Advanced Spanish عمومي
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show episodes
Podcast in Spanish for advanced students with Free Transcript & Vocabulary Flashcards - Learn Spanish with Cesar | Escucha conversaciones en español a velocidad real, aprende nuevo vocabulario, y usa los recursos gratuitos (transcripción y flashcards). Podcast para estudiantes de español de nivel avanzado de Spanish Language Coach
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Welcome to our podcast! This is a podcast where you can listen to conversations mainly in Spanish that are easy to understand with native speakers from different Spanish Speaking countries to give you an opportunity to listen to casual and natural conversations about everyday topics and everyday situations so that you can learn Spanish in a communicative context. We share conversations for intermediate and advance learners and provide free supporting content on the show notes.
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Advanced Spanish

News in Slow Spanish

Our Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Spain. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Spanish mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Spanish events and help you think and feel as a native Spaniard.
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Advanced Spanish Latino

Linguistica 360

Our Latin American edition of Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Latin America. You will not only improve your oral and reading comprehension of the language, you will also be more attuned to the Latin American mind and way of regarding at the news. Each week our engaging hosts will share with you their views on international and Latin American events and help you think and feel as a native Latin American.
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ADVANCED SPANISH ➡ Are you eager to learn SPANISH in a fun and meaningful way? Welcome to my language learning sanctuary, where we immerse ourselves in the power of "comprehensible input". 👧🏻 I'm Ameyalli, a Mexican biologist and avid traveler. And I'm passionate about helping you to boost the longevity of your mind and relationships while you learn SPANISH. ✨ And what kind of content can you find? - Spirituality - Self-development - Neurosciences - Relationships - Sexuality - Drugs - Plants ...
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Advanced Spanish - lively and natural Spanish conversations around a range of engaging topics. Couple Liz and Rob (Colombian and English) share anecdotes, Spanish vocabulary, phrases, and much more in a series of real conversations. Rob's not a native speaker, so you can hear Liz correct him occasionally, as well as hear her crystalline Colombian Spanish. We also interview other guests, providing a range of different accents from all over the Spanish speaking world. Learn slang from various ...
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Learn Spanish with Doorway to Mexico, a fun language learning podcast for intermediate and advanced Spanish students. In our first 22 episodes, we listened to native Mexican Spanish teacher Paulina and her real-life students as they traveled through Mexico exploring the country's rich language and diverse cultural history. Now they’re back together again, interacting in Spanish with friends, work colleagues and other native Spanish speakers in their own neighborhoods. Not just for tourists, ...
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Marta receives a phone call out of the blue from a lawyer inviting her to attend the reading of her father's will. But no one had even told her that her father had passed away! On her arrival, she is shocked by what she sees in her father’s office and she embarks on a journey that will change her and her family’s life. La penúltima voluntad is a podcast series for advanced learners, brought to you by the Coffee Break Spanish team, and in each of the 20 episodes, we'll hear a new chapter of t ...
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Notes in Spanish Advanced

