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show episodes
Ti sei mai trovato con mille domande sul diventare genitore, ma senza sapere a chi chiederle? A Piccoli Passi è il podcast che ti accompagna in questo viaggio unico, un passo alla volta. Qui trovi risposte semplici e utili grazie a esperti e a genitori che, come me, ci sono già passati. Sono Clarissa Marchese, e questo è il mio podcast.
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API Resilience


We believe that digital transformation efforts make companies and communities more resilient. In the API Resilience podcast you'll listen to guests from industry leading API teams sharing their views about the current trends of the API economy. We also bring you insights that your API team will be able to use, and even explain to your management on how APIs can help your company cope, resurge, and thrive during and after this pandemic. The host is Kristof Van Tomme.
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At TERRA API, we are on a mission to enable developers to connect and create solutions by using health data. Kyriakos Eleftheriou, the founder and CEO of Terra API speaks with some of the best founders and CEOs in the space of health and fitness, to learn how the best are building their businesses.
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Susitinkam LeadInn: apie žmones, vedančius žmones

Artūras Deltuva, Milda Autukaitė, Ernestas Lapinskas

Vadovai, lyderiai, raktiniai žmonės. Tai yra tie, kurie veda kitus žmones, kurie prisiima daugiau atsakomybės. Kaip jie mąsto, ko siekia, ko vengia, kaip pameta ir randa sau prasmę vėl ir vėl. Kaip griūva ir vėl keliasi. Kaip perdega ir sukuria save iš naujo. Tikri pasakojimai, tik tikros istorijos kaip tikrai būna.
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Arboreal Apiculture Salon

Jonathan Powell, Michael Joshin Thiele, Cheyanna Bone

Exploring the science, beauty and spiritual expression of Abroreal Apiculture with Jonathan Powell from the Natural Beekeeping Trust, Michael Joshin Thiele and Cheyanna Bone from Apis Arborea.
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All Talk by Apice Sports

Abdul Shamcid-deen, Shine Da Bionic Man

Welcome to All Talk by Apice Sports – Where Sports, Culture, and Lifestyle Collide! More than just a sports podcast, All Talk by Apice Sports brings you bold conversations on sports, culture, lifestyle, and everything in between. We cover the latest games, analyze players and teams, dive into trending topics, and explore how sports intersect with everyday life. With exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes stories, and lively debates, we keep you in the know on and off the field.
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Apiary Chronicles is the podcast where the world of beekeeping comes alive. Hosted by Cal Hardage, this show explores the personal journeys, challenges, and triumphs of beekeepers from all walks of life. From backyard enthusiasts to commercial apiarists, each episode dives into the unique stories and invaluable insights that make beekeeping both an art and a science. Discover tips on hive management, pollinator health, and honey production while learning about the dedication and passion behi ...
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Learn what’s new at Ayrshare and enhancements to our Social Media API. We talk about new features, upcoming changes, and social API news. Ayrshare allows you to easily integrate Social Media APIs to manage all your users’ social accounts right from your product. Post, Auto Schedule, and Analytics. Great for SaaS, CMS, DAM, Agencies, and Apps.
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Jättiteemoihin perehtyneet toimittajat avaavat ajatteluaan juttujensa takaa. Rankkaa, hauskaa ja älykästä puhetta tärkeistä asioista. Juontajana Sami Kuusela. Mainostajina A-lehdet ja Storytel. Lisä- ja taustatiedot: apu.fi/apinalaatikko. Julkaisija A-lehdet.
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Welcome to APIP Leadership Chat, where we discuss all things Leadership! The PGCPS Assistant Principal Induction Program is a two-year required professional development program for all first and second-year assistant principals within Prince George's County Public Schools.
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Добро пожаловать в канал Apihost.ru! Мы приглашаем вас в мир уникальной озвучки, созданной с помощью передовых нейросетей. На нашем сервисе https://apihost.ru/voice мы собрали более 1000 уникальных голосов, чтобы придать жизнь нашим текстам. Подписывайтесь, чтобы узнать больше о мире озвучки и инновационных решениях!
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Apio Tales

Apio Tales

Welcome to Apio Tales where I share stories from me and a diverse group of people who have seen life from various perspectives. Some of the stories are pretty wild , some will make you teary , some will make your jaws drop but believe me they are all real stories from real people. Hop on and enjoy the ride.
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Apis FIt

Apis Fit

Questo profilo nasce per fare da ponte tra il nulla e tematiche avanzate legate al bodybuilding. Allenamento, alimentazione sportiva, integratori e tanto altro! Facciamoci una chiacchierata su instagram! @apis.fit
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Apin' Out

Sam R. and Matt H.

