Waqf Mortmain, Islam and Politics | Satya Samvad EP 20
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Expressions of universal principles are seen in empirical phenomenology just as expression of spirituality are seen in religion. Imagine a system where land is not just property but an endowment under religious trust, wielding significant social and political power handled by selected few — this is the concept of Waqf, now at the heart of fierce debates surrounding the Waqf Bill in India. Waqf, rooted in Islamic law (Quranic attestation is contested), involves dedicating property for religious or charitable purposes under Waqf boards, which today control vast estates worth billions. However, the controversy goes beyond land and legalities, touching upon deeper philosophical questions embedded in Bharatiya thinking—where do the lines between the spiritual and the material, the communal and the personal, blur. The debate around the proposed Waqf Bill 2024 highlights these ongoing tensions, while also raising questions about transparency, governance, and the role of religious endowments in a secular state. At its core, it invites a broader reflection on the intersection of spirituality and physicalism, urging us to rethink our relationship with land, power, and communal responsibility—challenging us to redefine what it means to own, manage, and serve in the complexities of modern India.
Battle For Consciousness Theory : battleforconsciousnesstheory.com
Snakes in the Ganga - http://www.snakesintheganga.com
Varna Jati Caste - http://www.varnajaticaste.com
The Battle For IIT's - http://www.battleforiits.com
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