Notes in Spanish Advanced

Ben and Marina bring you podcasts in high level Spanish covering culture, news, conversation, and all the cool words they never teach you in class... Now with transcript pages and worksheets! Visit for details. See our Notes in Spanish Intermediate podcast too!
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show series
How about today, we learn Spanish while we handle tarantulas? ✨✨✨ ➨ Do you have trouble understanding this episode? Join the "Learning Lounge" and download the transcripts in English and Spanish, vocabulary sheets, videos with and without subtitles and activities of this episode to understand and improve your understanding and language skills. ➨ No…
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La justicia ecuatoriana pone el foco sobre el “racismo estructural” La llegada de los plutócratas al poder El miedo y la incertidumbre campan a sus anchas en la comunidad migrante en Estados Unidos Tras la caída del régimen sirio, muchos refugiados prefieren mantener la prudencia
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT MY WORK BY PURCHASING MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are designed to expose you to everyday useful Spanish, and they have received glowing reviews. Available on Amazon kindle. My Author’s Page https:…
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¿Por qué ser solidario puede parecer ingenuo? 🌍 En una sociedad cada vez más individualista, preocuparse por los demás a menudo se considera "buenismo". En este episodio, Óscar y yo revisamos este concepto y analizamos si ser empático significa ser ingenuo. ¿Es posible preocuparse por los demás sin ser visto como alguien que no entiende la realidad…
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In this fun Spanish conversation, with Saúl and Nikki, we talk about Spanish and mexican vocabulary and the differences between the two countries. Come and join us and find out more about the vast difference between Spanish and Mexican vocabulary. Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to join SER SOCIO freely and receive…
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Edmundo González asegura que regresará a Venezuela para asumir la presidencia Las puertas de la catedral de Notre Dame se abren de nuevo Biden indulta a Biden El legado de Jorge Luis Borges sigue más vigente que nunca Los inquisidores del siglo XXI
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¿Sientes que siempre estás esperando el momento perfecto para empezar? ⏳ Ya sea aprender español, hacer deporte o cuidar tu bienestar, muchas veces ese momento perfecto nunca llega. Hoy Silvia y yo hablamos de cómo superar esa espera eterna y tomar acción, aunque sea sin ganas. A veces hay que decirse: “jódete y hazlo”. Porque fallarte a ti mismo n…
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are de…
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are de…
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Brasil, México, Colombia y Chile fortalecen el “bloque progresista” en la cumbre del G20 Marco Rubio se suma a la lista de altos cargos en el futuro gobierno de Donald Trump La crisis del sector automovilístico alemán Rafael Nadal dice adiós al tenis Pedro Páramo cobra vida en la gran pantalla
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Comedian, de Maurizio Cattelan, vendido en subasta por 6,2 millones de dólares Sara Sontano, inspectora de Hacienda Manifestación multitudinaria por el gallego en Santiago de Compostela Temporeros de la aceituna durmiendo al raso en Jaén Google debe vender Chrome para restablecer la competencia en las búsquedas online…
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are de…
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El famoso "tourists go home" puede sonar preocupante, pero ¿realmente los extranjeros tienen problemas en España? El Inglés comparte cómo vive este tema como guiri, mientras hablamos de turismo, alquileres y convivencia. Una charla para tranquilizar y recordar que España sigue siendo un país hospitalario y lleno de oportunidades. Como siempre vas a…
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are de…
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In this fun Spanish conversation, we talk about choosing between Spain or England. Where would we spend our time if we could choose? Come and join us and find out more about what we think about living in Spain or England. Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to join SER SOCIO freely and receive two lessons a week from G…
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¿Será que los 30 son los nuevos 20? En este episodio me siento con mi hermana para hablar sobre cómo cada etapa de la vida tiene su propio ritmo y qué significa “ser joven” hoy. Ella cuenta lo bueno y lo no tan bueno de sus 20, mientras yo le comparto cómo siento que los 30 me han dado otra perspectiva. Como siempre vas a escuchar muchas expresione…
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La soledad del dictador venezolano La provincia de Valencia intenta recuperarse tras el mayor desastre natural de la historia reciente de España Se desata la indignación de los puertorriqueños tras un mitin de Donald Trump en Nueva York El número de hablantes de español crece en el mundo El consumo de alcohol es algo natural en el reino animal…
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Donald Trump, elegido presidente de Estados Unidos España, récord de población gracias a la inmigración Una flotilla de bibliobuses recorre la España vaciada Altercados durante la visita de las autoridades a Valencia Muere Quincy Jones a los 91 años
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SHOW NOTES: En este episodio, Milton nos habla sobre cómo era su niñez para que ustedes puedan aprender el vocabulario y el español para describir cosas de la niñez y el español para hablar en el pasado. SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you https:/…
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In this fun Spanish conversation, we talk about how people’s perceptions change when you are in a foreign land as opposed to being in your own country. Come and join us and find out more about how living in a foreign land changes how people look at you. Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to join SER SOCIO freely and r…
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La soledad del dictador venezolano La provincia de Valencia intenta recuperarse tras el mayor desastre natural de la historia reciente de España Se desata la indignación de los puertorriqueños tras un mitin de Donald Trump en Nueva York El número de hablantes de español crece en el mundo El consumo de alcohol es algo natural en el reino animal…
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¿Cómo se ve la vida después de los 60? En este episodio, tengo una conversación con mi madre, quien, a sus 61 años, reflexiona sobre cómo ha cambiado su perspectiva de la vida con el paso del tiempo. Hablamos de todo: desde sus pensamientos sobre envejecer y el papel del ejercicio en su bienestar, hasta el trabajo y la importancia de cultivar relac…
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In this fun Spanish conversation, we talk about what we miss from the UK now that we have spent the last ten years living in Spain. Come and join us and find out more about how living in Spain is similar but very different sometimes.. Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to join SER SOCIO freely and receive two lessons …
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Cuba sufre cuatro días de apagón eléctrico a nivel nacional ¿Teme Jeff Bezos una represalia por parte de Trump? Miles de creadores artísticos alertan sobre la amenaza de la Inteligencia Artificial La gran alegría de la cumbia se desparrama por toda América Latina Jorge Glem, el gran embajador del cuatro venezolano…
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In this fun conversation with Ana, Cynthia and Gordon, we talk about the use of Espanglish in Spain and why we choose to codeswitch sometimes. Codeswitching is the act of jumping between languages in the same conversation or sentence. Come and join us and find out more about the ever growing use of Espanglish in Spain. Find out more about our Immer…
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SHOW NOTES YO HABLO ESPAÑOL PODCAST Listen to the podcast on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Pandora Amazon Music and Audible…
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Hoy te cuento cómo es volver a Valencia después de una década en Londres. Esa sensación de regresar a tu ciudad, pero darte cuenta de que tanto tú como el lugar han cambiado mucho. Especialmente ha cambiado lo difícil que es para los españoles poder alquilar (ni hablamos de comprar) una vivienda normalita. Hablamos de cómo encajar de nuevo, de los …
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Have you ever wondered about the secrets of life and how living beings work? Today, we're going to immerse ourselves in an exciting journey through biology, the science that helps us understand everything related to life and the organic. Together, we will explore the mysteries that live in every organism and in every corner of nature. ✨✨✨ ➨ Do you …
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you. MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are d…
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In this fun conversation with Cynthia and Ana, we talk about the gentle Spanish insults that are often used between friends. Come and join us and find out the ways that you can use these gentle Spanish insults correctly without offending! Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to join SER SOCIO and want to receive two les…
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SHOW NOTES: SUPPORT If you like my podcasts, please consider donating to my GoFundMe page. Your contributions help me continue the podcasts. Thank you. MY BOOKS Reading can help so much to learn Spanish. I encourage to read my short novels, “Los Diamantes de Esmeralda” (2 short novels). They are easy to read and are d…
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In this fun conversation with Cynthia and Ana, we talk about Click Bait and why we don’t like it. Come and join us and find out the ways that we combat the vast amounts of Click Bait that we are faced with these days. Find out more about our Immersion Courses here! If you would like to try SER SOCIO freely and want to receive two lessons a week fro…
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