Just a couple of best buds who give you the hottest takes on trending news, hilarious stories from our lives, and honest to goodness monkeyin' around. Tune in to the show to hear all about the latest fashion, sports news, gaming, anime, and more!
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Podcast Api Unggun

Charles Amalo

Podcast ini berisi tentang obrolan-obrolan sengak, yang direkam pas lagi camping dan ditemani api unggun yang menghangatkan. Isi podcast ini tentang cerita hidup para penyiar, yang mencoba membuka dark voice yang ada dalam diri mereka.
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"Apie ką tyliu" pasakoja istorijas apie savanorystę, išgyvenimus, sutrikimus, atradimus ir daugybę kitų patirčių, kuriomis dalinasi savanoriai, specialistai bei kiti asmenys. Su pašnekovais apie gyvenimo keliones, (ne)užmirštas ir nutylėtas istorijas kalbasi Eglė. Tinklalaidės epizodai išleidžiami kiekvieną mėnesį. Įrašai lietuvių kalba. "Apie ką tyliu" yra Pagalbos moterims linijos įgyvendinamo projekto " Tu gali" tinklalaidė. Projektas yra Aktyvių piliečių fondo, finansuojamo EEE finansini ...
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API The Docs Podcast

API The Docs

Our guests talk about their insights and experience as documentarians. We bring advice from behind open and closed developer portals, ideas on what new learnings you can aim for, and recent experiments from the field of API documentation.
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API Case Files

Aerial Phenomena Investigations

API Case Files is the official podcast of Aerial Phenomena Investigations. The API team is out to drain the UFO swamp, bringing a real scientific and skeptical approach to the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. We don't have all the answers, so we investigate.
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Apiary Digital

Apiary Digital

The Hive Is Alive is a bi-monthly podcast from the media collective, Apiary Digital, highlighting the history, current state, and potential future of digital marketing through statistics and storytelling. In each episode, we will be guided by the resident host through the world of digital marketing using personal stories and points of view (POVs). Stories and POVs are written and presented by top digital marketing experts from Apiary Digital, as well as leading marketing professionals in the ...
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The API Integration Leaders AMA (ask me anything) webinar series gives you the opportunity to ask 8 different API integration leaders, from 4 different categories, your most pressing questions. Get an inside look at how these integration leaders design their entire API strategy.
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Building a successful API requires more than just coding. It starts with collaborative design, focuses on creating a great developer experience, and ends with getting your company on board, maintaining consistency, and maximizing your API’s profitability. In the API Intersection, you’ll learn from experienced API practitioners who transformed their organizations, and get tangible advice to build quality APIs with collaborative API-first design. Jason Harmon brings over a decade of industry-r ...
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Laida tiems, kurie ne tik duona gyvi nori būti. Psichologai, psichoterapeutai, kitų profesijų atstovai, rinkos pasaulyje vis dar iš akiračio nepametę žmogaus, noriai dalijasi savo žiniomis, patirtimi ir išmintimi – penktadieniais 14.05 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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Hosted by Viktor Gamov and Kaitlyn Barnard, we interview software developers and technology leaders at the top of their game every other week. We’ll also give you the tools, tactics and strategies you need to take your cloud native architecture to the next level. We go beyond the buzzwords and dissect real-life applications and success stories so that you can tackle your biggest connectivity challenges.
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APIs You Won't Hate

