The History of New Zealand through a Libertarian Anarchist lens. Please enjoy the ideas and let me know what you think. Spotify:
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In 1987 Labour 4.0 Prime Minister David Lange gave himself the education portfolio shortly after winning re-election that year. One of the education groups he set his crosshairs on were New Zealand’s pre-school children. For this, Lange picked out Anne Meade who co-authored with him Meade Report (1988,) or Education to be More; Report of […]…
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The State program of Plunket was initiated in 1907 with the agenda to create a strong zombie force of Kiwis with healthy bodies and indoctrinated brains. Children were treated as building blocks of the Collective. To understand why the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomer Generation were the way they were we must go back […]…
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State Programmes always achieve the very opposite of whatever they set out to do. March 10, 1880: The Sumner Deaf and Dumb Institution opened for business in Christchurch and it was bankrolled by the New Zealand Government. The Sumner Institute had the oxygen of state funding coupled with legislative force to abduct deaf children from […]…
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1930: Government Making Our Pants Explode
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13:10The State, in the 1930s, began instructing New Zealand farmers to use spray-on weed killer. A side-effect was that it made farmer’s clothing explode. The story of the 1930s New Zealand exploding farmer pants has been retold many times since Watson first broke the story. Mythbusters, in 2006, even tried to replicate the situation. AHNZ […]…
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Today in New Zealand history, 10 June, 1886, Mt Tarawera exploded. Along with killing 150 people or more it either bulldozed or buried numerous settlements and villages along with the world famous Pink and White Terraces. In AHNZ podcast episode 6 we visit the Ghost Waka warning of the event, an eye-witness account on the […]…
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England’s Black Death and New Zealand’s COVID Epidemic have so much in common. King Richard II of England’s pandemic (1348-1350) really killed masses of people whereas Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand’s pandemic (2020-2022) did not. This dissimilarity is not important because in each case the perception was the same. Peaceful, non-compl…
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Geoffrey Palmer was the second of the three Labour 4.0 Prime Ministers, taking over after David Lange quit until Mike Moore was deployed to fight the 1990 General Election. Prime Minister Palmer came romping into the General Election of 1990 with all sorts of winning booster rockets. He would be associated with the new New Zealand, our futuristic n…
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Today in history, 20 November, 1948, Dr Geoffrey Orbell set out on a private expedition to find the notornis (takehe) presumed extinct since 1898. By finding two near Lake Te Anau, he proved they were still very much alive.We also re-visit the late 1980s with Geoffrey Palmer to hear his warnings about a future government that might exercise tyranic…
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1859: New Zealand’s Carrington Event
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15:14In this episode we will be exploring a massive solar storm called The Carrington Event as it impacted on New Zealand. Also, a revisiting of physicist Paul Callaghan and his idea about the 3 phases of New Zealand science.بقلم Anarchist History of New Zealand
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In this episode we will be exploring a little bit about New Zealand's colonial period when our country was made up of provinces named New Ulster, New Munster, and New Leinster.Also, a first-hand account from Charles Hovell of his first, and last, day at boarding school in Auckland.بقلم Anarchist History of New Zealand
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