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Follow the order of worship below along with streamed service above. Feel free to view the order online or download it here. Live-streamed service available Sundays 9am until 12:30pm CST. If you’re traveling or homebound and miss that window, you can email to get a link to the service. Pentecost_092924…
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Romans 14. Paul continues to speak to the practical ways. This is not currently working. I am on… It’s working? Can you hear me? Yeah. All right. I can hear you. Paul is speaking to the practical ways that love works its way out in the church. He’s addressing, particularly, the weak and the strong. Romans 14:13-5:7. Can you please join me in prayer…
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These dramatic chapters draw a line under and highlight one of the most fundamental promises in all the Bible. It is also one of the simplest and most commonly repeated of God’s promises to his people. And because of that, it can sound rather ordinary. It is a promise so familiar to us that it is easy to overlook and under-appreciate. It is the pro…
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Follow the order of worship below along with streamed service above. Feel free to view the order online or download it here. Live-streamed service available Sundays 9am until 12:30pm CST. If you’re traveling or homebound and miss that window, you can email to get a link to the service. Pentecost_092224…
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Through Christ, God redeems sinners. That is, by the saving work of Jesus, God has forgiven sinners and made them new creations. When sinners come to Jesus in faith, they are changed. They are born again. The guilt of sin is removed and its power is broken. This is not self-improvement. This is redemption. In this final interaction between Jesus an…
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Eclectic group of non- Koreans who also attended. Because of a dear family from India, I was introduced to some amazing Indian cuisine. And the course of conversation over a meal, the couple mentioned how it was wrong to eat pork. Now, I don’t know if this was a regional thing in India from where they were from or maybe a part of the church that th…
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Follow the order of worship below along with streamed service above. Feel free to view the order online or download it here. Live-streamed service available Sundays 9am until 12:30pm CST. If you’re traveling or homebound and miss that window, you can email to get a link to the service. Pentecost_091524…
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Chapter 21 functions as an epilogue to John’s Gospel. It is a kind of lens through which the message of the Gospel is applied to the church as she continues on participating in the mission of God. In the first section John recounts an episode in which Jesus appeared to seven of the disciples as they went about their vocation as fishermen. But as we…
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Father, indeed, it is a joy to be here in this, your house, to worship you. But we come with busy and distracted lives. Father, we come with hearts full of trouble, with minds anxious about what has happened and what is about to happen. And Father, so we ask as we come now in this time of worship to your word, that you would soften our hearts that …
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Follow the order of worship below along with streamed service above. Feel free to view the order online or download it here. Live-streamed service available Sundays 9am until 12:30pm CST. If you’re traveling or homebound and miss that window, you can email to get a link to the service. Pentecost_090824…
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Not a single one of Jesus’ disciples were interested in following after myths. Once Jesus was crucified they scattered. They had no expectation that Jesus would be raised from the dead even though he had repeatedly taught them concerning his death and resurrection. It was only after they saw the risen Jesus with their own eyes, heard his voice, and…
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As we read this famous text, our tendency is to rush into exceptions and qualifications. Didn’t the Hebrew midwives defy Pharaoh’s order? Weren’t they commended for disobeying the civil government and saving babies? When the Apostles were strictly charged not to teach in the name of Jesus, didn’t they defy the order, claiming that they must obey Go…
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