APIs You Won't Hate

A no-nonsense (well, some-nonsense) podcast about API design & development, new features in the world of HTTP, service-orientated architecture, microservices, and probably bikes.
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show series
How has the concept of structured content evolved, and how does it relate to APIs? How is the internet shifting from a focus on publishing content to enabling interactions? In this special episode, Kristof Van Tomme (Co-founder and CEO of Pronovix) and Christoph Weber (Solutions Architect at Pronovix) invited Jeff Eaton (Partner at Autogram) to dis…
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Dans ce nouvel épisode des API Podcasts, Nicolas BERCHOUX reçoit Jean Nemeth et Jean-Philippe Guillemin, 2 consultants APIXIT. La surface d'attaque d'une entreprise est l'ensemble des points d'entrée potentiels qu'un cybercriminel peut exploiter pour accéder à vos systèmes. Mais qu'est-ce qui la compose exactement ? Comment l'évaluer et la réduire …
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Ayrshare co-founders Geoff and Boris run through the new features at Ayrshare for the past month. Dashboard. The User Profiles page performance in the web dashboard has been optimized. You will now get a smooth scrolling and loading experience regardless of how many user profiles you have in your account. Dashboard. The Posts page in the web dashbo…
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Rich Steinmetz (https://richstone.io/meet-rich) Clickfunnels https://clickfunnels.com/ Developer portal https://developers.myclickfunnels.com/ Bullet Train for Ruby on Rails - https://bullettrain.co/docs/api SuperScaffolding - https://bullettrain.co/docs/super-scaffolding Hyrum's Law - https://www.hyrumslaw.com/ Creators & Guests Rich Steinmetz - G…
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Artūras Deltuva ir Rytis Juozapavičius šįkart kalbasi apie aiškumą - kaip jis reiškiasi lyderystėje? Ar lyderis gali būti skirtingai aiškus sau ir kitiems? Kaip mes patiriame aiškumą? Kas yra pasekėjystė ir kas kuom lyderystėje yra svarbūs pasekėjai? Pašnekovai per šiuos ir kitus klausimus tyrinėja aiškumo fenomeną lyderystėje.…
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Benvenuti in una nuova puntata di A Piccoli Passi! Oggi, insieme alla mia ospite Alessia Montalboddi conosciuta sui social come La Cosmeticante, parleremo di un tema tanto delicato quanto importante: la pelle dei bambini. Scopriremo come proteggerla al meglio, quali ingredienti evitare e quali prodotti scegliere per mantenerla sana e idratata. Non …
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Ernestas Lapinskas kalbina Mindaugą Ubartą, Vejusta vadovą, dirbusį ne tik įvairiose srityse, bet ir skirtingose šalyse. Pokalbis yra apie tarpkultūrinius skirtumus ir tarpkultūriškumą vadyboje: ar tikėjimas kaip kultūros dalis gali veikti vadovo darbą? Kodėl Centrinėje Azijoje vadovai iš Lietuvos pritampa greičiau nei skandinavai? Kiek vadovo asme…
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Dr. Ni’cola Mitchell is a nationally best-selling author known for her impressive collection of 25 books. With a passion for helping others achieve their writing dreams, she has successfully guided over a thousand authors in bringing their stories to life. In addition to her literary accomplishments, Dr. Mitchell is the founder of a nonprofit organ…
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Benvenuti alla nuova puntata di "A piccoli Passi"! Oggi affrontiamo un tema speciale che tocca il cuore di ogni mamma: il parto. Un momento unico, ricco di emozioni e domande, ma anche di grande forza. Per aiutarci a navigare questa esperienza, abbiamo con noi nuovamente Gloria Scarpa, meglio conosciuta come L'Ostetrica in Rosa. Con la sua competen…
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Join us as we explore the world of beekeeping through the fascinating experiences of Randy McCaffrey, known as 628 Dirt Rooster on social media. Randy's journey into beekeeping began unexpectedly when his brother enlisted his help with a challenging bee cutout from an old furniture warehouse. This adrenaline-filled encounter sparked Randy's passion…
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Unlock the secrets of beekeeping with our guest, Mateo Kaiser, as we explore the art and science behind this rewarding hobby. Discover how Mateo transformed his backyard in Mountain View, California, into a thriving small-scale apiary during the pandemic, and learn why beekeeping is the perfect low-maintenance alternative to traditional pets. With …
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Artūras Deltuva toliau kalbina Rytį Juozapavičių, lyderystės ir komunikacijos mokymų vadovą, apie lyderystės bruožus. Šiame epizode toliau diskutuojama apie drąsą bei apie antrąjį bruožą - žmogiškumą. Kas yra žmogiškumas? Kaip jis reiškiasi lyderiaujant? Iš ko susideda žmogiškumas remiantis humanistine psichologija? Kaip vadovo žmogiškumas atpažįst…
