrogaming #videogiochi #sony Se desiderate supportarmi: Title Screen (AE1) - Ape Escape: Recaptured Trilogy OST Il gruppo Te…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] A quasi un anno dal suo esordio, torna Fabio Zedd Cavallo. L'ospite che si è infiltrato nelle cantine d'Italia e ne è uscito senza vino ma con una scheda clonata. #arcade #salegiochi #fabiocavallo #zedd #retrogaming #videogiochi #cantinari Se desiderate supportarmi: GRU…
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Please accept this disclaimer for flashing lights and errant farm animals because we have a new Llamasoft joint on the horizon! The legendary Jeff Minter (the Ox) and Ivan Zorzin (the Goat) join me to discuss their latest Atari title revamp: I, Robot. We talk about the new game, some classic I, Robot history, and a story involving a South American …
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Quando sei in LucasArts ti si può perdonare tutto ma non certo la mediocrità. Buon trentacinquesimo compleanno LOOM #loom #lucasarts #lucasfilm #videogiochi La pagina di LUCASDELIRIUM dedicata ai porting di LOOM Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage …
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The age is coming to an end, my friends. The walls have fallen, and midnight inches ever closer. But our story is pages left to turn, and words left unspoken. Do the Keystones have what it takes to go beyond the veil and see the unseen world? == CAST == Game Master - Heather Jones - Der…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dove l'Omone vi spiega com'è andato Wonder Boy in sala giochi, e vi rassicura: nonostante tutto il franchise è salvo #wonderboy #sega #wenstone #videogiochi Qui sotto le musiche che puoi ascoltare durante l'episodio: Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap - Mind of Hero (remix) Se desiderate supportarmi: http…
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After much teasing, we're back with some game announcements and, in turn, some previews with the devs! Breakout Beyond has taken a fascinating journey leading up to its release - starting as an ill-fated Amico title before finding a second life under Atari publishing. We get into all of that and more in this episode thanks to my guests: Garrett Var…
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Warn the neighbors! The Boys are back together again! Pete gets a new car. Captain Bob foolishly contemplates volunteering again. And Mike is serving up solder for Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, and we review the platformer games of Mario Bros and Popeye. Suspense! Intrigue! Motherboards for Dinner! It's all here in this episode of The Atari 5200 Podcast!…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Nel 1974, prima di costruire un marchio basato sulla figaggine, in Atari, Steve Jobs lavorava a Breakout e non usava il sapone #breakout #apple #atari #videogiochi #stevejobs L'indirizzo del blog di BLISSCAST: Se desiderate supportarmi: …
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dove l'Omone cerca di capire il perché di tanto odio per Adventure Island e se ne torna a casa con tanto amore per Wonder Boy #wonderboy #adventureisland #hudsonsoft #sega #ewnstone #videogiochi Qui sotto le musiche che puoi ascoltare durante l'episodio: Adventure Island "Higgins Goes to Miami" Wonderboy…
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One more talkie before the gameplay podcasts resume, I promise! Dan Amrich, Content Editor at Digital Eclipse, was kind enough to come back on the podcast to discuss his journey to where he is today. Dan has covered a lot of ground in his writing career, spanning many entertainment genres and a lot of ground geographically. I hope you enjoy this co…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] No, sul serio, parliamone. Spyro The Dragon è quel videogioco che mi diede fomento 27 anni fa e rigiocato adesso ne esce meglio del previsto #spyro #insomniacgames #playstation #sony #videogiochi #spyrothedragon Qui sotto le musiche che puoi ascoltare durante l'episodio: Spyro Music: Main Theme (Remix) b…
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Due to holidays taking a chunk out of our schedule, we're interrupting the regularly scheduled podcast with Atari Feud! Ethan Stearns (VP of games) cooked up a competition for Tim Lapetino (Creative Director) and Digital Eclipse's Mike Mika to test their games knowledge. YouTube: Join the Atari Club on Discord: https://…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] La situazione del retrogaming nel 2025 spiegata con il bilancio di Atari e la gente che compra zillionate di feticci #retrogaming #atari #bilancio Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouTube dei Vintage People La sigla di A…
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The age is coming to an end, my friends. The walls have fallen, and midnight inches ever closer. But our story is pages left to turn, and words left unspoken. Do the Keystones have what it takes to go beyond the veil and see the unseen world? == CAST == Game Master - Heather Jones - Der…