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The Dark Side of Pro Basketball Overseas In this eye-opening episode of All Talk by Apice Sports, basketball icon Julius Jenkins pulls back the curtain on the challenges of playing professionally overseas. With 16 years of experience in international basketball, Julius shares candid stories of navigating the dirty business side of the sport—contrac…
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Benvenuti alla nuova puntata di ‘A piccoli passi’! Oggi affrontiamo, con semplicità, un tema che accomuna tantissime mamme: il sonno nei primi 0-4 mesi. Questa fase può essere impegnativa, ma con i giusti consigli può diventare più serena. Per aiutarci, abbiamo con noi Federica Ballarin, consulente del sonno, che con la sua esperienza ci guiderà tr…
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Join us for a exploration into the multifaceted world of Fred Dunn, a dedicated beekeeper, photographer, and animal enthusiast. Fred shares his inspiring journey into beekeeping, driven by his fascination with animal behavior and the phenomenon of colony collapse disorder. Discover the intricacies of his apiary, "The Way to Bee," nestled in the sno…
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Join us for an engaging conversation on the Apiary Chronicles podcast, where I sit down with the Jeff Harchoff, also known as Mr Ed. We explore his fascinating journey in beekeeping, which began in 1978 when a friend's passion for bees sparked his interest. Mr Ed recounts his transition from the bustling city of New Orleans to the serene countrysid…
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Dr. Ellis is the Gahan Endowed Professor of Entomology in the Entomology and Nematology Department at the University of Florida. At the University of Florida, Dr. Ellis has responsibilities in extension, instruction and research related to honey bees. Regarding his extension work, Dr. Ellis created the UF/IFAS Bee Colleges and the UF/IFAS Master Be…
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Benvenuti alla prima puntata di "A Piccoli Passi", il podcast di Clarissa Marchese dedicato alla genitorialità. In questa prima puntata, esploriamo uno dei momenti più emozionanti e intensi nella vita di ogni futura mamma: la gravidanza. Con l’esperta Gloria Scarpa, conosciuta come l'Ostetrica in Rosa, parleremo di come affrontare la gravidanza con…
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In this conversation, Kyriakos discusses with Vadim - CEO of Bioniq on his journey from being a professional athlete to leading the personalised health supplement company.Vadim shares insights on fundraising challenges, the significance of early adopters, and the impact of celebrity endorsements, particularly https://twitter.com/Cristiano Ronaldo's…
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Ayrshare co-founders Geoff and Boris run through the new features at Ayrshare for the past month. All New Docs. Check out the new Ayrshare docs. We migrated to a more advanced Documentation platform with many user experience improvements versus the prior version. Instagram Analytics. Instagram post analytics now includes the metrics how many times …
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Standing on the seat of my dad’s old pickup, peering through the rear window, I watched as his hands carefully tended to his beehives. It was in those early, honey-filled days that my love for bees took root—a passion that has now blossomed into the Apiary Chronicles podcast. In our debut episode, we embark on a journey to uncover the heartwarming …
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If information is scattered across all the different sections of a developer portal, how can you make it easy for developers to find exactly what they are looking for? Is AI really the answer to challenges in data exploration? In this episode, Praneet Singh (Product Manager at Intuit) shares valuable insights about improving findability, as well as…
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Ayrshare co-founders Geoff and Boris run through the new features at Ayrshare for the past month. First Comment. Automatically add a first comment to your published social media posts. Great to add more details and context, boost engagement, and set the tone of the conversation. Comment Errors. Now comment error also are returned in an errors array…
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On the first Terra Health day, ⁠Kyriakos⁠ - CEO of ⁠Terra⁠, is joined by ⁠Lance Armstrong⁠, who shares his story with 300 Y Combinator founders, live from San Francisco. Lance shares his remarkable journey from a young athlete to a world-renowned cyclist, detailing his early struggles, his battle with cancer, and his eventual rise to fame. He discu…
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