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Earlier in December, Nightdive Studios shadow-dropped The Thing Remastered to much fanfare. Both the game and the movie that it serves as a direct sequel to have strong cult-followings and the folks at Nightdive did what they do best to make sure their remaster of the 2002 title exceeded those fans' expectations. Joining me to talk more about it al…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Tutto quello che c'è da sapere su Eleonora Sayaka Chialva, ma che non avete necessariamente avuto il coraggio di chiedere #eleonorasayakachialva #sayaka #retrofixing #eleonorasayaka IL CANALE DI SAYAKA Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Net…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] VIDEOGAME HUNTERS: un incursione nel mondo dei factual format per capire cosa farebbe uno come Antonio Nati se andasse in televisione #videogamehunters #arcadestory #dmax #antonionati IL SITO DI ARCADE STORY Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage Peop…
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Following a long run of game preview episodes, things slow down a bit for this one. I invited some members of the Atari games team to join me to just talk games and play some silly trivia games. Among them: Ethan Stearns (VP of Games), Sam Brown (Publishing Coordinator), and Shah-Rukh Faridi (Marketing Coordinator). Hope you enjoy this one and we'l…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] SPY VS SPY è nella lista hall of fame degli iscritti al gruppo telegram ed ha appena compiuto 40 anni. Coincidenza? Io non credo. #spyvsspy #firststarsoftware #commodore64 #videogiochi Qui sotto le musiche che puoi ascoltare durante l'episodio: Stello Doussis - Spy Vs Spy (Spy Disco Spy Remix) FZN - Spy …
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Bello il Milan Games Week, ma sembra soltanto un Lucca Comics che non ce l'ha fatta. #MGW2024 #MGW #podcast Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouTube dei Vintage People La sigla di Atariteca è stata gentilmente offerta da…
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RollerCoaster Tycoon is a legendary title that's stood the test of time for 25 years. Now, thanks to the efforts of Graphite Lab, RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic is finally coming to Switch to ignite the passion of the most diehard fans and introduce a new generation of players to the original title that kicked off the enduring franchise. I'm joined b…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Sono previste bombe di fumo nel vostro ultimo videogioco di botte? Certo! Allora ecco a voi la storia di THE LAST NINJA #thelastninja #system3 #commodore64 #videogiochi Qui sotto le musiche che puoi ascoltare durante l'episodio: Johan Andersson - The Last Ninja - The Wastelands Jeroen Breebaart - Interna…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Come il seme di un'avventura grafica amatissima è riuscita a germogliare in THE BOOZE OF MONKEY ISLAND, e di ciò che è accaduto intorno #beanadventureagency #monkeyisland #lucasarts #videogiochi Il sito di BEAN ADVENTURE AGENCY SCARICA THE BOOZE OF MONKEY ISLAND Se desiderate supportarmi: https://ko-fi.c…
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After a one-episode break, we're now back to Digital Eclipse content with the impending release of Tetris Forever. Joining this week are DE's Chris Kohler, editorial director, and Jason Cirillo, lead designer and programmer of Tetris Timewarp, an original title included in Tetris Forever. We cover a lot of ground in this one, from our first experie…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dopo questa intervista, il sindacato del collezionismo retro dovrebbe revocare la licenza a Giovanni Pecenco per abuso di posizione dominante #collezionismo #sega #atari #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouT…
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Just in time for Halloween, Nightdive Studios did what it does best. They released a remastered gem from first-person-shooting history that blended spooky shooting with live-action FMV story: Killing Time Remastered. Fortunately, I was able to assemble four guests from the team that worked on the title to speak about it. Joining this pod are Nightd…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Venghino siore e siore ad ammirare la pirotecnica caduta dell'impero di Mastertronic e dei videogiochi budget #mastertronic #budget #uk #videogiochi #cassette LA STORIA DI MASTERTRONIC sul canale dei Vintage People Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vinta…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Hai un cantante neomelodico? Ci fai un podcast sui videogiochi! Il resto è secondario. #birra&pixel #crazyjimmy #fabianodemasi #videogiochi #podcast LA MUSICA DI FABIANO DE MASI BIRRA & PIXEL su Spotify Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Ne…
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Since its debut in 1993, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has continued to capture generations of kids while leaving a deep and enduring nostalgic love for the colorful heroes. Enter Digital Eclipse's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind - the 90s-era beat-em-up that never was. Joining me to preview the title are returning guests Dan Amrich (con…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dove l'Omone chiede di raccontare come è andata allo Shadow Pixel In The Garage, QuantiGiga è rimasto mesmerizzato e tutto diventa surreale. #atariteca #videogiochi #retrogaming #shadowpixel #quantigiga LA PAGINA DI SHADOW PIXEL IN THE GARAGE SU FACEBOOK Se desiderate supportarmi:…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Di quella volta che John Holder provò a vendere il software originale in Italia e venne annichilito dalla cruda realtà. #mastertronic #budget #uk #videogiochi #cassette LA STORIA DI MASTERTRONIC sul canale dei Vintage People INTERVISTA A JOHN HOLDER SUL GENESIS TEMPLE DAMIANO SU FACEBOOK Se desiderate su…
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Two years ago, Atari and Digital Eclipse released one of the greatest odes to video game history Atari 50: the Anniversary Celebration. Turns out there's a lot more story to tell, thus leading to two announced DLC for the darling title. Joining me to dive into the first installment of the DLC, The Wider World of Atari, are Digital Eclipse's Dave Re…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Quattro soci, una videoteca e un giocatore di cricket. Ecco a voi l'idea commerciale più folgorante degli anni '80: MASTERTRONIC. #mastertronic #budget #uk #videogiochi #cassette LA STORIA DI MASTERTRONIC sul canale dei Vintage People Se desiderate supportarmi: Il grupp…
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Mark Perloff is no stranger to this podcast, but has yet to be the subject. Until now! Being the lead producer on Yars Rising, it seemed like a great to bring him on to learn more about his journey to Atari, pry for some behind-the-scenes insights into Yars Rising, and then ask a slate of random questions that I love to do so much. YouTube: https:/…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Domenica prossima a Spoleto, il Passione Amiga Day sgomma inchioda va a manetta e fa cagare addosso i matusa e il governo. #paolodurso #amiga #darkage #passioneamiga #indie #videogiochi Il sito del Passione Amiga Day Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vin…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Qui è quando anche tua nonna ha capito che Drelbs è un grande videogioco solo che adesso non se lo ricorda più #kellyjones #synapsesoftware #atari800 #c64 #retrogaming #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouTub…
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Less than 24 hours after getting home from Gamescom in Germany, James Montanga, director of Yars Rising, kindly agreed to join me once again for a more light-hearted episode of the podcast. My goal: talk a bit more about Yars Rising beyond what was covered in our preview in Episode 31, and discuss Gamescom and demoing games to press. We cover all t…
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Tim Lapetino, writer of the book, The Art of Atari, was hired as Atari's creative director earlier this year. Few people know our company like he does as he's literally written a book on it! Tim and I (Jason) haven't had too many discussions together, so this was a great opportunity to learn more about his history and share that with you all. I hop…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Dove l'Omone e Magnum Cdi guardano a lungo dentro la mente di Ivan Venturi e ci trovano KRING che guarda dentro di loro. #ivanventuri #ivproduction #kring #indie #videogiochi KRING - È DURA ESSERE UN DIO su Steam LA PUNTATA IN VERSIONE VIDEO SU YOUTUBE Se desiderate supportarmi:…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Di quando I Cugini Del Terribile raccontarono di James Morgan, il venditore di fumo chiamato a fare il presidente. Ospite in studio Gianluca Santilio, youtuber del canale L’ARCHIVIO DEL SIG. SANTILIO. #atari #jacktramiel #computer #retrogaming #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi:…
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A little over a year ago, Atari and Graphite Lab launched Mr. Run and Jump to critical acclaim. Little did we know at the time, that it would catch the speedrunning eyes of Altabiscuit and lead to runs at SGDQ and the upcoming PAX West. What better a time, then, to bring our friends from Graphite Lab, studio director Matt Raithel and MR&J director …
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Di quando I Cugini Del Terribile raccontarono di Jack Tramiel, il guerriero che condusse Atari alla pugna dei 16 bit. Ospite in studio Gianluca Santilio, youtuber del canale L’ARCHIVIO DEL SIG. SANTILIO. #atari #jacktramiel #computer #retrogaming #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi:…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Di quando in Atariteca mi misi a raccontare di Jack Tramiel, il guerriero che condusse Atari alla pugna dei 16 bit. #atari #jacktramiel #arcade #retrogaming #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi: Il gruppo Telegram del Vintage People Network Il canale YouTube dei Vinta…
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You ready for some retro-inspired punishment of the Nordic variety? If so, you've come to the right place. Volgar the Viking II is on the horizon and I've asked Kris Durrschmidt (Creative Director / CEO of Crazy Viking Studios) and Calvin Vu (Producer, Digital Eclipse) to join me to discuss all thing Volgarr and the games that inspired it. Video li…
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[ Vota Atariteca tramite la app di Spotify ] Di quando I Cugini Del Terribile raccontarono di Ray Kassar: il presidente che rese Atari famosa e fu il suo più grande braccio nel sedere Ospite in studio Gianluca Santilio, youtuber del canale L’ARCHIVIO DEL SIG. SANTILIO. #atari #raykassar #arcade #retrogaming #videogiochi Se desiderate supportarmi: h…
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